const tests = @import("tests.zig"); const std = @import("std"); pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void { cases.add("std.fmt error for unused arguments", \\pub fn main() !void { \\ @import("std").debug.print("{d} {d} {d} {d} {d}", .{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}); \\} , &.{ \\error: 10 unused arguments in "{d} {d} {d} {d} {d}" }); cases.add("lazy pointer with undefined element type", \\export fn foo() void { \\ comptime var T: type = undefined; \\ const S = struct { x: *T }; \\ const I = @typeInfo(S); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:28: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("pointer arithmetic on pointer-to-array", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var x: [10]u8 = undefined; \\ var y = &x; \\ var z = y + 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:17: error: integer value 1 cannot be coerced to type '*[10]u8'", }); cases.add("pointer attributes checked when coercing pointer to anon literal", \\comptime { \\ const c: [][]const u8 = &.{"hello", "world" }; \\} \\comptime { \\ const c: *[2][]const u8 = &.{"hello", "world" }; \\} \\const S = struct {a: u8 = 1, b: u32 = 2}; \\comptime { \\ const c: *S = &.{}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:31: error: expected type '[][]const u8', found '*const struct:2:31'", "tmp.zig:5:33: error: expected type '*[2][]const u8', found '*const struct:5:33'", "tmp.zig:9:21: error: expected type '*S', found '*const struct:9:21'", }); cases.add("@Type() union payload is undefined", \\const Foo = @Type(@import("std").builtin.TypeInfo{ \\ .Struct = undefined, \\}); \\comptime { _ = Foo; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:50: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("wrong initializer for union payload of type 'type'", \\const U = union(enum) { \\ A: type, \\}; \\const S = struct { \\ u: U, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ comptime var v: S = undefined; \\ v.u.A = U{ .A = i32 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:8: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("union with too small explicit signed tag type", \\const U = union(enum(i2)) { \\ A: u8, \\ B: u8, \\ C: u8, \\ D: u8, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = U{ .D = 1 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:22: error: specified integer tag type cannot represent every field", "tmp.zig:1:22: note: type i2 cannot fit values in range 0...3", }); cases.add("union with too small explicit unsigned tag type", \\const U = union(enum(u2)) { \\ A: u8, \\ B: u8, \\ C: u8, \\ D: u8, \\ E: u8, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = U{ .E = 1 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:22: error: specified integer tag type cannot represent every field", "tmp.zig:1:22: note: type u2 cannot fit values in range 0...4", }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("callconv(.Interrupt) on unsupported platform", \\export fn entry() callconv(.Interrupt) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:28: error: callconv 'Interrupt' is only available on x86, x86_64, AVR, and MSP430, not aarch64", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .aarch64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("callconv(.Signal) on unsupported platform", \\export fn entry() callconv(.Signal) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:28: error: callconv 'Signal' is only available on AVR, not x86_64", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("callconv(.Stdcall, .Fastcall, .Thiscall) on unsupported platform", \\const F1 = fn () callconv(.Stdcall) void; \\const F2 = fn () callconv(.Fastcall) void; \\const F3 = fn () callconv(.Thiscall) void; \\export fn entry1() void { var a: F1 = undefined; } \\export fn entry2() void { var a: F2 = undefined; } \\export fn entry3() void { var a: F3 = undefined; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:27: error: callconv 'Stdcall' is only available on x86, not x86_64", "tmp.zig:2:27: error: callconv 'Fastcall' is only available on x86, not x86_64", "tmp.zig:3:27: error: callconv 'Thiscall' is only available on x86, not x86_64", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("callconv(.Stdcall, .Fastcall, .Thiscall) on unsupported platform", \\export fn entry1() callconv(.Stdcall) void {} \\export fn entry2() callconv(.Fastcall) void {} \\export fn entry3() callconv(.Thiscall) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:29: error: callconv 'Stdcall' is only available on x86, not x86_64", "tmp.zig:2:29: error: callconv 'Fastcall' is only available on x86, not x86_64", "tmp.zig:3:29: error: callconv 'Thiscall' is only available on x86, not x86_64", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("callconv(.Vectorcall) on unsupported platform", \\export fn entry() callconv(.Vectorcall) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:28: error: callconv 'Vectorcall' is only available on x86 and AArch64, not x86_64", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("callconv(.APCS, .AAPCS, .AAPCSVFP) on unsupported platform", \\export fn entry1() callconv(.APCS) void {} \\export fn entry2() callconv(.AAPCS) void {} \\export fn entry3() callconv(.AAPCSVFP) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:29: error: callconv 'APCS' is only available on ARM, not x86_64", "tmp.zig:2:29: error: callconv 'AAPCS' is only available on ARM, not x86_64", "tmp.zig:3:29: error: callconv 'AAPCSVFP' is only available on ARM, not x86_64", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); cases.add("unreachable executed at comptime", \\fn foo(comptime x: i32) i32 { \\ comptime { \\ if (x >= 0) return -x; \\ unreachable; \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = foo(-42); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: reached unreachable code", "tmp.zig:8:12: note: called from here", }); cases.add("@Type with TypeInfo.Int", \\const builtin = @import("std").builtin; \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @Type(builtin.TypeInfo.Int { \\ .signedness = .signed, \\ .bits = 8, \\ }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:36: error: expected type 'std.builtin.TypeInfo', found 'std.builtin.Int'", }); cases.add("indexing a undefined slice at comptime", \\comptime { \\ var slice: []u8 = undefined; \\ slice[0] = 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:10: error: index 0 outside slice of size 0", }); cases.add("array in c exported function", \\export fn zig_array(x: [10]u8) void { \\try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, &x, "1234567890")); \\} \\ \\export fn zig_return_array() [10]u8 { \\ return "1234567890".*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:24: error: parameter of type '[10]u8' not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", "tmp.zig:5:30: error: return type '[10]u8' not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("@Type for exhaustive enum with undefined tag type", \\const TypeInfo = @import("std").builtin.TypeInfo; \\const Tag = @Type(.{ \\ .Enum = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = undefined, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.EnumField{}, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ .is_exhaustive = false, \\ }, \\}); \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @intToEnum(Tag, 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:20: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("extern struct with non-extern-compatible integer tag type", \\pub const E = enum(u31) { A, B, C }; \\pub const S = extern struct { \\ e: E, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const s: S = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: extern structs cannot contain fields of type 'E'", }); cases.add("@Type for exhaustive enum with non-integer tag type", \\const TypeInfo = @import("std").builtin.TypeInfo; \\const Tag = @Type(.{ \\ .Enum = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = bool, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.EnumField{}, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ .is_exhaustive = false, \\ }, \\}); \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @intToEnum(Tag, 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:20: error: TypeInfo.Enum.tag_type must be an integer type, not 'bool'", }); cases.add("extern struct with extern-compatible but inferred integer tag type", \\pub const E = enum { \\@"0",@"1",@"2",@"3",@"4",@"5",@"6",@"7",@"8",@"9",@"10",@"11",@"12", \\@"13",@"14",@"15",@"16",@"17",@"18",@"19",@"20",@"21",@"22",@"23", \\@"24",@"25",@"26",@"27",@"28",@"29",@"30",@"31",@"32",@"33",@"34", \\@"35",@"36",@"37",@"38",@"39",@"40",@"41",@"42",@"43",@"44",@"45", \\@"46",@"47",@"48",@"49",@"50",@"51",@"52",@"53",@"54",@"55",@"56", \\@"57",@"58",@"59",@"60",@"61",@"62",@"63",@"64",@"65",@"66",@"67", \\@"68",@"69",@"70",@"71",@"72",@"73",@"74",@"75",@"76",@"77",@"78", \\@"79",@"80",@"81",@"82",@"83",@"84",@"85",@"86",@"87",@"88",@"89", \\@"90",@"91",@"92",@"93",@"94",@"95",@"96",@"97",@"98",@"99",@"100", \\@"101",@"102",@"103",@"104",@"105",@"106",@"107",@"108",@"109", \\@"110",@"111",@"112",@"113",@"114",@"115",@"116",@"117",@"118", \\@"119",@"120",@"121",@"122",@"123",@"124",@"125",@"126",@"127", \\@"128",@"129",@"130",@"131",@"132",@"133",@"134",@"135",@"136", \\@"137",@"138",@"139",@"140",@"141",@"142",@"143",@"144",@"145", \\@"146",@"147",@"148",@"149",@"150",@"151",@"152",@"153",@"154", \\@"155",@"156",@"157",@"158",@"159",@"160",@"161",@"162",@"163", \\@"164",@"165",@"166",@"167",@"168",@"169",@"170",@"171",@"172", \\@"173",@"174",@"175",@"176",@"177",@"178",@"179",@"180",@"181", \\@"182",@"183",@"184",@"185",@"186",@"187",@"188",@"189",@"190", \\@"191",@"192",@"193",@"194",@"195",@"196",@"197",@"198",@"199", \\@"200",@"201",@"202",@"203",@"204",@"205",@"206",@"207",@"208", \\@"209",@"210",@"211",@"212",@"213",@"214",@"215",@"216",@"217", \\@"218",@"219",@"220",@"221",@"222",@"223",@"224",@"225",@"226", \\@"227",@"228",@"229",@"230",@"231",@"232",@"233",@"234",@"235", \\@"236",@"237",@"238",@"239",@"240",@"241",@"242",@"243",@"244", \\@"245",@"246",@"247",@"248",@"249",@"250",@"251",@"252",@"253", \\@"254",@"255" \\}; \\pub const S = extern struct { \\ e: E, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ if (@typeInfo(E).Enum.tag_type != u8) @compileError("did not infer u8 tag type"); \\ const s: S = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:31:5: error: extern structs cannot contain fields of type 'E'", }); cases.add("@Type for tagged union with extra enum field", \\const TypeInfo = @import("std").builtin.TypeInfo; \\const Tag = @Type(.{ \\ .Enum = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = u2, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.EnumField{ \\ .{ .name = "signed", .value = 0 }, \\ .{ .name = "unsigned", .value = 1 }, \\ .{ .name = "arst", .value = 2 }, \\ }, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ .is_exhaustive = true, \\ }, \\}); \\const Tagged = @Type(.{ \\ .Union = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = Tag, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.UnionField{ \\ .{ .name = "signed", .field_type = i32, .alignment = @alignOf(i32) }, \\ .{ .name = "unsigned", .field_type = u32, .alignment = @alignOf(u32) }, \\ }, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ }, \\}); \\export fn entry() void { \\ var tagged = Tagged{ .signed = -1 }; \\ tagged = .{ .unsigned = 1 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:15:23: error: enum field missing: 'arst'", "tmp.zig:27:24: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("field access of opaque type", \\const MyType = opaque {}; \\ \\export fn entry() bool { \\ var x: i32 = 1; \\ return bar(@ptrCast(*MyType, &x)); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: *MyType) bool { \\ return x.blah; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:13: error: no member named 'blah' in opaque type 'MyType'", }); cases.add("opaque type with field", \\const Opaque = opaque { foo: i32 }; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const foo: ?*Opaque = null; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:25: error: opaque types cannot have fields", }); cases.add("@Type(.Fn) with is_generic = true", \\const Foo = @Type(.{ \\ .Fn = .{ \\ .calling_convention = .Unspecified, \\ .alignment = 0, \\ .is_generic = true, \\ .is_var_args = false, \\ .return_type = u0, \\ .args = &[_]@import("std").builtin.TypeInfo.FnArg{}, \\ }, \\}); \\comptime { _ = Foo; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:20: error: TypeInfo.Fn.is_generic must be false for @Type", }); cases.add("@Type(.Fn) with is_var_args = true and non-C callconv", \\const Foo = @Type(.{ \\ .Fn = .{ \\ .calling_convention = .Unspecified, \\ .alignment = 0, \\ .is_generic = false, \\ .is_var_args = true, \\ .return_type = u0, \\ .args = &[_]@import("std").builtin.TypeInfo.FnArg{}, \\ }, \\}); \\comptime { _ = Foo; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:20: error: varargs functions must have C calling convention", }); cases.add("@Type(.Fn) with return_type = null", \\const Foo = @Type(.{ \\ .Fn = .{ \\ .calling_convention = .Unspecified, \\ .alignment = 0, \\ .is_generic = false, \\ .is_var_args = false, \\ .return_type = null, \\ .args = &[_]@import("std").builtin.TypeInfo.FnArg{}, \\ }, \\}); \\comptime { _ = Foo; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:20: error: TypeInfo.Fn.return_type must be non-null for @Type", }); cases.add("@Type for union with opaque field", \\const TypeInfo = @import("std").builtin.TypeInfo; \\const Untagged = @Type(.{ \\ .Union = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = null, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.UnionField{ \\ .{ .name = "foo", .field_type = opaque {}, .alignment = 1 }, \\ }, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ }, \\}); \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = Untagged{}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: opaque types have unknown size and therefore cannot be directly embedded in unions", "tmp.zig:13:17: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("slice sentinel mismatch", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = @import("std").meta.Vector(3, f32){ 25, 75, 5, 0 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:62: error: index 3 outside vector of size 3", }); cases.add("slice sentinel mismatch", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const y: [:1]const u8 = &[_:2]u8{ 1, 2 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:37: error: expected type '[:1]const u8', found '*const [2:2]u8'", }); cases.add("@Type for union with zero fields", \\const TypeInfo = @import("std").builtin.TypeInfo; \\const Untagged = @Type(.{ \\ .Union = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = null, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.UnionField{}, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ }, \\}); \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = Untagged{}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: unions must have 1 or more fields", "tmp.zig:11:17: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("@Type for exhaustive enum with zero fields", \\const TypeInfo = @import("std").builtin.TypeInfo; \\const Tag = @Type(.