const math = @import("../math/index.zig"); const debug = @import("../debug.zig"); const assert = debug.assert; const mem = @import("../mem.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const errol3 = @import("errol/index.zig").errol3; const max_int_digits = 65; const State = enum { // TODO put inside format function and make sure the name and debug info is correct Start, OpenBrace, CloseBrace, Integer, IntegerWidth, Character, Buf, BufWidth, }; /// Renders fmt string with args, calling output with slices of bytes. /// Return false from output function and output will not be called again. /// Returns false if output ever returned false, true otherwise. pub fn format(context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) -> bool { comptime var start_index = 0; comptime var state = State.Start; comptime var next_arg = 0; comptime var radix = 0; comptime var uppercase = false; comptime var width = 0; comptime var width_start = 0; inline for (fmt) |c, i| { switch (state) { State.Start => switch (c) { '{' => { // TODO if you make this an if statement with `and` then it breaks if (start_index < i) { if (!output(context, fmt[start_index..i])) return false; } state = State.OpenBrace; }, '}' => { if (start_index < i) { if (!output(context, fmt[start_index..i])) return false; } state = State.CloseBrace; }, else => {}, }, State.OpenBrace => switch (c) { '{' => { state = State.Start; start_index = i; }, '}' => { if (!formatValue(args[next_arg], context, output)) return false; next_arg += 1; state = State.Start; start_index = i + 1; }, 'd' => { radix = 10; uppercase = false; width = 0; state = State.Integer; }, 'x' => { radix = 16; uppercase = false; width = 0; state = State.Integer; }, 'X' => { radix = 16; uppercase = true; width = 0; state = State.Integer; }, 'c' => { state = State.Character; }, 's' => { state = State.Buf; }, else => @compileError("Unknown format character: " ++ []u8{c}), }, State.Buf => switch (c) { '}' => { return output(context, args[next_arg]); }, '0' ... '9' => { width_start = i; state = State.BufWidth; }, else => @compileError("Unexpected character in format string: " ++ []u8{c}), }, State.CloseBrace => switch (c) { '}' => { state = State.Start; start_index = i; }, else => @compileError("Single '}' encountered in format string"), }, State.Integer => switch (c) { '}' => { if (!formatInt(args[next_arg], radix, uppercase, width, context, output)) return false; next_arg += 1; state = State.Start; start_index = i + 1; }, '0' ... '9' => { width_start = i; state = State.IntegerWidth; }, else => @compileError("Unexpected character in format string: " ++ []u8{c}), }, State.IntegerWidth => switch (c) { '}' => { width = comptime %%parseUnsigned(usize, fmt[width_start..i], 10); if (!formatInt(args[next_arg], radix, uppercase, width, context, output)) return false; next_arg += 1; state = State.Start; start_index = i + 1; }, '0' ... '9' => {}, else => @compileError("Unexpected character in format string: " ++ []u8{c}), }, State.BufWidth => switch (c) { '}' => { width = comptime %%parseUnsigned(usize, fmt[width_start..i], 10); if (!formatBuf(args[next_arg], width, context, output)) return false; next_arg += 1; state = State.Start; start_index = i + 1; }, '0' ... '9' => {}, else => @compileError("Unexpected character in format string: " ++ []u8{c}), }, State.Character => switch (c) { '}' => { if (!formatAsciiChar(args[next_arg], context, output)) return false; next_arg += 1; state = State.Start; start_index = i + 1; }, else => @compileError("Unexpected character in format string: " ++ []u8{c}), }, } } comptime { if (args.len != next_arg) { @compileError("Unused arguments"); } if (state != State.Start) { @compileError("Incomplete format string: " ++ fmt); } } if (start_index < fmt.len) { if (!output(context, fmt[start_index..])) return false; } return true; } pub fn formatValue(value: var, context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool) -> bool { const T = @typeOf(value); switch (@typeId(T)) { builtin.TypeId.Int => { return formatInt(value, 10, false, 0, context, output); }, builtin.TypeId.Float => { return formatFloat(value, context, output); }, builtin.TypeId.Void => { return output(context, "void"); }, builtin.TypeId.Bool => { return output(context, if (value) "true" else "false"); }, builtin.TypeId.Nullable => { if (value) |payload| { return formatValue(payload, context, output); } else { return output(context, "null"); } }, builtin.TypeId.ErrorUnion => { if (value) |payload| { return formatValue(payload, context, output); } else |err| { return formatValue(err, context, output); } }, builtin.TypeId.Error => { if (!output(context, "error.")) return false; return output(context, @errorName(value)); }, builtin.TypeId.Pointer => { if (@typeId(T.Child) == builtin.TypeId.Array and T.Child.Child == u8) { return output(context, (*value)[0..]); } else { @compileError("Unable to format type '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"); } }, else => if (@canImplicitCast([]const u8, value)) { const casted_value = ([]const u8)(value); return output(context, casted_value); } else { @compileError("Unable to format type '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"); }, } } pub fn formatAsciiChar(c: u8, context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool) -> bool { return output(context, (&c)[0..1]); } pub fn formatBuf(buf: []const u8, width: usize, context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool) -> bool { if (!output(context, buf)) return false; var leftover_padding = if (width > buf.len) (width - buf.len) else return true; const pad_byte: u8 = ' '; while (leftover_padding > 0) : (leftover_padding -= 1) { if (!output(context, (&pad_byte)[0..1])) return false; } return true; } pub fn formatFloat(value: var, context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool) -> bool { var buffer: [20]u8 = undefined; const float_decimal = errol3(f64(value), buffer[0..]); if (float_decimal.exp != 0) { if (!output(context, float_decimal.digits[0..1])) return false; } else { if (!output(context, "0")) return false; } if (!output(context, ".")) return false; if (float_decimal.digits.len > 1) { const start = if (float_decimal.exp == 0) usize(0) else usize(1); if (!output(context, float_decimal.digits[start .. math.min(usize(7), float_decimal.digits.len)])) return false; } else { if (!output(context, "0")) return false; } if (float_decimal.exp != 1 and float_decimal.exp != 0) { if (!output(context, "e")) return false; if (!formatInt(float_decimal.exp, 10, false, 0, context, output)) return false; } return true; } pub fn formatInt(value: var, base: u8, uppercase: bool, width: usize, context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool) -> bool { if (@typeOf(value).is_signed) { return formatIntSigned(value, base, uppercase, width, context, output); } else { return formatIntUnsigned(value, base, uppercase, width, context, output); } } fn formatIntSigned(value: var, base: u8, uppercase: bool, width: usize, context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool) -> bool { const uint = @IntType(false, @typeOf(value).bit_count); if (value < 0) { const minus_sign: u8 = '-'; if (!output(context, (&minus_sign)[0..1])) return false; const new_value = uint(-(value + 1)) + 1; const new_width = if (width == 0) 0 else (width - 1); return formatIntUnsigned(new_value, base, uppercase, new_width, context, output); } else if (width == 0) { return formatIntUnsigned(uint(value), base, uppercase, width, context, output); } else { const plus_sign: u8 = '+'; if (!output(context, (&plus_sign)[0..1])) return false; const new_value = uint(value); const new_width = if (width == 0) 0 else (width - 1); return formatIntUnsigned(new_value, base, uppercase, new_width, context, output); } } fn formatIntUnsigned(value: var, base: u8, uppercase: bool, width: usize, context: var, output: fn(@typeOf(context), []const u8)->bool) -> bool { // max_int_digits accounts for the minus sign. when printing an unsigned // number we don't need to do that. var buf: [max_int_digits - 1]u8 = undefined; var a = value; var index: usize = buf.len; while (true) { const digit = a % base; index -= 1; buf[index] = digitToChar(u8(digit), uppercase); a /= base; if (a == 0) break; } const digits_buf = buf[index..]; const padding = if (width > digits_buf.len) (width - digits_buf.len) else 0; if (padding > index) { const zero_byte: u8 = '0'; var leftover_padding = padding - index; while (true) { if (!output(context, (&zero_byte)[0..1])) return false; leftover_padding -= 1; if (leftover_padding == 0) break; } mem.set(u8, buf[0..index], '0'); return output(context, buf); } else { const padded_buf = buf[index - padding..]; mem.set(u8, padded_buf[0..padding], '0'); return output(context, padded_buf); } } pub fn formatIntBuf(out_buf: []u8, value: var, base: u8, uppercase: bool, width: usize) -> usize { var context = FormatIntBuf { .out_buf = out_buf, .index = 0, }; _ = formatInt(value, base, uppercase, width, &context, formatIntCallback); return context.index; } const FormatIntBuf = struct { out_buf: []u8, index: usize, }; fn formatIntCallback(context: &FormatIntBuf, bytes: []const u8) -> bool { mem.copy(u8, context.out_buf[context.index..], bytes); context.index += bytes.len; return true; } pub fn parseInt(comptime T: type, buf: []const u8, radix: u8) -> %T { if (!T.is_signed) return parseUnsigned(T, buf, radix); if (buf.len == 0) return T(0); if (buf[0] == '-') { return math.negate(%return parseUnsigned(T, buf[1..], radix)); } else if (buf[0] == '+') { return parseUnsigned(T, buf[1..], radix); } else { return parseUnsigned(T, buf, radix); } } test "fmt.parseInt" { assert(%%parseInt(i32, "-10", 10) == -10); assert(%%parseInt(i32, "+10", 10) == 10); assert(if (parseInt(i32, " 10", 10)) |_| false else |err| err == error.InvalidChar); } pub fn parseUnsigned(comptime T: type, buf: []const u8, radix: u8) -> %T { var x: T = 0; for (buf) |c| { const digit = %return charToDigit(c, radix); x = %return math.mul(T, x, radix); x = %return math.add(T, x, digit); } return x; } error InvalidChar; fn charToDigit(c: u8, radix: u8) -> %u8 { const value = switch (c) { '0' ... '9' => c - '0', 'A' ... 