const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Os = builtin.Os; pub const windows = @import("windows.zig"); pub const darwin = @import("darwin.zig"); pub const linux = @import("linux.zig"); pub const posix = switch(builtin.os) { Os.linux => linux, Os.darwin, Os.macosx, Os.ios => darwin, => windows, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; pub const max_noalloc_path_len = 1024; pub const ChildProcess = @import("child_process.zig").ChildProcess; pub const path = @import("path.zig"); pub const line_sep = switch (builtin.os) { => "\r\n", else => "\n", }; pub const page_size = 4 * 1024; const debug = @import("../debug.zig"); const assert = debug.assert; const errno = @import("errno.zig"); const linking_libc = @import("../target.zig").linking_libc; const c = @import("../c/index.zig"); const mem = @import("../mem.zig"); const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const BufMap = @import("../buf_map.zig").BufMap; const cstr = @import("../cstr.zig"); const io = @import("../io.zig"); const base64 = @import("../base64.zig"); const List = @import("../list.zig").List; error Unexpected; error SystemResources; error AccessDenied; error InvalidExe; error FileSystem; error IsDir; error FileNotFound; error FileBusy; error PathAlreadyExists; error SymLinkLoop; error ReadOnlyFileSystem; error LinkQuotaExceeded; error RenameAcrossMountPoints; error DirNotEmpty; error WouldBlock; /// Fills `buf` with random bytes. If linking against libc, this calls the /// appropriate OS-specific library call. Otherwise it uses the zig standard /// library implementation. pub fn getRandomBytes(buf: []u8) -> %void { while (true) { const err = switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux => { if (linking_libc) { if (c.getrandom(buf.ptr, buf.len, 0) == -1) *c._errno() else 0 } else { posix.getErrno(posix.getrandom(buf.ptr, buf.len, 0)) } }, Os.darwin, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { if (linking_libc) { if (posix.getrandom(buf.ptr, buf.len) == -1) *c._errno() else 0 } else { posix.getErrno(posix.getrandom(buf.ptr, buf.len)) } }, => { var hCryptProv: windows.HCRYPTPROV = undefined; if (!windows.CryptAcquireContext(&hCryptProv, null, null, windows.PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)) { return error.Unexpected; } defer _ = windows.CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0); if (!windows.CryptGenRandom(hCryptProv, windows.DWORD(buf.len), buf.ptr)) { return error.Unexpected; } return; }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EINVAL => unreachable, errno.EFAULT => unreachable, errno.EINTR => continue, else => error.Unexpected, } } return; } } /// Raises a signal in the current kernel thread, ending its execution. /// If linking against libc, this calls the abort() libc function. Otherwise /// it uses the zig standard library implementation. pub coldcc fn abort() -> noreturn { if (linking_libc) { c.abort(); } switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.darwin, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { _ = posix.raise(posix.SIGABRT); _ = posix.raise(posix.SIGKILL); while (true) {} }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } /// Calls POSIX close, and keeps trying if it gets interrupted. pub fn posixClose(fd: i32) { while (true) { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.close(fd)); if (err == errno.EINTR) { continue; } else { return; } } } error WouldBlock; error FileClosed; error DestinationAddressRequired; error FileSystem; /// Calls POSIX write, and keeps trying if it gets interrupted. pub fn posixWrite(fd: i32, bytes: []const u8) -> %void { while (true) { const write_ret = posix.write(fd, bytes.ptr, bytes.len); const write_err = posix.getErrno(write_ret); if (write_err > 0) { return switch (write_err) { errno.EINTR => continue, errno.EINVAL, errno.EFAULT => unreachable, errno.EAGAIN => error.WouldBlock, errno.EBADF => error.FileClosed, errno.EDESTADDRREQ => error.DestinationAddressRequired, errno.EDQUOT => error.DiskQuota, errno.EFBIG => error.FileTooBig, errno.EIO => error.FileSystem, errno.ENOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, errno.EPIPE => error.PipeFail, else => error.Unexpected, } } return; } } /// ::file_path may need to be copied in memory to add a null terminating byte. In this case /// a fixed size buffer of size ::max_noalloc_path_len is an attempted solution. If the fixed /// size buffer is too small, and the provided allocator is null, ::error.NameTooLong is returned. /// otherwise if the fixed size buffer is too small, allocator is used to obtain the needed memory. /// Calls POSIX open, keeps trying if it gets interrupted, and translates /// the return value into zig errors. pub fn posixOpen(file_path: []const u8, flags: usize, perm: usize, allocator: ?