/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Andrew Kelley * * This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed. * See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #include "glibc.hpp" #include "compiler.hpp" #include "cache_hash.hpp" #include "codegen.hpp" static const ZigGLibCLib glibc_libs[] = { {"c", 6}, {"m", 6}, {"pthread", 0}, {"dl", 2}, {"rt", 1}, }; Error glibc_load_metadata(ZigGLibCAbi **out_result, Buf *zig_lib_dir, bool verbose) { Error err; ZigGLibCAbi *glibc_abi = allocate(1); glibc_abi->vers_txt_path = buf_sprintf("%s" OS_SEP "libc" OS_SEP "glibc" OS_SEP "vers.txt", buf_ptr(zig_lib_dir)); glibc_abi->fns_txt_path = buf_sprintf("%s" OS_SEP "libc" OS_SEP "glibc" OS_SEP "fns.txt", buf_ptr(zig_lib_dir)); glibc_abi->abi_txt_path = buf_sprintf("%s" OS_SEP "libc" OS_SEP "glibc" OS_SEP "abi.txt", buf_ptr(zig_lib_dir)); glibc_abi->version_table.init(16); Buf *vers_txt_contents = buf_alloc(); if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(glibc_abi->vers_txt_path, vers_txt_contents))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read %s: %s\n", buf_ptr(glibc_abi->vers_txt_path), err_str(err)); } return err; } Buf *fns_txt_contents = buf_alloc(); if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(glibc_abi->fns_txt_path, fns_txt_contents))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read %s: %s\n", buf_ptr(glibc_abi->fns_txt_path), err_str(err)); } return err; } Buf *abi_txt_contents = buf_alloc(); if ((err = os_fetch_file_path(glibc_abi->abi_txt_path, abi_txt_contents))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read %s: %s\n", buf_ptr(glibc_abi->abi_txt_path), err_str(err)); } return err; } { SplitIterator it = memSplit(buf_to_slice(vers_txt_contents), str("\n")); for (;;) { Optional> opt_component = SplitIterator_next(&it); if (!opt_component.is_some) break; Buf *ver_buf = buf_create_from_slice(opt_component.value); ZigGLibCVersion *this_ver = glibc_abi->all_versions.add_one(); if ((err = target_parse_glibc_version(this_ver, buf_ptr(ver_buf)))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse glibc version '%s': %s\n", buf_ptr(ver_buf), err_str(err)); } return err; } } } { SplitIterator it = memSplit(buf_to_slice(fns_txt_contents), str("\n")); for (;;) { Optional> opt_component = SplitIterator_next(&it); if (!opt_component.is_some) break; SplitIterator line_it = memSplit(opt_component.value, str(" ")); Optional> opt_fn_name = SplitIterator_next(&line_it); if (!opt_fn_name.is_some) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Expected function name\n", buf_ptr(glibc_abi->fns_txt_path)); } return ErrorInvalidFormat; } Optional> opt_lib_name = SplitIterator_next(&line_it); if (!opt_lib_name.is_some) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Expected lib name\n", buf_ptr(glibc_abi->fns_txt_path)); } return ErrorInvalidFormat; } Buf *this_fn_name = buf_create_from_slice(opt_fn_name.value); Buf *this_lib_name = buf_create_from_slice(opt_lib_name.value); glibc_abi->all_functions.append({ this_fn_name, glibc_lib_find(buf_ptr(this_lib_name)) }); } } { SplitIterator it = memSplit(buf_to_slice(abi_txt_contents), str("\n")); ZigGLibCVerList *ver_list_base = nullptr; for (;;) { if (ver_list_base == nullptr) { Optional> opt_line = SplitIterator_next_separate(&it); if (!opt_line.is_some) break; ver_list_base = allocate(glibc_abi->all_functions.length); ZigTarget *target = allocate(1); SplitIterator line_it = memSplit(opt_line.value, str(" ")); for (;;) { Optional> opt_target = SplitIterator_next(&line_it); if (!opt_target.is_some) break; SplitIterator component_it = memSplit(opt_target.value, str("-")); Optional> opt_arch = SplitIterator_next(&component_it); assert(opt_arch.is_some); Optional> opt_os = SplitIterator_next(&component_it); assert(opt_os.is_some); // it's always "linux" so we ignore it Optional> opt_abi = SplitIterator_next(&component_it); assert(opt_abi.is_some); err = target_parse_archsub(&target->arch, &target->sub_arch, (char*)opt_arch.value.ptr, opt_arch.value.len); // there's no sub arch so we might get an error, but the arch is still populated assert(err == ErrorNone || err == ErrorUnknownArchitecture); target->os = OsLinux; err = target_parse_abi(&target->abi, (char*)opt_abi.value.ptr, opt_abi.value.len); assert(err == ErrorNone); glibc_abi->version_table.put(target, ver_list_base); } continue; } for (size_t fn_i = 0; fn_i < glibc_abi->all_functions.length; fn_i += 1) { ZigGLibCVerList *ver_list = &ver_list_base[fn_i]; Optional> opt_line = SplitIterator_next_separate(&it); assert(opt_line.is_some); SplitIterator line_it = memSplit(opt_line.value, str(" ")); for (;;) { Optional> opt_ver = SplitIterator_next(&line_it); if (!opt_ver.is_some) break; assert(ver_list->len < 8); // increase the array len in the type unsigned long ver_index = strtoul(buf_ptr(buf_create_from_slice(opt_ver.value)), nullptr, 10); assert(ver_index < 255); // use a bigger integer in the type ver_list->versions[ver_list->len] = ver_index; ver_list->len += 1; } } ver_list_base = nullptr; } } *out_result = glibc_abi; return ErrorNone; } Error glibc_build_dummies_and_maps(CodeGen *g, const ZigGLibCAbi *glibc_abi, const ZigTarget *target, Buf **out_dir, bool verbose) { Error err; Buf *cache_dir = get_stage1_cache_path(); CacheHash *cache_hash = allocate(1); Buf *manifest_dir = buf_sprintf("%s" OS_SEP CACHE_HASH_SUBDIR, buf_ptr(cache_dir)); cache_init(cache_hash, manifest_dir); Buf *compiler_id; if ((err = get_compiler_id(&compiler_id))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to get compiler id: %s\n", err_str(err)); } return err; } cache_buf(cache_hash, compiler_id); cache_int(cache_hash, target->arch); cache_int(cache_hash, target->abi); cache_int(cache_hash, target->glibc_version->major); cache_int(cache_hash, target->glibc_version->minor); cache_int(cache_hash, target->glibc_version->patch); Buf digest = BUF_INIT; buf_resize(&digest, 0); if ((err = cache_hit(cache_hash, &digest))) { // Treat an invalid format error as a cache miss. if (err != ErrorInvalidFormat) return err; } // We should always get a cache hit because there are no // files in the input hash. assert(buf_len(&digest) != 0); Buf *dummy_dir = buf_alloc(); os_path_join(manifest_dir, &digest, dummy_dir); if ((err = os_make_path(dummy_dir))) return err; Buf *test_if_exists_path = buf_alloc(); os_path_join(dummy_dir, buf_create_from_str("ok"), test_if_exists_path); bool hit; if ((err = os_file_exists(test_if_exists_path, &hit))) return err; if (hit) { *out_dir = dummy_dir; return ErrorNone; } ZigGLibCVerList *ver_list_base = glibc_abi->version_table.get(target); uint8_t target_ver_index = 0; for (;target_ver_index < glibc_abi->all_versions.length; target_ver_index += 1) { const ZigGLibCVersion *this_ver = &glibc_abi->all_versions.at(target_ver_index); if (this_ver->major == target->glibc_version->major && this_ver->minor == target->glibc_version->minor && this_ver->patch == target->glibc_version->patch) { break; } } if (target_ver_index == glibc_abi->all_versions.length) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized glibc version: %d.%d.%d\n", target->glibc_version->major, target->glibc_version->minor, target->glibc_version->patch); } return ErrorUnknownABI; } Buf *map_file_path = buf_sprintf("%s" OS_SEP "all.map", buf_ptr(dummy_dir)); Buf *map_contents = buf_alloc(); for (uint8_t ver_i = 0; ver_i < glibc_abi->all_versions.length; ver_i += 1) { const ZigGLibCVersion *ver = &glibc_abi->all_versions.at(ver_i); if (ver->patch == 0) { buf_appendf(map_contents, "GLIBC_%d.%d { };\n", ver->major, ver->minor); } else { buf_appendf(map_contents, "GLIBC_%d.%d.%d { };\n", ver->major, ver->minor, ver->patch); } } if ((err = os_write_file(map_file_path, map_contents))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to write %s: %s", buf_ptr(map_file_path), err_str(err)); } return err; } for (size_t lib_i = 0; lib_i < array_length(glibc_libs); lib_i += 1) { const ZigGLibCLib *lib = &glibc_libs[lib_i]; Buf *zig_file_path = buf_sprintf("%s" OS_SEP "%s.zig", buf_ptr(dummy_dir), lib->name); Buf *zig_body = buf_alloc(); Buf *zig_footer = buf_alloc(); buf_appendf(zig_body, "comptime {\n"); buf_appendf(zig_body, " asm (\n"); for (size_t fn_i = 0; fn_i < glibc_abi->all_functions.length; fn_i += 1) { const ZigGLibCFn *libc_fn = &glibc_abi->all_functions.at(fn_i); if (libc_fn->lib != lib) continue; ZigGLibCVerList *ver_list = &ver_list_base[fn_i]; // Pick the default symbol version: // - If there are no versions, don't emit it // - Take the greatest one <= than the target one // - If none of them is <= than the // specified one don't