const linux = @import("linux.zig"); const errno = @import("errno.zig"); const math = @import("math.zig"); pub const stdin_fileno = 0; pub const stdout_fileno = 1; pub const stderr_fileno = 2; pub var stdin = InStream { .fd = stdin_fileno, }; pub var stdout = OutStream { .fd = stdout_fileno, .buffer = undefined, .index = 0, }; pub var stderr = OutStream { .fd = stderr_fileno, .buffer = undefined, .index = 0, }; /// The function received invalid input at runtime. An Invalid error means a /// bug in the program that called the function. pub error Invalid; /// When an Unexpected error occurs, code that emitted the error likely needs /// a patch to recognize the unexpected case so that it can handle it and emit /// a more specific error. pub error Unexpected; pub error DiskQuota; pub error FileTooBig; pub error SigInterrupt; pub error Io; pub error NoSpaceLeft; pub error BadPerm; pub error PipeFail; pub error BadFd; pub error IsDir; pub error NotDir; pub error SymLinkLoop; pub error ProcessFdQuotaExceeded; pub error SystemFdQuotaExceeded; pub error NameTooLong; pub error NoDevice; pub error PathNotFound; pub error NoMem; const buffer_size = 4 * 1024; const max_u64_base10_digits = 20; const max_f64_digits = 65; pub const OpenRead = 0b0001; pub const OpenWrite = 0b0010; pub const OpenCreate = 0b0100; pub const OpenTruncate = 0b1000; pub struct OutStream { fd: i32, buffer: [buffer_size]u8, index: usize, pub fn writeByte(os: &OutStream, b: u8) -> %void { if (os.buffer.len == os.index) %return os.flush(); os.buffer[os.index] = b; os.index += 1; } pub fn write(os: &OutStream, bytes: []const u8) -> %usize { var src_bytes_left = bytes.len; var src_index: @typeOf(bytes.len) = 0; const dest_space_left = os.buffer.len - os.index; while (src_bytes_left > 0) { const copy_amt = math.min(usize, dest_space_left, src_bytes_left); @memcpy(&os.buffer[os.index], &bytes[src_index], copy_amt); os.index += copy_amt; if (os.index == os.buffer.len) { %return os.flush(); } src_bytes_left -= copy_amt; } return bytes.len; } /// Prints a byte buffer, flushes the buffer, then returns the number of /// bytes printed. The "f" is for "flush". pub fn printf(os: &OutStream, str: []const u8) -> %usize { const byte_count = %return os.write(str); %return os.flush(); return byte_count; } pub fn printInt(os: &OutStream, inline T: type, x: T) -> %usize { // TODO replace max_u64_base10_digits with math.log10(math.pow(2, @sizeOf(T))) if (os.index + max_u64_base10_digits >= os.buffer.len) { %return os.flush(); } const amt_printed = bufPrintInt(T, os.buffer[os.index...], x); os.index += amt_printed; return amt_printed; } pub fn flush(os: &OutStream) -> %void { const write_ret = linux.write(os.fd, &os.buffer[0], os.index); const write_err = linux.getErrno(write_ret); if (write_err > 0) { return switch (write_err) { errno.EINVAL => unreachable{}, errno.EDQUOT => error.DiskQuota, errno.EFBIG => error.FileTooBig, errno.EINTR => error.SigInterrupt, errno.EIO => error.Io, errno.ENOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft, errno.EPERM => error.BadPerm, errno.EPIPE => error.PipeFail, else => error.Unexpected, } } os.index = 0; } pub fn close(os: &OutStream) -> %void { const close_ret = linux.close(os.fd); const close_err = linux.getErrno(close_ret); if (close_err > 0) { return switch (close_err) { errno.EIO => error.Io, errno.EBADF => error.BadFd, errno.EINTR => error.SigInterrupt, else => error.Unexpected, } } } } pub struct InStream { fd: i32, pub fn open(path: []u8) -> %InStream { const fd =, linux.O_LARGEFILE|linux.O_RDONLY, 0); const fd_err = linux.getErrno(fd); if (fd_err > 0) { return switch (fd_err) { errno.EFAULT => unreachable{}, errno.EINVAL => unreachable{}, errno.EACCES => error.BadPerm, errno.EFBIG, errno.EOVERFLOW => error.FileTooBig, errno.EINTR => error.SigInterrupt, errno.EISDIR => error.IsDir, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.EMFILE => error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENFILE => error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, errno.ENODEV => error.NoDevice, errno.ENOENT => error.PathNotFound, errno.ENOMEM => error.NoMem, errno.ENOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.EPERM => error.BadPerm, else => error.Unexpected, } } return InStream { .fd = i32(fd), }; } pub fn read(is: &InStream, buf: []u8) -> %usize { const amt_read =, &buf[0], buf.len); const read_err = linux.getErrno(amt_read); if (read_err > 0) { return switch (read_err) { errno.EINVAL => unreachable{}, errno.EFAULT => unreachable{}, errno.EBADF => error.BadFd, errno.EINTR => error.SigInterrupt, errno.EIO => error.Io, else => error.Unexpected, } } return amt_read; } pub fn close(is: &InStream) -> %void { const close_ret = linux.close(is.fd); const close_err = linux.getErrno(close_ret); if (close_err > 0) { return switch (close_err) { errno.EIO => error.Io, errno.EBADF => error.BadFd, errno.EINTR => error.SigInterrupt, else => error.Unexpected, } } } } pub fn parseUnsigned(inline T: type, buf: []u8, radix: u8) -> %T { var x: T = 0; for (buf) |c| { const digit = %return charToDigit(c, radix); x = %return math.mulOverflow(T, x, radix); x = %return math.addOverflow(T, x, digit); } return x; } pub error InvalidChar; fn charToDigit(c: u8, radix: u8) -> %u8 { const value = if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { c - '0' } else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') { c - 'A' + 10 } else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') { c - 'a' + 10 } else { return error.InvalidChar; }; return if (value >= radix) error.InvalidChar else value; } pub fn bufPrintInt(inline T: type, out_buf: []u8, x: T) -> usize { if (T.is_signed) bufPrintSigned(T, out_buf, x) else bufPrintUnsigned(T, out_buf, x) } fn bufPrintSigned(inline T: type, out_buf: []u8, x: T) -> usize { const uint = @intType(false, T.bit_count); if (x < 0) { out_buf[0] = '-'; return 1 + bufPrintUnsigned(uint, out_buf[1...], uint(-(x + 1)) + 1); } else { return bufPrintUnsigned(uint, out_buf, uint(x)); } } fn bufPrintUnsigned(inline T: type, out_buf: []u8, x: T) -> usize { var buf: [max_u64_base10_digits]u8 = undefined; var a = x; var index: usize = buf.len; while (true) { const digit = a % 10; index -= 1; buf[index] = '0' + u8(digit); a /= 10; if (a == 0) break; } const len = buf.len - index; @memcpy(&out_buf[0], &buf[index], len); return len; } #attribute("test") fn parseU64DigitTooBig() { parseUnsigned(u64, "123a", 10) %% |err| { if (err == error.InvalidChar) return; unreachable{}; }; unreachable{}; }