// zig run benchmark.zig --release-fast --override-lib-dir .. const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); const time = std.time; const Timer = time.Timer; const hash = std.hash; const KiB = 1024; const MiB = 1024 * KiB; const GiB = 1024 * MiB; var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0); const Hash = struct { ty: type, name: []const u8, has_iterative_api: bool = true, init_u8s: ?[]const u8 = null, init_u64: ?u64 = null, }; const siphash_key = "0123456789abcdef"; const hashes = [_]Hash{ Hash{ .ty = hash.Wyhash, .name = "wyhash", .init_u64 = 0, }, Hash{ .ty = hash.SipHash64(1, 3), .name = "siphash(1,3)", .init_u8s = siphash_key, }, Hash{ .ty = hash.SipHash64(2, 4), .name = "siphash(2,4)", .init_u8s = siphash_key, }, Hash{ .ty = hash.Fnv1a_64, .name = "fnv1a", }, Hash{ .ty = hash.Adler32, .name = "adler32", }, Hash{ .ty = hash.crc.Crc32WithPoly(hash.crc.Polynomial.IEEE), .name = "crc32-slicing-by-8", }, Hash{ .ty = hash.crc.Crc32SmallWithPoly(hash.crc.Polynomial.IEEE), .name = "crc32-half-byte-lookup", }, Hash{ .ty = hash.CityHash32, .name = "cityhash-32", .has_iterative_api = false, }, Hash{ .ty = hash.CityHash64, .name = "cityhash-64", .has_iterative_api = false, }, Hash{ .ty = hash.Murmur2_32, .name = "murmur2-32", .has_iterative_api = false, }, Hash{ .ty = hash.Murmur2_64, .name = "murmur2-64", .has_iterative_api = false, }, Hash{ .ty = hash.Murmur3_32, .name = "murmur3-32", .has_iterative_api = false, }, }; const Result = struct { hash: u64, throughput: u64, }; const block_size: usize = 8 * 8192; pub fn benchmarkHash(comptime H: var, bytes: usize) !Result { var h = blk: { if (H.init_u8s) |init| { break :blk H.ty.init(init); } if (H.init_u64) |init| { break :blk H.ty.init(init); } break :blk H.ty.init(); }; var block: [block_size]u8 = undefined; prng.random.bytes(block[0..]); var offset: usize = 0; var timer = try Timer.start(); const start = timer.lap(); while (offset < bytes) : (offset += block.len) { h.update(block[0..]); } const end = timer.read(); const elapsed_s = @intToFloat(f64, end - start) / time.ns_per_s; const throughput = @floatToInt(u64, @intToFloat(f64, bytes) / elapsed_s); return Result{ .hash = h.final(), .throughput = throughput, }; } pub fn benchmarkHashSmallKeys(comptime H: var, key_size: usize, bytes: usize) !Result { const key_count = bytes / key_size; var block: [block_size]u8 = undefined; prng.random.bytes(block[0..]); var i: usize = 0; var timer = try Timer.start(); const start = timer.lap(); var sum: u64 = 0; while (i < key_count) : (i += 1) { const small_key = block[0..key_size]; sum +%= blk: { if (H.init_u8s) |init| { break :blk H.ty.hash(init, small_key); } if (H.init_u64) |init| { break :blk H.ty.hash(init, small_key); } break :blk H.ty.hash(small_key); }; } const end = timer.read(); const elapsed_s = @intToFloat(f64, end - start) / time.ns_per_s; const throughput = @floatToInt(u64, @intToFloat(f64, bytes) / elapsed_s); return Result{ .hash = sum, .throughput = throughput, }; } fn usage() void { std.debug.warn( \\throughput_test [options] \\ \\Options: \\ --filter [test-name] \\ --seed [int] \\ --count [int] \\ --key-size [int] \\ --iterative-only \\ --help \\ ); } fn mode(comptime x: comptime_int) comptime_int { return if (builtin.mode == builtin.Mode.Debug) x / 64 else x; } // TODO(#1358): Replace with builtin formatted padding when available. fn printPad(stdout: var, s: []const u8) !void { var i: usize = 0; while (i < 12 - s.len) : (i += 1) { try stdout.print(" "); } try stdout.print("{}", s); } pub fn main() !void { var stdout_file = try std.io.getStdOut(); var stdout_out_stream = stdout_file.outStream(); const stdout = &stdout_out_stream.stream; var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined; var fixed = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buffer[0..]); const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(&fixed.allocator); var filter: ?[]u8 = ""; var count: usize = mode(128 * MiB); var key_size: usize = 32; var seed: u32 = 0; var test_iterative_only = false; var i: usize = 1; while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--mode")) { try stdout.print("{}\n", builtin.mode); return; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--seed")) { i += 1; if (i == args.len) { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } seed = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, args[i], 10); // we seed later } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--filter")) { i += 1; if (i == args.len) { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } filter = args[i]; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--count")) { i += 1; if (i == args.len) { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } const c = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(usize, args[i], 10); count = c * MiB; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--key-size")) { i += 1; if (i == args.len) { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } key_size = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(usize, args[i], 10); if (key_size > block_size) { try stdout.print("key_size cannot exceed block size of {}\n", block_size); std.os.exit(1); } } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--iterative-only")) { test_iterative_only = true; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--help")) { usage(); return; } else { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } } inline for (hashes) |H| { if (filter == null or std.mem.indexOf(u8, H.name, filter.?) != null) { if (!test_iterative_only or H.has_iterative_api) { try stdout.print("{}\n", H.name); // Always reseed prior to every call so we are hashing the same buffer contents. // This allows easier comparison between different implementations. if (H.has_iterative_api) { prng.seed(seed); const result = try benchmarkHash(H, count); try stdout.print(" iterative: {:4} MiB/s [{x:0<16}]\n", result.throughput / (1 * MiB), result.hash); } if (!test_iterative_only) { prng.seed(seed); const result_small = try benchmarkHashSmallKeys(H, key_size, count); try stdout.print(" small keys: {:4} MiB/s [{x:0<16}]\n", result_small.throughput / (1 * MiB), result_small.hash); } } } } }