const std = @import("std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const debug = std.debug; const mem = std.mem; const testing = std.testing; pub const line_sep = switch (builtin.os) { => "\r\n", else => "\n", }; pub fn cmp(a: [*]const u8, b: [*]const u8) i8 { var index: usize = 0; while (a[index] == b[index] and a[index] != 0) : (index += 1) {} if (a[index] > b[index]) { return 1; } else if (a[index] < b[index]) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } test "cstr fns" { comptime testCStrFnsImpl(); testCStrFnsImpl(); } fn testCStrFnsImpl() void { testing.expect(cmp("aoeu", "aoez") == -1); testing.expect(mem.len(u8, "123456789") == 9); } /// Returns a mutable slice with 1 more byte of length which is a null byte. /// Caller owns the returned memory. pub fn addNullByte(allocator: *mem.Allocator, slice: []const u8) ![]u8 { const result = try allocator.alloc(u8, slice.len + 1); mem.copy(u8, result, slice); result[slice.len] = 0; return result; } pub const NullTerminated2DArray = struct { allocator: *mem.Allocator, byte_count: usize, ptr: ?[*]?[*]u8, /// Takes N lists of strings, concatenates the lists together, and adds a null terminator /// Caller must deinit result pub fn fromSlices(allocator: *mem.Allocator, slices: []const []const []const u8) !NullTerminated2DArray { var new_len: usize = 1; // 1 for the list null var byte_count: usize = 0; for (slices) |slice| { new_len += slice.len; for (slice) |inner| { byte_count += inner.len; } byte_count += slice.len; // for the null terminators of inner } const index_size = @sizeOf(usize) * new_len; // size of the ptrs byte_count += index_size; const buf = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, @alignOf(?*u8), byte_count); errdefer; var write_index = index_size; const index_buf = @bytesToSlice(?[*]u8, buf); var i: usize = 0; for (slices) |slice| { for (slice) |inner| { index_buf[i] = buf.ptr + write_index; i += 1; mem.copy(u8, buf[write_index..], inner); write_index += inner.len; buf[write_index] = 0; write_index += 1; } } index_buf[i] = null; return NullTerminated2DArray{ .allocator = allocator, .byte_count = byte_count, .ptr = @ptrCast(?[*]?[*]u8, buf.ptr), }; } pub fn deinit(self: *NullTerminated2DArray) void { const buf = @ptrCast([*]u8, self.ptr);[0..self.byte_count]); } };