{ \\ .Enum = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = u1, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.EnumField{}, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ .is_exhaustive = true, \\ }, \\}); \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @intToEnum(Tag, 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:20: error: enums must have 1 or more fields", "tmp.zig:12:9: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("@Type for tagged union with extra union field", \\const TypeInfo = @import("std").builtin.TypeInfo; \\const Tag = @Type(.{ \\ .Enum = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = u1, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.EnumField{ \\ .{ .name = "signed", .value = 0 }, \\ .{ .name = "unsigned", .value = 1 }, \\ }, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ .is_exhaustive = true, \\ }, \\}); \\const Tagged = @Type(.{ \\ .Union = .{ \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ .tag_type = Tag, \\ .fields = &[_]TypeInfo.UnionField{ \\ .{ .name = "signed", .field_type = i32, .alignment = @alignOf(i32) }, \\ .{ .name = "unsigned", .field_type = u32, .alignment = @alignOf(u32) }, \\ .{ .name = "arst", .field_type = f32, .alignment = @alignOf(f32) }, \\ }, \\ .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, \\ }, \\}); \\export fn entry() void { \\ var tagged = Tagged{ .signed = -1 }; \\ tagged = .{ .unsigned = 1 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:14:23: error: enum field not found: 'arst'", "tmp.zig:2:20: note: enum declared here", "tmp.zig:27:24: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("@Type with undefined", \\comptime { \\ _ = @Type(.{ .Array = .{ .len = 0, .child = u8, .sentinel = undefined } }); \\} \\comptime { \\ _ = @Type(.{ \\ .Struct = .{ \\ .fields = undefined, \\ .decls = undefined, \\ .is_tuple = false, \\ .layout = .Auto, \\ }, \\ }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:16: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:5:16: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("struct with declarations unavailable for @Type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @Type(@typeInfo(struct { const foo = 1; })); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: TypeInfo.Struct.decls must be empty for @Type", }); cases.add("enum with declarations unavailable for @Type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @Type(@typeInfo(enum { foo, const bar = 1; })); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: TypeInfo.Enum.decls must be empty for @Type", }); cases.addTest("reject extern variables with initializers", \\extern var foo: int = 2; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: extern variables have no initializers", }); cases.addTest("duplicate/unused labels", \\comptime { \\ blk: { blk: while (false) {} } \\ blk: while (false) { blk: for (@as([0]void, undefined)) |_| {} } \\ blk: for (@as([0]void, undefined)) |_| { blk: {} } \\} \\comptime { \\ blk: {} \\ blk: while(false) {} \\ blk: for(@as([0]void, undefined)) |_| {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:17: error: redeclaration of label 'blk'", "tmp.zig:2:10: note: previous declaration is here", "tmp.zig:3:31: error: redeclaration of label 'blk'", "tmp.zig:3:10: note: previous declaration is here", "tmp.zig:4:51: error: redeclaration of label 'blk'", "tmp.zig:4:10: note: previous declaration is here", "tmp.zig:7:10: error: unused block label", "tmp.zig:8:10: error: unused while label", "tmp.zig:9:10: error: unused for label", }); cases.addTest("@alignCast of zero sized types", \\export fn foo() void { \\ const a: *void = undefined; \\ _ = @alignCast(2, a); \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ const a: ?*void = undefined; \\ _ = @alignCast(2, a); \\} \\export fn baz() void { \\ const a: []void = undefined; \\ _ = @alignCast(2, a); \\} \\export fn qux() void { \\ const a = struct { \\ fn a(comptime b: u32) void {} \\ }.a; \\ _ = @alignCast(2, a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:23: error: cannot adjust alignment of zero sized type '*void'", "tmp.zig:7:23: error: cannot adjust alignment of zero sized type '?*void'", "tmp.zig:11:23: error: cannot adjust alignment of zero sized type '[]void'", "tmp.zig:17:23: error: cannot adjust alignment of zero sized type 'fn(u32) anytype'", }); cases.addTest("invalid non-exhaustive enum to union", \\const E = enum(u8) { \\ a, \\ b, \\ _, \\}; \\const U = union(E) { \\ a, \\ b, \\}; \\export fn foo() void { \\ var e = @intToEnum(E, 15); \\ var u: U = e; \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ const e = @intToEnum(E, 15); \\ var u: U = e; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:12:16: error: runtime cast to union 'U' from non-exhustive enum", "tmp.zig:16:16: error: no tag by value 15", }); cases.addTest("switching with exhaustive enum has '_' prong ", \\const E = enum{ \\ a, \\ b, \\}; \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ var e: E = .b; \\ switch (e) { \\ .a => {}, \\ .b => {}, \\ _ => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:5: error: switch on exhaustive enum has `_` prong", }); cases.addTest("invalid pointer with @Type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @Type(.{ .Pointer = .{ \\ .size = .One, \\ .is_const = false, \\ .is_volatile = false, \\ .alignment = 1, \\ .child = u8, \\ .is_allowzero = false, \\ .sentinel = 0, \\ }}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:16: error: sentinels are only allowed on slices and unknown-length pointers", }); cases.addTest("helpful return type error message", \\export fn foo() u32 { \\ return error.Ohno; \\} \\fn bar() !u32 { \\ return error.Ohno; \\} \\export fn baz() void { \\ try bar(); \\} \\export fn qux() u32 { \\ return bar(); \\} \\export fn quux() u32 { \\ var buf: u32 = 0; \\ buf = bar(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:17: error: expected type 'u32', found 'error{Ohno}'", "tmp.zig:1:17: note: function cannot return an error", "tmp.zig:8:5: error: expected type 'void', found '@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(bar)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set'", "tmp.zig:7:17: note: function cannot return an error", "tmp.zig:11:15: error: expected type 'u32', found '@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(bar)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set!u32'", "tmp.zig:10:17: note: function cannot return an error", "tmp.zig:15:14: error: expected type 'u32', found '@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(bar)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set!u32'", "tmp.zig:14:5: note: cannot store an error in type 'u32'", }); cases.addTest("int/float conversion to comptime_int/float", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var a: f32 = 2; \\ _ = @floatToInt(comptime_int, a); \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ var a: u32 = 2; \\ _ = @intToFloat(comptime_float, a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:35: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", "tmp.zig:3:9: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:7:37: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", "tmp.zig:7:9: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("extern variable has no type", \\extern var foo; \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ foo; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: unable to infer variable type", }); cases.add("@src outside function", \\comptime { \\ @src(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: @src outside function", }); cases.add("call assigned to constant", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\}; \\fn foo() Foo { \\ return .{ .x = 42 }; \\} \\fn bar(val: anytype) Foo { \\ return .{ .x = val }; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ const baz: Foo = undefined; \\ baz = foo(); \\} \\export fn entry1() void { \\ const baz: Foo = undefined; \\ baz = bar(42); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:12:14: error: cannot assign to constant", "tmp.zig:16:14: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.add("invalid pointer syntax", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var guid: *:0 const u8 = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: sentinels are only allowed on unknown-length pointers", }); cases.add("declaration between fields", \\const S = struct { \\ const foo = 2; \\ const bar = 2; \\ const baz = 2; \\ a: usize, \\ const foo1 = 2; \\ const bar1 = 2; \\ const baz1 = 2; \\ b: usize, \\}; \\comptime { \\ _ = S; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:5: error: declarations are not allowed between container fields", }); cases.add("non-extern function with var args", \\fn foo(args: ...) void {} \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: non-extern function is variadic", }); cases.addTest("invalid int casts", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var a: u32 = 2; \\ _ = @intCast(comptime_int, a); \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ var a: u32 = 2; \\ _ = @intToFloat(u32, a); \\} \\export fn baz() void { \\ var a: u32 = 2; \\ _ = @floatToInt(u32, a); \\} \\export fn qux() void { \\ var a: f32 = 2; \\ _ = @intCast(u32, a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:32: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", "tmp.zig:3:9: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:7:21: error: expected float type, found 'u32'", "tmp.zig:7:9: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:11:26: error: expected float type, found 'u32'", "tmp.zig:11:9: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:15:23: error: expected integer type, found 'f32'", "tmp.zig:15:9: note: referenced here", }); cases.addTest("invalid float casts", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var a: f32 = 2; \\ _ = @floatCast(comptime_float, a); \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ var a: f32 = 2; \\ _ = @floatToInt(f32, a); \\} \\export fn baz() void { \\ var a: f32 = 2; \\ _ = @intToFloat(f32, a); \\} \\export fn qux() void { \\ var a: u32 = 2; \\ _ = @floatCast(f32, a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:36: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", "tmp.zig:3:9: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:7:21: error: expected integer type, found 'f32'", "tmp.zig:7:9: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:11:26: error: expected int type, found 'f32'", "tmp.zig:11:9: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:15:25: error: expected float type, found 'u32'", "tmp.zig:15:9: note: referenced here", }); cases.addTest("invalid assignments", \\export fn entry1() void { \\ var a: []const u8 = "foo"; \\ a[0..2] = "bar"; \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ var a: u8 = 2; \\ a + 2 = 3; \\} \\export fn entry4() void { \\ 2 + 2 = 3; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:6: error: invalid left-hand side to assignment", "tmp.zig:7:7: error: invalid left-hand side to assignment", "tmp.zig:10:7: error: invalid left-hand side to assignment", }); cases.addTest("reassign to array parameter", \\fn reassign(a: [3]f32) void { \\ a = [3]f32{4, 5, 6}; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ reassign(.{1, 2, 3}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.addTest("reassign to slice parameter", \\pub fn reassign(s: []const u8) void { \\ s = s[0..]; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ reassign("foo"); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:10: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.addTest("reassign to struct parameter", \\const S = struct { \\ x: u32, \\}; \\fn reassign(s: S) void { \\ s = S{.x = 2}; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ reassign(S{.x = 3}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:10: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.addTest("reference to const data", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var ptr = &[_]u8{0,0,0,0}; \\ ptr[1] = 2; \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ var ptr = &@as(u32, 2); \\ ptr.* = 2; \\} \\export fn baz() void { \\ var ptr = &true; \\ ptr.* = false; \\} \\export fn qux() void { \\ const S = struct{ \\ x: usize, \\ y: usize, \\ }; \\ var ptr = &S{.x=1,.y=2}; \\ ptr.x = 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:14: error: cannot assign to constant", "tmp.zig:7:13: error: cannot assign to constant", "tmp.zig:11:13: error: cannot assign to constant", "tmp.zig:19:13: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.addTest("cast between ?T where T is not a pointer", \\pub const fnty1 = ?fn (i8) void; \\pub const fnty2 = ?fn (u64) void; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a: fnty1 = undefined; \\ var b: fnty2 = undefined; \\ a = b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:9: error: expected type '?fn(i8) void', found '?fn(u64) void'", "tmp.zig:6:9: note: optional type child 'fn(u64) void' cannot cast into optional type child 'fn(i8) void'", }); cases.addTest("unused variable error on errdefer", \\fn foo() !void { \\ errdefer |a| unreachable; \\ return error.A; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo() catch unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: unused variable: 'a'", }); cases.addTest("comparison of non-tagged union and enum literal", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const U = union { A: u32, B: u64 }; \\ var u = U{ .A = 42 }; \\ var ok = u == .A; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:16: error: comparison of union and enum literal is only valid for tagged union types", "tmp.zig:2:15: note: type U is not a tagged union", }); cases.addTest("shift on type with non-power-of-two size", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const S = struct { \\ fn a() void { \\ var x: u24 = 42; \\ _ = x >> 24; \\ } \\ fn b() void { \\ var x: u24 = 42; \\ _ = x << 24; \\ } \\ fn c() void { \\ var x: u24 = 42; \\ _ = @shlExact(x, 24); \\ } \\ fn d() void { \\ var x: u24 = 42; \\ _ = @shrExact(x, 24); \\ } \\ }; \\ S.a(); \\ S.b(); \\ S.c(); \\ S.d(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:19: error: RHS of shift is too large for LHS type", "tmp.zig:9:19: error: RHS of shift is too large for LHS type", "tmp.zig:13:17: error: RHS of shift is too large for LHS type", "tmp.zig:17:17: error: RHS of shift is too large for LHS type", }); cases.addTest("combination of nosuspend and async", \\export fn entry() void { \\ nosuspend { \\ const bar = async foo(); \\ suspend {} \\ resume bar; \\ } \\} \\fn foo() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: suspend in nosuspend scope", }); cases.add("atomicrmw with bool op not .Xchg", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = false; \\ _ = @atomicRmw(bool, &x, .Add, true, .SeqCst); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:30: error: @atomicRmw with bool only allowed with .Xchg", }); cases.addTest("@TypeOf with no arguments", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @TypeOf(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: expected at least 1 argument, found 0", }); cases.addTest("@TypeOf with incompatible arguments", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var var_1: f32 = undefined; \\ var var_2: u32 = undefined; \\ _ = @TypeOf(var_1, var_2); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: incompatible types: 'f32' and 'u32'", }); cases.addTest("type mismatch with tuple concatenation", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = .{}; \\ x = x ++ .{ 1, 2, 3 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:11: error: expected type 'struct:2:14', found 'struct:3:11'", }); cases.addTest("@tagName on invalid value of non-exhaustive enum", \\test "enum" { \\ const E = enum(u8) {A, B, _}; \\ _ = @tagName(@intToEnum(E, 5)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:18: error: no tag by value 5", }); cases.addTest("@ptrToInt with pointer to zero-sized type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var pointer: ?*u0 = null; \\ var x = @ptrToInt(pointer); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:23: error: pointer to size 0 type has no address", }); cases.addTest("access invalid @typeInfo decl", \\const A = B; \\test "Crash" { \\ _ = @typeInfo(@This()).Struct.decls[0]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'B'", }); cases.addTest("reject extern function definitions with body", \\extern "c" fn definitelyNotInLibC(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { \\ return a + b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: extern functions have no body", }); cases.addTest("duplicate field in anonymous struct literal", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const anon = .{ \\ .inner = .{ \\ .a = .{ \\ .something = "text", \\ }, \\ .a = .{}, \\ }, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:13: error: duplicate field", "tmp.zig:4:13: note: other field here", }); cases.addTest("type mismatch in C prototype with varargs", \\const fn_ty = ?fn ([*c]u8, ...) callconv(.C) void; \\extern fn fn_decl(fmt: [*:0]u8, ...) void; \\ \\export fn main() void { \\ const x: fn_ty = fn_decl; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:22: error: expected type 'fn([*c]u8, ...) callconv(.C) void', found 'fn([*:0]u8, ...) callconv(.C) void'", }); cases.addTest("dependency loop in top-level decl with @TypeInfo when accessing the decls", \\export const foo = @typeInfo(@This()).Struct.decls; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:20: error: dependency loop detected", "tmp.zig:1:45: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("function call assigned to incorrect type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var arr: [4]f32 = undefined; \\ arr = concat(); \\} \\fn concat() [16]f32 { \\ return [1]f32{0}**16; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:17: error: expected type '[4]f32', found '[16]f32'", }); cases.add("generic function call assigned to incorrect type", \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ var res: []i32 = undefined; \\ res = myAlloc(i32); \\} \\fn myAlloc(comptime arg: type) anyerror!arg{ \\ unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:18: error: expected type '[]i32', found 'anyerror!i32", }); cases.addTest("non-exhaustive enums", \\const A = enum { \\ a, \\ b, \\ _ = 1, \\}; \\const B = enum(u1) { \\ a, \\ _, \\ b, \\}; \\const C = enum(u1) { \\ a, \\ b, \\ _, \\}; \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ _ = A; \\ _ = B; \\ _ = C; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:5: error: value assigned to '_' field of non-exhaustive enum", "error: non-exhaustive enum must specify size", "error: non-exhaustive enum specifies every value", "error: '_' field of non-exhaustive enum must be last", }); cases.addTest("switching with non-exhaustive enums", \\const E = enum(u8) { \\ a, \\ b, \\ _, \\}; \\const U = union(E) { \\ a: i32, \\ b: u32, \\}; \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ var e: E = .b; \\ switch (e) { // error: switch not handling the tag `b` \\ .a => {}, \\ _ => {}, \\ } \\ switch (e) { // error: switch on non-exhaustive enum must include `else` or `_` prong \\ .a => {}, \\ .b => {}, \\ } \\ var u = U{.a = 2}; \\ switch (u) { // error: `_` prong not allowed when switching on tagged union \\ .a => {}, \\ .b => {}, \\ _ => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:12:5: error: enumeration value 'E.b' not handled in switch", "tmp.zig:16:5: error: switch on non-exhaustive enum must include `else` or `_` prong", "tmp.zig:21:5: error: `_` prong not allowed when switching on tagged union", }); cases.add("switch expression - unreachable else prong (bool)", \\fn foo(x: bool) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ true => {}, \\ false => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:9: error: unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", }); cases.add("switch expression - unreachable else prong (u1)", \\fn foo(x: u1) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 => {}, \\ 1 => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:9: error: unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", }); cases.add("switch expression - unreachable else prong (u2)", \\fn foo(x: u2) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 => {}, \\ 1 => {}, \\ 2 => {}, \\ 3 => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:9: error: unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", }); cases.add("switch expression - unreachable else prong (range u8)", \\fn foo(x: u8) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 => {}, \\ 1 => {}, \\ 2 => {}, \\ 3 => {}, \\ 4...255 => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:9: error: unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", }); cases.add("switch expression - unreachable else prong (range i8)", \\fn foo(x: i8) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ -128...0 => {}, \\ 1 => {}, \\ 2 => {}, \\ 3 => {}, \\ 4...127 => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:9: error: unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", }); cases.add("switch expression - unreachable else prong (enum)", \\const TestEnum = enum{ T1, T2 }; \\ \\fn err(x: u8) TestEnum { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 => return TestEnum.T1, \\ else => return TestEnum.T2, \\ } \\} \\ \\fn foo(x: u8) void { \\ switch (err(x)) { \\ TestEnum.T1 => {}, \\ TestEnum.T2 => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:14:9: error: unreachable else prong, all cases already handled", }); cases.addTest("@export with empty name string", \\pub export fn entry() void { } \\comptime { \\ @export(entry, .{ .name = "" }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: exported symbol name cannot be empty", }); cases.addTest("switch ranges endpoints are validated", \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ var x: i32 = 0; \\ switch (x) { \\ 6...1 => {}, \\ -1...-5 => {}, \\ else => unreachable, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: range start value is greater than the end value", "tmp.zig:5:9: error: range start value is greater than the end value", }); cases.addTest("errors in for loop bodies are propagated", \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ var arr: [100]u8 = undefined; \\ for (arr) |bits| _ = @popCount(bits); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:26: error: expected 2 argument(s), found 1", }); cases.addTest("@call rejects non comptime-known fn - always_inline", \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ var call_me: fn () void = undefined; \\ @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, call_me, .{}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: the specified modifier requires a comptime-known function", }); cases.addTest("@call rejects non comptime-known fn - compile_time", \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ var call_me: fn () void = undefined; \\ @call(.{ .modifier = .compile_time }, call_me, .{}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: the specified modifier requires a comptime-known function", }); cases.addTest("error in struct initializer doesn't crash the compiler", \\pub export fn entry() void { \\ const bitfield = struct { \\ e: u8, \\ e: u8, \\ }; \\ var a = .{@sizeOf(bitfield)}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: duplicate struct field: 'e'", }); cases.addTest("repeated invalid field access to generic function returning type crashes compiler. #2655", \\pub fn A() type { \\ return Q; \\} \\test "1" { \\ _ = A().a; \\ _ = A().a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: use of undeclared identifier 'Q'", }); cases.add("bitCast to enum type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const y = @bitCast(enum(u32) { a, b }, @as(u32, 3)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:24: error: cannot cast a value of type 'y'", }); cases.add("comparing against undefined produces undefined value", \\export fn entry() void { \\ if (2 == undefined) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("comptime ptrcast of zero-sized type", \\fn foo() void { \\ const node: struct {} = undefined; \\ const vla_ptr = @ptrCast([*]const u8, &node); \\} \\comptime { foo(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:21: error: '*const struct:2:17' and '[*]const u8' do not have the same in-memory representation", }); cases.add("slice sentinel mismatch", \\fn foo() [:0]u8 { \\ var x: []u8 = undefined; \\ return x; \\} \\comptime { _ = foo; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: expected type '[:0]u8', found '[]u8'", "tmp.zig:3:12: note: destination pointer requires a terminating '0' sentinel", }); cases.add("cmpxchg with float", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: f32 = 0; \\ _ = @cmpxchgWeak(f32, &x, 1, 2, .SeqCst, .SeqCst); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:22: error: expected bool, integer, enum or pointer type, found 'f32'", }); cases.add("atomicrmw with float op not .Xchg, .Add or .Sub", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: f32 = 0; \\ _ = @atomicRmw(f32, &x, .And, 2, .SeqCst); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:29: error: @atomicRmw with float only allowed with .Xchg, .Add and .Sub", }); cases.add("intToPtr with misaligned address", \\pub fn main() void { \\ var y = @intToPtr([*]align(4) u8, 5); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:13: error: pointer type '[*]align(4) u8' requires aligned address", }); cases.add("invalid float literal", \\const std = @import("std"); \\ \\pub fn main() void { \\ var bad_float :f32 = 0.0; \\ bad_float = bad_float + .20; \\ std.debug.assert(bad_float < 1.0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:29: error: invalid token: '.'", }); cases.add("invalid exponent in float literal - 1", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0x1.0p1ab1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:28: error: invalid character: 'a'", }); cases.add("invalid exponent in float literal - 2", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0x1.0p50F; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:29: error: invalid character: 'F'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 1", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0._0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 2", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0_.0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: invalid character: '.'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 3", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0.0_; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: invalid character: ';'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 4", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 1.0e_1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 5", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 1.0e+_1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:26: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 6", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 1.0e-_1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:26: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 7", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 1.0e-1_; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:28: error: invalid character: ';'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 9", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 1__0.0e-1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 10", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 1.0__0e-1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 11", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 1.0e-1__0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:28: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 12", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0_x0.0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: invalid character: 'x'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 13", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0x_0.0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: invalid character: '_'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in float literal - 14", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: f128 = 0x0.0_p1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:27: error: invalid character: 'p'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in int literal - 1", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: u128 = 0010_; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:26: error: invalid character: ';'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in int literal - 2", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: u128 = 0b0010_; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:28: error: invalid character: ';'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in int literal - 3", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: u128 = 0o0010_; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:28: error: invalid character: ';'", }); cases.add("invalid underscore placement in int literal - 4", \\fn main() void { \\ var bad: u128 = 0x0010_; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:28: error: invalid character: ';'", }); cases.add("comptime struct field, no init value", \\const Foo = struct { \\ comptime b: i32, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var f: Foo = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: comptime struct field missing initialization value", }); cases.add("bad usage of @call", \\export fn entry1() void { \\ @call(.{}, foo, {}); \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ comptime @call(.{ .modifier = .never_inline }, foo, .{}); \\} \\export fn entry3() void { \\ comptime @call(.{ .modifier = .never_tail }, foo, .{}); \\} \\export fn entry4() void { \\ @call(.{ .modifier = .never_inline }, bar, .{}); \\} \\export fn entry5(c: bool) void { \\ var baz = if (c) baz1 else baz2; \\ @call(.{ .modifier = .compile_time }, baz, .