&Allocator) -> %i32 { var stack_buf: [max_noalloc_path_len]u8 = undefined; var path0: []u8 = undefined; var need_free = false; if (file_path.len < stack_buf.len) { path0 = stack_buf[0...file_path.len + 1]; } else test (allocator) |a| { path0 = %return a.alloc(u8, file_path.len + 1); need_free = true; } else { return error.NameTooLong; } defer if (need_free) { (??allocator).free(path0); }; mem.copy(u8, path0, file_path); path0[file_path.len] = 0; while (true) { const result =, flags, perm); const err = posix.getErrno(result); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EINTR => continue, errno.EFAULT => unreachable, errno.EINVAL => unreachable, errno.EACCES => error.AccessDenied, errno.EFBIG, errno.EOVERFLOW => error.FileTooBig, errno.EISDIR => error.IsDir, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.EMFILE => error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENFILE => error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, errno.ENODEV => error.NoDevice, errno.ENOENT => error.PathNotFound, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.ENOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, else => error.Unexpected, } } return i32(result); } } pub fn posixDup2(old_fd: i32, new_fd: i32) -> %void { while (true) { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.dup2(old_fd, new_fd)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EBUSY, errno.EINTR => continue, errno.EMFILE => error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, errno.EINVAL => unreachable, else => error.Unexpected, }; } return; } } /// This function must allocate memory to add a null terminating bytes on path and each arg. /// It must also convert to KEY=VALUE\0 format for environment variables, and include null /// pointers after the args and after the environment variables. /// Also make the first arg equal to exe_path. /// This function also uses the PATH environment variable to get the full path to the executable. pub fn posixExecve(exe_path: []const u8, argv: []const []const u8, env_map: &const BufMap, allocator: &Allocator) -> %void { const argv_buf = %return allocator.alloc(?&u8, argv.len + 2); mem.set(?&u8, argv_buf, null); defer { for (argv_buf) |arg| { const arg_buf = test (arg) |ptr| cstr.toSlice(ptr) else break;; }; } { // Add exe_path to the first argument. const arg_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, exe_path.len + 1); @memcpy(&arg_buf[0], exe_path.ptr, exe_path.len); arg_buf[exe_path.len] = 0; argv_buf[0] = arg_buf.ptr; } for (argv) |arg, i| { const arg_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, arg.len + 1); @memcpy(&arg_buf[0], arg.ptr, arg.len); arg_buf[arg.len] = 0; argv_buf[i + 1] = arg_buf.ptr; } argv_buf[argv.len + 1] = null; const envp_count = env_map.count(); const envp_buf = %return allocator.alloc(?&u8, envp_count + 1); mem.set(?&u8, envp_buf, null); defer { for (envp_buf) |env| { const env_buf = test (env) |ptr| cstr.toSlice(ptr) else break;; }; } { var it = env_map.iterator(); var i: usize = 0; while (true; i += 1) { const pair = ?? break; const env_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, pair.key.len + pair.value.len + 2); @memcpy(&env_buf[0], pair.key.ptr, pair.key.len); env_buf[pair.key.len] = '='; @memcpy(&env_buf[pair.key.len + 1], pair.value.ptr, pair.value.len); env_buf[env_buf.len - 1] = 0; envp_buf[i] = env_buf.ptr; } assert(i == envp_count); } envp_buf[envp_count] = null; if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, exe_path, '/') != null) { // +1 for the null terminating byte const path_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, exe_path.len + 1); defer; @memcpy(&path_buf[0], &exe_path[0], exe_path.len); path_buf[exe_path.len] = 0; return posixExecveErrnoToErr(posix.getErrno(posix.execve(path_buf.ptr, argv_buf.ptr, envp_buf.ptr))); } const PATH = getEnv("PATH") ?? "/usr/local/bin:/bin/:/usr/bin"; // PATH.len because it is >= the largest search_path // +1 for the / to join the search path and exe_path // +1 for the null terminating byte const path_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, PATH.len + exe_path.len + 2); defer; var it = mem.split(PATH, ':'); var seen_eacces = false; var err: usize = undefined; while (true) { const search_path = ?? break; mem.copy(u8, path_buf, search_path); path_buf[search_path.len] = '/'; mem.copy(u8, path_buf[search_path.len + 1 ...], exe_path); path_buf[search_path.len + exe_path.len + 1] = 0; err = posix.getErrno(posix.execve(path_buf.ptr, argv_buf.ptr, envp_buf.ptr)); assert(err > 0); if (err == errno.EACCES) { seen_eacces = true; } else if (err != errno.ENOENT) { return posixExecveErrnoToErr(err); } } if (seen_eacces) { err = errno.EACCES; } return