const std = @import("std"); const debug = std.debug; const warn = debug.warn; const build =; const os = std.os; const StdIo = os.ChildProcess.StdIo; const Term = os.ChildProcess.Term; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const io =; const mem = std.mem; const fmt = std.fmt; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Mode = builtin.Mode; const compare_output = @import("compare_output.zig"); const build_examples = @import("build_examples.zig"); const compile_errors = @import("compile_errors.zig"); const assemble_and_link = @import("assemble_and_link.zig"); const runtime_safety = @import("runtime_safety.zig"); const translate_c = @import("translate_c.zig"); const gen_h = @import("gen_h.zig"); const TestTarget = struct { os: builtin.Os, arch: builtin.Arch, environ: builtin.Environ, }; const test_targets = []TestTarget{ TestTarget{ .os = builtin.Os.linux, .arch = builtin.Arch.x86_64, .environ = builtin.Environ.gnu, }, TestTarget{ .os = builtin.Os.macosx, .arch = builtin.Arch.x86_64, .environ = builtin.Environ.unknown, }, TestTarget{ .os =, .arch = builtin.Arch.x86_64, .environ = builtin.Environ.msvc, }, }; const max_stdout_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // 1 MB pub fn addCompareOutputTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8) *build.Step { const cases = b.allocator.create(CompareOutputContext) catch unreachable; cases.* = CompareOutputContext{ .b = b, .step = b.step("test-compare-output", "Run the compare output tests"), .test_index = 0, .test_filter = test_filter, }; compare_output.addCases(cases); return cases.step; } pub fn addRuntimeSafetyTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8) *build.Step { const cases = b.allocator.create(CompareOutputContext) catch unreachable; cases.* = CompareOutputContext{ .b = b, .step = b.step("test-runtime-safety", "Run the runtime safety tests"), .test_index = 0, .test_filter = test_filter, }; runtime_safety.addCases(cases); return cases.step; } pub fn addCompileErrorTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8) *build.Step { const cases = b.allocator.create(CompileErrorContext) catch unreachable; cases.* = CompileErrorContext{ .b = b, .step = b.step("test-compile-errors", "Run the compile error tests"), .test_index = 0, .test_filter = test_filter, }; compile_errors.addCases(cases); return cases.step; } pub fn addBuildExampleTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8) *build.Step { const cases = b.allocator.create(BuildExamplesContext) catch unreachable; cases.* = BuildExamplesContext{ .b = b, .step = b.step("test-build-examples", "Build the examples"), .test_index = 0, .test_filter = test_filter, }; build_examples.addCases(cases); return cases.step; } pub fn addAssembleAndLinkTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8) *build.Step { const cases = b.allocator.create(CompareOutputContext) catch unreachable; cases.* = CompareOutputContext{ .b = b, .step = b.step("test-asm-link", "Run the assemble and link tests"), .test_index = 0, .test_filter = test_filter, }; assemble_and_link.addCases(cases); return cases.step; } pub fn addTranslateCTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8) *build.Step { const cases = b.allocator.create(TranslateCContext) catch unreachable; cases.* = TranslateCContext{ .b = b, .step = b.step("test-translate-c", "Run the C transation tests"), .test_index = 0, .test_filter = test_filter, }; translate_c.addCases(cases); return cases.step; } pub fn addGenHTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8) *build.Step { const cases = b.allocator.create(GenHContext) catch unreachable; cases.* = GenHContext{ .b = b, .step = b.step("test-gen-h", "Run the C header file generation tests"), .test_index = 0, .test_filter = test_filter, }; gen_h.addCases(cases); return cases.step; } pub fn addPkgTests(b: *build.Builder, test_filter: ?[]const u8, root_src: []const u8, name: []const u8, desc: []const u8, with_lldb: bool) *build.Step { const step = b.step(b.fmt("test-{}", name), desc); for (test_targets) |test_target| { const is_native = (test_target.os == builtin.os and test_target.arch == builtin.arch); for ([]Mode{ Mode.Debug, Mode.ReleaseSafe, Mode.ReleaseFast, Mode.ReleaseSmall, }) |mode| { for ([]bool{ false, true, }) |link_libc| { if (link_libc and !is_native) { // don't assume we have a cross-compiling libc set up continue; } const these_tests = b.addTest(root_src); these_tests.setNamePrefix(b.fmt("{}-{}-{}-{}-{} ", name, @tagName(test_target.os), @tagName(test_target.arch), @tagName(mode), if (link_libc) "c" else "bare")); these_tests.setFilter(test_filter); these_tests.setBuildMode(mode); if (!is_native) { these_tests.setTarget(test_target.arch, test_target.os, test_target.environ); } if (link_libc) { these_tests.linkSystemLibrary("c"); } if (with_lldb) { these_tests.setExecCmd([]?