const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const os = std.os; const io =; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Buffer = std.Buffer; const arg = @import("arg.zig"); const c = @import("c.zig"); const introspect = @import("introspect.zig"); const Args = arg.Args; const Flag = arg.Flag; const Module = @import("module.zig").Module; const Target = @import("target.zig").Target; const errmsg = @import("errmsg.zig"); var stderr_file: os.File = undefined; var stderr: *io.OutStream(io.FileOutStream.Error) = undefined; var stdout: *io.OutStream(io.FileOutStream.Error) = undefined; const usage = \\usage: zig [command] [options] \\ \\Commands: \\ \\ build Build project from build.zig \\ build-exe [source] Create executable from source or object files \\ build-lib [source] Create library from source or object files \\ build-obj [source] Create object from source or assembly \\ fmt [source] Parse file and render in canonical zig format \\ run [source] Create executable and run immediately \\ targets List available compilation targets \\ test [source] Create and run a test build \\ translate-c [source] Convert c code to zig code \\ version Print version number and exit \\ zen Print zen of zig and exit \\ \\ ; const Command = struct { name: []const u8, exec: fn (*Allocator, []const []const u8) error!void, }; pub fn main() !void { var allocator = std.heap.c_allocator; var stdout_file = try; var stdout_out_stream =; stdout = &; stderr_file = try; var stderr_out_stream =; stderr = &; const args = try os.argsAlloc(allocator); defer os.argsFree(allocator, args); if (args.len <= 1) { try stderr.write(usage); os.exit(1); } const commands = []Command{ Command{ .name = "build", .exec = cmdBuild, }, Command{ .name = "build-exe", .exec = cmdBuildExe, }, Command{ .name = "build-lib", .exec = cmdBuildLib, }, Command{ .name = "build-obj", .exec = cmdBuildObj, }, Command{ .name = "fmt", .exec = cmdFmt, }, Command{ .name = "run", .exec = cmdRun, }, Command{ .name = "targets", .exec = cmdTargets, }, Command{ .name = "test", .exec = cmdTest, }, Command{ .name = "translate-c", .exec = cmdTranslateC, }, Command{ .name = "version", .exec = cmdVersion, }, Command{ .name = "zen", .exec = cmdZen, }, // undocumented commands Command{ .name = "help", .exec = cmdHelp, }, Command{ .name = "internal", .exec = cmdInternal, }, }; for (commands) |command| { if (mem.eql(u8,, args[1])) { try command.exec(allocator, args[2..]); return; } } try stderr.print("unknown command: {}\n\n", args[1]); try stderr.write(usage); } // cmd:build /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const usage_build = \\usage: zig build \\ \\General Options: \\ --help Print this help and exit \\ --init Generate a build.zig template \\ --build-file [file] Override path to build.zig \\ --cache-dir [path] Override path to cache directory \\ --verbose Print commands before executing them \\ --prefix [path] Override default install prefix \\ \\Project-Specific Options: \\ \\ Project-specific options become available when the build file is found. \\ \\Advanced Options: \\ --build-file [file] Override path to build.zig \\ --cache-dir [path] Override path to cache directory \\ --verbose-tokenize Enable compiler debug output for tokenization \\ --verbose-ast Enable compiler debug output for parsing into an AST \\ --verbose-link Enable compiler debug output for linking \\ --verbose-ir Enable compiler debug output for Zig IR \\ --verbose-llvm-ir Enable compiler debug output for LLVM IR \\ --verbose-cimport Enable compiler debug output for C imports \\ \\ ; const args_build_spec = []Flag{ Flag.Bool("--help"), Flag.Bool("--init"), Flag.Arg1("--build-file"), Flag.Arg1("--cache-dir"), Flag.Bool("--verbose"), Flag.Arg1("--prefix"), Flag.Arg1("--build-file"), Flag.Arg1("--cache-dir"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-tokenize"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-ast"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-link"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-ir"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-llvm-ir"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-cimport"), }; const