posixExecveErrnoToErr(err); } fn posixExecveErrnoToErr(err: usize) -> error { assert(err > 0); return switch (err) { errno.EFAULT => unreachable, errno.E2BIG, errno.EMFILE, errno.ENAMETOOLONG, errno.ENFILE, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, errno.EINVAL, errno.ENOEXEC => error.InvalidExe, errno.EIO, errno.ELOOP => error.FileSystem, errno.EISDIR => error.IsDir, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.ETXTBSY => error.FileBusy, else => error.Unexpected, }; } pub var environ_raw: []&u8 = undefined; pub fn getEnvMap(allocator: &Allocator) -> %BufMap { var result = BufMap.init(allocator); %defer result.deinit(); for (environ_raw) |ptr| { var line_i: usize = 0; while (ptr[line_i] != 0 and ptr[line_i] != '='; line_i += 1) {} const key = ptr[0...line_i]; var end_i: usize = line_i; while (ptr[end_i] != 0; end_i += 1) {} const value = ptr[line_i + 1...end_i]; %return result.set(key, value); } return result; } pub fn getEnv(key: []const u8) -> ?[]const u8 { for (environ_raw) |ptr| { var line_i: usize = 0; while (ptr[line_i] != 0 and ptr[line_i] != '='; line_i += 1) {} const this_key = ptr[0...line_i]; if (!mem.eql(u8, key, this_key)) continue; var end_i: usize = line_i; while (ptr[end_i] != 0; end_i += 1) {} const this_value = ptr[line_i + 1...end_i]; return this_value; } return null; } pub const args = struct { pub var raw: []&u8 = undefined; pub fn count() -> usize { return raw.len; } pub fn at(i: usize) -> []const u8 { const s = raw[i]; return cstr.toSlice(s); } }; /// Caller must free the returned memory. pub fn getCwd(allocator: &Allocator) -> %[]u8 { var buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, 1024); %defer; while (true) { const err = posix.getErrno(posix.getcwd(buf.ptr, buf.len)); if (err == errno.ERANGE) { buf = %return allocator.realloc(u8, buf, buf.len * 2); continue; } else if (err > 0) { return error.Unexpected; } return cstr.toSlice(buf.ptr); } } pub fn symLink(allocator: &Allocator, existing_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) -> %void { const full_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, existing_path.len + new_path.len + 2); defer; const existing_buf = full_buf; mem.copy(u8, existing_buf, existing_path); existing_buf[existing_path.len] = 0; const new_buf = full_buf[existing_path.len + 1...]; mem.copy(u8, new_buf, new_path); new_buf[new_path.len] = 0; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.symlink(existing_buf.ptr, new_buf.ptr)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EFAULT, errno.EINVAL => unreachable, errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, errno.EDQUOT => error.DiskQuota, errno.EEXIST => error.PathAlreadyExists, errno.EIO => error.FileSystem, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.ENOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft, errno.EROFS => error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => error.Unexpected, }; } } // here we replace the standard +/ with -_ so that it can be used in a file name const b64_fs_alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_="; pub fn atomicSymLink(allocator: &Allocator, existing_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) -> %void { try (symLink(allocator, existing_path, new_path)) { return; } else |err| { if (err != error.PathAlreadyExists) { return err; } } var rand_buf: [12]u8 = undefined; const tmp_path = %return allocator.alloc(u8, new_path.len + base64.calcEncodedSize(rand_buf.len)); defer; mem.copy(u8, tmp_path[0...], new_path); while (true) { %return getRandomBytes(rand_buf[0...]); _ = base64.encodeWithAlphabet(tmp_path[new_path.len...], rand_buf, b64_fs_alphabet); try (symLink(allocator, existing_path, tmp_path)) { return rename(allocator, tmp_path, new_path); } else |err| { if (err == error.PathAlreadyExists) { continue; } else { return err; } } } } pub fn deleteFile(allocator: &Allocator, file_path: []const u8) -> %void { const buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, file_path.len + 1); defer; mem.copy(u8, buf, file_path); buf[file_path.len] = 0; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.unlink(buf.ptr)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, errno.EBUSY => error.FileBusy, errno.EFAULT, errno.EINVAL => unreachable, errno.EIO => error.FileSystem, errno.EISDIR => error.IsDir, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.EROFS => error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => error.Unexpected, }; } } /// Calls ::copyFileMode with 0o666 for the mode. pub fn copyFile(allocator: &Allocator, source_path: []const u8, dest_path: []const u8) -> %void { return copyFileMode(allocator, source_path, dest_path, 0o666); } // TODO instead of accepting a mode argument, use the mode from fstat'ing