{}); \\} \\fn foo() void {} \\fn bar() callconv(.Inline) void {} \\fn baz1() void {} \\fn baz2() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:21: error: expected tuple or struct, found 'void'", "tmp.zig:5:14: error: unable to perform 'never_inline' call at compile-time", "tmp.zig:8:14: error: unable to perform 'never_tail' call at compile-time", "tmp.zig:11:5: error: no-inline call of inline function", "tmp.zig:15:5: error: the specified modifier requires a comptime-known function", }); cases.add("exported async function", \\export fn foo() callconv(.Async) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: exported function cannot be async", }); cases.addExe("main missing name", \\pub fn (main) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:5: error: missing function name", }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("call with new stack on unsupported target", \\var buf: [10]u8 align(16) = undefined; \\export fn entry() void { \\ @call(.{.stack = &buf}, foo, .{}); \\} \\fn foo() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: target arch 'wasm32' does not support calling with a new stack", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .wasm32, .os_tag = .wasi, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); // Note: One of the error messages here is backwards. It would be nice to fix, but that's not // going to stop me from merging this branch which fixes a bunch of other stuff. cases.add("incompatible sentinels", \\export fn entry1(ptr: [*:255]u8) [*:0]u8 { \\ return ptr; \\} \\export fn entry2(ptr: [*]u8) [*:0]u8 { \\ return ptr; \\} \\export fn entry3() void { \\ var array: [2:0]u8 = [_:255]u8{1, 2}; \\} \\export fn entry4() void { \\ var array: [2:0]u8 = [_]u8{1, 2}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: expected type '[*:0]u8', found '[*:255]u8'", "tmp.zig:2:12: note: destination pointer requires a terminating '0' sentinel, but source pointer has a terminating '255' sentinel", "tmp.zig:5:12: error: expected type '[*:0]u8', found '[*]u8'", "tmp.zig:5:12: note: destination pointer requires a terminating '0' sentinel", "tmp.zig:8:35: error: expected type '[2:255]u8', found '[2:0]u8'", "tmp.zig:8:35: note: destination array requires a terminating '255' sentinel, but source array has a terminating '0' sentinel", "tmp.zig:11:31: error: expected type '[2:0]u8', found '[2]u8'", "tmp.zig:11:31: note: destination array requires a terminating '0' sentinel", }); cases.add("empty switch on an integer", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: u32 = 0; \\ switch(x) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: switch must handle all possibilities", }); cases.add("incorrect return type", \\ pub export fn entry() void{ \\ _ = foo(); \\ } \\ const A = struct { \\ a: u32, \\ }; \\ fn foo() A { \\ return bar(); \\ } \\ const B = struct { \\ a: u32, \\ }; \\ fn bar() B { \\ unreachable; \\ } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:16: error: expected type 'A', found 'B'", }); cases.add("regression test #2980: base type u32 is not type checked properly when assigning a value within a struct", \\const Foo = struct { \\ ptr: ?*usize, \\ uval: u32, \\}; \\fn get_uval(x: u32) !u32 { \\ return error.NotFound; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ const afoo = Foo{ \\ .ptr = null, \\ .uval = get_uval(42), \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:11:25: error: expected type 'u32', found '@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(get_uval)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set!u32'", }); cases.add("assigning to struct or union fields that are not optionals with a function that returns an optional", \\fn maybe(is: bool) ?u8 { \\ if (is) return @as(u8, 10) else return null; \\} \\const U = union { \\ Ye: u8, \\}; \\const S = struct { \\ num: u8, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var u = U{ .Ye = maybe(false) }; \\ var s = S{ .num = maybe(false) }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:11:27: error: expected type 'u8', found '?u8'", }); cases.add("missing result type for phi node", \\fn foo() !void { \\ return anyerror.Foo; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo() catch 0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:17: error: integer value 0 cannot be coerced to type 'void'", }); cases.add("atomicrmw with enum op not .Xchg", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const E = enum(u8) { \\ a, \\ b, \\ c, \\ d, \\ }; \\ var x: E = .a; \\ _ = @atomicRmw(E, &x, .Add, .b, .SeqCst); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:27: error: @atomicRmw with enum only allowed with .Xchg", }); cases.add("disallow coercion from non-null-terminated pointer to null-terminated pointer", \\extern fn puts(s: [*:0]const u8) c_int; \\pub fn main() void { \\ const no_zero_array = [_]u8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}; \\ const no_zero_ptr: [*]const u8 = &no_zero_array; \\ _ = puts(no_zero_ptr); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:14: error: expected type '[*:0]const u8', found '[*]const u8'", }); cases.add("atomic orderings of atomicStore Acquire or AcqRel", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: u32 = 0; \\ @atomicStore(u32, &x, 1, .Acquire); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:30: error: @atomicStore atomic ordering must not be Acquire or AcqRel", }); cases.add("missing const in slice with nested array type", \\const Geo3DTex2D = struct { vertices: [][2]f32 }; \\pub fn getGeo3DTex2D() Geo3DTex2D { \\ return Geo3DTex2D{ \\ .vertices = [_][2]f32{ \\ [_]f32{ -0.5, -0.5}, \\ }, \\ }; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ var geo_data = getGeo3DTex2D(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:30: error: array literal requires address-of operator to coerce to slice type '[][2]f32'", }); cases.add("slicing of global undefined pointer", \\var buf: *[1]u8 = undefined; \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = buf[0..1]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: non-zero length slice of undefined pointer", }); cases.add("using invalid types in function call raises an error", \\const MenuEffect = enum {}; \\fn func(effect: MenuEffect) void {} \\export fn entry() void { \\ func(MenuEffect.ThisDoesNotExist); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:20: error: enums must have 1 or more fields", "tmp.zig:4:20: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("store vector pointer with unknown runtime index", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var v: @import("std").meta.Vector(4, i32) = [_]i32{ 1, 5, 3, undefined }; \\ \\ var i: u32 = 0; \\ storev(&v[i], 42); \\} \\ \\fn storev(ptr: anytype, val: i32) void { \\ ptr.* = val; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:8: error: unable to determine vector element index of type '*align(16:0:4:?) i32", }); cases.add("load vector pointer with unknown runtime index", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var v: @import("std").meta.Vector(4, i32) = [_]i32{ 1, 5, 3, undefined }; \\ \\ var i: u32 = 0; \\ var x = loadv(&v[i]); \\} \\ \\fn loadv(ptr: anytype) i32 { \\ return ptr.*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:12: error: unable to determine vector element index of type '*align(16:0:4:?) i32", }); cases.add("using an unknown len ptr type instead of array", \\const resolutions = [*][*]const u8{ \\ "[320 240 ]", \\ null, \\}; \\comptime { \\ _ = resolutions; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:21: error: expected array type or [_], found '[*][*]const u8'", }); cases.add("comparison with error union and error value", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var number_or_error: anyerror!i32 = error.SomethingAwful; \\ _ = number_or_error == error.SomethingAwful; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:25: error: operator not allowed for type 'anyerror!i32'", }); cases.add("switch with overlapping case ranges", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var q: u8 = 0; \\ switch (q) { \\ 1...2 => {}, \\ 0...255 => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:9: error: duplicate switch value", }); cases.add("invalid optional type in extern struct", \\const stroo = extern struct { \\ moo: ?[*c]u8, \\}; \\export fn testf(fluff: *stroo) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: extern structs cannot contain fields of type '?[*c]u8'", }); cases.add("attempt to negate a non-integer, non-float or non-vector type", \\fn foo() anyerror!u32 { \\ return 1; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = -foo(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:15: error: negation of type 'anyerror!u32'", }); cases.add("attempt to create 17 bit float type", \\const builtin = @import("std").builtin; \\comptime { \\ _ = @Type(builtin.TypeInfo { .Float = builtin.TypeInfo.Float { .bits = 17 } }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:32: error: 17-bit float unsupported", }); cases.add("wrong type for @Type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @Type(0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'std.builtin.TypeInfo', found 'comptime_int'", }); cases.add("@Type with non-constant expression", \\const builtin = @import("std").builtin; \\var globalTypeInfo : builtin.TypeInfo = undefined; \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @Type(globalTypeInfo); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:15: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.add("wrong type for argument tuple to @asyncCall", \\export fn entry1() void { \\ var frame: @Frame(foo) = undefined; \\ @asyncCall(&frame, {}, foo, {}); \\} \\ \\fn foo() i32 { \\ return 0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:33: error: expected tuple or struct, found 'void'", }); cases.add("wrong type for result ptr to @asyncCall", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = async amain(); \\} \\fn amain() i32 { \\ var frame: @Frame(foo) = undefined; \\ return await @asyncCall(&frame, false, foo, .{}); \\} \\fn foo() i32 { \\ return 1234; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:37: error: expected type '*i32', found 'bool'", }); cases.add("shift amount has to be an integer type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = 1 << &@as(u8, 10); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:21: error: shift amount has to be an integer type, but found '*const u8'", "tmp.zig:2:17: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("bit shifting only works on integer types", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = &@as(u8, 1) << 10; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:16: error: bit shifting operation expected integer type, found '*const u8'", "tmp.zig:2:27: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("struct depends on itself via optional field", \\const LhsExpr = struct { \\ rhsExpr: ?AstObject, \\}; \\const AstObject = union { \\ lhsExpr: LhsExpr, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const lhsExpr = LhsExpr{ .rhsExpr = null }; \\ const obj = AstObject{ .lhsExpr = lhsExpr }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:17: error: struct 'LhsExpr' depends on itself", "tmp.zig:5:5: note: while checking this field", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: while checking this field", }); cases.add("alignment of enum field specified", \\const Number = enum { \\ a, \\ b align(i32), \\}; \\export fn entry1() void { \\ var x: Number = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:13: error: structs and unions, not enums, support field alignment", "tmp.zig:1:16: note: consider 'union(enum)' here", }); cases.add("bad alignment type", \\export fn entry1() void { \\ var x: []align(true) i32 = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ var x: *align(@as(f64, 12.34)) i32 = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:20: error: expected type 'u29', found 'bool'", "tmp.zig:5:19: error: fractional component prevents float value 12.340000 from being casted to type 'u29'", }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("variable in inline assembly template cannot be found", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var sp = asm volatile ( \\ "mov %[foo], sp" \\ : [bar] "=r" (-> usize) \\ ); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: could not find 'foo' in the inputs or outputs", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .x86_64, .os_tag = .linux, .abi = .gnu, }; break :x tc; }); cases.add("indirect recursion of async functions detected", \\var frame: ?anyframe = null; \\ \\export fn a() void { \\ _ = async rangeSum(10); \\ while (frame) |f| resume f; \\} \\ \\fn rangeSum(x: i32) i32 { \\ suspend { \\ frame = @frame(); \\ } \\ frame = null; \\ \\ if (x == 0) return 0; \\ var child = rangeSumIndirect(x - 1); \\ return child + 1; \\} \\ \\fn rangeSumIndirect(x: i32) i32 { \\ suspend { \\ frame = @frame(); \\ } \\ frame = null; \\ \\ if (x == 0) return 0; \\ var child = rangeSum(x - 1); \\ return child + 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:1: error: '@Frame(rangeSum)' depends on itself", "tmp.zig:15:33: note: when analyzing type '@Frame(rangeSum)' here", "tmp.zig:26:25: note: when analyzing type '@Frame(rangeSumIndirect)' here", }); cases.add("non-async function pointer eventually is inferred to become async", \\export fn a() void { \\ var non_async_fn: fn () void = undefined; \\ non_async_fn = func; \\} \\fn func() void { \\ suspend {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:1: error: 'func' cannot be async", "tmp.zig:3:20: note: required to be non-async here", "tmp.zig:6:5: note: suspends here", }); cases.add("bad alignment in @asyncCall", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var ptr: fn () callconv(.Async) void = func; \\ var bytes: [64]u8 = undefined; \\ _ = @asyncCall(&bytes, {}, ptr, .