const std = @import("../../std.zig"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; pub const fd_t = c_int; pub const pid_t = c_int; pub const in_port_t = u16; pub const sa_family_t = u8; pub const socklen_t = u32; pub const sockaddr = extern union { in: sockaddr_in, in6: sockaddr_in6, }; pub const sockaddr_in = extern struct { len: u8, family: sa_family_t, port: in_port_t, addr: u32, zero: [8]u8, }; pub const sockaddr_in6 = extern struct { len: u8, family: sa_family_t, port: in_port_t, flowinfo: u32, addr: [16]u8, scope_id: u32, }; pub const timeval = extern struct { tv_sec: c_long, tv_usec: i32, }; pub const timezone = extern struct { tz_minuteswest: i32, tz_dsttime: i32, }; pub const mach_timebase_info_data = extern struct { numer: u32, denom: u32, }; /// Renamed to Stat to not conflict with the stat function. pub const Stat = extern struct { dev: i32, mode: u16, nlink: u16, ino: u64, uid: u32, gid: u32, rdev: i32, atime: usize, atimensec: usize, mtime: usize, mtimensec: usize, ctime: usize, ctimensec: usize, birthtime: usize, birthtimensec: usize, size: i64, blocks: i64, blksize: i32, flags: u32, gen: u32, lspare: i32, qspare: [2]i64, }; pub const timespec = extern struct { tv_sec: isize, tv_nsec: isize, }; pub const sigset_t = u32; pub const empty_sigset = sigset_t(0); /// Renamed from `sigaction` to `Sigaction` to avoid conflict with function name. pub const Sigaction = extern struct { handler: extern fn (c_int) void, sa_mask: sigset_t, sa_flags: c_int, }; pub const dirent = extern struct { d_ino: usize, d_seekoff: usize, d_reclen: u16, d_namlen: u16, d_type: u8, d_name: u8, // field address is address of first byte of name }; pub const pthread_attr_t = extern struct { __sig: c_long, __opaque: [56]u8, }; /// Renamed from `kevent` to `Kevent` to avoid conflict with function name. pub const Kevent = extern struct { ident: usize, filter: i16, flags: u16, fflags: u32, data: isize, udata: usize, }; // sys/types.h on macos uses #pragma pack(4) so these checks are // to make sure the struct is laid out the same. These values were // produced from C code using the offsetof macro. comptime { assert(@byteOffsetOf(Kevent, "ident") == 0); assert(@byteOffsetOf(Kevent, "filter") == 8); assert(@byteOffsetOf(Kevent, "flags") == 10); assert(@byteOffsetOf(Kevent, "fflags") == 12); assert(@byteOffsetOf(Kevent, "data") == 16); assert(@byteOffsetOf(Kevent, "udata") == 24); } pub const kevent64_s = extern struct { ident: u64, filter: i16, flags: u16, fflags: u32, data: i64, udata: u64, ext: [2]u64, }; // sys/types.h on macos uses #pragma pack() so these checks are // to make sure the struct is laid out the same. These values were // produced from C code using the offsetof macro. comptime { assert(@byteOffsetOf(kevent64_s, "ident") == 0); assert(@byteOffsetOf(kevent64_s, "filter") == 8); assert(@byteOffsetOf(kevent64_s, "flags") == 10); assert(@byteOffsetOf(kevent64_s, "fflags") == 12); assert(@byteOffsetOf(kevent64_s, "data") == 16); assert(@byteOffsetOf(kevent64_s, "udata") == 24); assert(@byteOffsetOf(kevent64_s, "ext") == 32); } pub const mach_port_t = c_uint; pub const clock_serv_t = mach_port_t; pub const clock_res_t = c_int; pub const mach_port_name_t = natural_t; pub const natural_t = c_uint; pub const mach_timespec_t = extern struct { tv_sec: c_uint, tv_nsec: clock_res_t, }; pub const kern_return_t = c_int; pub const host_t = mach_port_t; pub const CALENDAR_CLOCK = 1; pub const PATH_MAX = 1024; pub const STDIN_FILENO = 0; pub const STDOUT_FILENO = 1; pub const STDERR_FILENO = 2; /// [MC2] no permissions pub const PROT_NONE = 0x00; /// [MC2] pages can be read pub const PROT_READ = 0x01; /// [MC2] pages can be written pub const PROT_WRITE = 0x02; /// [MC2] pages can be executed pub const PROT_EXEC = 0x04; /// allocated from memory, swap space pub const MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000; /// map from file (default) pub const MAP_FILE = 0x0000; /// interpret addr exactly pub