const builtin = @import("builtin"); const TypeId = builtin.TypeId; const assert = @import("../debug.zig").assert; pub const e = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995; pub const pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510; // float.h details pub const f64_true_min = 4.94065645841246544177e-324; pub const f64_min = 2.22507385850720138309e-308; pub const f64_max = 1.79769313486231570815e+308; pub const f64_epsilon = 2.22044604925031308085e-16; pub const f64_toint = 1.0 / f64_epsilon; pub const f32_true_min = 1.40129846432481707092e-45; pub const f32_min = 1.17549435082228750797e-38; pub const f32_max = 3.40282346638528859812e+38; pub const f32_epsilon = 1.1920928955078125e-07; pub const f32_toint = 1.0 / f32_epsilon; pub const nan_u32 = u32(0x7F800001); pub const nan_f32 = @bitCast(f32, nan_u32); pub const inf_u32 = u32(0x7F800000); pub const inf_f32 = @bitCast(f32, inf_u32); pub const nan_u64 = u64(0x7FF << 52) | 1; pub const nan_f64 = @bitCast(f64, nan_u64); pub const inf_u64 = u64(0x7FF << 52); pub const inf_f64 = @bitCast(f64, inf_u64); pub const nan = @import("nan.zig").nan; pub const snan = @import("nan.zig").snan; pub const inf = @import("inf.zig").inf; pub fn approxEq(comptime T: type, x: T, y: T, epsilon: T) -> bool { assert(@typeId(T) == TypeId.Float); fabs(x - y) < epsilon } // TODO: Hide the following in an internal module. pub fn forceEval(value: var) { const T = @typeOf(value); switch (T) { f32 => { var x: f32 = undefined; const p = @ptrCast(&volatile f32, &x); *p = x; }, f64 => { var x: f64 = undefined; const p = @ptrCast(&volatile f64, &x); *p = x; }, else => { @compileError("forceEval not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)); }, } } pub fn raiseInvalid() { // Raise INVALID fpu exception } pub fn raiseUnderflow() { // Raise UNDERFLOW fpu exception } pub fn raiseOverflow() { // Raise OVERFLOW fpu exception } pub fn raiseInexact() { // Raise INEXACT fpu exception } pub fn raiseDivByZero() { // Raise INEXACT fpu exception } pub const isNan = @import("isnan.zig").isNan; pub const isSignalNan = @import("isnan.zig").isSignalNan; pub const fabs = @import("fabs.zig").fabs; pub const ceil = @import("ceil.zig").ceil; pub const floor = @import("floor.zig").floor; pub const trunc = @import("trunc.zig").trunc; pub const round = @import("round.zig").round; pub const frexp = @import("frexp.zig").frexp; pub const frexp32_result = @import("frexp.zig").frexp32_result; pub const frexp64_result = @import("frexp.zig").frexp64_result; pub const modf = @import("modf.zig").modf; pub const modf32_result = @import("modf.zig").modf32_result; pub const modf64_result = @import("modf.zig").modf64_result; pub const copysign = @import("copysign.zig").copysign; pub const isFinite = @import("isfinite.zig").isFinite; pub const isInf = @import("isinf.zig").isInf; pub const isPositiveInf = @import("isinf.zig").isPositiveInf; pub const isNegativeInf = @import("isinf.zig").isNegativeInf; pub const isNormal = @import("isnormal.zig").isNormal; pub const signbit = @import("signbit.zig").signbit; pub const scalbn = @import("scalbn.zig").scalbn; pub const pow = @import("pow.zig").pow; pub const sqrt = @import("sqrt.zig").sqrt; pub const cbrt = @import("cbrt.zig").cbrt; pub const acos = @import("acos.zig").acos; pub const asin = @import("asin.zig").asin; pub const atan = @import("atan.zig").atan; pub const atan2 = @import("atan2.zig").atan2; pub const hypot = @import("hypot.zig").hypot; pub const exp = @import("exp.zig").exp; pub const exp2 = @import("exp2.zig").exp2; pub const expm1 = @import("expm1.zig").expm1; pub const ilogb = @import("ilogb.zig").ilogb; pub const ln = @import("ln.zig").ln; pub const log = @import("log.zig").log; pub const log2 = @import("log2.zig").log2; pub const log10 = @import("log10.zig").log10; pub const log1p = @import("log1p.zig").log1p; pub const fma = @import("fma.zig").fma; pub const asinh = @import("asinh.zig").asinh; pub const acosh = @import("acosh.zig").acosh; pub const atanh = @import("atanh.zig").atanh; pub const sinh = @import("sinh.zig").sinh; pub const cosh = @import("cosh.zig").cosh; pub const tanh = @import("tanh.zig").tanh; pub const cos = @import("cos.zig").cos; pub const sin = @import("sin.zig").sin; pub const tan = @import("tan.zig").tan; test "math" { _ = @import("nan.zig"); _ = @import("isnan.zig"); _ = @import("fabs.zig"); _ = @import("ceil.zig"); _ = @import("floor.zig"); _ = @import("trunc.zig"); _ = @import("round.zig"); _ = @import("frexp.zig"); _ = @import("modf.zig"); _ = @import("copysign.zig"); _ = @import("isfinite.zig"); _ = @import("isinf.zig"); _ = @import("isnormal.zig"); _ = @import("signbit.zig"); _ = @import("scalbn.zig"); _ = @import("pow.zig"); _ = @import("sqrt.zig"); _ = @import("cbrt.zig"); _ = @import("acos.zig"); _ = @import("asin.zig"); _ = @import("atan.zig"); _ = @import("atan2.zig"); _ = @import("hypot.zig"); _ = @import("exp.zig"); _ = @import("exp2.zig"); _ = @import("expm1.zig"); _ = @import("ilogb.zig"); _ = @import("ln.zig"); _ = @import("log.zig"); _ = @import("log2.zig"); _ = @import("log10.zig"); _ = @import("log1p.zig"); _ = @import("fma.zig"); _ = @import("asinh.zig"); _ = @import("acosh.zig"); _ = @import("atanh.zig"); _ = @import("sinh.zig"); _ = @import("cosh.zig"); _ = @import("tanh.zig"); _ = @import("sin.zig"); _ = @import("cos.zig"); _ = @import("tan.zig"); } pub const Cmp = enum { Less, Equal, Greater, }; pub fn min(x: var, y: var) -> @typeOf(x + y) { if (x < y) x else y } test "math.min" { assert(min(i32(-1), i32(2)) == -1); } pub fn max(x: var, y: var) -> @typeOf(x + y) { if (x > y) x else y } test "math.max" { assert(max(i32(-1), i32(2)) == 2); } error Overflow; pub fn mul(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@mulWithOverflow(T, a, b, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } error Overflow; pub fn add(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@addWithOverflow(T, a, b, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } error Overflow; pub fn sub(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@subWithOverflow(T, a, b, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } pub fn negate(x: var) -> %@typeOf(x) { return sub(@typeOf(x), 0, x); } error Overflow; pub fn shlExact(comptime T: type, a: T, shift_amt: Log2Int(T)) -> %T { var answer: T = undefined; if (@shlWithOverflow(T, a, shift_amt, &answer)) error.Overflow else answer } /// Shifts left. Overflowed bits are truncated. /// A negative shift amount results in a right shift. pub fn shl(comptime T: type, a: T, shift_amt: var) -> T { const abs_shift_amt = absCast(shift_amt); const casted_shift_amt = if (abs_shift_amt >= T.bit_count) return 0 else Log2Int(T)(abs_shift_amt); if (@typeOf(shift_amt).is_signed) { if (shift_amt >= 0) { return a << casted_shift_amt; } else { return a >> casted_shift_amt; } } return a << casted_shift_amt; } test "math.shl" { assert(shl(u8, 0b11111111, usize(3)) == 0b11111000); assert(shl(u8, 0b11111111, usize(8)) == 0); assert(shl(u8, 0b11111111, usize(9)) == 0); assert(shl(u8, 0b11111111, isize(-2)) == 0b00111111); } /// Shifts right. Overflowed bits are truncated. /// A negative shift amount results in a lefft shift. pub fn shr(comptime T: type, a: T, shift_amt: var) -> T { const abs_shift_amt = absCast(shift_amt); const casted_shift_amt = if (abs_shift_amt >= T.bit_count) return 0 else Log2Int(T)(abs_shift_amt); if (@typeOf(shift_amt).is_signed) { if (shift_amt >= 0) { return a >> casted_shift_amt; } else { return a << casted_shift_amt; } } return a >> casted_shift_amt; } test "math.shr" { assert(shr(u8, 0b11111111, usize(3)) == 0b00011111); assert(shr(u8, 0b11111111, usize(8)) == 0); assert(shr(u8, 0b11111111, usize(9)) == 0); assert(shr(u8, 0b11111111, isize(-2)) == 0b11111100); } pub fn Log2Int(comptime T: type) -> type { @IntType(false, log2(T.bit_count)) } test "math overflow functions" { testOverflow(); comptime testOverflow(); } fn testOverflow() { assert(%%mul(i32, 3, 4) == 12); assert(%%add(i32, 3, 4) == 7); assert(%%sub(i32, 3, 4) == -1); assert(%%shlExact(i32, 0b11, 4) == 0b110000); } error Overflow; pub fn absInt(x: var) -> %@typeOf(x) { const T = @typeOf(x); comptime assert(@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int); // must pass an integer to absInt comptime assert(T.is_signed); // must pass a signed integer to absInt if (x == @minValue(@typeOf(x))) return error.Overflow; { @setDebugSafety(this, false); return if (x < 0) -x else x; } } test "math.absInt" { testAbsInt(); comptime testAbsInt(); } fn testAbsInt() { assert(%%absInt(i32(-10)) == 10); assert(%%absInt(i32(10)) == 10); } pub const absFloat = @import("fabs.zig").fabs; error DivisionByZero; error Overflow; pub fn divTrunc(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) -> %T { @setDebugSafety(this, false); if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero; if (@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int and T.is_signed and numerator == @minValue(T) and denominator == -1) return error.Overflow; return @divTrunc(numerator, denominator); } test "math.divTrunc" { testDivTrunc(); comptime testDivTrunc(); } fn testDivTrunc() { assert(%%divTrunc(i32, 5, 3) == 1); assert(%%divTrunc(i32, -5, 3) == -1); if (divTrunc(i8, -5, 0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.DivisionByZero); if (divTrunc(i8, -128, -1)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow); assert(%%divTrunc(f32, 5.0, 3.0) == 1.0); assert(%%divTrunc(f32, -5.0, 3.0) == -1.0); } error DivisionByZero; error Overflow; pub fn divFloor(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) -> %T { @setDebugSafety(this, false); if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero; if (@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int and T.is_signed and numerator == @minValue(T) and denominator == -1) return error.Overflow; return @divFloor(numerator, denominator); } test "math.divFloor" { testDivFloor(); comptime testDivFloor(); } fn testDivFloor() { assert(%%divFloor(i32, 5, 3) == 1); assert(%%divFloor(i32, -5, 3) == -2); if (divFloor(i8, -5, 0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.DivisionByZero); if (divFloor(i8, -128, -1)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow); assert(%%divFloor(f32, 5.0, 3.0) == 1.0); assert(%%divFloor(f32, -5.0, 3.0) == -2.0); } error DivisionByZero; error Overflow; error UnexpectedRemainder; pub fn divExact(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) -> %T { @setDebugSafety(this, false); if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero; if (@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int and T.is_signed and numerator == @minValue(T) and denominator == -1) return error.Overflow; const result = @divTrunc(numerator, denominator); if (result * denominator != numerator) return error.UnexpectedRemainder; return result; } test "math.divExact" { testDivExact(); comptime testDivExact(); } fn testDivExact() { assert(%%divExact(i32, 10, 5) == 2); assert(%%divExact(i32, -10, 5) == -2); if (divExact(i8, -5, 0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.DivisionByZero); if (divExact(i8, -128, -1)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow); if (divExact(i32, 5, 2)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.UnexpectedRemainder); assert(%%divExact(f32, 10.0, 5.0) == 2.0); assert(%%divExact(f32, -10.0, 5.0) == -2.0); if (divExact(f32, 5.0, 2.0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.UnexpectedRemainder); } error DivisionByZero; error NegativeDenominator; pub fn mod(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) -> %T { @setDebugSafety(this, false); if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero; if (denominator < 0) return error.NegativeDenominator; return @mod(numerator, denominator); } test "math.mod" { testMod(); comptime testMod(); } fn testMod() { assert(%%mod(i32, -5, 3) == 1); assert(%%mod(i32, 5, 3) == 2); if (mod(i32, 10, -1)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.NegativeDenominator); if (mod(i32, 10, 0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.DivisionByZero); assert(%%mod(f32, -5, 3) == 1); assert(%%mod(f32, 5, 3) == 2); if (mod(f32, 10, -1)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.NegativeDenominator); if (mod(f32, 10, 0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.DivisionByZero); } error DivisionByZero; error NegativeDenominator; pub fn rem(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) -> %T { @setDebugSafety(this, false); if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero; if (denominator < 0) return error.NegativeDenominator; return @rem(numerator, denominator); } test "math.rem" { testRem(); comptime testRem(); } fn testRem() { assert(%%rem(i32, -5, 3) == -2); assert(%%rem(i32, 5, 3) == 2); if (rem(i32, 10, -1)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.NegativeDenominator); if (rem(i32, 10, 0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.DivisionByZero); assert(%%rem(f32, -5, 3) == -2); assert(%%rem(f32, 5, 3) == 2); if (rem(f32, 10, -1)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.NegativeDenominator); if (rem(f32, 10, 0)) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.DivisionByZero); } /// Returns the absolute value of the integer parameter. /// Result is an unsigned integer. pub fn absCast(x: var) -> @IntType(false, @typeOf(x).bit_count) { const uint = @IntType(false, @typeOf(x).bit_count); if (x >= 0) return uint(x); return uint(-(x + 1)) + 1; } test "math.absCast" { assert(absCast(i32(-999)) == 999); assert(@typeOf(absCast(i32(-999))) == u32); assert(absCast(i32(999)) == 999); assert(@typeOf(absCast(i32(999))) == u32); assert(absCast(i32(@minValue(i32))) == -@minValue(i32)); assert(@typeOf(absCast(i32(@minValue(i32)))) == u32); } /// Returns the negation of the integer parameter. /// Result is a signed integer. error Overflow; pub fn negateCast(x: var) -> %@IntType(true, @typeOf(x).bit_count) { if (@typeOf(x).is_signed) return negate(x); const int = @IntType(true, @typeOf(x).bit_count); if (x > -@minValue(int)) return error.Overflow; if (x == -@minValue(int)) return @minValue(int); return -int(x); } test "math.negateCast" { assert(%%negateCast(u32(999)) == -999); assert(@typeOf(%%negateCast(u32(999))) == i32); assert(%%negateCast(u32(-@minValue(i32))) == @minValue(i32)); assert(@typeOf(%%negateCast(u32(-@minValue(i32)))) == i32); if (negateCast(u32(@maxValue(i32) + 10))) |_| unreachable else |err| assert(err == error.Overflow); } /// Cast an integer to a different integer type. If the value doesn't fit, /// return an error. error Overflow; pub fn cast(comptime T: type, x: var) -> %T { comptime assert(@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int); // must pass an integer if (x > @maxValue(T)) { return error.Overflow; } else { return T(x); } }