the source path once open /// Guaranteed to be atomic. pub fn copyFileMode(allocator: &Allocator, source_path: []const u8, dest_path: []const u8, mode: usize) -> %void { var rand_buf: [12]u8 = undefined; const tmp_path = %return allocator.alloc(u8, dest_path.len + base64.calcEncodedSize(rand_buf.len)); defer; mem.copy(u8, tmp_path[0...], dest_path); %return getRandomBytes(rand_buf[0...]); _ = base64.encodeWithAlphabet(tmp_path[dest_path.len...], rand_buf, b64_fs_alphabet); var out_stream = %return io.OutStream.openMode(tmp_path, mode, allocator); defer out_stream.close(); %defer _ = deleteFile(allocator, tmp_path); var in_stream = %return, allocator); defer in_stream.close(); const buf = out_stream.buffer[0...]; while (true) { const amt = %return; out_stream.index = amt; %return out_stream.flush(); if (amt != out_stream.buffer.len) return rename(allocator, tmp_path, dest_path); } } pub fn rename(allocator: &Allocator, old_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) -> %void { const full_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, old_path.len + new_path.len + 2); defer; const old_buf = full_buf; mem.copy(u8, old_buf, old_path); old_buf[old_path.len] = 0; const new_buf = full_buf[old_path.len + 1...]; mem.copy(u8, new_buf, new_path); new_buf[new_path.len] = 0; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.rename(old_buf.ptr, new_buf.ptr)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, errno.EBUSY => error.FileBusy, errno.EDQUOT => error.DiskQuota, errno.EFAULT, errno.EINVAL => unreachable, errno.EISDIR => error.IsDir, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.EMLINK => error.LinkQuotaExceeded, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.ENOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft, errno.EEXIST, errno.ENOTEMPTY => error.PathAlreadyExists, errno.EROFS => error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, errno.EXDEV => error.RenameAcrossMountPoints, else => error.Unexpected, }; } } pub fn makeDir(allocator: &Allocator, dir_path: []const u8) -> %void { const path_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, dir_path.len + 1); defer; mem.copy(u8, path_buf, dir_path); path_buf[dir_path.len] = 0; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.mkdir(path_buf.ptr, 0o755)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, errno.EDQUOT => error.DiskQuota, errno.EEXIST => error.PathAlreadyExists, errno.EFAULT => unreachable, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.EMLINK => error.LinkQuotaExceeded, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.ENOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.EROFS => error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => error.Unexpected, }; } } /// Calls makeDir recursively to make an entire path. Returns success if the path /// already exists and is a directory. pub fn makePath(allocator: &Allocator, full_path: []const u8) -> %void { const resolved_path = %return path.resolve(allocator, full_path); defer; var end_index: usize = resolved_path.len; while (true) { makeDir(allocator, resolved_path[0...end_index]) %% |err| { if (err == error.PathAlreadyExists) { // TODO stat the file and return an error if it's not a directory // this is important because otherwise a dangling symlink // could cause an infinite loop if (end_index == resolved_path.len) return; } else if (err == error.FileNotFound) { // march end_index backward until next path component while (true) { end_index -= 1; if (resolved_path[end_index] == '/') break; } continue; } else { return err; } }; if (end_index == resolved_path.len) return; // march end_index forward until next path component while (true) { end_index += 1; if (end_index == resolved_path.len or resolved_path[end_index] == '/') break; } } } /// Returns ::error.DirNotEmpty if the directory is not empty. /// To delete a directory recursively, see ::deleteTree pub fn deleteDir(allocator: &Allocator, dir_path: []const u8) -> %void { const path_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, dir_path.len + 1); defer; mem.copy(u8, path_buf, dir_path); path_buf[dir_path.len] = 0; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.rmdir(path_buf.ptr)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM => error.AccessDenied, errno.EBUSY => error.FileBusy, errno.EFAULT, errno.EINVAL => unreachable, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, errno.EEXIST, errno.ENOTEMPTY => error.DirNotEmpty, errno.EROFS => error.ReadOnlyFileSystem, else => error.Unexpected, }; } } /// Whether ::full_path describes a symlink, file, or directory, this function /// removes it. If it cannot be removed because it is a non-empty directory, /// this function recursively removes its entries and then