missing_build_file = \\No 'build.zig' file found. \\ \\Initialize a 'build.zig' template file with `zig build --init`, \\or build an executable directly with `zig build-exe $FILENAME.zig`. \\ \\See: `zig build --help` or `zig help` for more options. \\ ; fn cmdBuild(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { var flags = try Args.parse(allocator, args_build_spec, args); defer flags.deinit(); if (flags.present("help")) { try stderr.write(usage_build); os.exit(0); } const zig_lib_dir = try introspect.resolveZigLibDir(allocator); defer; const zig_std_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, zig_lib_dir, "std"); defer; const special_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, zig_std_dir, "special"); defer; const build_runner_path = try os.path.join(allocator, special_dir, "build_runner.zig"); defer; const build_file = flags.single("build-file") ?? "build.zig"; const build_file_abs = try os.path.resolve(allocator, ".", build_file); defer; const build_file_exists = os.File.access(allocator, build_file_abs, os.default_file_mode) catch false; if (flags.present("init")) { if (build_file_exists) { try stderr.print("build.zig already exists\n"); os.exit(1); } // need a new scope for proper defer scope finalization on exit { const build_template_path = try os.path.join(allocator, special_dir, "build_file_template.zig"); defer; try os.copyFile(allocator, build_template_path, build_file_abs); try stderr.print("wrote build.zig template\n"); } os.exit(0); } if (!build_file_exists) { try stderr.write(missing_build_file); os.exit(1); } // TODO: Invoke build.zig entrypoint directly? var zig_exe_path = try os.selfExePath(allocator); defer; var build_args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); defer build_args.deinit(); const build_file_basename = os.path.basename(build_file_abs); const build_file_dirname = os.path.dirname(build_file_abs); var full_cache_dir: []u8 = undefined; if (flags.single("cache-dir")) |cache_dir| { full_cache_dir = try os.path.resolve(allocator, ".", cache_dir, full_cache_dir); } else { full_cache_dir = try os.path.join(allocator, build_file_dirname, "zig-cache"); } defer; const path_to_build_exe = try os.path.join(allocator, full_cache_dir, "build"); defer; try build_args.append(path_to_build_exe); try build_args.append(zig_exe_path); try build_args.append(build_file_dirname); try build_args.append(full_cache_dir); var proc = try os.ChildProcess.init(build_args.toSliceConst(), allocator); defer proc.deinit(); var term = try proc.spawnAndWait(); switch (term) { os.ChildProcess.Term.Exited => |status| { if (status != 0) { try stderr.print("{} exited with status {}\n",, status); os.exit(1); } }, os.ChildProcess.Term.Signal => |signal| { try stderr.print("{} killed by signal {}\n",, signal); os.exit(1); }, os.ChildProcess.Term.Stopped => |signal| { try stderr.print("{} stopped by signal {}\n",, signal); os.exit(1); }, os.ChildProcess.Term.Unknown => |status| { try stderr.print("{} encountered unknown failure {}\n",, status); os.exit(1); }, } } // cmd:build-exe /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const usage_build_generic = \\usage: zig build-exe [file] \\ zig build-lib [file] \\ zig build-obj [file] \\ \\General Options: \\ --help Print this help and exit \\ --color [auto|off|on] Enable or disable colored error messages \\ \\Compile Options: \\ --assembly [source] Add assembly file to build \\ --cache-dir [path] Override the cache directory \\ --emit [filetype] Emit a specific file format as compilation output \\ --enable-timing-info Print timing diagnostics \\ --libc-include-dir [path] Directory where libc stdlib.h resides \\ --name [name] Override output name \\ --output [file] Override destination path \\ --output-h [file] Override generated header file path \\ --pkg-begin [name] [path] Make package available to import and push current pkg \\ --pkg-end Pop current pkg \\ --release-fast Build with optimizations on and safety off \\ --release-safe Build with optimizations on and safety on \\ --static Output will be statically linked \\ --strip