'Z' => c - 'A' + 10, 'a' ... 'z' => c - 'a' + 10, else => return error.InvalidChar, }; if (value >= radix) return error.InvalidChar; return value; } fn digitToChar(digit: u8, uppercase: bool) -> u8 { return switch (digit) { 0 ... 9 => digit + '0', 10 ... 35 => digit + ((if (uppercase) u8('A') else u8('a')) - 10), else => unreachable, }; } const BufPrintContext = struct { remaining: []u8, }; fn bufPrintWrite(context: &BufPrintContext, bytes: []const u8) -> bool { mem.copy(u8, context.remaining, bytes); context.remaining = context.remaining[bytes.len..]; return true; } pub fn bufPrint(buf: []u8, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) -> []u8 { var context = BufPrintContext { .remaining = buf, }; _ = format(&context, bufPrintWrite, fmt, args); return buf[0..buf.len - context.remaining.len]; } pub fn allocPrint(allocator: &mem.Allocator, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) -> %[]u8 { var size: usize = 0; _ = format(&size, countSize, fmt, args); const buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, size); return bufPrint(buf, fmt, args); } fn countSize(size: &usize, bytes: []const u8) -> bool { *size += bytes.len; return true; } test "buf print int" { var buffer: [max_int_digits]u8 = undefined; const buf = buffer[0..]; assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, i32(-12345678), 2, false, 0), "-101111000110000101001110")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, i32(-12345678), 10, false, 0), "-12345678")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, i32(-12345678), 16, false, 0), "-bc614e")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, i32(-12345678), 16, true, 0), "-BC614E")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, u32(12345678), 10, true, 0), "12345678")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, u32(666), 10, false, 6), "000666")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, u32(0x1234), 16, false, 6), "001234")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, u32(0x1234), 16, false, 1), "1234")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, i32(42), 10, false, 3), "+42")); assert(mem.eql(u8, bufPrintIntToSlice(buf, i32(-42), 10, false, 3), "-42")); } fn bufPrintIntToSlice(buf: []u8, value: var, base: u8, uppercase: bool, width: usize) -> []u8 { return buf[0..formatIntBuf(buf, value, base, uppercase, width)]; } test "parse u64 digit too big" { _ = parseUnsigned(u64, "123a", 10) %% |err| { if (err == error.InvalidChar) return; unreachable; }; unreachable; } test "parse unsigned comptime" { comptime { assert(%%parseUnsigned(usize, "2", 10) == 2); } } test "fmt.format" { { var buf1: [32]u8 = undefined; const value: ?i32 = 1234; const result = bufPrint(buf1[0..], "nullable: {}\n", value); assert(mem.eql(u8, result, "nullable: 1234\n")); } { var buf1: [32]u8 = undefined; const value: ?i32 = null; const result = bufPrint(buf1[0..], "nullable: {}\n", value); assert(mem.eql(u8, result, "nullable: null\n")); } { var buf1: [32]u8 = undefined; const value: %i32 = 1234; const result = bufPrint(buf1[0..], "error union: {}\n", value); assert(mem.eql(u8, result, "error union: 1234\n")); } { var buf1: [32]u8 = undefined; const value: %i32 = error.InvalidChar; const result = bufPrint(buf1[0..], "error union: {}\n", value); assert(mem.eql(u8, result, "error union: error.InvalidChar\n")); } } pub fn trim(buf: []const u8) -> []const u8 { var start: usize = 0; while (start < buf.len and isWhiteSpace(buf[start])) : (start += 1) { } var end: usize = buf.len; while (true) { if (end > start) { const new_end = end - 1; if (isWhiteSpace(buf[new_end])) { end = new_end; continue; } } break; } return buf[start..end]; } test "fmt.trim" { assert(mem.eql(u8, "abc", trim("\n abc \t"))); assert(mem.eql(u8, "", trim(" "))); assert(mem.eql(u8, "", trim(""))); assert(mem.eql(u8, "abc", trim(" abc"))); assert(mem.eql(u8, "abc", trim("abc "))); } pub fn isWhiteSpace(byte: u8) -> bool { return switch (byte) { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' => true, else => false, }; }