const debug = @import("debug.zig"); const assert = debug.assert; const mem = @import("mem.zig"); const Allocator = mem.Allocator; pub fn List(comptime T: type) -> type{ struct { const Self = this; /// Use toSlice instead of slicing this directly, because if you don't /// specify the end position of the slice, this will potentially give /// you uninitialized memory. items: []T, len: usize, allocator: &Allocator, pub fn init(allocator: &Allocator) -> Self { Self { .items = []T{}, .len = 0, .allocator = allocator, } } pub fn deinit(l: &Self) {; } pub fn toSlice(l: &Self) -> []T { return l.items[0...l.len]; } pub fn toSliceConst(l: &const Self) -> []const T { return l.items[0...l.len]; } pub fn append(l: &Self, item: &const T) -> %void { const new_item_ptr = %return l.addOne(); *new_item_ptr = *item; } pub fn resize(l: &Self, new_len: usize) -> %void { %return l.ensureCapacity(new_len); l.len = new_len; } pub fn ensureCapacity(l: &Self, new_capacity: usize) -> %void { var better_capacity = l.items.len; if (better_capacity >= new_capacity) return; while (true) { better_capacity += better_capacity / 2 + 8; if (better_capacity >= new_capacity) break; } l.items = %return l.allocator.realloc(T, l.items, better_capacity); } pub fn addOne(l: &Self) -> %&T { const new_length = l.len + 1; %return l.ensureCapacity(new_length); const result = &l.items[l.len]; l.len = new_length; return result; } } } test "basicListTest" { var list = List(i32).init(&debug.global_allocator); defer list.deinit(); {var i: usize = 0; while (i < 10; i += 1) { %%list.append(i32(i + 1)); }} {var i: usize = 0; while (i < 10; i += 1) { assert(list.items[i] == i32(i + 1)); }} }