Exclude debug symbols \\ --target-arch [name] Specify target architecture \\ --target-environ [name] Specify target environment \\ --target-os [name] Specify target operating system \\ --verbose-tokenize Turn on compiler debug output for tokenization \\ --verbose-ast-tree Turn on compiler debug output for parsing into an AST (tree view) \\ --verbose-ast-fmt Turn on compiler debug output for parsing into an AST (render source) \\ --verbose-link Turn on compiler debug output for linking \\ --verbose-ir Turn on compiler debug output for Zig IR \\ --verbose-llvm-ir Turn on compiler debug output for LLVM IR \\ --verbose-cimport Turn on compiler debug output for C imports \\ -dirafter [dir] Same as -isystem but do it last \\ -isystem [dir] Add additional search path for other .h files \\ -mllvm [arg] Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing \\ \\Link Options: \\ --ar-path [path] Set the path to ar \\ --dynamic-linker [path] Set the path to \\ --each-lib-rpath Add rpath for each used dynamic library \\ --libc-lib-dir [path] Directory where libc crt1.o resides \\ --libc-static-lib-dir [path] Directory where libc crtbegin.o resides \\ --msvc-lib-dir [path] (windows) directory where vcruntime.lib resides \\ --kernel32-lib-dir [path] (windows) directory where kernel32.lib resides \\ --library [lib] Link against lib \\ --forbid-library [lib] Make it an error to link against lib \\ --library-path [dir] Add a directory to the library search path \\ --linker-script [path] Use a custom linker script \\ --object [obj] Add object file to build \\ -rdynamic Add all symbols to the dynamic symbol table \\ -rpath [path] Add directory to the runtime library search path \\ -mconsole (windows) --subsystem console to the linker \\ -mwindows (windows) --subsystem windows to the linker \\ -framework [name] (darwin) link against framework \\ -mios-version-min [ver] (darwin) set iOS deployment target \\ -mmacosx-version-min [ver] (darwin) set Mac OS X deployment target \\ --ver-major [ver] Dynamic library semver major version \\ --ver-minor [ver] Dynamic library semver minor version \\ --ver-patch [ver] Dynamic library semver patch version \\ \\ ; const args_build_generic = []Flag{ Flag.Bool("--help"), Flag.Option("--color", []const []const u8{ "auto", "off", "on", }), Flag.ArgMergeN("--assembly", 1), Flag.Arg1("--cache-dir"), Flag.Option("--emit", []const []const u8{ "asm", "bin", "llvm-ir", }), Flag.Bool("--enable-timing-info"), Flag.Arg1("--libc-include-dir"), Flag.Arg1("--name"), Flag.Arg1("--output"), Flag.Arg1("--output-h"), // NOTE: Parsed manually after initial check Flag.ArgN("--pkg-begin", 2), Flag.Bool("--pkg-end"), Flag.Bool("--release-fast"), Flag.Bool("--release-safe"), Flag.Bool("--static"), Flag.Bool("--strip"), Flag.Arg1("--target-arch"), Flag.Arg1("--target-environ"), Flag.Arg1("--target-os"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-tokenize"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-ast-tree"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-ast-fmt"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-link"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-ir"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-llvm-ir"), Flag.Bool("--verbose-cimport"), Flag.Arg1("-dirafter"), Flag.ArgMergeN("-isystem", 1), Flag.Arg1("-mllvm"), Flag.Arg1("--ar-path"), Flag.Arg1("--dynamic-linker"), Flag.Bool("--each-lib-rpath"), Flag.Arg1("--libc-lib-dir"), Flag.Arg1("--libc-static-lib-dir"), Flag.Arg1("--msvc-lib-dir"), Flag.Arg1("--kernel32-lib-dir"), Flag.ArgMergeN("--library", 1), Flag.ArgMergeN("--forbid-library", 1), Flag.ArgMergeN("--library-path", 1), Flag.Arg1("--linker-script"), Flag.ArgMergeN("--object", 1), // NOTE: Removed -L since it would need to be special-cased and we have an alias in library-path Flag.Bool("-rdynamic"), Flag.Arg1("-rpath"), Flag.Bool("-mconsole"), Flag.Bool("-mwindows"), Flag.ArgMergeN("-framework", 1), Flag.Arg1("-mios-version-min"), Flag.Arg1("-mmacosx-version-min"), Flag.Arg1("--ver-major"), Flag.Arg1("--ver-minor"), Flag.Arg1("--ver-patch"), }; fn buildOutputType(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8, out_type: Module.Kind) !void { var flags = try Args.parse(allocator, args_build_generic, args); defer flags.deinit(); if (flags.present("help")) { try stderr.write(usage_build_generic); os.exit(0); } var build_mode = builtin.Mode.Debug; if (flags.present("release-fast")) { build_mode = builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast; } else if (flags.present("release-safe")) { build_mode = builtin.Mode.ReleaseSafe; } const color = blk: { if (flags.single("color")) |color_flag| { if (mem.eql(u8, color_flag, "auto")) { break :blk errmsg.Color.Auto; } else if (mem.eql(u8, color_flag, "on")) { break :blk errmsg.Color.On; } else if (mem.eql(u8, color_flag, "off")) { break :blk errmsg.Color.Off; } else unreachable; } else { break :blk errmsg.Color.Auto; } }; var emit_type = Module.Emit.Binary; if (flags.single("emit")) |emit_flag| { if (mem.eql(u8, emit_flag, "asm")) { emit_type = Module.Emit.Assembly; } else if (mem.eql(u8, emit_flag, "bin")) { emit_type = Module.Emit.Binary; } else if (mem.eql(u8, emit_flag, "llvm-ir")) { emit_type = Module.Emit.LlvmIr; } else { unreachable; } } var cur_pkg = try Module.CliPkg.init(allocator, "", "", null); // TODO: Need a path, name? defer cur_pkg.deinit(); var i: usize = 0; while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) { const arg_name = args[i]; if (mem.eql(u8, "--pkg-begin", arg_name)) { // following two arguments guaranteed to exist due to arg parsing i += 1; const new_pkg_name = args[i]; i += 1; const new_pkg_path = args[i]; var new_cur_pkg = try Module.CliPkg.init(allocator, new_pkg_name, new_pkg_path, cur_pkg); try cur_pkg.children.append(new_cur_pkg); cur_pkg = new_cur_pkg; } else if (mem.eql(u8, "--pkg-end", arg_name)) { if (cur_pkg.parent == null) { try stderr.print("encountered --pkg-end with no matching --pkg-begin\n"); os.exit(1); } cur_pkg = ??cur_pkg.parent; } } if (cur_pkg.parent != null) { try stderr.print("unmatched --pkg-begin\n"); os.exit(1); } var in_file: ?[]const u8 = undefined; switch (flags.positionals.len) { 0 => { try stderr.write("--name [name] not provided and unable to infer\n"); os.exit(1); }, 1 => { in_file =; }, else => { try stderr.write("only one zig input file is accepted during build\n"); os.exit(1); }, } const basename = os.path.basename(??in_file); var it = mem.split(basename, "."); const root_name = ?? { try stderr.write("file name cannot be empty\n"); os.exit(1); }; const asm_a = flags.many("assembly"); const obj_a = flags.many("object"); if (in_file == null and (obj_a == null or (??obj_a).len == 0) and (asm_a == null or (??asm_a).len == 0)) { try stderr.write("Expected source file argument or at least one --object or --assembly argument\n"); os.exit(1); } if (out_type == Module.Kind.Obj and (obj_a != null and (??obj_a).len != 0)) { try stderr.write("When building an object file, --object arguments are invalid\n"); os.exit(1); } const zig_root_source_file = in_file; const full_cache_dir = os.path.resolve(allocator, ".", flags.single("cache-dir") ?? "zig-cache"[0..]) catch { os.exit(1); }; defer; const zig_lib_dir = introspect.resolveZigLibDir(allocator) catch os.exit(1); defer; var module = try Module.create( allocator, root_name, zig_root_source_file, Target.Native, out_type, build_mode, zig_lib_dir, full_cache_dir, ); defer module.destroy(); module.version_major = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, flags.single("ver-major") ?? "0", 10); module.version_minor = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, flags.single("ver-minor") ?? "0", 10); module.version_patch = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, flags.single("ver-patch") ?? "0", 10); module.is_test = false; if (flags.single("linker-script")) |linker_script| { module.linker_script = linker_script; } module.each_lib_rpath = flags.present("each-lib-rpath"); var clang_argv_buf = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); defer clang_argv_buf.deinit(); if (flags.many("mllvm")) |mllvm_flags| { for (mllvm_flags) |mllvm| { try clang_argv_buf.append("-mllvm"); try clang_argv_buf.append(mllvm); } module.llvm_argv = mllvm_flags; module.clang_argv = clang_argv_buf.toSliceConst(); } module.strip = flags.present("strip"); module.is_static = flags.present("static"); if (flags.single("libc-lib-dir")) |libc_lib_dir| { module.libc_lib_dir = libc_lib_dir; } if (flags.single("libc-static-lib-dir")) |libc_static_lib_dir| { module.libc_static_lib_dir = libc_static_lib_dir; } if (flags.single("libc-include-dir")) |libc_include_dir| { module.libc_include_dir = libc_include_dir; } if (flags.single("msvc-lib-dir")) |msvc_lib_dir| { module.msvc_lib_dir = msvc_lib_dir; } if (flags.single("kernel32-lib-dir")) |kernel32_lib_dir| { module.kernel32_lib_dir = kernel32_lib_dir; } if (flags.single("dynamic-linker")) |dynamic_linker| { module.dynamic_linker = dynamic_linker; } module.verbose_tokenize = flags.present("verbose-tokenize"); module.verbose_ast_tree = flags.present("verbose-ast-tree"); module.verbose_ast_fmt = flags.present("verbose-ast-fmt"); module.verbose_link = flags.present("verbose-link"); module.verbose_ir = flags.present("verbose-ir"); module.verbose_llvm_ir = flags.present("verbose-llvm-ir"); module.verbose_cimport = flags.present("verbose-cimport"); module.err_color = color; if (flags.many("library-path")) |lib_dirs| { module.lib_dirs = lib_dirs; } if (flags.many("framework")) |frameworks| { module.darwin_frameworks = frameworks; } if (flags.many("rpath")) |rpath_list| { module.rpath_list = rpath_list; } if (flags.single("output-h")) |output_h| { module.out_h_path = output_h; } module.windows_subsystem_windows = flags.present("mwindows"); module.windows_subsystem_console = flags.present("mconsole"); module.linker_rdynamic = flags.present("rdynamic"); if (flags.single("mmacosx-version-min") != null and flags.single("mios-version-min") != null) { try stderr.write("-mmacosx-version-min and -mios-version-min options not allowed together\n"); os.exit(1); } if (flags.single("mmacosx-version-min")) |ver| { module.darwin_version_min = Module.DarwinVersionMin{ .MacOS = ver }; } if (flags.single("mios-version-min")) |ver| { module.darwin_version_min = Module.DarwinVersionMin{ .Ios = ver }; } module.emit_file_type = emit_type; if (flags.many("object")) |objects| { module.link_objects = objects; } if (flags.many("assembly")) |assembly_files| { module.assembly_files = assembly_files; } try; try"out-file") ?? null); if (flags.present("print-timing-info")) { // codegen_print_timing_info(g, stderr); } try stderr.print("building {}: {}\n", @tagName(out_type), in_file); } fn cmdBuildExe(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try buildOutputType(allocator, args, Module.Kind.Exe); } // cmd:build-lib /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn cmdBuildLib(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try buildOutputType(allocator, args, Module.Kind.Lib); } // cmd:build-obj /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn cmdBuildObj(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try buildOutputType(allocator, args, Module.Kind.Obj); } // cmd:fmt ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const usage_fmt = \\usage: zig fmt [file]... \\ \\ Formats the input files and modifies them in-place. \\ \\Options: \\ --help Print this help and exit \\ --color [auto|off|on] Enable or disable colored error messages \\ \\ ; const args_fmt_spec = []Flag{ Flag.Bool("--help"), Flag.Option("--color", []const []const u8{ "auto", "off", "on", }), }; fn cmdFmt(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { var flags = try Args.parse(allocator, args_fmt_spec, args); defer flags.deinit(); if (flags.present("help")) { try stderr.write(usage_fmt); os.exit(0); } if (flags.positionals.len == 0) { try stderr.write("expected at least one source file argument\n"); os.exit(1); } const color = blk: { if (flags.single("color")) |color_flag| { if (mem.eql(u8, color_flag, "auto")) { break :blk errmsg.Color.Auto; } else if (mem.eql(u8, color_flag, "on")) { break :blk errmsg.Color.On; } else if (mem.eql(u8, color_flag, "off")) { break :blk errmsg.Color.Off; } else unreachable; } else { break :blk errmsg.Color.Auto; } }; var fmt_errors = false; for (flags.positionals.toSliceConst()) |file_path| { var