const io = @import("io.zig"); const mem = @import("mem.zig"); const debug = @import("debug.zig"); const List = @import("list.zig").List; const Allocator = @import("mem.zig").Allocator; const os = @import("os/index.zig"); const StdIo = os.ChildProcess.StdIo; const Term = os.ChildProcess.Term; const BufSet = @import("buf_set.zig").BufSet; error ExtraArg; error UncleanExit; pub const Builder = struct { zig_exe: []const u8, allocator: &Allocator, exe_list: List(&Exe), lib_paths: List([]const u8), include_paths: List([]const u8), rpaths: List([]const u8), pub fn init(zig_exe: []const u8, allocator: &Allocator) -> Builder { var self = Builder { .zig_exe = zig_exe, .allocator = allocator, .exe_list = List(&Exe).init(allocator), .lib_paths = List([]const u8).init(allocator), .include_paths = List([]const u8).init(allocator), .rpaths = List([]const u8).init(allocator), }; self.processNixOSEnvVars(); return self; } pub fn deinit(self: &Builder) { self.exe_list.deinit(); self.lib_paths.deinit(); self.include_paths.deinit(); self.rpaths.deinit(); } pub fn addExe(self: &Builder, root_src: []const u8, name: []const u8) -> &Exe { return self.addExeErr(root_src, name) %% |err| handleErr(err); } pub fn addExeErr(self: &Builder, root_src: []const u8, name: []const u8) -> %&Exe { const exe = %return self.allocator.create(Exe); *exe = Exe { .root_src = root_src, .name = name, .target = Target.Native, .linker_script = LinkerScript.None, .link_libs = BufSet.init(self.allocator), }; %return self.exe_list.append(exe); return exe; } pub fn addCIncludePath(self: &Builder, path: []const u8) { %%self.include_paths.append(path); } pub fn addRPath(self: &Builder, path: []const u8) { %%self.rpaths.append(path); } pub fn addLibPath(self: &Builder, path: []const u8) { %%self.lib_paths.append(path); } pub fn make(self: &Builder, leftover_arg_index: usize) -> %void { var env_map = %return os.getEnvMap(self.allocator); var verbose = false; var arg_i: usize = leftover_arg_index; while (arg_i < os.args.count(); arg_i += 1) { const arg =; if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose")) { verbose = true; } else { %%io.stderr.printf("Unrecognized argument: '{}'\n", arg); return error.ExtraArg; } } for (self.exe_list.toSlice()) |exe| { var zig_args = List([]const u8).init(self.allocator); defer zig_args.deinit(); %return zig_args.append("build_exe"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(exe.root_src); if (verbose) { %return zig_args.append("--verbose"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 } %return zig_args.append("--name"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(; switch ( { Target.Native => {}, Target.Cross => |cross_target| { %return zig_args.append("--target-arch"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(targetArchName(cross_target.arch)); %return zig_args.append("--target-os"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(targetOsName(cross_target.os)); %return zig_args.append("--target-environ"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(targetEnvironName(cross_target.environ)); }, } switch (exe.linker_script) { LinkerScript.None => {}, LinkerScript.Embed => |script| { const tmp_file_name = "linker.ld.tmp"; // TODO issue #298 io.writeFile(tmp_file_name, script, self.allocator) %% |err| debug.panic("unable to write linker script: {}\n", @errorName(err)); %return zig_args.append("--linker-script"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(tmp_file_name[0...]); // TODO issue #296 }, LinkerScript.Path => |path| { %return zig_args.append("--linker-script"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(path); }, } { var it = exe.link_libs.iterator(); while (true) { const entry = ?? break; %return zig_args.append("--library"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(entry.key); } } for (self.include_paths.toSliceConst()) |include_path| { %return zig_args.append("-isystem"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(include_path); } for (self.rpaths.toSliceConst()) |rpath| { %return zig_args.append("-rpath"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(rpath); } for (self.lib_paths.toSliceConst()) |lib_path| { %return zig_args.append("--library-path"[0...]); // TODO issue #296 %return zig_args.append(lib_path); } // TODO issue #301 var child = %return os.ChildProcess.spawn(self.zig_exe, zig_args.toSliceConst(), &env_map, StdIo.Ignore, StdIo.Inherit, StdIo.Inherit, self.allocator); const term = %return child.wait(); const exe_result = switch (term) { Term.Clean => |code| { if (code != 0) { %%io.stderr.printf("\nCompile failed with code {}. To reproduce:\n", code); printInvocation(self.zig_exe, zig_args); return error.UncleanExit; } }, else => { %%io.stderr.printf("\nCompile crashed. To reproduce:\n"); printInvocation(self.zig_exe, zig_args); return error.UncleanExit; }, }; } } fn processNixOSEnvVars(self: &Builder) { if (const nix_cflags_compile ?= os.getEnv("NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE")) { var it = mem.split(nix_cflags_compile, ' '); while (true) { const word = ?? break; if (mem.eql(u8, word, "-isystem")) { const include_path = ?? { %%io.stderr.printf("Expected argument after -isystem in NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE\n"); break; }; self.addCIncludePath(include_path); } else { %%io.stderr.printf("Unrecognized C flag from NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE: {}\n", word); break; } } } if (const nix_ldflags ?= os.getEnv("NIX_LDFLAGS")) { var it = mem.split(nix_ldflags, ' '); while (true) { const word = ?? break; if (mem.eql(u8, word, "-rpath")) { const rpath = ?? { %%io.stderr.printf("Expected argument after -rpath in NIX_LDFLAGS\n"); break; }; self.addRPath(rpath); } else if (word.len > 2 and word[0] == '-' and word[1] == 'L') { const lib_path = word[2...]; self.addLibPath(lib_path); } else { %%io.stderr.printf("Unrecognized C flag from NIX_LDFLAGS: {}\n", word); break; } } } } }; const CrossTarget = struct { arch: Arch, os: Os, environ: Environ, }; const Target = enum { Native, Cross: CrossTarget, }; const LinkerScript = enum { None, Embed: []const u8, Path: []const u8, }; const Exe = struct { root_src: []const u8, name: []const u8, target: Target, linker_script: LinkerScript, link_libs: BufSet, fn deinit(self: &Exe) { self.link_libs.deinit(); } fn setTarget(self: &Exe, target_arch: Arch, target_os: Os, target_environ: Environ) { = Target.Cross { CrossTarget { .arch = target_arch, .os = target_os, .environ = target_environ, } }; } /// Exe keeps a reference to script for its lifetime or until this function /// is called again. fn setLinkerScriptContents(self: &Exe, script: []const u8) { self.linker_script = LinkerScript.Embed { script }; } fn setLinkerScriptPath(self: &Exe, path: []const u8) { self.linker_script = LinkerScript.Path { path }; } fn linkLibrary(self: &Exe, name: []const u8) { %%self.link_libs.put(name); } }; fn handleErr(err: error) -> noreturn { debug.panic("error: {}\n", @errorName(err)); } fn printInvocation(exe_name: []const u8, args: &const List([]const u8)) { %%io.stderr.printf("{}", exe_name); for (args.toSliceConst()) |arg| { %%io.stderr.printf(" {}", arg); } %%io.stderr.printf("\n"); } // TODO issue #299 fn targetOsName(target_os: Os) -> []const u8 { return switch (target_os) { Os.freestanding => ([]const u8)("freestanding"), Os.cloudabi => ([]const u8)("cloudabi"), Os.darwin => ([]const u8)("darwin"), Os.dragonfly => ([]const u8)("dragonfly"), Os.freebsd => ([]const u8)("freebsd"), Os.ios => ([]const u8)("ios"), Os.kfreebsd => ([]const u8)("kfreebsd"), Os.linux => ([]const u8)("linux"), Os.lv2 => ([]const u8)("lv2"), Os.macosx => ([]const u8)("macosx"), Os.netbsd => ([]const u8)("netbsd"), Os.openbsd => ([]const u8)("openbsd"), Os.solaris => ([]const u8)("solaris"), => ([]const u8)("windows"), Os.haiku => ([]const u8)("haiku"), Os.minix => ([]const