const debug = @import("../debug.zig"); const assert = debug.assert; const mem = @import("../mem.zig"); const Allocator = mem.Allocator; /// Allocates memory for the result, which must be freed by the caller. pub fn join(allocator: &Allocator, dirname: []const u8, basename: []const u8) -> %[]const u8 { const buf = %return allocator.alloc(u8, dirname.len + basename.len + 1); %defer; mem.copy(u8, buf, dirname); if (dirname[dirname.len - 1] == '/') { mem.copy(u8, buf[dirname.len...], basename); return buf[0...buf.len - 1]; } else { buf[dirname.len] = '/'; mem.copy(u8, buf[dirname.len + 1 ...], basename); return buf; } } test "os.path.join" { assert(mem.eql(u8, %%join(&debug.global_allocator, "/a/b", "c"), "/a/b/c")); assert(mem.eql(u8, %%join(&debug.global_allocator, "/a/b/", "c"), "/a/b/c")); }