const MAP_FIXED = 0x0010; /// region may contain semaphores pub const MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x0200; /// changes are private pub const MAP_PRIVATE = 0x0002; /// share changes pub const MAP_SHARED = 0x0001; /// don't cache pages for this mapping pub const MAP_NOCACHE = 0x0400; /// don't reserve needed swap area pub const MAP_NORESERVE = 0x0040; pub const MAP_FAILED = @intToPtr(*c_void, maxInt(usize)); /// [XSI] no hang in wait/no child to reap pub const WNOHANG = 0x00000001; /// [XSI] notify on stop, untraced child pub const WUNTRACED = 0x00000002; /// take signal on signal stack pub const SA_ONSTACK = 0x0001; /// restart system on signal return pub const SA_RESTART = 0x0002; /// reset to SIG_DFL when taking signal pub const SA_RESETHAND = 0x0004; /// do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop pub const SA_NOCLDSTOP = 0x0008; /// don't mask the signal we're delivering pub const SA_NODEFER = 0x0010; /// don't keep zombies around pub const SA_NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020; /// signal handler with SA_SIGINFO args pub const SA_SIGINFO = 0x0040; /// do not bounce off kernel's sigtramp pub const SA_USERTRAMP = 0x0100; /// signal handler with SA_SIGINFO args with 64bit regs information pub const SA_64REGSET = 0x0200; pub const O_LARGEFILE = 0x0000; pub const O_PATH = 0x0000; pub const F_OK = 0; pub const X_OK = 1; pub const W_OK = 2; pub const R_OK = 4; /// open for reading only pub const O_RDONLY = 0x0000; /// open for writing only pub const O_WRONLY = 0x0001; /// open for reading and writing pub const O_RDWR = 0x0002; /// do not block on open or for data to become available pub const O_NONBLOCK = 0x0004; /// append on each write pub const O_APPEND = 0x0008; /// create file if it does not exist pub const O_CREAT = 0x0200; /// truncate size to 0 pub const O_TRUNC = 0x0400; /// error if O_CREAT and the file exists pub const O_EXCL = 0x0800; /// atomically obtain a shared lock pub const O_SHLOCK = 0x0010; /// atomically obtain an exclusive lock pub const O_EXLOCK = 0x0020; /// do not follow symlinks pub const O_NOFOLLOW = 0x0100; /// allow open of symlinks pub const O_SYMLINK = 0x200000; /// descriptor requested for event notifications only pub const O_EVTONLY = 0x8000; /// mark as close-on-exec pub const O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000; pub const O_ACCMODE = 3; pub const O_ALERT = 536870912; pub const O_ASYNC = 64; pub const O_DIRECTORY = 1048576; pub const O_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 1; pub const O_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 2; pub const O_DSYNC = 4194304; pub const O_FSYNC = O_SYNC; pub const O_NOCTTY = 131072; pub const O_POPUP = 2147483648; pub const O_SYNC = 128; pub const SEEK_SET = 0x0; pub const SEEK_CUR = 0x1; pub const SEEK_END = 0x2; pub const DT_UNKNOWN = 0; pub const DT_FIFO = 1; pub const DT_CHR = 2; pub const DT_DIR = 4; pub const DT_BLK = 6; pub const DT_REG = 8; pub const DT_LNK = 10; pub const DT_SOCK = 12; pub const DT_WHT = 14; /// block specified signal set pub const SIG_BLOCK = 1; /// unblock specified signal set pub const SIG_UNBLOCK = 2; /// set specified signal set pub const SIG_SETMASK = 3; /// hangup pub const SIGHUP = 1; /// interrupt pub const SIGINT = 2; /// quit pub const SIGQUIT = 3; /// illegal instruction (not reset when caught) pub const SIGILL = 4; /// trace trap (not reset when caught) pub const SIGTRAP = 5; /// abort() pub const SIGABRT = 6; /// pollable event ([XSR] generated, not supported) pub const SIGPOLL = 7; /// compatibility pub const SIGIOT = SIGABRT; /// EMT instruction pub const SIGEMT = 7; /// floating point exception pub const SIGFPE = 8; /// kill (cannot be caught or ignored) pub const SIGKILL = 9; /// bus error pub const SIGBUS = 10; /// segmentation violation pub const SIGSEGV = 11; /// bad argument to system call pub const SIGSYS = 12; /// write on a pipe with no one to read it pub const SIGPIPE = 13; /// alarm clock pub const SIGALRM = 14; /// software termination signal from kill pub const SIGTERM = 15; /// urgent condition on IO channel pub const SIGURG = 16; /// sendable stop signal not from tty pub const SIGSTOP = 17; /// stop signal from tty pub const SIGTSTP = 18; /// continue a stopped process pub const SIGCONT = 19; /// to parent on child stop or exit pub const SIGCHLD = 20; /// to readers pgrp upon background tty read pub const SIGTTIN = 21; /// like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local<OSTOP) pub const SIGTTOU = 22; /// input/output possible signal pub const SIGIO = 23; /// exceeded CPU time limit pub const SIGXCPU = 24; /// exceeded file size limit pub const SIGXFSZ = 25; /// virtual time alarm pub const SIGVTALRM = 26; /// profiling time alarm pub const SIGPROF = 27; /// window size changes pub const SIGWINCH = 28; /// information request pub const SIGINFO = 29; /// user defined signal 1 pub const SIGUSR1 = 30; /// user defined signal 2 pub const SIGUSR2 = 31; /// no flag value pub const KEVENT_FLAG_NONE = 0x000; /// immediate timeout pub const KEVENT_FLAG_IMMEDIATE = 0x001; /// output events only include change pub const KEVENT_FLAG_ERROR_EVENTS = 0x002; /// add event to kq (implies enable) pub const EV_ADD = 0x0001; /// delete event from kq pub const EV_DELETE = 0x0002; /// enable event pub const EV_ENABLE = 0x0004; /// disable event (not reported) pub const EV_DISABLE = 0x0008; /// only report one occurrence pub const EV_ONESHOT = 0x0010; /// clear event state after reporting pub const EV_CLEAR = 0x0020; /// force immediate event output /// ... with or without EV_ERROR /// ... use KEVENT_FLAG_ERROR_EVENTS /// on syscalls supporting flags pub const EV_RECEIPT = 0x0040; /// disable event after reporting pub const EV_DISPATCH = 0x0080; /// unique kevent per udata value pub const EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x0100; /// ... in combination with EV_DELETE /// will defer delete until udata-specific /// event enabled. EINPROGRESS will be /// returned to indicate the deferral pub const EV_DISPATCH2 = EV_DISPATCH | EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC; /// report that source has vanished /// ... only valid with EV_DISPATCH2 pub const EV_VANISHED = 0x0200; /// reserved by system pub const EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xF000; /// filter-specific flag pub const EV_FLAG0 = 0x1000; /// filter-specific flag pub const EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000; /// EOF detected pub const EV_EOF = 0x8000; /// error, data contains errno pub const EV_ERROR = 0x4000; pub const EV_POLL = EV_FLAG0; pub const EV_OOBAND = EV_FLAG1; pub const EVFILT_READ = -1; pub const EVFILT_WRITE = -2; /// attached to aio requests pub const EVFILT_AIO = -3; /// attached to vnodes pub const EVFILT_VNODE = -4; /// attached to struct proc pub const EVFILT_PROC = -5; /// attached to struct proc pub const EVFILT_SIGNAL = -6; /// timers pub const EVFILT_TIMER = -7; /// Mach portsets pub const EVFILT_MACHPORT = -8; /// Filesystem events pub const EVFILT_FS = -9; /// User events pub const EVFILT_USER = -10; /// Virtual memory events pub const EVFILT_VM = -12; /// Exception events pub const EVFILT_EXCEPT = -15; pub const EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 17; /// On input, NOTE_TRIGGER causes the event to be triggered for output. pub const NOTE_TRIGGER = 0x01000000; /// ignore input fflags pub const NOTE_FFNOP = 0x00000000; /// and fflags pub const NOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000; /// or fflags pub const NOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000; /// copy fflags pub const NOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000; /// mask for operations pub const NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000; pub const NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0x00ffffff; /// low water mark pub const NOTE_LOWAT = 0x00000001; /// OOB