{}); \\} \\fn func() callconv(.Async) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ // Split the check in two as the alignment value is target dependent. "tmp.zig:4:21: error: expected type '[]align(", ") u8', found '*[64]u8'", }); cases.add("atomic orderings of fence Acquire or stricter", \\export fn entry() void { \\ @fence(.Monotonic); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: atomic ordering must be Acquire or stricter", }); cases.add("bad alignment in implicit cast from array pointer to slice", \\export fn a() void { \\ var x: [10]u8 = undefined; \\ var y: []align(16) u8 = &x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:30: error: expected type '[]align(16) u8', found '*[10]u8'", }); cases.add("result location incompatibility mismatching handle_is_ptr (generic call)", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var damn = Container{ \\ .not_optional = getOptional(i32), \\ }; \\} \\pub fn getOptional(comptime T: type) ?T { \\ return 0; \\} \\pub const Container = struct { \\ not_optional: i32, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:36: error: expected type 'i32', found '?i32'", }); cases.add("result location incompatibility mismatching handle_is_ptr", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var damn = Container{ \\ .not_optional = getOptional(), \\ }; \\} \\pub fn getOptional() ?i32 { \\ return 0; \\} \\pub const Container = struct { \\ not_optional: i32, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:36: error: expected type 'i32', found '?i32'", }); cases.add("const frame cast to anyframe", \\export fn a() void { \\ const f = async func(); \\ resume f; \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ const f = async func(); \\ var x: anyframe = &f; \\} \\fn func() void { \\ suspend {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: expected type 'anyframe', found '*const @Frame(func)'", "tmp.zig:7:24: error: expected type 'anyframe', found '*const @Frame(func)'", }); cases.add("prevent bad implicit casting of anyframe types", \\export fn a() void { \\ var x: anyframe = undefined; \\ var y: anyframe->i32 = x; \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ var x: i32 = undefined; \\ var y: anyframe->i32 = x; \\} \\export fn c() void { \\ var x: @Frame(func) = undefined; \\ var y: anyframe->i32 = &x; \\} \\fn func() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:28: error: expected type 'anyframe->i32', found 'anyframe'", "tmp.zig:7:28: error: expected type 'anyframe->i32', found 'i32'", "tmp.zig:11:29: error: expected type 'anyframe->i32', found '*@Frame(func)'", }); cases.add("wrong frame type used for async call", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var frame: @Frame(foo) = undefined; \\ frame = async bar(); \\} \\fn foo() void { \\ suspend {} \\} \\fn bar() void { \\ suspend {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:13: error: expected type '*@Frame(bar)', found '*@Frame(foo)'", }); cases.add("@Frame() of generic function", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var frame: @Frame(func) = undefined; \\} \\fn func(comptime T: type) void { \\ var x: T = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:16: error: @Frame() of generic function", }); cases.add("@frame() causes function to be async", \\export fn entry() void { \\ func(); \\} \\fn func() void { \\ _ = @frame(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: function with calling convention 'C' cannot be async", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: @frame() causes function to be async", }); cases.add("invalid suspend in exported function", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var frame = async func(); \\ var result = await frame; \\} \\fn func() void { \\ suspend {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: function with calling convention 'C' cannot be async", "tmp.zig:3:18: note: await here is a suspend point", }); cases.add("async function indirectly depends on its own frame", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = async amain(); \\} \\fn amain() callconv(.Async) void { \\ other(); \\} \\fn other() void { \\ var x: [@sizeOf(@Frame(amain))]u8 = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:1: error: unable to determine async function frame of 'amain'", "tmp.zig:5:10: note: analysis of function 'other' depends on the frame", "tmp.zig:8:13: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("async function depends on its own frame", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = async amain(); \\} \\fn amain() callconv(.Async) void { \\ var x: [@sizeOf(@Frame(amain))]u8 = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:1: error: cannot resolve '@Frame(amain)': function not fully analyzed yet", "tmp.zig:5:13: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("non async function pointer passed to @asyncCall", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var ptr = afunc; \\ var bytes: [100]u8 align(16) = undefined; \\ _ = @asyncCall(&bytes, {}, ptr, .{}); \\} \\fn afunc() void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:32: error: expected async function, found 'fn() void'", }); cases.add("runtime-known async function called", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = async amain(); \\} \\fn amain() void { \\ var ptr = afunc; \\ _ = ptr(); \\} \\fn afunc() callconv(.Async) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:12: error: function is not comptime-known; @asyncCall required", }); cases.add("runtime-known function called with async keyword", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var ptr = afunc; \\ _ = async ptr(); \\} \\ \\fn afunc() callconv(.Async) void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:15: error: function is not comptime-known; @asyncCall required", }); cases.add("function with ccc indirectly calling async function", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(); \\} \\fn foo() void { \\ bar(); \\} \\fn bar() void { \\ suspend {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: function with calling convention 'C' cannot be async", "tmp.zig:2:8: note: async function call here", "tmp.zig:5:8: note: async function call here", "tmp.zig:8:5: note: suspends here", }); cases.add("capture group on switch prong with incompatible payload types", \\const Union = union(enum) { \\ A: usize, \\ B: isize, \\}; \\comptime { \\ var u = Union{ .A = 8 }; \\ switch (u) { \\ .A, .B => |e| unreachable, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:20: error: capture group with incompatible types", "tmp.zig:8:9: note: type 'usize' here", "tmp.zig:8:13: note: type 'isize' here", }); cases.add("wrong type to @hasField", \\export fn entry() bool { \\ return @hasField(i32, "hi"); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:22: error: type 'i32' does not support @hasField", }); cases.add("slice passed as array init type with elems", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = []u8{1, 2}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: array literal requires address-of operator to coerce to slice type '[]u8'", }); cases.add("slice passed as array init type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = []u8{}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: array literal requires address-of operator to coerce to slice type '[]u8'", }); cases.add("inferred array size invalid here", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = [_]u8; \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ const S = struct { a: *const [_]u8 }; \\ var a = .{ S{} }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: inferred array size invalid here", "tmp.zig:5:34: error: inferred array size invalid here", }); cases.add("initializing array with struct syntax", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = [_]u8{ .y = 2 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: initializing array with struct syntax", }); cases.add("compile error in struct init expression", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32 = crap, \\ b: i32, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = Foo{ \\ .b = 5, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crap'", }); cases.add("undefined as field type is rejected", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: undefined, \\}; \\export fn entry1() void { \\ const foo: Foo = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:8: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("@hasDecl with non-container", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @hasDecl(i32, "hi"); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:18: error: expected struct, enum, or union; found 'i32'", }); cases.add("field access of slices", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var slice: []i32 = undefined; \\ const info = @TypeOf(slice).unknown; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:32: error: type 'type' does not support field access", }); cases.add("peer cast then implicit cast const pointer to mutable C pointer", \\export fn func() void { \\ var strValue: [*c]u8 = undefined; \\ strValue = strValue orelse ""; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:32: error: expected type '[*c]u8', found '*const [0:0]u8'", "tmp.zig:3:32: note: cast discards const qualifier", }); cases.add("overflow in enum value allocation", \\const Moo = enum(u8) { \\ Last = 255, \\ Over, \\}; \\pub fn main() void { \\ var y = Moo.Last; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: enumeration value 256 too large for type 'u8'", }); cases.add("attempt to cast enum literal to error", \\export fn entry() void { \\ switch (error.Hi) { \\ .Hi => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: expected type 'error{Hi}', found '(enum literal)'", }); cases.add("@sizeOf bad type", \\export fn entry() usize { \\ return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(null)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:20: error: no size available for type '(null)'", }); cases.add("generic function where return type is self-referenced", \\fn Foo(comptime T: type) Foo(T) { \\ return struct{ x: T }; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ const t = Foo(u32) { \\ .x = 1 \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:29: error: evaluation exceeded 1000 backwards branches", "tmp.zig:5:18: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("@ptrToInt 0 to non optional pointer", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var b = @intToPtr(*i32, 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:13: error: pointer type '*i32' does not allow address zero", }); cases.add("cast enum literal to enum but it doesn't match", \\const Foo = enum { \\ a, \\ b, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x: Foo = .c; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:20: error: enum 'Foo' has no field named 'c'", "tmp.zig:1:13: note: 'Foo' declared here", }); cases.add("discarding error value", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = foo(); \\} \\fn foo() !void { \\ return error.OutOfMemory; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: error is discarded. consider using `try`, `catch`, or `if`", }); cases.add("volatile on global assembly", \\comptime { \\ asm volatile (""); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: volatile is meaningless on global assembly", }); cases.add("invalid multiple dereferences", \\export fn a() void { \\ var box = Box{ .field = 0 }; \\ box.*.field = 1; \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ var box = Box{ .field = 0 }; \\ var boxPtr = &box; \\ boxPtr.*.*.field = 1; \\} \\pub const Box = struct { \\ field: i32, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:8: error: attempt to dereference non-pointer type 'Box'", "tmp.zig:8:13: error: attempt to dereference non-pointer type 'Box'", }); cases.add("usingnamespace with wrong type", \\usingnamespace void; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: expected struct, enum, or union; found 'void'", }); cases.add("ignored expression in while continuation", \\export fn a() void { \\ while (true) : (bad()) {} \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ var x: anyerror!i32 = 1234; \\ while (x) |_| : (bad()) {} else |_| {} \\} \\export fn c() void { \\ var x: ?i32 = 1234; \\ while (x) |_| : (bad()) {} \\} \\fn bad() anyerror!void { \\ return error.Bad; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:24: error: error is ignored. consider using `try`, `catch`, or `if`", "tmp.zig:6:25: error: error is ignored. consider using `try`, `catch`, or `if`", "tmp.zig:10:25: error: error is ignored. consider using `try`, `catch`, or `if`", }); cases.add("empty while loop body", \\export fn a() void { \\ while(true); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:16: error: expected loop body, found ';'", }); cases.add("empty for loop body", \\export fn a() void { \\ for(undefined) |x|; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: expected loop body, found ';'", }); cases.add("empty if body", \\export fn a() void { \\ if(true); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:13: error: expected if body, found ';'", }); cases.add("import outside package path", \\comptime{ \\ _ = @import("../a.zig"); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: import of file outside package path: '../a.zig'", }); cases.add("bogus compile var", \\const x = @import("builtin").bogus; \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(x)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:29: error: container 'builtin' has no member called 'bogus'", }); cases.add("wrong panic signature, runtime function", \\test "" {} \\ \\pub fn panic() void {} \\ , &[_][]const u8{ "error: expected type 'fn([]const u8, ?*std.builtin.StackTrace) noreturn', found 'fn() void'", }); cases.add("wrong panic signature, generic function", \\pub fn panic(comptime msg: []const u8, error_return_trace: ?*builtin.StackTrace) noreturn { \\ while (true) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "error: expected type 'fn([]const u8, ?*std.builtin.StackTrace) noreturn', found 'fn([]const u8,anytype) anytype'", "note: only one of the functions is generic", }); cases.add("direct struct loop", \\const A = struct { a : A, }; \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(A); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:11: error: struct 'A' depends on itself", }); cases.add("indirect struct loop", \\const A = struct { b : B, }; \\const B = struct { c : C, }; \\const C = struct { a : A, }; \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(A); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:11: error: struct 'A' depends on itself", }); cases.add("instantiating an undefined value for an invalid struct that contains itself", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: Foo, \\}; \\ \\var foo: Foo = undefined; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { \\ return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo.x)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:13: error: struct 'Foo' depends on itself", "tmp.zig:8:28: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("enum field value references enum", \\pub const Foo = extern enum { \\ A = Foo.B, \\ C = D, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var s: Foo = Foo.E; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:17: error: enum 'Foo' depends on itself", }); cases.add("top level decl dependency loop", \\const a : @TypeOf(b) = 0; \\const b : @TypeOf(a) = 0; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const c = a + b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:19: error: dependency loop detected", "tmp.zig:1:19: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:4:15: note: referenced here", }); cases.addTest("not an enum type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var self: Error = undefined; \\ switch (self) { \\ InvalidToken => |x| return x.token, \\ ExpectedVarDeclOrFn => |x| return x.token, \\ } \\} \\const Error = union(enum) { \\ A: InvalidToken, \\ B: ExpectedVarDeclOrFn, \\}; \\const InvalidToken = struct {}; \\const ExpectedVarDeclOrFn = struct {}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: expected type '@typeInfo(Error).Union.tag_type.?', found 'type'", }); cases.addTest("binary OR operator on error sets", \\pub const A = error.A; \\pub const AB = A | error.B; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: AB = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:18: error: invalid operands to binary expression: 'error{A}' and 'error{B}'", }); if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .linux) { cases.addTest("implicit dependency on libc", \\extern "c" fn exit(u8) void; \\export fn entry() void { \\ exit(0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: dependency on libc must be explicitly specified in the build command", }); cases.addTest("libc headers note", \\const c = @cImport(@cInclude("stdio.h")); \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = c.printf("hello, world!