// Adapted from https://github.com/grzegorz-kraszewski/stringtofloat. // MIT License // // Copyright (c) 2016 Grzegorz Kraszewski // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // // Be aware that this implementation has the following limitations: // // - Is not round-trip accurate for all values // - Only supports round-to-zero // - Does not handle denormals const std = @import("../std.zig"); const max_digits = 25; const f64_plus_zero: u64 = 0x0000000000000000; const f64_minus_zero: u64 = 0x8000000000000000; const f64_plus_infinity: u64 = 0x7FF0000000000000; const f64_minus_infinity: u64 = 0xFFF0000000000000; const Z96 = struct { d0: u32, d1: u32, d2: u32, // d = s >> 1 inline fn shiftRight1(d: *Z96, s: Z96) void { d.d0 = (s.d0 >> 1) | ((s.d1 & 1) << 31); d.d1 = (s.d1 >> 1) | ((s.d2 & 1) << 31); d.d2 = s.d2 >> 1; } // d = s << 1 inline fn shiftLeft1(d: *Z96, s: Z96) void { d.d2 = (s.d2 << 1) | ((s.d1 & (1 << 31)) >> 31); d.d1 = (s.d1 << 1) | ((s.d0 & (1 << 31)) >> 31); d.d0 = s.d0 << 1; } // d += s inline fn add(d: *Z96, s: Z96) void { var w = @as(u64, d.d0) + @as(u64, s.d0); d.d0 = @truncate(u32, w); w >>= 32; w += @as(u64, d.d1) + @as(u64, s.d1); d.d1 = @truncate(u32, w); w >>= 32; w += @as(u64, d.d2) + @as(u64, s.d2); d.d2 = @truncate(u32, w); } // d -= s inline fn sub(d: *Z96, s: Z96) void { var w = @as(u64, d.d0) -% @as(u64, s.d0); d.d0 = @truncate(u32, w); w >>= 32; w += @as(u64, d.d1) -% @as(u64, s.d1); d.d1 = @truncate(u32, w); w >>= 32; w += @as(u64, d.d2) -% @as(u64, s.d2); d.d2 = @truncate(u32, w); } }; const FloatRepr = struct { negative: bool, exponent: i32, mantissa: u64, }; fn convertRepr(comptime T: type, n: FloatRepr) T { const mask28: u32 = 0xf << 28; var s: Z96 = undefined; var q: Z96 = undefined; var r: Z96 = undefined; s.d0 = @truncate(u32, n.mantissa); s.d1 = @truncate(u32, n.mantissa >> 32); s.d2 = 0; var binary_exponent: i32 = 92; var exp = n.exponent; while (exp > 0) : (exp -= 1) { q.shiftLeft1(s); // q = p << 1 r.shiftLeft1(q); // r = p << 2 s.shiftLeft1(r); // p = p << 3 s.add(q); // p = (p << 3) + (p << 1) while (s.d2 & mask28 != 0) { q.shiftRight1(s); binary_exponent += 1; s = q; } } while (exp < 0) { while (s.d2 & (1 << 31) == 0) { q.shiftLeft1(s); binary_exponent -= 1; s = q; } q.d2 = s.d2 / 10; r.d1 = s.d2 % 10; r.d2 = (s.d1 >> 8) | (r.d1 << 24); q.d1 = r.d2 / 10; r.d1 = r.d2 % 10; r.d2 = ((s.d1 & 0xff) << 16) | (s.d0 >> 16) | (r.d1 << 24); r.d0 = r.d2 / 10; r.d1 = r.d2 % 10; q.d1 = (q.d1 << 8) | ((r.d0 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); q.d0 = r.d0 << 16; r.d2 = (s.d0 *% 0xffff) | (r.d1 << 16); q.d0 |= r.d2 / 10; s = q; exp += 1; } if (s.d0 != 0 or s.d1 != 0 or s.d2 != 0) { while (s.d2 & mask28 == 0) { q.shiftLeft1(s); binary_exponent -= 1; s = q; } } binary_exponent += 1023; const repr: u64 = blk: { if (binary_exponent > 2046) { break :blk if (n.negative) f64_minus_infinity else f64_plus_infinity; } else if (binary_exponent < 1) { break :blk if (n.negative) f64_minus_zero else f64_plus_zero; } else if (s.d2 != 0) { const binexs2 = @intCast(u64, binary_exponent) << 52; const rr = (@as(u64, s.d2 & ~mask28) << 24) | ((@as(u64, s.d1) + 128) >> 8) | binexs2; break :blk if (n.negative) rr | (1 << 63) else rr; } else { break :blk 0; } }; const f = @bitCast(f64, repr); return @floatCast(T, f); } const State = enum { MaybeSign, LeadingMantissaZeros, LeadingFractionalZeros, MantissaIntegral, MantissaFractional, ExponentSign, LeadingExponentZeros, Exponent, }; const ParseResult = enum { Ok, PlusZero, MinusZero, PlusInf, MinusInf, }; inline fn isDigit(c: u8) bool { return c >= '0' and c <= '9'; } inline fn isSpace(c: u8) bool { return (c >= 0x09 and c <= 0x13) or c == 0x20; } fn parseRepr(s: []const u8, n: *FloatRepr) !ParseResult { var digit_index: usize = 0; var negative = false; var negative_exp = false; var exponent: i32 = 0; var state = State.MaybeSign; var i: usize = 0; loop: while (i < s.len) { const c = s[i]; switch (state) { State.MaybeSign => { state = State.LeadingMantissaZeros; if (c == '+') { i += 1; } else if (c == '-') { n.negative = true; i += 1; } else if (isDigit(c) or c == '.') { // continue } else { return error.InvalidCharacter; } }, State.LeadingMantissaZeros => { if (c == '0') { i += 1; } else if (c == '.') { i += 1; state = State.LeadingFractionalZeros; } else { state = State.MantissaIntegral; } }, State.LeadingFractionalZeros => { if (c == '0') { i += 1; if (n.exponent > std.math.minInt(i32)) { n.exponent -= 1; } } else { state = State.MantissaFractional; } }, State.MantissaIntegral => { if (isDigit(c)) { if (digit_index < max_digits) { n.mantissa *%= 10; n.mantissa += s[i] - '0'; digit_index += 1; } else if (n.exponent < std.math.maxInt(i32)) { n.exponent += 1; } i += 1; } else if (c == '.') { i += 1; state = State.MantissaFractional; } else { state = State.MantissaFractional; } }, State.MantissaFractional => { if (isDigit(c)) { if (digit_index < max_digits) { n.mantissa *%= 10; n.mantissa += c - '0'; n.exponent -%= 1; digit_index += 1; } i += 1; } else if (c == 'e' or c == 'E') { i += 1; state = State.ExponentSign; } else { state = State.ExponentSign; } }, State.ExponentSign => { if (c == '+') { i += 1; } else if (c == '-') { negative_exp = true; i += 1; } state = State.LeadingExponentZeros; }, State.LeadingExponentZeros => { if (c == '0') { i += 1; } else { state = State.Exponent; } }, State.Exponent => { if (isDigit(c)) { if (exponent < std.math.maxInt(i32)) { exponent *= 10; exponent += @intCast(i32, c - '0'); } i += 1; } else { return error.InvalidCharacter; } }, } } if (negative_exp) exponent = -exponent; n.exponent += exponent; if (n.mantissa == 0) { return if (n.negative) ParseResult.MinusZero else ParseResult.PlusZero; } else if (n.exponent > 309) { return if (n.negative) ParseResult.MinusInf else ParseResult.PlusInf; } else if (n.exponent < -328) { return if (n.negative) ParseResult.MinusZero else ParseResult.PlusZero; } return ParseResult.Ok; } inline fn isLower(c: u8) bool { return c -% 'a' < 26; } inline fn toUpper(c: u8) u8 { return if (isLower(c)) (c & 0x5f) else c; } fn caseInEql(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool { if (a.len != b.len) return false; for (a) |_, i| { if (toUpper(a[i]) != toUpper(b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } pub fn parseFloat(comptime T: type, s: []const u8) !T { if (s.len == 0) { return error.InvalidCharacter; } if (caseInEql(s, "nan")) { return std.math.nan(T); } else if (caseInEql(s, "inf") or caseInEql(s, "+inf")) { return std.math.inf(T); } else if (caseInEql(s, "-inf")) { return -std.math.inf(T); } var r = FloatRepr{ .negative = false, .exponent = 0, .mantissa = 0, }; return switch (try parseRepr(s, &r)) { ParseResult.Ok => convertRepr(T, r), ParseResult.PlusZero => 0.0, ParseResult.MinusZero => -@as(T, 0.0), ParseResult.PlusInf => std.math.inf(T), ParseResult.MinusInf => -std.math.inf(T), }; } test "fmt.parseFloat" { if (@import("builtin").arch == .arm) { // TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3289 return error.SkipZigTest; } const testing = std.testing; const expect = testing.expect; const expectEqual = testing.expectEqual; const approxEq = std.math.approxEq; const epsilon = 1e-7; inline for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f128 }) |T| { const Z = @IntType(false, T.bit_count); testing.expectError(error.InvalidCharacter, parseFloat(T, "")); testing.expectError(error.InvalidCharacter, parseFloat(T, " 1")); testing.expectError(error.InvalidCharacter, parseFloat(T, "1abc")); expectEqual(try parseFloat(T, "0"), 0.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "0")), 0.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "+0")), 0.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "-0")), 0.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "0e0")), 0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "2e3")), 2000.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "1e0")), 1.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "-2e3")), -2000.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "-1e0")), -1.0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "1.234e3")), 1234); expect(approxEq(T, try parseFloat(T, "3.141"), 3.141, epsilon)); expect(approxEq(T, try parseFloat(T, "-3.141"), -3.141, epsilon)); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "1e-700")), 0); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "1e+700")), std.math.inf(T)); expectEqual(@bitCast(Z, try parseFloat(T, "nAn")), @bitCast(Z, std.math.nan(T))); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "inF")), std.math.inf(T)); expectEqual((try parseFloat(T, "-INF")), -std.math.inf(T)); if (T != f16) { expect(approxEq(T, try parseFloat(T, "1e-2"), 0.01, epsilon)); expect(approxEq(T, try parseFloat(T, "1234e-2"), 12.34, epsilon)); expect(approxEq(T, try parseFloat(T, "123142.1"), 123142.1, epsilon)); expect(approxEq(T, try parseFloat(T, "-123142.1124"), @as(T, -123142.1124), epsilon)); expect(approxEq(T, try parseFloat(T, "0.7062146892655368"), @as(T, 0.7062146892655368), epsilon)); } } }