[]const u8{ "lldb", null, "-o", "run", "-o", "bt", "-o", "exit", }); } step.dependOn(&these_tests.step); } } } return step; } pub const CompareOutputContext = struct { b: *build.Builder, step: *build.Step, test_index: usize, test_filter: ?[]const u8, const Special = enum { None, Asm, RuntimeSafety, }; const TestCase = struct { name: []const u8, sources: ArrayList(SourceFile), expected_output: []const u8, link_libc: bool, special: Special, cli_args: []const []const u8, const SourceFile = struct { filename: []const u8, source: []const u8, }; pub fn addSourceFile(self: *TestCase, filename: []const u8, source: []const u8) void { self.sources.append(SourceFile{ .filename = filename, .source = source, }) catch unreachable; } pub fn setCommandLineArgs(self: *TestCase, args: []const []const u8) void { self.cli_args = args; } }; const RunCompareOutputStep = struct { step: build.Step, context: *CompareOutputContext, exe_path: []const u8, name: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8, test_index: usize, cli_args: []const []const u8, pub fn create(context: *CompareOutputContext, exe_path: []const u8, name: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8, cli_args: []const []const u8) *RunCompareOutputStep { const allocator = context.b.allocator; const ptr = allocator.create(RunCompareOutputStep) catch unreachable; ptr.* = RunCompareOutputStep{ .context = context, .exe_path = exe_path, .name = name, .expected_output = expected_output, .test_index = context.test_index, .step = build.Step.init("RunCompareOutput", allocator, make), .cli_args = cli_args, }; context.test_index += 1; return ptr; } fn make(step: *build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(RunCompareOutputStep, "step", step); const b = self.context.b; const full_exe_path = b.pathFromRoot(self.exe_path); var args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); defer args.deinit(); args.append(full_exe_path) catch unreachable; for (self.cli_args) |arg| { args.append(arg) catch unreachable; } warn("Test {}/{} {}...", self.test_index + 1, self.context.test_index,; const child = os.ChildProcess.init(args.toSliceConst(), b.allocator) catch unreachable; defer child.deinit(); child.stdin_behavior = StdIo.Ignore; child.stdout_behavior = StdIo.Pipe; child.stderr_behavior = StdIo.Pipe; child.env_map = &b.env_map; child.spawn() catch |err| debug.panic("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", full_exe_path, @errorName(err)); var stdout = Buffer.initNull(b.allocator); var stderr = Buffer.initNull(b.allocator); var stdout_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&child.stdout.?); var stderr_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&child.stderr.?);, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable;, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable; const term = child.wait() catch |err| { debug.panic("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", full_exe_path, @errorName(err)); }; switch (term) { Term.Exited => |code| { if (code != 0) { warn("Process {} exited with error code {}\n", full_exe_path, code); return error.TestFailed; } }, else => { warn("Process {} terminated unexpectedly\n", full_exe_path); return error.TestFailed; }, } if (!mem.eql(u8, self.expected_output, stdout.toSliceConst())) { warn( \\ \\========= Expected this output: ========= \\{} \\================================================ \\{} \\ , self.expected_output, stdout.toSliceConst()); return error.TestFailed; } warn("OK\n"); } }; const RuntimeSafetyRunStep = struct { step: build.Step, context: *CompareOutputContext, exe_path: []const u8, name: []const u8, test_index: usize, pub fn create(context: *CompareOutputContext, exe_path: []const u8, name: []const u8) *RuntimeSafetyRunStep { const allocator = context.b.allocator; const ptr = allocator.create(RuntimeSafetyRunStep) catch unreachable; ptr.