\n"); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:11: error: C import failed", "tmp.zig:1:11: note: libc headers not available; compilation does not link against libc", }); } cases.addTest("comptime vector overflow shows the index", \\comptime { \\ var a: @import("std").meta.Vector(4, u8) = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 255, 4 }; \\ var b: @import("std").meta.Vector(4, u8) = [_]u8{ 5, 6, 1, 8 }; \\ var x = a + b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:15: error: operation caused overflow", "tmp.zig:4:15: note: when computing vector element at index 2", }); cases.addTest("packed struct with fields of not allowed types", \\const A = packed struct { \\ x: anyerror, \\}; \\const B = packed struct { \\ x: [2]u24, \\}; \\const C = packed struct { \\ x: [1]anyerror, \\}; \\const D = packed struct { \\ x: [1]S, \\}; \\const E = packed struct { \\ x: [1]U, \\}; \\const F = packed struct { \\ x: ?anyerror, \\}; \\const G = packed struct { \\ x: Enum, \\}; \\export fn entry1() void { \\ var a: A = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ var b: B = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry3() void { \\ var r: C = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry4() void { \\ var d: D = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry5() void { \\ var e: E = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry6() void { \\ var f: F = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry7() void { \\ var g: G = undefined; \\} \\const S = struct { \\ x: i32, \\}; \\const U = struct { \\ A: i32, \\ B: u32, \\}; \\const Enum = enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: type 'anyerror' not allowed in packed struct; no guaranteed in-memory representation", "tmp.zig:5:5: error: array of 'u24' not allowed in packed struct due to padding bits", "tmp.zig:8:5: error: type 'anyerror' not allowed in packed struct; no guaranteed in-memory representation", "tmp.zig:11:5: error: non-packed, non-extern struct 'S' not allowed in packed struct; no guaranteed in-memory representation", "tmp.zig:14:5: error: non-packed, non-extern struct 'U' not allowed in packed struct; no guaranteed in-memory representation", "tmp.zig:17:5: error: type '?anyerror' not allowed in packed struct; no guaranteed in-memory representation", "tmp.zig:20:5: error: type 'Enum' not allowed in packed struct; no guaranteed in-memory representation", "tmp.zig:50:14: note: enum declaration does not specify an integer tag type", }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("deduplicate undeclared identifier", \\export fn a() void { \\ x += 1; \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ x += 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'x'", }); tc.expect_exact = true; break :x tc; }); cases.add("export generic function", \\export fn foo(num: anytype) i32 { \\ return 0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:15: error: parameter of type 'anytype' not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("C pointer to c_void", \\export fn a() void { \\ var x: *c_void = undefined; \\ var y: [*c]c_void = x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:16: error: C pointers cannot point to opaque types", }); cases.add("directly embedding opaque type in struct and union", \\const O = opaque {}; \\const Foo = struct { \\ o: O, \\}; \\const Bar = union { \\ One: i32, \\ Two: O, \\}; \\export fn a() void { \\ var foo: Foo = undefined; \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ var bar: Bar = undefined; \\} \\export fn c() void { \\ var baz: *opaque {} = undefined; \\ const qux = .{baz.*}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: opaque types have unknown size and therefore cannot be directly embedded in structs", "tmp.zig:7:5: error: opaque types have unknown size and therefore cannot be directly embedded in unions", "tmp.zig:17:22: error: opaque types have unknown size and therefore cannot be directly embedded in structs", }); cases.add("implicit cast between C pointer and Zig pointer - bad const/align/child", \\export fn a() void { \\ var x: [*c]u8 = undefined; \\ var y: *align(4) u8 = x; \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ var x: [*c]const u8 = undefined; \\ var y: *u8 = x; \\} \\export fn c() void { \\ var x: [*c]u8 = undefined; \\ var y: *u32 = x; \\} \\export fn d() void { \\ var y: *align(1) u32 = undefined; \\ var x: [*c]u32 = y; \\} \\export fn e() void { \\ var y: *const u8 = undefined; \\ var x: [*c]u8 = y; \\} \\export fn f() void { \\ var y: *u8 = undefined; \\ var x: [*c]u32 = y; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:27: error: cast increases pointer alignment", "tmp.zig:7:18: error: cast discards const qualifier", "tmp.zig:11:19: error: expected type '*u32', found '[*c]u8'", "tmp.zig:11:19: note: pointer type child 'u8' cannot cast into pointer type child 'u32'", "tmp.zig:15:22: error: cast increases pointer alignment", "tmp.zig:19:21: error: cast discards const qualifier", "tmp.zig:23:22: error: expected type '[*c]u32', found '*u8'", }); cases.add("implicit casting null c pointer to zig pointer", \\comptime { \\ var c_ptr: [*c]u8 = 0; \\ var zig_ptr: *u8 = c_ptr; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:24: error: null pointer casted to type '*u8'", }); cases.add("implicit casting undefined c pointer to zig pointer", \\comptime { \\ var c_ptr: [*c]u8 = undefined; \\ var zig_ptr: *u8 = c_ptr; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:24: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("implicit casting C pointers which would mess up null semantics", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var slice: []const u8 = "aoeu"; \\ const opt_many_ptr: [*]const u8 = slice.ptr; \\ var ptr_opt_many_ptr = &opt_many_ptr; \\ var c_ptr: [*c]const [*c]const u8 = ptr_opt_many_ptr; \\ ptr_opt_many_ptr = c_ptr; \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ var buf: [4]u8 = "aoeu".*; \\ var slice: []u8 = &buf; \\ var opt_many_ptr: [*]u8 = slice.ptr; \\ var ptr_opt_many_ptr = &opt_many_ptr; \\ var c_ptr: [*c][*c]const u8 = ptr_opt_many_ptr; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:24: error: expected type '*const [*]const u8', found '[*c]const [*c]const u8'", "tmp.zig:6:24: note: pointer type child '[*c]const u8' cannot cast into pointer type child '[*]const u8'", "tmp.zig:6:24: note: '[*c]const u8' could have null values which are illegal in type '[*]const u8'", "tmp.zig:13:35: error: expected type '[*c][*c]const u8', found '*[*]u8'", "tmp.zig:13:35: note: pointer type child '[*]u8' cannot cast into pointer type child '[*c]const u8'", "tmp.zig:13:35: note: mutable '[*c]const u8' allows illegal null values stored to type '[*]u8'", }); cases.add("implicit casting too big integers to C pointers", \\export fn a() void { \\ var ptr: [*c]u8 = (1 << 64) + 1; \\} \\export fn b() void { \\ var x: u65 = 0x1234; \\ var ptr: [*c]u8 = x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:33: error: integer value 18446744073709551617 cannot be coerced to type 'usize'", "tmp.zig:6:23: error: integer type 'u65' too big for implicit @intToPtr to type '[*c]u8'", }); cases.add("C pointer pointing to non C ABI compatible type or has align attr", \\const Foo = struct {}; \\export fn a() void { \\ const T = [*c]Foo; \\ var t: T = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:19: error: C pointers cannot point to non-C-ABI-compatible type 'Foo'", }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("compile log statement warning deduplication in generic fn", \\export fn entry() void { \\ inner(1); \\ inner(2); \\} \\fn inner(comptime n: usize) void { \\ comptime var i = 0; \\ inline while (i < n) : (i += 1) { @compileLog("!@#$"); } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:39: error: found compile log statement", }); tc.expect_exact = true; break :x tc; }); cases.add("assign to invalid dereference", \\export fn entry() void { \\ 'a'.* = 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:8: error: attempt to dereference non-pointer type 'comptime_int'", }); cases.add("take slice of invalid dereference", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = 'a'.*[0..]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:18: error: attempt to dereference non-pointer type 'comptime_int'", }); cases.add("@truncate undefined value", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var z = @truncate(u8, @as(u16, undefined)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:27: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.addTest("return invalid type from test", \\test "example" { return 1; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:25: error: expected type 'void', found 'comptime_int'", }); cases.add("threadlocal qualifier on const", \\threadlocal const x: i32 = 1234; \\export fn entry() i32 { \\ return x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:13: error: threadlocal variable cannot be constant", }); cases.add("@bitCast same size but bit count mismatch", \\export fn entry(byte: u8) void { \\ var oops = @bitCast(u7, byte); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: destination type 'u7' has 7 bits but source type 'u8' has 8 bits", }); cases.add("@bitCast with different sizes inside an expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var foo = (@bitCast(u8, @as(f32, 1.0)) == 0xf); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: destination type 'u8' has size 1 but source type 'f32' has size 4", }); cases.add("attempted `&&`", \\export fn entry(a: bool, b: bool) i32 { \\ if (a && b) { \\ return 1234; \\ } \\ return 5678; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: `&&` is invalid. Note that `and` is boolean AND", }); cases.add("attempted `||` on boolean values", \\export fn entry(a: bool, b: bool) i32 { \\ if (a || b) { \\ return 1234; \\ } \\ return 5678; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: expected error set type, found 'bool'", "tmp.zig:2:11: note: `||` merges error sets; `or` performs boolean OR", }); cases.add("compile log a pointer to an opaque value", \\export fn entry() void { \\ @compileLog(@ptrCast(*const c_void, &entry)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: found compile log statement", }); cases.add("duplicate boolean switch value", \\comptime { \\ const x = switch (true) { \\ true => false, \\ false => true, \\ true => false, \\ }; \\} \\comptime { \\ const x = switch (true) { \\ false => true, \\ true => false, \\ false => true, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:9: error: duplicate switch value", "tmp.zig:12:9: error: duplicate switch value", }); cases.add("missing boolean switch value", \\comptime { \\ const x = switch (true) { \\ true => false, \\ }; \\} \\comptime { \\ const x = switch (true) { \\ false => true, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: switch must handle all possibilities", "tmp.zig:7:15: error: switch must handle all possibilities", }); cases.add("reading past end of pointer casted array", \\comptime { \\ const array: [4]u8 = "aoeu".*; \\ const sub_array = array[1..]; \\ const int_ptr = @ptrCast(*const u24, sub_array); \\ const deref = int_ptr.*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:26: error: attempt to read 4 bytes from [4]u8 at index 1 which is 3 bytes", }); cases.add("error note for function parameter incompatibility", \\fn do_the_thing(func: fn (arg: i32) void) void {} \\fn bar(arg: bool) void {} \\export fn entry() void { \\ do_the_thing(bar); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:18: error: expected type 'fn(i32) void', found 'fn(bool) void", "tmp.zig:4:18: note: parameter 0: 'bool' cannot cast into 'i32'", }); cases.add("cast negative value to unsigned integer", \\comptime { \\ const value: i32 = -1; \\ const unsigned = @intCast(u32, value); \\} \\export fn entry1() void { \\ const value: i32 = -1; \\ const unsigned: u32 = value; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:22: error: attempt to cast negative value to unsigned integer", "tmp.zig:7:27: error: cannot cast negative value -1 to unsigned integer type 'u32'", }); cases.add("integer cast truncates bits", \\export fn entry1() void { \\ const spartan_count: u16 = 300; \\ const byte = @intCast(u8, spartan_count); \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ const spartan_count: u16 = 300; \\ const byte: u8 = spartan_count; \\} \\export fn entry3() void { \\ var spartan_count: u16 = 300; \\ var byte: u8 = spartan_count; \\} \\export fn entry4() void { \\ var signed: i8 = -1; \\ var unsigned: u64 = signed; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:18: error: cast from 'u16' to 'u8' truncates bits", "tmp.zig:7:22: error: integer value 300 cannot be coerced to type 'u8'", "tmp.zig:11:20: error: expected type 'u8', found 'u16'", "tmp.zig:11:20: note: unsigned 8-bit int cannot represent all possible unsigned 16-bit values", "tmp.zig:15:25: error: expected type 'u64', found 'i8'", "tmp.zig:15:25: note: unsigned 64-bit int cannot represent all possible signed 8-bit values", }); cases.add("comptime implicit cast f64 to f32", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x: f64 = 16777217; \\ const y: f32 = x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:20: error: cast of value 16777217.000000 to type 'f32' loses information", }); cases.add("implicit cast from f64 to f32", \\var x: f64 = 1.0; \\var y: f32 = x; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(y)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: expected type 'f32', found 'f64'", }); cases.add("exceeded maximum bit width of integer", \\export fn entry1() void { \\ const T = u65536; \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ var x: i65536 = 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:12: error: primitive integer type 'i65536' exceeds maximum bit width of 65535", }); cases.add("compile error when evaluating return type of inferred error set", \\const Car = struct { \\ foo: *SymbolThatDoesNotExist, \\ pub fn init() !Car {} \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const car = Car.init(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'SymbolThatDoesNotExist'", }); cases.add("don't implicit cast double pointer to *c_void", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a: u32 = 1; \\ var ptr: *align(@alignOf(u32)) c_void = &a; \\ var b: *u32 = @ptrCast(*u32, ptr); \\ var ptr2: *c_void = &b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:26: error: expected type '*c_void', found '**u32'", }); cases.add("runtime index into comptime type slice", \\const Struct = struct { \\ a: u32, \\}; \\fn getIndex() usize { \\ return 2; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ const index = getIndex(); \\ const field = @typeInfo(Struct).Struct.fields[index]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:51: error: values of type 'std.builtin.StructField' must be comptime known, but index value is runtime known", }); cases.add("compile log statement inside function which must be comptime evaluated", \\fn Foo(comptime T: type) type { \\ @compileLog(@typeName(T)); \\ return T; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = Foo(i32); \\ _ = @typeName(Foo(i32)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: found compile log statement", }); cases.add("comptime slice of an undefined slice", \\comptime { \\ var a: []u8 = undefined; \\ var b = a[0..10]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:14: error: slice of undefined", }); cases.add("implicit cast const array to mutable slice", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const buffer: [1]u8 = [_]u8{8}; \\ const sliceA: []u8 = &buffer; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:27: error: expected type '[]u8', found '*const [1]u8'", }); cases.add("deref slice and get len field", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a: []u8 = undefined; \\ _ = a.