u8)("minix"), Os.rtems => ([]const u8)("rtems"), Os.nacl => ([]const u8)("nacl"), Os.cnk => ([]const u8)("cnk"), Os.bitrig => ([]const u8)("bitrig"), Os.aix => ([]const u8)("aix"), Os.cuda => ([]const u8)("cuda"), Os.nvcl => ([]const u8)("nvcl"), Os.amdhsa => ([]const u8)("amdhsa"), Os.ps4 => ([]const u8)("ps4"), Os.elfiamcu => ([]const u8)("elfiamcu"), Os.tvos => ([]const u8)("tvos"), Os.watchos => ([]const u8)("watchos"), Os.mesa3d => ([]const u8)("mesa3d"), }; } // TODO issue #299 fn targetArchName(target_arch: Arch) -> []const u8 { return switch (target_arch) { Arch.armv8_2a => ([]const u8)("armv8_2a"), Arch.armv8_1a => ([]const u8)("armv8_1a"), Arch.armv8 => ([]const u8)("armv8"), Arch.armv8m_baseline => ([]const u8)("armv8m_baseline"), Arch.armv8m_mainline => ([]const u8)("armv8m_mainline"), Arch.armv7 => ([]const u8)("armv7"), Arch.armv7em => ([]const u8)("armv7em"), Arch.armv7m => ([]const u8)("armv7m"), Arch.armv7s => ([]const u8)("armv7s"), Arch.armv7k => ([]const u8)("armv7k"), Arch.armv6 => ([]const u8)("armv6"), Arch.armv6m => ([]const u8)("armv6m"), Arch.armv6k => ([]const u8)("armv6k"), Arch.armv6t2 => ([]const u8)("armv6t2"), Arch.armv5 => ([]const u8)("armv5"), Arch.armv5te => ([]const u8)("armv5te"), Arch.armv4t => ([]const u8)("armv4t"), Arch.armeb => ([]const u8)("armeb"), Arch.aarch64 => ([]const u8)("aarch64"), Arch.aarch64_be => ([]const u8)("aarch64_be"), Arch.avr => ([]const u8)("avr"), Arch.bpfel => ([]const u8)("bpfel"), Arch.bpfeb => ([]const u8)("bpfeb"), Arch.hexagon => ([]const u8)("hexagon"), Arch.mips => ([]const u8)("mips"), Arch.mipsel => ([]const u8)("mipsel"), Arch.mips64 => ([]const u8)("mips64"), Arch.mips64el => ([]const u8)("mips64el"), Arch.msp430 => ([]const u8)("msp430"), Arch.powerpc => ([]const u8)("powerpc"), Arch.powerpc64 => ([]const u8)("powerpc64"), Arch.powerpc64le => ([]const u8)("powerpc64le"), Arch.r600 => ([]const u8)("r600"), Arch.amdgcn => ([]const u8)("amdgcn"), Arch.sparc => ([]const u8)("sparc"), Arch.sparcv9 => ([]const u8)("sparcv9"), Arch.sparcel => ([]const u8)("sparcel"), Arch.s390x => ([]const u8)("s390x"), Arch.tce => ([]const u8)("tce"), Arch.thumb => ([]const u8)("thumb"), Arch.thumbeb => ([]const u8)("thumbeb"), Arch.i386 => ([]const u8)("i386"), Arch.x86_64 => ([]const u8)("x86_64"), Arch.xcore => ([]const u8)("xcore"), Arch.nvptx => ([]const u8)("nvptx"), Arch.nvptx64 => ([]const u8)("nvptx64"), Arch.le32 => ([]const u8)("le32"), Arch.le64 => ([]const u8)("le64"), Arch.amdil => ([]const u8)("amdil"), Arch.amdil64 => ([]const u8)("amdil64"), Arch.hsail => ([]const u8)("hsail"), Arch.hsail64 => ([]const u8)("hsail64"), Arch.spir => ([]const u8)("spir"), Arch.spir64 => ([]const u8)("spir64"), Arch.kalimbav3 => ([]const u8)("kalimbav3"), Arch.kalimbav4 => ([]const u8)("kalimbav4"), Arch.kalimbav5 => ([]const u8)("kalimbav5"), Arch.shave => ([]const u8)("shave"), Arch.lanai => ([]const u8)("lanai"), Arch.wasm32 => ([]const u8)("wasm32"), Arch.wasm64 => ([]const u8)("wasm64"), Arch.renderscript32 => ([]const u8)("renderscript32"), Arch.renderscript64 => ([]const u8)("renderscript64"), }; } // TODO issue #299 fn targetEnvironName(target_environ: Environ) -> []const u8 { return switch (target_environ) { Environ.gnu => ([]const u8)("gnu"), Environ.gnuabi64 => ([]const u8)("gnuabi64"), Environ.gnueabi => ([]const u8)("gnueabi"), Environ.gnueabihf => ([]const u8)("gnueabihf"), Environ.gnux32 => ([]const u8)("gnux32"), Environ.code16 => ([]const u8)("code16"), Environ.eabi => ([]const u8)("eabi"), Environ.eabihf => ([]const u8)("eabihf"), => ([]const u8)("android"), Environ.musl => ([]const u8)("musl"), Environ.musleabi => ([]const u8)("musleabi"), Environ.musleabihf => ([]const u8)("musleabihf"), Environ.msvc => ([]const u8)("msvc"), Environ.itanium => ([]const u8)("itanium"), Environ.cygnus => ([]const u8)("cygnus"), Environ.amdopencl => ([]const u8)("amdopencl"), Environ.coreclr => ([]const u8)("coreclr"), }; }