/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew Kelley * * This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed. * See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #include "config.h" #include "buffer.hpp" #include "codegen.hpp" #include "os.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include static int usage(const char *arg0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [command] [options]\n" "Commands:\n" " build create executable, object, or library from target\n" " test create and run a test build\n" " version print version number and exit\n" " parseh convert a c header file to zig extern declarations\n" "Options:\n" " --release build with optimizations on and debug protection off\n" " --static output will be statically linked\n" " --strip exclude debug symbols\n" " --export [exe|lib|obj] override output type\n" " --name [name] override output name\n" " --output [file] override destination path\n" " --verbose turn on compiler debug output\n" " --color [auto|off|on] enable or disable colored error messages\n" " --libc-lib-dir [path] set the C compiler data path\n" " --libc-static-lib-dir [path] set the C compiler data path\n" " --libc-include-dir [path] set the C compiler data path\n" " --dynamic-linker [path] set the path to ld.so\n" " -isystem [dir] add additional search path for other .h files\n" " -dirafter [dir] same as -isystem but do it last\n" " --library-path [dir] add a directory to the library search path\n" , arg0); return EXIT_FAILURE; } enum Cmd { CmdInvalid, CmdBuild, CmdTest, CmdVersion, CmdParseH, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *arg0 = argv[0]; Cmd cmd = CmdInvalid; const char *in_file = nullptr; const char *out_file = nullptr; bool is_release_build = false; bool strip = false; bool is_static = false; OutType out_type = OutTypeUnknown; const char *out_name = nullptr; bool verbose = false; ErrColor color = ErrColorAuto; const char *libc_lib_dir = nullptr; const char *libc_static_lib_dir = nullptr; const char *libc_include_dir = nullptr; const char *dynamic_linker = nullptr; ZigList clang_argv = {0}; ZigList lib_dirs = {0}; int err; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] == '-') { if (strcmp(arg, "--release") == 0) { is_release_build = true; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--strip") == 0) { strip = true; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--static") == 0) { is_static = true; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--verbose") == 0) { verbose = true; } else if (i + 1 >= argc) { return usage(arg0); } else { i += 1; if (i >= argc) { return usage(arg0); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--output") == 0) { out_file = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--export") == 0) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "exe") == 0) { out_type = OutTypeExe; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "lib") == 0) { out_type = OutTypeLib; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "obj") == 0) { out_type = OutTypeObj; } else { return usage(arg0); } } else if (strcmp(arg, "--color") == 0) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "auto") == 0) { color = ErrColorAuto; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "on") == 0) { color = ErrColorOn; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "off") == 0) { color = ErrColorOff; } else { return usage(arg0); } } else if (strcmp(arg, "--name") == 0) { out_name = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--libc-lib-dir") == 0) { libc_lib_dir = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--libc-static-lib-dir") == 0) { libc_static_lib_dir = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--libc-include-dir") == 0) { libc_include_dir = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--dynamic-linker") == 0) { dynamic_linker = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-isystem") == 0) { clang_argv.append("-isystem"); clang_argv.append(argv[i]); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-dirafter") == 0) { clang_argv.append("-dirafter"); clang_argv.append(argv[i]); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--library-path") == 0) { lib_dirs.append(argv[i]); } else { return usage(arg0); } } } else if (cmd == CmdInvalid) { if (strcmp(arg, "build") == 0) { cmd = CmdBuild; } else if (strcmp(arg, "version") == 0) { cmd = CmdVersion; } else if (strcmp(arg, "parseh") == 0) { cmd = CmdParseH; } else if (strcmp(arg, "test") == 0) { cmd = CmdTest; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized command: %s\n", arg); return usage(arg0); } } else { switch (cmd) { case CmdBuild: case CmdParseH: case CmdTest: if (!in_file) { in_file = arg; } else { return usage(arg0); } break; case CmdVersion: return usage(arg0); case CmdInvalid: zig_unreachable(); } } } switch (cmd) { case CmdBuild: case CmdParseH: case CmdTest: { if (!in_file) return usage(arg0); Buf in_file_buf = BUF_INIT; buf_init_from_str(&in_file_buf, in_file); Buf root_source_dir = BUF_INIT; Buf root_source_code = BUF_INIT; Buf root_source_name = BUF_INIT; if (buf_eql_str(&in_file_buf, "-")) { os_get_cwd(&root_source_dir); if ((err = os_fetch_file(stdin, &root_source_code))) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to read stdin: %s\n", err_str(err)); return 1; } buf_init_from_str(&root_source_name, ""); } else { os_path_split(&in_file_buf, &root_source_dir, &root_source_name); if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(buf_create_from_str(in_file), &root_source_code))) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open '%s': %s\n", in_file, err_str(err)); return 1; } } CodeGen *g = codegen_create(&root_source_dir); codegen_set_is_release(g, is_release_build); codegen_set_is_test(g, cmd == CmdTest); codegen_set_clang_argv(g, clang_argv.items, clang_argv.length); codegen_set_strip(g, strip); codegen_set_is_static(g, is_static); if (out_type != OutTypeUnknown) { codegen_set_out_type(g, out_type); } else if (cmd == CmdTest) { codegen_set_out_type(g, OutTypeExe); } if (out_name) { codegen_set_out_name(g, buf_create_from_str(out_name)); } else if (cmd == CmdTest) { codegen_set_out_name(g, buf_create_from_str("test")); } if (libc_lib_dir) codegen_set_libc_lib_dir(g, buf_create_from_str(libc_lib_dir)); if (libc_static_lib_dir) codegen_set_libc_static_lib_dir(g, buf_create_from_str(libc_static_lib_dir)); if (libc_include_dir) codegen_set_libc_include_dir(g, buf_create_from_str(libc_include_dir)); if (dynamic_linker) codegen_set_dynamic_linker(g, buf_create_from_str(dynamic_linker)); codegen_set_verbose(g, verbose); codegen_set_errmsg_color(g, color); for (int i = 0; i < lib_dirs.length; i += 1) { codegen_add_lib_dir(g, lib_dirs.at(i)); } if (cmd == CmdBuild) { codegen_add_root_code(g, &root_source_dir, &root_source_name, &root_source_code); codegen_link(g, out_file); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (cmd == CmdParseH) { codegen_parseh(g, &root_source_dir, &root_source_name, &root_source_code); codegen_render_ast(g, stdout, 4); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (cmd == CmdTest) { codegen_add_root_code(g, &root_source_dir, &root_source_name, &root_source_code); codegen_link(g, "./test"); ZigList args = {0}; int return_code; os_spawn_process("./test", args, &return_code); if (return_code != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nTests failed. Use the following command to reproduce the failure:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "./test\n"); } return return_code; } else { zig_unreachable(); } } case CmdVersion: printf("%s\n", ZIG_VERSION_STRING); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case CmdInvalid: return usage(arg0); } }