tries again. // TODO non-recursive implementation pub fn deleteTree(allocator: &Allocator, full_path: []const u8) -> %void { start_over: // First, try deleting the item as a file. This way we don't follow sym links. try (deleteFile(allocator, full_path)) { return; } else |err| { if (err == error.FileNotFound) return; if (err != error.IsDir) return err; } { var dir =, full_path) %% |err| { if (err == error.FileNotFound) return; if (err == error.NotDir) goto start_over; return err; }; defer dir.close(); var full_entry_buf = List(u8).init(allocator); defer full_entry_buf.deinit(); while (true) { const entry = (%return ?? break; %return full_entry_buf.resize(full_path.len + + 1); const full_entry_path = full_entry_buf.toSlice(); mem.copy(u8, full_entry_path, full_path); full_entry_path[full_path.len] = '/'; mem.copy(u8, full_entry_path[full_path.len + 1...],; %return deleteTree(allocator, full_entry_path); } } return deleteDir(allocator, full_path); } pub const Dir = struct { fd: i32, allocator: &Allocator, buf: []u8, index: usize, end_index: usize, const LinuxEntry = extern struct { d_ino: usize, d_off: usize, d_reclen: u16, d_name: u8, // field address is the address of first byte of name }; pub const Entry = struct { name: []const u8, kind: Kind, pub const Kind = enum { BlockDevice, CharacterDevice, Directory, NamedPipe, SymLink, File, UnixDomainSocket, Unknown, }; }; pub fn open(allocator: &Allocator, dir_path: []const u8) -> %Dir { const fd = %return posixOpen(dir_path, posix.O_RDONLY|posix.O_DIRECTORY|posix.O_CLOEXEC, 0, allocator); return Dir { .allocator = allocator, .fd = fd, .index = 0, .end_index = 0, .buf = []u8{}, }; } pub fn close(self: &Dir) {; posixClose(self.fd); } /// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid /// with subsequent calls to next, as well as when this ::Dir is deinitialized. pub fn next(self: &Dir) -> %?Entry { start_over: if (self.index >= self.end_index) { if (self.buf.len == 0) { self.buf = %return self.allocator.alloc(u8, 2); //page_size); } while (true) { const result = posix.getdents(self.fd, self.buf.ptr, self.buf.len); const err = linux.getErrno(result); if (err > 0) { switch (err) { errno.EBADF, errno.EFAULT, errno.ENOTDIR => unreachable, errno.EINVAL => { self.buf = %return self.allocator.realloc(u8, self.buf, self.buf.len * 2); continue; }, else => return error.Unexpected, }; } if (result == 0) return null; self.index = 0; self.end_index = result; break; } } const linux_entry = @ptrCast(&LinuxEntry, &self.buf[self.index]); const next_index = self.index + linux_entry.d_reclen; self.index = next_index; const name = cstr.toSlice(&linux_entry.d_name); // skip . and .. entries if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..")) { goto start_over; } const type_char = self.buf[next_index - 1]; const entry_kind = switch (type_char) { posix.DT_BLK => Entry.Kind.BlockDevice, posix.DT_CHR => Entry.Kind.CharacterDevice, posix.DT_DIR => Entry.Kind.Directory, posix.DT_FIFO => Entry.Kind.NamedPipe, posix.DT_LNK => Entry.Kind.SymLink, posix.DT_REG => Entry.Kind.File, posix.DT_SOCK => Entry.Kind.UnixDomainSocket, else => Entry.Kind.Unknown, }; return Entry { .name = name, .kind = entry_kind, }; } }; pub fn changeCurDir(allocator: &Allocator, dir_path: []const u8) -> %void { const path_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, dir_path.len + 1); defer; mem.copy(u8, path_buf, dir_path); path_buf[dir_path.len] = 0; const err = posix.getErrno(posix.chdir(path_buf.ptr)); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EACCES => error.AccessDenied, errno.EFAULT => unreachable, errno.EIO => error.FileSystem, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, else => error.Unexpected, }; } } /// Read value of a symbolic link. pub fn readLink(allocator: &Allocator, pathname: []const u8) -> %[]u8 { const path_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, pathname.len + 1); defer; mem.copy(u8, path_buf, pathname); path_buf[pathname.len] = 0; var result_buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, 1024); %defer; while (true) { const ret_val = posix.readlink(path_buf.ptr, result_buf.ptr, result_buf.len); const err = posix.getErrno(ret_val); if (err > 0) { return switch (err) { errno.EACCES => error.AccessDenied, errno.EFAULT, errno.EINVAL => unreachable, errno.EIO => error.FileSystem, errno.ELOOP => error.SymLinkLoop, errno.ENAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong, errno.ENOENT => error.FileNotFound, errno.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources, errno.ENOTDIR => error.NotDir, else => error.Unexpected, }; } if (ret_val == result_buf.len) { result_buf = %return allocator.realloc(u8, result_buf, result_buf.len * 2); continue; } return result_buf[0...ret_val]; } }