file = try os.File.openRead(allocator, file_path); defer file.close(); const source_code = io.readFileAlloc(allocator, file_path) catch |err| { try stderr.print("unable to open '{}': {}", file_path, err); fmt_errors = true; continue; }; defer; var tree = std.zig.parse(allocator, source_code) catch |err| { try stderr.print("error parsing file '{}': {}\n", file_path, err); fmt_errors = true; continue; }; defer tree.deinit(); var error_it = tree.errors.iterator(0); while ( |parse_error| { const msg = try errmsg.createFromParseError(allocator, parse_error, &tree, file_path); defer allocator.destroy(msg); try errmsg.printToFile(&stderr_file, msg, color); } if (tree.errors.len != 0) { fmt_errors = true; continue; } const baf = try io.BufferedAtomicFile.create(allocator, file_path); defer baf.destroy(); const anything_changed = try std.zig.render(allocator,, &tree); if (anything_changed) { try stderr.print("{}\n", file_path); try baf.finish(); } } if (fmt_errors) { os.exit(1); } } // cmd:targets ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn cmdTargets(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try stdout.write("Architectures:\n"); { comptime var i: usize = 0; inline while (i < @memberCount(builtin.Arch)) : (i += 1) { comptime const arch_tag = @memberName(builtin.Arch, i); // NOTE: Cannot use empty string, see #918. comptime const native_str = if (comptime mem.eql(u8, arch_tag, @tagName(builtin.arch))) " (native)\n" else "\n"; try stdout.print(" {}{}", arch_tag, native_str); } } try stdout.write("\n"); try stdout.write("Operating Systems:\n"); { comptime var i: usize = 0; inline while (i < @memberCount(builtin.Os)) : (i += 1) { comptime const os_tag = @memberName(builtin.Os, i); // NOTE: Cannot use empty string, see #918. comptime const native_str = if (comptime mem.eql(u8, os_tag, @tagName(builtin.os))) " (native)\n" else "\n"; try stdout.print(" {}{}", os_tag, native_str); } } try stdout.write("\n"); try stdout.write("Environments:\n"); { comptime var i: usize = 0; inline while (i < @memberCount(builtin.Environ)) : (i += 1) { comptime const environ_tag = @memberName(builtin.Environ, i); // NOTE: Cannot use empty string, see #918. comptime const native_str = if (comptime mem.eql(u8, environ_tag, @tagName(builtin.environ))) " (native)\n" else "\n"; try stdout.print(" {}{}", environ_tag, native_str); } } } // cmd:version ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn cmdVersion(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try stdout.print("{}\n", std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_VERSION_STRING)); } // cmd:test //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const usage_test = \\usage: zig test [file]... \\ \\Options: \\ --help Print this help and exit \\ \\ ; const args_test_spec = []Flag{Flag.Bool("--help")}; fn cmdTest(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { var flags = try Args.parse(allocator, args_build_spec, args); defer flags.deinit(); if (flags.present("help")) { try stderr.write(usage_test); os.exit(0); } if (flags.positionals.len != 1) { try stderr.write("expected exactly one zig source file\n"); os.exit(1); } // compile the test program into the cache and run // NOTE: May be overlap with buildOutput, take the shared part out. try stderr.print("testing file {}\n",; } // cmd:run ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Run should be simple and not expose the full set of arguments provided by build-exe. If specific // build requirements are need, the user should `build-exe` then `run` manually. const usage_run = \\usage: zig run [file] -- \\ \\Options: \\ --help Print this help and exit \\ \\ ; const args_run_spec = []Flag{Flag.Bool("--help")}; fn cmdRun(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { var compile_args = args; var runtime_args: []const []const u8 = []const []const u8{}; for (args) |argv, i| { if (mem.eql(u8, argv, "--")) { compile_args = args[0..i]; runtime_args = args[i + 1 ..]; break; } } var flags = try Args.parse(allocator, args_run_spec, compile_args); defer flags.deinit(); if (flags.present("help")) { try