data pub const NOTE_OOB = 0x00000002; /// vnode was removed pub const NOTE_DELETE = 0x00000001; /// data contents changed pub const NOTE_WRITE = 0x00000002; /// size increased pub const NOTE_EXTEND = 0x00000004; /// attributes changed pub const NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x00000008; /// link count changed pub const NOTE_LINK = 0x00000010; /// vnode was renamed pub const NOTE_RENAME = 0x00000020; /// vnode access was revoked pub const NOTE_REVOKE = 0x00000040; /// No specific vnode event: to test for EVFILT_READ activation pub const NOTE_NONE = 0x00000080; /// vnode was unlocked by flock(2) pub const NOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x00000100; /// process exited pub const NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000; /// process forked pub const NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000; /// process exec'd pub const NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000; /// shared with EVFILT_SIGNAL pub const NOTE_SIGNAL = 0x08000000; /// exit status to be returned, valid for child process only pub const NOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x04000000; /// provide details on reasons for exit pub const NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x02000000; /// mask for signal & exit status pub const NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0x000fffff; pub const NOTE_PCTRLMASK = (~NOTE_PDATAMASK); pub const NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x00070000; pub const NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x00010000; pub const NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x00020000; pub const NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x00040000; /// will react on memory pressure pub const NOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000; /// will quit on memory pressure, possibly after cleaning up dirty state pub const NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000; /// will quit immediately on memory pressure pub const NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000; /// there was an error pub const NOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000; /// data is seconds pub const NOTE_SECONDS = 0x00000001; /// data is microseconds pub const NOTE_USECONDS = 0x00000002; /// data is nanoseconds pub const NOTE_NSECONDS = 0x00000004; /// absolute timeout pub const NOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x00000008; /// ext[1] holds leeway for power aware timers pub const NOTE_LEEWAY = 0x00000010; /// system does minimal timer coalescing pub const NOTE_CRITICAL = 0x00000020; /// system does maximum timer coalescing pub const NOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x00000040; pub const NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x00000080; /// data is mach absolute time units pub const NOTE_MACHTIME = 0x00000100; pub const AF_UNSPEC = 0; pub const AF_LOCAL = 1; pub const AF_UNIX = AF_LOCAL; pub const AF_INET = 2; pub const AF_SYS_CONTROL = 2; pub const AF_IMPLINK = 3; pub const AF_PUP = 4; pub const AF_CHAOS = 5; pub const AF_NS = 6; pub const AF_ISO = 7; pub const AF_OSI = AF_ISO; pub const AF_ECMA = 8; pub const AF_DATAKIT = 9; pub const AF_CCITT = 10; pub const AF_SNA = 11; pub const AF_DECnet = 12; pub const AF_DLI = 13; pub const AF_LAT = 14; pub const AF_HYLINK = 15; pub const AF_APPLETALK = 16; pub const AF_ROUTE = 17; pub const AF_LINK = 18; pub const AF_XTP = 19; pub const AF_COIP = 20; pub const AF_CNT = 21; pub const AF_RTIP = 22; pub const AF_IPX = 23; pub const AF_SIP = 24; pub const AF_PIP = 25; pub const AF_ISDN = 28; pub const AF_E164 = AF_ISDN; pub const AF_KEY = 29; pub const AF_INET6 = 30; pub const AF_NATM = 31; pub const AF_SYSTEM = 32; pub const AF_NETBIOS = 33; pub const AF_PPP = 34; pub const AF_MAX = 40; pub const PF_UNSPEC = AF_UNSPEC; pub const PF_LOCAL = AF_LOCAL; pub const PF_UNIX = PF_LOCAL; pub const PF_INET = AF_INET; pub