// This file is in a package which has the root source file exposed as "@root". // It is included in the compilation unit when exporting an executable. const root = @import("@root"); const std = @import("std"); const want_main_symbol = std.build.linkingLibrary("c"); const want_start_symbol = !want_main_symbol; const exit = switch(@compileVar("os")) { Os.linux => std.linux.exit, Os.darwin => std.darwin.exit, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; var argc: usize = undefined; var argv: &&u8 = undefined; export nakedcc fn _start() -> unreachable { @setFnVisible(this, want_start_symbol); switch (@compileVar("arch")) { Arch.x86_64 => { argc = asm("mov (%%rsp), %[argc]": [argc] "=r" (-> usize)); argv = asm("lea 0x8(%%rsp), %[argv]": [argv] "=r" (-> &&u8)); }, Arch.i386 => { argc = asm("mov (%%esp), %[argc]": [argc] "=r" (-> usize)); argv = asm("lea 0x4(%%esp), %[argv]": [argv] "=r" (-> &&u8)); }, else => @compileError("unsupported arch"), } callMainAndExit() } fn callMain() -> %void { const args = @alloca([]u8, argc); for (args) |_, i| { const ptr = argv[i]; args[i] = ptr[0...std.cstr.len(ptr)]; } return root.main(args); } fn callMainAndExit() -> unreachable { callMain() %% exit(1); exit(0); } export fn main(c_argc: i32, c_argv: &&u8) -> i32 { @setFnVisible(this, want_main_symbol); argc = usize(c_argc); argv = c_argv; callMain() %% return 1; return 0; }