* = RuntimeSafetyRunStep{ .context = context, .exe_path = exe_path, .name = name, .test_index = context.test_index, .step = build.Step.init("RuntimeSafetyRun", allocator, make), }; context.test_index += 1; return ptr; } fn make(step: *build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(RuntimeSafetyRunStep, "step", step); const b = self.context.b; const full_exe_path = b.pathFromRoot(self.exe_path); warn("Test {}/{} {}...", self.test_index + 1, self.context.test_index,; const child = os.ChildProcess.init([][]u8{full_exe_path}, b.allocator) catch unreachable; defer child.deinit(); child.env_map = &b.env_map; child.stdin_behavior = StdIo.Ignore; child.stdout_behavior = StdIo.Ignore; child.stderr_behavior = StdIo.Ignore; const term = child.spawnAndWait() catch |err| { debug.panic("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", full_exe_path, @errorName(err)); }; const expected_exit_code: i32 = 126; switch (term) { Term.Exited => |code| { if (code != expected_exit_code) { warn("\nProgram expected to exit with code {} " ++ "but exited with code {}\n", expected_exit_code, code); return error.TestFailed; } }, Term.Signal => |sig| { warn("\nProgram expected to exit with code {} " ++ "but instead signaled {}\n", expected_exit_code, sig); return error.TestFailed; }, else => { warn("\nProgram expected to exit with code {}" ++ " but exited in an unexpected way\n", expected_exit_code); return error.TestFailed; }, } warn("OK\n"); } }; pub fn createExtra(self: *CompareOutputContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8, special: Special) TestCase { var tc = TestCase{ .name = name, .sources = ArrayList(TestCase.SourceFile).init(self.b.allocator), .expected_output = expected_output, .link_libc = false, .special = special, .cli_args = []const []const u8{}, }; const root_src_name = if (special == Special.Asm) "source.s" else "source.zig"; tc.addSourceFile(root_src_name, source); return tc; } pub fn create(self: *CompareOutputContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8) TestCase { return createExtra(self, name, source, expected_output, Special.None); } pub fn addC(self: *CompareOutputContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8) void { var tc = self.create(name, source, expected_output); tc.link_libc = true; self.addCase(tc); } pub fn add(self: *CompareOutputContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8) void { const tc = self.create(name, source, expected_output); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addAsm(self: *CompareOutputContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8) void { const tc = self.createExtra(name, source, expected_output, Special.Asm); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addRuntimeSafety(self: *CompareOutputContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8) void { const tc = self.createExtra(name, source, undefined, Special.RuntimeSafety); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addCase(self: *CompareOutputContext, case: *const TestCase) void { const b = self.b; const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, case.sources.items[0].filename) catch unreachable; switch (case.special) { Special.Asm => { const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "assemble-and-link {}", catch unreachable; if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) return; } const exe = b.addExecutable("test", null); exe.addAssemblyFile(root_src); for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| { const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable; const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source); exe.step.dependOn(&write_src.step); } const run_and_cmp_output = RunCompareOutputStep.create(self, exe.getOutputPath(), annotated_case_name, case.expected_output, case.cli_args); run_and_cmp_output.step.dependOn(&exe.step); self.step.dependOn(&run_and_cmp_output.step); }, Special.None => { for ([]Mode{ Mode.Debug, Mode.ReleaseSafe, Mode.ReleaseFast, Mode.ReleaseSmall, }) |mode| { const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "{} {} ({})", "compare-output",, @tagName(mode)) catch unreachable; if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) continue; } const exe = b.addExecutable("test", root_src); exe.setBuildMode(mode); if (case.link_libc) { exe.linkSystemLibrary("c"); } for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| { const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable; const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source); exe.step.dependOn(&write_src.step); } const run_and_cmp_output = RunCompareOutputStep.create(self, exe.getOutputPath(), annotated_case_name, case.expected_output, case.cli_args); run_and_cmp_output.step.dependOn(&exe.step); self.step.dependOn(&run_and_cmp_output.step); } }, Special.RuntimeSafety => { const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "safety {}", catch unreachable; if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) return; } const exe = b.addExecutable("test", root_src); if (case.link_libc) { exe.linkSystemLibrary("c"); } for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| { const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable; const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source); exe.step.dependOn(&write_src.step); } const run_and_cmp_output = RuntimeSafetyRunStep.create(self, exe.getOutputPath(), annotated_case_name); run_and_cmp_output.step.dependOn(&exe.step); self.step.dependOn(&run_and_cmp_output.step); }, } } }; pub const CompileErrorContext = struct { b: *build.Builder, step: *build.Step, test_index: usize, test_filter: ?[]const u8, const TestCase = struct { name: []const u8, sources: ArrayList(SourceFile), expected_errors: ArrayList([]const u8), link_libc: bool, is_exe: bool, const SourceFile = struct { filename: []const u8, source: []const u8, }; pub fn addSourceFile(self: *TestCase, filename: []const u8, source: []const u8) void { self.sources.append(SourceFile{ .filename = filename, .source = source, }) catch unreachable; } pub fn addExpectedError(self: *TestCase, text: []const u8) void { self.expected_errors.append(text) catch unreachable; } }; const CompileCmpOutputStep = struct { step: build.Step, context: *CompileErrorContext, name: []const u8, test_index: usize, case: *const TestCase, build_mode: Mode, pub fn create(context: *CompileErrorContext, name: []const u8, case: *const TestCase, build_mode: Mode) *CompileCmpOutputStep { const allocator = context.b.allocator; const ptr = allocator.create(CompileCmpOutputStep) catch unreachable; ptr.* = CompileCmpOutputStep{ .step = build.Step.init("CompileCmpOutput", allocator, make), .context = context, .name = name, .test_index = context.test_index, .case = case, .build_mode = build_mode, }; context.test_index += 1; return ptr; } fn make(step: *build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(CompileCmpOutputStep, "step", step); const b = self.context.b; const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root,[0].filename) catch unreachable; const obj_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, "test.o") catch unreachable; var zig_args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); zig_args.append(b.zig_exe) catch unreachable; zig_args.append(if ( "build-exe" else "build-obj") catch unreachable; zig_args.append(b.pathFromRoot(root_src)) catch unreachable; zig_args.append("--name") catch unreachable; zig_args.append("test") catch unreachable; zig_args.append("--output") catch unreachable; zig_args.append(b.pathFromRoot(obj_path)) catch unreachable; switch (self.build_mode) { Mode.Debug => {}, Mode.ReleaseSafe => zig_args.append("--release-safe") catch unreachable, Mode.ReleaseFast => zig_args.append("--release-fast") catch unreachable, Mode.ReleaseSmall => zig_args.append("--release-small") catch unreachable, } warn("Test {}/{} {}...", self.test_index + 1, self.context.test_index,; if (b.verbose) { printInvocation(zig_args.toSliceConst()); } const child = os.ChildProcess.init(zig_args.toSliceConst(), b.allocator) catch unreachable; defer child.deinit(); child.env_map = &b.env_map; child.stdin_behavior = StdIo.Ignore; child.stdout_behavior = StdIo.Pipe; child.stderr_behavior = StdIo.Pipe; child.spawn() catch |err| debug.panic("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", zig_args.items[0], @errorName(err)); var stdout_buf = Buffer.initNull(b.allocator); var stderr_buf = Buffer.initNull(b.allocator); var stdout_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&child.stdout.?); var stderr_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&child.stderr.?);, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable;, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable; const term = child.wait() catch |err| { debug.panic("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", zig_args.items[0], @errorName(err)); }; switch (term) { Term.Exited => |code| { if (code == 0) { return error.CompilationIncorrectlySucceeded; } }, else => { warn("Process {} terminated unexpectedly\n", b.zig_exe); return error.TestFailed; }, } const stdout = stdout_buf.toSliceConst(); const stderr = stderr_buf.toSliceConst(); if (stdout.len != 0) { warn( \\ \\Expected empty stdout, instead found: \\================================================ \\{} \\================================================ \\ , stdout); return error.TestFailed; } for ( |expected_error| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, stderr, expected_error) == null) { warn( \\ \\========= Expected this compile error: ========= \\{} \\================================================ \\{} \\ , expected_error, stderr); return error.TestFailed; } } warn("OK\n"); } }; fn printInvocation(args: []const []const u8) void { for (args) |arg| { warn("{} ", arg); } warn("\n"); } pub fn create(self: *CompileErrorContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) *TestCase { const tc = self.b.allocator.create(TestCase) catch unreachable; tc.