const PF_IMPLINK = AF_IMPLINK; pub const PF_PUP = AF_PUP; pub const PF_CHAOS = AF_CHAOS; pub const PF_NS = AF_NS; pub const PF_ISO = AF_ISO; pub const PF_OSI = AF_ISO; pub const PF_ECMA = AF_ECMA; pub const PF_DATAKIT = AF_DATAKIT; pub const PF_CCITT = AF_CCITT; pub const PF_SNA = AF_SNA; pub const PF_DECnet = AF_DECnet; pub const PF_DLI = AF_DLI; pub const PF_LAT = AF_LAT; pub const PF_HYLINK = AF_HYLINK; pub const PF_APPLETALK = AF_APPLETALK; pub const PF_ROUTE = AF_ROUTE; pub const PF_LINK = AF_LINK; pub const PF_XTP = AF_XTP; pub const PF_COIP = AF_COIP; pub const PF_CNT = AF_CNT; pub const PF_SIP = AF_SIP; pub const PF_IPX = AF_IPX; pub const PF_RTIP = AF_RTIP; pub const PF_PIP = AF_PIP; pub const PF_ISDN = AF_ISDN; pub const PF_KEY = AF_KEY; pub const PF_INET6 = AF_INET6; pub const PF_NATM = AF_NATM; pub const PF_SYSTEM = AF_SYSTEM; pub const PF_NETBIOS = AF_NETBIOS; pub const PF_PPP = AF_PPP; pub const PF_MAX = AF_MAX; pub const SYSPROTO_EVENT = 1; pub const SYSPROTO_CONTROL = 2; pub const SOCK_STREAM = 1; pub const SOCK_DGRAM = 2; pub const SOCK_RAW = 3; pub const SOCK_RDM = 4; pub const SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5; pub const SOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 255; pub const IPPROTO_ICMP = 1; pub const IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58; pub const IPPROTO_TCP = 6; pub const IPPROTO_UDP = 17; pub const IPPROTO_IP = 0; pub const IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41; fn wstatus(x: u32) u32 { return x & 0o177; } const wstopped = 0o177; pub fn WEXITSTATUS(x: u32) u32 { return x >> 8; } pub fn WTERMSIG(x: u32) u32 { return wstatus(x); } pub fn WSTOPSIG(x: u32) u32 { return x >> 8; } pub fn WIFEXITED(x: u32) bool { return wstatus(x) == 0; } pub fn WIFSTOPPED(x: u32) bool { return wstatus(x) == wstopped and WSTOPSIG(x) != 0x13; } pub fn WIFSIGNALED(x: u32) bool { return wstatus(x) != wstopped and wstatus(x) != 0; } /// Operation not permitted pub const EPERM = 1; /// No such file or directory pub const ENOENT = 2; /// No such process pub const ESRCH = 3; /// Interrupted system call pub const EINTR = 4; /// Input/output error pub const EIO = 5; /// Device not configured pub const ENXIO = 6; /// Argument list too long pub const E2BIG = 7; /// Exec format error pub const ENOEXEC = 8; /// Bad file descriptor pub const EBADF = 9; /// No child processes pub const ECHILD = 10; /// Resource deadlock avoided pub const EDEADLK = 11; /// Cannot allocate memory pub const ENOMEM = 12; /// Permission denied pub const EACCES = 13; /// Bad address pub const EFAULT = 14; /// Block device required pub const ENOTBLK = 15; /// Device / Resource busy pub const EBUSY = 16; /// File exists pub const EEXIST = 17; /// Cross-device link pub const EXDEV = 18; /// Operation not supported by device pub const ENODEV = 19; /// Not a directory pub const ENOTDIR = 20; /// Is a directory pub const EISDIR = 21; /// Invalid argument pub const EINVAL = 22; /// Too many open files in system pub const ENFILE = 23; /// Too many open files pub const EMFILE = 24; /// Inappropriate ioctl for device pub const ENOTTY = 25; /// Text file busy pub const ETXTBSY = 26; /// File too large pub const EFBIG = 27; /// No space left on device pub const ENOSPC = 28; /// Illegal seek pub const ESPIPE = 29; /// Read-only file system pub const EROFS = 30; /// Too many links pub const EMLINK = 31; /// Broken pipe // math software pub const EPIPE = 32; /// Numerical argument out of domain pub const EDOM = 33; /// Result too large // non-blocking and interrupt i/o pub const ERANGE = 34; /// Resource temporarily unavailable pub const EAGAIN = 35; /// Operation would block pub const EWOULDBLOCK = EAGAIN; /// Operation now in progress pub const EINPROGRESS = 36; /// Operation already in progress // ipc/network software -- argument errors pub const EALREADY = 37; /// Socket operation on non-socket pub const ENOTSOCK = 38; /// Destination address required pub const