*.len; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:10: error: attempt to dereference non-pointer type '[]u8'", }); cases.add("@ptrCast a 0 bit type to a non- 0 bit type", \\export fn entry() bool { \\ var x: u0 = 0; \\ const p = @ptrCast(?*u0, &x); \\ return p == null; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:15: error: '*u0' and '?*u0' do not have the same in-memory representation", "tmp.zig:3:31: note: '*u0' has no in-memory bits", "tmp.zig:3:24: note: '?*u0' has in-memory bits", }); cases.add("comparing a non-optional pointer against null", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: i32 = 1; \\ _ = &x == null; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: comparison of '*i32' with null", }); cases.add("non error sets used in merge error sets operator", \\export fn foo() void { \\ const Errors = u8 || u16; \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ const Errors = error{} || u16; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:20: error: expected error set type, found type 'u8'", "tmp.zig:2:23: note: `||` merges error sets; `or` performs boolean OR", "tmp.zig:5:31: error: expected error set type, found type 'u16'", "tmp.zig:5:28: note: `||` merges error sets; `or` performs boolean OR", }); cases.add("variable initialization compile error then referenced", \\fn Undeclared() type { \\ return T; \\} \\fn Gen() type { \\ const X = Undeclared(); \\ return struct { \\ x: X, \\ }; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ const S = Gen(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: use of undeclared identifier 'T'", }); cases.add("refer to the type of a generic function", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const Func = fn (type) void; \\ const f: Func = undefined; \\ f(i32); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("accessing runtime parameter from outer function", \\fn outer(y: u32) fn (u32) u32 { \\ const st = struct { \\ fn get(z: u32) u32 { \\ return z + y; \\ } \\ }; \\ return st.get; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ var func = outer(10); \\ var x = func(3); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:24: error: 'y' not accessible from inner function", "tmp.zig:3:28: note: crossed function definition here", "tmp.zig:1:10: note: declared here", }); cases.add("non int passed to @intToFloat", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = @intToFloat(f32, 1.1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:32: error: expected int type, found 'comptime_float'", }); cases.add("non float passed to @floatToInt", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = @floatToInt(i32, @as(i32, 54)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:32: error: expected float type, found 'i32'", }); cases.add("out of range comptime_int passed to @floatToInt", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = @floatToInt(i8, 200); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:31: error: integer value 200 cannot be coerced to type 'i8'", }); cases.add("load too many bytes from comptime reinterpreted pointer", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const float: f32 = 5.99999999999994648725e-01; \\ const float_ptr = &float; \\ const int_ptr = @ptrCast(*const i64, float_ptr); \\ const int_val = int_ptr.*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:28: error: attempt to read 8 bytes from pointer to f32 which is 4 bytes", }); cases.add("invalid type used in array type", \\const Item = struct { \\ field: SomeNonexistentType, \\}; \\var items: [100]Item = undefined; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a = items[0]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: use of undeclared identifier 'SomeNonexistentType'", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime catch", \\export fn entry(c: bool) void { \\ const ints = [_]u8{ 1, 2 }; \\ inline for (ints) |_| { \\ bad() catch |_| continue; \\ } \\} \\fn bad() !void { \\ return error.Bad; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:25: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:4:15: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime switch", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var p: i32 = undefined; \\ comptime var q = true; \\ inline while (q) { \\ switch (p) { \\ 11 => continue, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\ q = false; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:19: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime while error", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var p: anyerror!usize = undefined; \\ comptime var q = true; \\ outer: inline while (q) { \\ while (p) |_| { \\ continue :outer; \\ } else |_| {} \\ q = false; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:13: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime while optional", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var p: ?usize = undefined; \\ comptime var q = true; \\ outer: inline while (q) { \\ while (p) |_| continue :outer; \\ q = false; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:23: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime while bool", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var p: usize = undefined; \\ comptime var q = true; \\ outer: inline while (q) { \\ while (p == 11) continue :outer; \\ q = false; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:25: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime if error", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var p: anyerror!i32 = undefined; \\ comptime var q = true; \\ inline while (q) { \\ if (p) |_| continue else |_| {} \\ q = false; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:20: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime if optional", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var p: ?i32 = undefined; \\ comptime var q = true; \\ inline while (q) { \\ if (p) |_| continue; \\ q = false; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:20: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("comptime continue inside runtime if bool", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var p: usize = undefined; \\ comptime var q = true; \\ inline while (q) { \\ if (p == 11) continue; \\ q = false; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:22: error: comptime control flow inside runtime block", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: runtime block created here", }); cases.add("switch with invalid expression parameter", \\export fn entry() void { \\ Test(i32); \\} \\fn Test(comptime T: type) void { \\ const x = switch (T) { \\ []u8 => |x| 123, \\ i32 => |x| 456, \\ else => unreachable, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:17: error: switch on type 'type' provides no expression parameter", }); cases.add("function prototype with no body", \\fn foo() void; \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: non-extern function has no body", }); cases.add("@frame() called outside of function definition", \\var handle_undef: anyframe = undefined; \\var handle_dummy: anyframe = @frame(); \\export fn entry() bool { \\ return handle_undef == handle_dummy; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:30: error: @frame() called outside of function definition", }); cases.add("`_` is not a declarable symbol", \\export fn f1() usize { \\ var _: usize = 2; \\ return _; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: `_` is not a declarable symbol", }); cases.add("`_` should not be usable inside for", \\export fn returns() void { \\ for ([_]void{}) |_, i| { \\ for ([_]void{}) |_, j| { \\ return _; \\ } \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:20: error: `_` may only be used to assign things to", }); cases.add("`_` should not be usable inside while", \\export fn returns() void { \\ while (optionalReturn()) |_| { \\ while (optionalReturn()) |_| { \\ return _; \\ } \\ } \\} \\fn optionalReturn() ?u32 { \\ return 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:20: error: `_` may only be used to assign things to", }); cases.add("`_` should not be usable inside while else", \\export fn returns() void { \\ while (optionalReturnError()) |_| { \\ while (optionalReturnError()) |_| { \\ return; \\ } else |_| { \\ if (_ == error.optionalReturnError) return; \\ } \\ } \\} \\fn optionalReturnError() !?u32 { \\ return error.optionalReturnError; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:17: error: `_` may only be used to assign things to", }); cases.add("while loop body expression ignored", \\fn returns() usize { \\ return 2; \\} \\export fn f1() void { \\ while (true) returns(); \\} \\export fn f2() void { \\ var x: ?i32 = null; \\ while (x) |_| returns(); \\} \\export fn f3() void { \\ var x: anyerror!i32 = error.Bad; \\ while (x) |_| returns() else |_| unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:25: error: expression value is ignored", "tmp.zig:9:26: error: expression value is ignored", "tmp.zig:13:26: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("missing parameter name of generic function", \\fn dump(anytype) void {} \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a: u8 = 9; \\ dump(a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:9: error: missing parameter name", }); cases.add("non-inline for loop on a type that requires comptime", \\const Foo = struct { \\ name: []const u8, \\ T: type, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const xx: [2]Foo = undefined; \\ for (xx) |f| {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:5: error: values of type 'Foo' must be comptime known, but index value is runtime known", }); cases.add("generic fn as parameter without comptime keyword", \\fn f(_: fn (anytype) void) void {} \\fn g(_: anytype) void {} \\export fn entry() void { \\ f(g); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:9: error: parameter of type 'fn(anytype) anytype' must be declared comptime", }); cases.add("optional pointer to void in extern struct", \\const Foo = extern struct { \\ x: ?*const void, \\}; \\const Bar = extern struct { \\ foo: Foo, \\ y: i32, \\}; \\export fn entry(bar: *Bar) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: extern structs cannot contain fields of type '?*const void'", }); cases.add("use of comptime-known undefined function value", \\const Cmd = struct { \\ exec: fn () void, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const command = Cmd{ .exec = undefined }; \\ command.exec(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:12: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("use of comptime-known undefined function value", \\const Cmd = struct { \\ exec: fn () void, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const command = Cmd{ .exec = undefined }; \\ command.exec(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:12: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bad @alignCast at comptime", \\comptime { \\ const ptr = @intToPtr(*align(1) i32, 0x1); \\ const aligned = @alignCast(4, ptr); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:35: error: pointer address 0x1 is not aligned to 4 bytes", }); cases.add("@ptrToInt on *void", \\export fn entry() bool { \\ return @ptrToInt(&{}) == @ptrToInt(&{}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: pointer to size 0 type has no address", }); cases.add("@popCount - non-integer", \\export fn entry(x: f32) u32 { \\ return @popCount(f32, x); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:22: error: expected integer type, found 'f32'", }); cases.addCase(x: { const tc = cases.create("wrong same named struct", \\const a = @import("a.zig"); \\const b = @import("b.zig"); \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a1: a.Foo = undefined; \\ bar(&a1); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: *b.Foo) void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:10: error: expected type '*b.Foo', found '*a.Foo'", "tmp.zig:6:10: note: pointer type child 'a.Foo' cannot cast into pointer type child 'b.Foo'", "a.zig:1:17: note: a.Foo declared here", "b.zig:1:17: note: b.Foo declared here", }); tc.addSourceFile("a.zig", \\pub const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\}; ); tc.addSourceFile("b.zig", \\pub const Foo = struct { \\ z: f64, \\}; ); break :x tc; }); cases.add("@floatToInt comptime safety", \\comptime { \\ _ = @floatToInt(i8, @as(f32, -129.1)); \\} \\comptime { \\ _ = @floatToInt(u8, @as(f32, -1.1)); \\} \\comptime { \\ _ = @floatToInt(u8, @as(f32, 256.1)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: integer value '-129' cannot be stored in type 'i8'", "tmp.zig:5:9: error: integer value '-1' cannot be stored in type 'u8'", "tmp.zig:8:9: error: integer value '256' cannot be stored in type 'u8'", }); cases.add("use c_void as return type of fn ptr", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a: fn () c_void = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:20: error: return type cannot be opaque", }); cases.add("use implicit casts to assign null to non-nullable pointer", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: i32 = 1234; \\ var p: *i32 = &x; \\ var pp: *?*i32 = &p; \\ pp.* = null; \\ var y = p.*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:23: error: expected type '*?*i32', found '**i32'", }); cases.add("attempted implicit cast from T to [*]const T", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x: [*]const bool = true; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:30: error: expected type '[*]const bool', found 'bool'", }); cases.add("dereference unknown length pointer", \\export fn entry(x: [*]i32) i32 { \\ return x.