* = TestCase{ .name = name, .sources = ArrayList(TestCase.SourceFile).init(self.b.allocator), .expected_errors = ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.b.allocator), .link_libc = false, .is_exe = false, }; tc.addSourceFile(".tmp_source.zig", source); comptime var arg_i = 0; inline while (arg_i < expected_lines.len) : (arg_i += 1) { tc.addExpectedError(expected_lines[arg_i]); } return tc; } pub fn addC(self: *CompileErrorContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) void { var tc = self.create(name, source, expected_lines); tc.link_libc = true; self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addExe(self: *CompileErrorContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) void { var tc = self.create(name, source, expected_lines); tc.is_exe = true; self.addCase(tc); } pub fn add(self: *CompileErrorContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) void { const tc = self.create(name, source, expected_lines); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addCase(self: *CompileErrorContext, case: *const TestCase) void { const b = self.b; for ([]Mode{ Mode.Debug, Mode.ReleaseFast, }) |mode| { const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "compile-error {} ({})",, @tagName(mode)) catch unreachable; if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) continue; } const compile_and_cmp_errors = CompileCmpOutputStep.create(self, annotated_case_name, case, mode); self.step.dependOn(&compile_and_cmp_errors.step); for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| { const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable; const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source); compile_and_cmp_errors.step.dependOn(&write_src.step); } } } }; pub const BuildExamplesContext = struct { b: *build.Builder, step: *build.Step, test_index: usize, test_filter: ?[]const u8, pub fn addC(self: *BuildExamplesContext, root_src: []const u8) void { self.addAllArgs(root_src, true); } pub fn add(self: *BuildExamplesContext, root_src: []const u8) void { self.addAllArgs(root_src, false); } pub fn addBuildFile(self: *BuildExamplesContext, build_file: []const u8) void { const b = self.b; const annotated_case_name = b.fmt("build {} (Debug)", build_file); if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) return; } var zig_args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); const rel_zig_exe = os.path.relative(b.allocator, b.build_root, b.zig_exe) catch unreachable; zig_args.append(rel_zig_exe) catch unreachable; zig_args.append("build") catch unreachable; zig_args.append("--build-file") catch unreachable; zig_args.append(b.pathFromRoot(build_file)) catch unreachable; zig_args.append("test") catch unreachable; if (b.verbose) { zig_args.append("--verbose") catch unreachable; } const run_cmd = b.addCommand(null, b.env_map, zig_args.toSliceConst()); const log_step = b.addLog("PASS {}\n", annotated_case_name); log_step.step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); self.step.dependOn(&log_step.step); } pub fn addAllArgs(self: *BuildExamplesContext, root_src: []const u8, link_libc: bool) void { const b = self.b; for ([]Mode{ Mode.Debug, Mode.ReleaseSafe, Mode.ReleaseFast, Mode.ReleaseSmall, }) |mode| { const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "build {} ({})", root_src, @tagName(mode)) catch unreachable; if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) continue; } const exe = b.addExecutable("test", root_src); exe.setBuildMode(mode); if (link_libc) { exe.linkSystemLibrary("c"); } const log_step = b.addLog("PASS {}\n", annotated_case_name); log_step.step.dependOn(&exe.step); self.step.dependOn(&log_step.step); } } }; pub const TranslateCContext = struct { b: *build.Builder, step: *build.Step, test_index: usize, test_filter: ?