EDESTADDRREQ = 39; /// Message too long pub const EMSGSIZE = 40; /// Protocol wrong type for socket pub const EPROTOTYPE = 41; /// Protocol not available pub const ENOPROTOOPT = 42; /// Protocol not supported pub const EPROTONOSUPPORT = 43; /// Socket type not supported pub const ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 44; /// Operation not supported pub const ENOTSUP = 45; /// Protocol family not supported pub const EPFNOSUPPORT = 46; /// Address family not supported by protocol family pub const EAFNOSUPPORT = 47; /// Address already in use pub const EADDRINUSE = 48; /// Can't assign requested address // ipc/network software -- operational errors pub const EADDRNOTAVAIL = 49; /// Network is down pub const ENETDOWN = 50; /// Network is unreachable pub const ENETUNREACH = 51; /// Network dropped connection on reset pub const ENETRESET = 52; /// Software caused connection abort pub const ECONNABORTED = 53; /// Connection reset by peer pub const ECONNRESET = 54; /// No buffer space available pub const ENOBUFS = 55; /// Socket is already connected pub const EISCONN = 56; /// Socket is not connected pub const ENOTCONN = 57; /// Can't send after socket shutdown pub const ESHUTDOWN = 58; /// Too many references: can't splice pub const ETOOMANYREFS = 59; /// Operation timed out pub const ETIMEDOUT = 60; /// Connection refused pub const ECONNREFUSED = 61; /// Too many levels of symbolic links pub const ELOOP = 62; /// File name too long pub const ENAMETOOLONG = 63; /// Host is down pub const EHOSTDOWN = 64; /// No route to host pub const EHOSTUNREACH = 65; /// Directory not empty // quotas & mush pub const ENOTEMPTY = 66; /// Too many processes pub const EPROCLIM = 67; /// Too many users pub const EUSERS = 68; /// Disc quota exceeded // Network File System pub const EDQUOT = 69; /// Stale NFS file handle pub const ESTALE = 70; /// Too many levels of remote in path pub const EREMOTE = 71; /// RPC struct is bad pub const EBADRPC = 72; /// RPC version wrong pub const ERPCMISMATCH = 73; /// RPC prog. not avail pub const EPROGUNAVAIL = 74; /// Program version wrong pub const EPROGMISMATCH = 75; /// Bad procedure for program pub const EPROCUNAVAIL = 76; /// No locks available pub const ENOLCK = 77; /// Function not implemented pub const ENOSYS = 78; /// Inappropriate file type or format pub const EFTYPE = 79; /// Authentication error pub const EAUTH = 80; /// Need authenticator // Intelligent device errors pub const ENEEDAUTH = 81; /// Device power is off pub const EPWROFF = 82; /// Device error, e.g. paper out pub const EDEVERR = 83; /// Value too large to be stored in data type // Program loading errors pub const EOVERFLOW = 84; /// Bad executable pub const EBADEXEC = 85; /// Bad CPU type in executable pub const EBADARCH = 86; /// Shared library version mismatch pub const ESHLIBVERS = 87; /// Malformed Macho file pub const EBADMACHO = 88; /// Operation canceled pub const ECANCELED = 89; /// Identifier removed pub const EIDRM = 90; /// No message of desired type pub const ENOMSG = 91; /// Illegal byte sequence pub const EILSEQ = 92; /// Attribute not found pub const ENOATTR = 93; /// Bad message pub const EBADMSG = 94; /// Reserved pub const EMULTIHOP = 95; /// No message available on STREAM pub const ENODATA = 96; /// Reserved pub const ENOLINK = 97; /// No STREAM resources pub const ENOSR = 98; /// Not a STREAM pub const ENOSTR = 99; /// Protocol error pub const EPROTO = 100; /// STREAM ioctl timeout pub const ETIME = 101; /// No such policy registered pub const ENOPOLICY = 103; /// State not recoverable pub const ENOTRECOVERABLE = 104; /// Previous owner died pub const EOWNERDEAD = 105; /// Interface output queue is full pub const EQFULL = 106; /// Must be equal largest errno pub const ELAST = 106; pub const SIGSTKSZ = 131072; pub const MINSIGSTKSZ = 32768; pub const SS_ONSTACK = 1; pub const SS_DISABLE = 4; pub const stack_t = extern struct { ss_sp: [*]u8, ss_size: isize, ss_flags: i32, };