stderr.write(usage_run); os.exit(0); } if (flags.positionals.len != 1) { try stderr.write("expected exactly one zig source file\n"); os.exit(1); } try stderr.print("runtime args:\n"); for (runtime_args) |cargs| { try stderr.print("{}\n", cargs); } } // cmd:translate-c ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const usage_translate_c = \\usage: zig translate-c [file] \\ \\Options: \\ --help Print this help and exit \\ --enable-timing-info Print timing diagnostics \\ --output [path] Output file to write generated zig file (default: stdout) \\ \\ ; const args_translate_c_spec = []Flag{ Flag.Bool("--help"), Flag.Bool("--enable-timing-info"), Flag.Arg1("--libc-include-dir"), Flag.Arg1("--output"), }; fn cmdTranslateC(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { var flags = try Args.parse(allocator, args_translate_c_spec, args); defer flags.deinit(); if (flags.present("help")) { try stderr.write(usage_translate_c); os.exit(0); } if (flags.positionals.len != 1) { try stderr.write("expected exactly one c source file\n"); os.exit(1); } // set up codegen const zig_root_source_file = null; // NOTE: translate-c shouldn't require setting up the full codegen instance as it does in // the C++ compiler. // codegen_create(g); // codegen_set_out_name(g, null); // codegen_translate_c(g, var output_stream = stdout; if (flags.single("output")) |output_file| { var file = try os.File.openWrite(allocator, output_file); defer file.close(); var file_stream = io.FileOutStream.init(&file); // TODO: Not being set correctly, still stdout output_stream = &; } // ast_render(g, output_stream, g->root_import->root, 4); try output_stream.write("pub const example = 10;\n"); if (flags.present("enable-timing-info")) { // codegen_print_timing_info(g, stdout); try stderr.write("printing timing info for translate-c\n"); } } // cmd:help //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn cmdHelp(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try stderr.write(usage); } // cmd:zen ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const info_zen = \\ \\ * Communicate intent precisely. \\ * Edge cases matter. \\ * Favor reading code over writing code. \\ * Only one obvious way to do things. \\ * Runtime crashes are better than bugs. \\ * Compile errors are better than runtime crashes. \\ * Incremental improvements. \\ * Avoid local maximums. \\ * Reduce the amount one must remember. \\ * Minimize energy spent on coding style. \\ * Together we serve end users. \\ \\ ; fn cmdZen(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try stdout.write(info_zen); } // cmd:internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const usage_internal = \\usage: zig internal [subcommand] \\ \\Sub-Commands: \\ build-info Print static compiler build-info \\ \\ ; fn cmdInternal(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { if (args.len == 0) { try stderr.write(usage_internal); os.exit(1); } const sub_commands = []Command{Command{ .name = "build-info", .exec = cmdInternalBuildInfo, }}; for (sub_commands) |sub_command| { if (mem.eql(u8,, args[0])) { try sub_command.exec(allocator, args[1..]); return; } } try stderr.print("unknown sub command: {}\n\n", args[0]); try stderr.write(usage_internal); } fn cmdInternalBuildInfo(allocator: *Allocator, args: []const []const u8) !void { try stdout.print( \\ZIG_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR {} \\ZIG_CXX_COMPILER {} \\ZIG_LLVM_CONFIG_EXE {} \\ZIG_LLD_INCLUDE_PATH {} \\ZIG_LLD_LIBRARIES {} \\ZIG_STD_FILES {} \\ZIG_C_HEADER_FILES {} \\ZIG_DIA_GUIDS_LIB {} \\ , std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR), std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_CXX_COMPILER), std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_LLVM_CONFIG_EXE), std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_LLD_INCLUDE_PATH), std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_LLD_LIBRARIES), std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_STD_FILES), std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_C_HEADER_FILES), std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_DIA_GUIDS_LIB), ); }