pick any default version if (ver_list->len == 0) continue; uint8_t chosen_def_ver_index = 255; for (uint8_t ver_i = 0; ver_i < ver_list->len; ver_i += 1) { uint8_t ver_index = ver_list->versions[ver_i]; if ((chosen_def_ver_index == 255 || ver_index > chosen_def_ver_index) && target_ver_index >= ver_index) { chosen_def_ver_index = ver_index; } } for (uint8_t ver_i = 0; ver_i < ver_list->len; ver_i += 1) { uint8_t ver_index = ver_list->versions[ver_i]; Buf *stub_name; const ZigGLibCVersion *ver = &glibc_abi->all_versions.at(ver_index); const char *sym_name = buf_ptr(libc_fn->name); if (ver->patch == 0) { stub_name = buf_sprintf("%s_%d_%d", sym_name, ver->major, ver->minor); } else { stub_name = buf_sprintf("%s_%d_%d_%d", sym_name, ver->major, ver->minor, ver->patch); } buf_appendf(zig_footer, "export fn %s() void {}\n", buf_ptr(stub_name)); // Default symbol version definition vs normal symbol version definition const char *at_sign_str = (chosen_def_ver_index != 255 && ver_index == chosen_def_ver_index) ? "@@" : "@"; if (ver->patch == 0) { buf_appendf(zig_body, " \\\\ .symver %s, %s%sGLIBC_%d.%d\n", buf_ptr(stub_name), sym_name, at_sign_str, ver->major, ver->minor); } else { buf_appendf(zig_body, " \\\\ .symver %s, %s%sGLIBC_%d.%d.%d\n", buf_ptr(stub_name), sym_name, at_sign_str, ver->major, ver->minor, ver->patch); } // Hide the stub to keep the symbol table clean buf_appendf(zig_body, " \\\\ .hidden %s\n", buf_ptr(stub_name)); } } buf_appendf(zig_body, " );\n"); buf_appendf(zig_body, "}\n"); buf_append_buf(zig_body, zig_footer); if ((err = os_write_file(zig_file_path, zig_body))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to write %s: %s", buf_ptr(zig_file_path), err_str(err)); } return err; } CodeGen *child_gen = create_child_codegen(g, zig_file_path, OutTypeLib, nullptr); codegen_set_out_name(child_gen, buf_create_from_str(lib->name)); codegen_set_lib_version(child_gen, lib->sover, 0, 0); child_gen->is_dynamic = true; child_gen->is_dummy_so = true; child_gen->version_script_path = map_file_path; child_gen->enable_cache = false; child_gen->output_dir = dummy_dir; codegen_build_and_link(child_gen); } if ((err = os_write_file(test_if_exists_path, buf_alloc()))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to write %s: %s", buf_ptr(test_if_exists_path), err_str(err)); } return err; } *out_dir = dummy_dir; return ErrorNone; } uint32_t hash_glibc_target(const ZigTarget *x) { return x->arch * 3250106448 + x->os * 542534372 + x->abi * 59162639; } bool eql_glibc_target(const ZigTarget *a, const ZigTarget *b) { return a->arch == b->arch && a->os == b->os && a->abi == b->abi; } #ifdef ZIG_OS_LINUX #include Error glibc_detect_native_version(ZigGLibCVersion *glibc_ver) { Buf *self_libc_path = get_self_libc_path(); if (self_libc_path == nullptr) { // TODO There is still more we could do to detect the native glibc version. For example, // we could look at the ELF file of `/usr/bin/env`, find `libc.so.6`, and then `readlink` // to find out the glibc version. This is relevant for the static zig builds distributed // on the download page, since the above detection based on zig's own dynamic linking // will not work. return ErrorUnknownABI; } Buf *link_name = buf_alloc(); buf_resize(link_name, 4096); ssize_t amt = readlink(buf_ptr(self_libc_path), buf_ptr(link_name), buf_len(link_name)); if (amt == -1) { return ErrorUnknownABI; } buf_resize(link_name, amt); if (!buf_starts_with_str(link_name, "libc-") || !buf_ends_with_str(link_name, ".so")) { return ErrorUnknownABI; } // example: "libc-2.3.4.so" // example: "libc-2.27.so" buf_resize(link_name, buf_len(link_name) - 3); // chop off ".so" glibc_ver->major = 2; glibc_ver->minor = 0; glibc_ver->patch = 0; return target_parse_glibc_version(glibc_ver, buf_ptr(link_name) + 5); } #else Error glibc_detect_native_version(ZigGLibCVersion *glibc_ver) { return ErrorUnknownABI; } #endif size_t glibc_lib_count(void) { return array_length(glibc_libs); } const ZigGLibCLib *glibc_lib_enum(size_t index) { assert(index < array_length(glibc_libs)); return &glibc_libs[index]; } const ZigGLibCLib *glibc_lib_find(const char *name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < array_length(glibc_libs); i += 1) { if (strcmp(glibc_libs[i].name, name) == 0) { return &glibc_libs[i]; } } return nullptr; }