[]const u8, const TestCase = struct { name: []const u8, sources: ArrayList(SourceFile), expected_lines: ArrayList([]const u8), allow_warnings: bool, const SourceFile = struct { filename: []const u8, source: []const u8, }; pub fn addSourceFile(self: *TestCase, filename: []const u8, source: []const u8) void { self.sources.append(SourceFile{ .filename = filename, .source = source, }) catch unreachable; } pub fn addExpectedLine(self: *TestCase, text: []const u8) void { self.expected_lines.append(text) catch unreachable; } }; const TranslateCCmpOutputStep = struct { step: build.Step, context: *TranslateCContext, name: []const u8, test_index: usize, case: *const TestCase, pub fn create(context: *TranslateCContext, name: []const u8, case: *const TestCase) *TranslateCCmpOutputStep { const allocator = context.b.allocator; const ptr = allocator.create(TranslateCCmpOutputStep) catch unreachable; ptr.* = TranslateCCmpOutputStep{ .step = build.Step.init("ParseCCmpOutput", allocator, make), .context = context, .name = name, .test_index = context.test_index, .case = case, }; context.test_index += 1; return ptr; } fn make(step: *build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(TranslateCCmpOutputStep, "step", step); const b = self.context.b; const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root,[0].filename) catch unreachable; var zig_args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); zig_args.append(b.zig_exe) catch unreachable; zig_args.append("translate-c") catch unreachable; zig_args.append(b.pathFromRoot(root_src)) catch unreachable; warn("Test {}/{} {}...", self.test_index + 1, self.context.test_index,; if (b.verbose) { printInvocation(zig_args.toSliceConst()); } const child = os.ChildProcess.init(zig_args.toSliceConst(), b.allocator) catch unreachable; defer child.deinit(); child.env_map = &b.env_map; child.stdin_behavior = StdIo.Ignore; child.stdout_behavior = StdIo.Pipe; child.stderr_behavior = StdIo.Pipe; child.spawn() catch |err| debug.panic("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", zig_args.toSliceConst()[0], @errorName(err)); var stdout_buf = Buffer.initNull(b.allocator); var stderr_buf = Buffer.initNull(b.allocator); var stdout_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&child.stdout.?); var stderr_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&child.stderr.?);, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable;, max_stdout_size) catch unreachable; const term = child.wait() catch |err| { debug.panic("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", zig_args.toSliceConst()[0], @errorName(err)); }; switch (term) { Term.Exited => |code| { if (code != 0) { warn("Compilation failed with exit code {}\n", code); return error.TestFailed; } }, Term.Signal => |code| { warn("Compilation failed with signal {}\n", code); return error.TestFailed; }, else => { warn("Compilation terminated unexpectedly\n"); return error.TestFailed; }, } const stdout = stdout_buf.toSliceConst(); const stderr = stderr_buf.toSliceConst(); if (stderr.len != 0 and ! { warn( \\====== translate-c emitted warnings: ======= \\{} \\============================================ \\ , stderr); return error.TestFailed; } for ( |expected_line| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, stdout, expected_line) == null) { warn( \\ \\========= Expected this output: ================ \\{} \\================================================ \\{} \\ , expected_line, stdout); return error.TestFailed; } } warn("OK\n"); } }; fn printInvocation(args: []const []const u8) void { for (args) |arg| { warn("{} ", arg); } warn("\n"); } pub fn create(self: *TranslateCContext, allow_warnings: bool, filename: []const u8, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) *TestCase { const tc = self.b.allocator.create(TestCase) catch unreachable; tc.* = TestCase{ .name = name, .sources = ArrayList(TestCase.SourceFile).init(self.b.allocator), .expected_lines = ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.b.allocator), .allow_warnings = allow_warnings, }; tc.addSourceFile(filename, source); comptime var arg_i = 0; inline while (arg_i < expected_lines.len) : (arg_i += 1) { tc.addExpectedLine(expected_lines[arg_i]); } return tc; } pub fn add(self: *TranslateCContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) void { const tc = self.create(false, "source.h", name, source, expected_lines); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addC(self: *TranslateCContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) void { const tc = self.create(false, "source.c", name, source, expected_lines); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addAllowWarnings(self: *TranslateCContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) void { const tc = self.create(true, "source.h", name, source, expected_lines); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addCase(self: *TranslateCContext, case: *const TestCase) void { const b = self.b; const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "translate-c {}", catch unreachable; if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) return; } const translate_c_and_cmp = TranslateCCmpOutputStep.create(self, annotated_case_name, case); self.step.dependOn(&translate_c_and_cmp.step); for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| { const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable; const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source); translate_c_and_cmp.step.dependOn(&write_src.step); } } }; pub const GenHContext = struct { b: *build.Builder, step: *build.Step, test_index: usize, test_filter: ?[]const u8, const TestCase = struct { name: []const u8, sources: ArrayList(SourceFile), expected_lines: ArrayList([]const u8), const SourceFile = struct { filename: []const u8, source: []const u8, }; pub fn addSourceFile(self: *TestCase, filename: []const u8, source: []const u8) void { self.sources.append(SourceFile{ .filename = filename, .source = source, }) catch unreachable; } pub fn addExpectedLine(self: *TestCase, text: []const u8) void { self.expected_lines.append(text) catch unreachable; } }; const GenHCmpOutputStep = struct { step: build.Step, context: *GenHContext, h_path: []const u8, name: []const u8, test_index: usize, case: *const TestCase, pub fn create(context: *GenHContext, h_path: []const u8, name: []const u8, case: *const TestCase) *GenHCmpOutputStep { const allocator = context.b.allocator; const ptr = allocator.create(GenHCmpOutputStep) catch unreachable; ptr.* = GenHCmpOutputStep{ .step = build.Step.init("ParseCCmpOutput", allocator, make), .context = context, .h_path = h_path, .name = name, .test_index = context.test_index, .case = case, }; context.test_index += 1; return ptr; } fn make(step: *build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(GenHCmpOutputStep, "step", step); const b = self.context.b; warn("Test {}/{} {}...", self.test_index + 1, self.context.test_index,; const full_h_path = b.pathFromRoot(self.h_path); const actual_h = try io.readFileAlloc(b.allocator, full_h_path); for ( |expected_line| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, actual_h, expected_line) == null) { warn( \\ \\========= Expected this output: ================ \\{} \\================================================ \\{} \\ , expected_line, actual_h); return error.TestFailed; } } warn("OK\n"); } }; fn printInvocation(args: []const []const u8) void { for (args) |arg| { warn("{} ", arg); } warn("\n"); } pub fn create(self: *GenHContext, filename: []const u8, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) *TestCase { const tc = self.b.allocator.create(TestCase) catch unreachable; tc.* = TestCase{ .name = name, .sources = ArrayList(TestCase.SourceFile).init(self.b.allocator), .expected_lines = ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.b.allocator), }; tc.addSourceFile(filename, source); comptime var arg_i = 0; inline while (arg_i < expected_lines.len) : (arg_i += 1) { tc.addExpectedLine(expected_lines[arg_i]); } return tc; } pub fn add(self: *GenHContext, name: []const u8, source: []const u8, expected_lines: ...) void { const tc = self.create("test.zig", name, source, expected_lines); self.addCase(tc); } pub fn addCase(self: *GenHContext, case: *const TestCase) void { const b = self.b; const root_src = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, case.sources.items[0].filename) catch unreachable; const mode = builtin.Mode.Debug; const annotated_case_name = fmt.allocPrint(self.b.allocator, "gen-h {} ({})",, @tagName(mode)) catch unreachable; if (self.test_filter) |filter| { if (mem.indexOf(u8, annotated_case_name, filter) == null) return; } const obj = b.addObject("test", root_src); obj.setBuildMode(mode); for (case.sources.toSliceConst()) |src_file| { const expanded_src_path = os.path.join(b.allocator, b.cache_root, src_file.filename) catch unreachable; const write_src = b.addWriteFile(expanded_src_path, src_file.source); obj.step.dependOn(&write_src.step); } const cmp_h = GenHCmpOutputStep.create(self, obj.getOutputHPath(), annotated_case_name, case); cmp_h.step.dependOn(&obj.step); self.step.dependOn(&cmp_h.step); } };