*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:13: error: index syntax required for unknown-length pointer type '[*]i32'", }); cases.add("field access of unknown length pointer", \\const Foo = extern struct { \\ a: i32, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry(foo: [*]Foo) void { \\ foo.a += 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:8: error: type '[*]Foo' does not support field access", }); cases.add("unknown length pointer to opaque", \\export const T = [*]opaque {}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:21: error: unknown-length pointer to opaque", }); cases.add("error when evaluating return type", \\const Foo = struct { \\ map: @as(i32, i32), \\ \\ fn init() Foo { \\ return undefined; \\ } \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var rule_set = try Foo.init(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:19: error: expected type 'i32', found 'type'", }); cases.add("slicing single-item pointer", \\export fn entry(ptr: *i32) void { \\ const slice = ptr[0..2]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:22: error: slice of single-item pointer", }); cases.add("indexing single-item pointer", \\export fn entry(ptr: *i32) i32 { \\ return ptr[1]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: index of single-item pointer", }); cases.add("nested error set mismatch", \\const NextError = error{NextError}; \\const OtherError = error{OutOfMemory}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a: ?NextError!i32 = foo(); \\} \\ \\fn foo() ?OtherError!i32 { \\ return null; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:34: error: expected type '?NextError!i32', found '?OtherError!i32'", "tmp.zig:5:34: note: optional type child 'OtherError!i32' cannot cast into optional type child 'NextError!i32'", "tmp.zig:5:34: note: error set 'OtherError' cannot cast into error set 'NextError'", "tmp.zig:2:26: note: 'error.OutOfMemory' not a member of destination error set", }); cases.add("invalid deref on switch target", \\comptime { \\ var tile = Tile.Empty; \\ switch (tile.*) { \\ Tile.Empty => {}, \\ Tile.Filled => {}, \\ } \\} \\const Tile = enum { \\ Empty, \\ Filled, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:17: error: attempt to dereference non-pointer type 'Tile'", }); cases.add("invalid field access in comptime", \\comptime { var x = doesnt_exist.whatever; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:20: error: use of undeclared identifier 'doesnt_exist'", }); cases.add("suspend inside suspend block", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = async foo(); \\} \\fn foo() void { \\ suspend { \\ suspend { \\ } \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:9: error: cannot suspend inside suspend block", "tmp.zig:5:5: note: other suspend block here", }); cases.add("assign inline fn to non-comptime var", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a = b; \\} \\fn b() callconv(.Inline) void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: functions marked inline must be stored in const or comptime var", "tmp.zig:4:1: note: declared here", }); cases.add("wrong type passed to @panic", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var e = error.Foo; \\ @panic(e); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: expected type '[]const u8', found 'error{Foo}'", }); cases.add("@tagName used on union with no associated enum tag", \\const FloatInt = extern union { \\ Float: f32, \\ Int: i32, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var fi = FloatInt{.Float = 123.45}; \\ var tagName = @tagName(fi); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:19: error: union has no associated enum", "tmp.zig:1:18: note: declared here", }); cases.add("returning error from void async function", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = async amain(); \\} \\fn amain() callconv(.Async) void { \\ return error.ShouldBeCompileError; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:17: error: expected type 'void', found 'error{ShouldBeCompileError}'", }); cases.add("var makes structs required to be comptime known", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const S = struct{v: anytype}; \\ var s = S{.v=@as(i32, 10)}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:4: error: variable of type 'S' must be const or comptime", }); cases.add("@ptrCast discards const qualifier", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x: i32 = 1234; \\ const y = @ptrCast(*i32, &x); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:15: error: cast discards const qualifier", }); cases.add("comptime slice of undefined pointer non-zero len", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const slice = @as([*]i32, undefined)[0..1]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:41: error: non-zero length slice of undefined pointer", }); cases.add("type checking function pointers", \\fn a(b: fn (*const u8) void) void { \\ b('a'); \\} \\fn c(d: u8) void {} \\export fn entry() void { \\ a(c); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:7: error: expected type 'fn(*const u8) void', found 'fn(u8) void'", }); cases.add("no else prong on switch on global error set", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(error.A); \\} \\fn foo(a: anyerror) void { \\ switch (a) { \\ error.A => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: else prong required when switching on type 'anyerror'", }); cases.add("error not handled in switch", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(452) catch |err| switch (err) { \\ error.Foo => {}, \\ }; \\} \\fn foo(x: i32) !void { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 ... 10 => return error.Foo, \\ 11 ... 20 => return error.Bar, \\ 21 ... 30 => return error.Baz, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:26: error: error.Baz not handled in switch", "tmp.zig:2:26: error: error.Bar not handled in switch", }); cases.add("duplicate error in switch", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(452) catch |err| switch (err) { \\ error.Foo => {}, \\ error.Bar => {}, \\ error.Foo => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ }; \\} \\fn foo(x: i32) !void { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 ... 10 => return error.Foo, \\ 11 ... 20 => return error.Bar, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:14: error: duplicate switch value: '@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(foo)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set.Foo'", "tmp.zig:3:14: note: other value is here", }); cases.add("invalid cast from integral type to enum", \\const E = enum(usize) { One, Two }; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(1); \\} \\ \\fn foo(x: usize) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ E.One => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:10: error: expected type 'usize', found 'E'", }); cases.add("range operator in switch used on error set", \\export fn entry() void { \\ try foo(452) catch |err| switch (err) { \\ error.A ... error.B => {}, \\ else => {}, \\ }; \\} \\fn foo(x: i32) !void { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 ... 10 => return error.Foo, \\ 11 ... 20 => return error.Bar, \\ else => {}, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:17: error: operator not allowed for errors", }); cases.add("inferring error set of function pointer", \\comptime { \\ const z: ?fn()!void = null; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: inferring error set of return type valid only for function definitions", }); cases.add("access non-existent member of error set", \\const Foo = error{A}; \\comptime { \\ const z = Foo.Bar; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:18: error: no error named 'Bar' in 'Foo'", }); cases.add("error union operator with non error set LHS", \\comptime { \\ const z = i32!i32; \\ var x: z = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected error set type, found type 'i32'", }); cases.add("error equality but sets have no common members", \\const Set1 = error{A, C}; \\const Set2 = error{B, D}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(Set1.A); \\} \\fn foo(x: Set1) void { \\ if (x == Set2.B) { \\ \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:11: error: error sets 'Set1' and 'Set2' have no common errors", }); cases.add("only equality binary operator allowed for error sets", \\comptime { \\ const z = error.A > error.B; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:23: error: operator not allowed for errors", }); cases.add("explicit error set cast known at comptime violates error sets", \\const Set1 = error {A, B}; \\const Set2 = error {A, C}; \\comptime { \\ var x = Set1.B; \\ var y = @errSetCast(Set2, x); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:13: error: error.B not a member of error set 'Set2'", }); cases.add("cast error union of global error set to error union of smaller error set", \\const SmallErrorSet = error{A}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: SmallErrorSet!i32 = foo(); \\} \\fn foo() anyerror!i32 { \\ return error.B; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:35: error: expected type 'SmallErrorSet!i32', found 'anyerror!i32'", "tmp.zig:3:35: note: error set 'anyerror' cannot cast into error set 'SmallErrorSet'", "tmp.zig:3:35: note: cannot cast global error set into smaller set", }); cases.add("cast global error set to error set", \\const SmallErrorSet = error{A}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: SmallErrorSet = foo(); \\} \\fn foo() anyerror { \\ return error.B; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:31: error: expected type 'SmallErrorSet', found 'anyerror'", "tmp.zig:3:31: note: cannot cast global error set into smaller set", }); cases.add("recursive inferred error set", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo() catch unreachable; \\} \\fn foo() !void { \\ try foo(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: cannot resolve inferred error set '@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(foo)).Fn.return_type.?).ErrorUnion.error_set': function 'foo' not fully analyzed yet", }); cases.add("implicit cast of error set not a subset", \\const Set1 = error{A, B}; \\const Set2 = error{A, C}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(Set1.B); \\} \\fn foo(set1: Set1) void { \\ var x: Set2 = set1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:19: error: expected type 'Set2', found 'Set1'", "tmp.zig:1:23: note: 'error.B' not a member of destination error set", }); cases.add("int to err global invalid number", \\const Set1 = error{ \\ A, \\ B, \\}; \\comptime { \\ var x: u16 = 3; \\ var y = @intToError(x); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:13: error: integer value 3 represents no error", }); cases.add("int to err non global invalid number", \\const Set1 = error{ \\ A, \\ B, \\}; \\const Set2 = error{ \\ A, \\ C, \\}; \\comptime { \\ var x = @errorToInt(Set1.B); \\ var y = @errSetCast(Set2, @intToError(x)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:11:13: error: error.B not a member of error set 'Set2'", }); cases.add("duplicate error value in error set", \\const Foo = error { \\ Bar, \\ Bar, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a: Foo = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: duplicate error: 'Bar'", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: other error here", }); cases.add("cast negative integer literal to usize", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = @as(usize, -10); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:26: error: cannot cast negative value -10 to unsigned integer type 'usize'", }); cases.add("use invalid number literal as array index", \\var v = 25; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var arr: [v]u8 = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: unable to infer variable type", }); cases.add("duplicate struct field", \\const Foo = struct { \\ Bar: i32, \\ Bar: usize, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a: Foo = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: duplicate struct field: 'Bar'", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: other field here", }); cases.add("duplicate union field", \\const Foo = union { \\ Bar: i32, \\ Bar: usize, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a: Foo = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: duplicate union field: 'Bar'", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: other field here", }); cases.add("duplicate enum field", \\const Foo = enum { \\ Bar, \\ Bar, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a: Foo = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: duplicate enum field: 'Bar'", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: other field here", }); cases.add("calling function with naked calling convention", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(); \\} \\fn foo() callconv(.Naked) void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: unable to call function with naked calling convention", "tmp.zig:4:1: note: declared here", }); cases.add("function with invalid return type", \\export fn foo() boid {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:17: error: use of undeclared identifier 'boid'", }); cases.add("function with non-extern non-packed enum parameter", \\const Foo = enum { A, B, C }; \\export fn entry(foo: Foo) void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:22: error: parameter of type 'Foo' not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("function with non-extern non-packed struct parameter", \\const Foo = struct { \\ A: i32, \\ B: f32, \\ C: bool, \\}; \\export fn entry(foo: Foo) void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:22: error: parameter of type 'Foo' not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("function with non-extern non-packed union parameter", \\const Foo = union { \\ A: i32, \\ B: f32, \\ C: bool, \\}; \\export fn entry(foo: Foo) void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:22: error: parameter of type 'Foo' not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("switch on enum with 1 field with no prongs", \\const Foo = enum { M }; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var f = Foo.M; \\ switch (f) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: enumeration value 'Foo.M' not handled in switch", }); cases.add("shift by negative comptime integer", \\comptime { \\ var a = 1 >> -1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:18: error: shift by negative value -1", }); cases.add("@panic called at compile time", \\export fn entry() void { \\ comptime { \\ @panic("aoeu",); \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: encountered @panic at compile-time", }); cases.add("wrong return type for main", \\pub fn main() f32 { } , &[_][]const u8{ "error: expected return type of main to be 'void', '!void', 'noreturn', 'u8', or '!u8'", }); cases.add("double ?? on main return value", \\pub fn main() ??void { \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "error: expected return type of main to be 'void', '!void', 'noreturn', 'u8', or '!u8'", }); cases.add("bad identifier in function with struct defined inside function which references local const", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const BlockKind = u32; \\ \\ const Block = struct { \\ kind: BlockKind, \\ }; \\ \\ bogus; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'", }); cases.add("labeled break not found", \\export fn entry() void { \\ blah: while (true) { \\ while (true) { \\ break :outer; \\ } \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:13: error: label not found: 'outer'", }); cases.add("labeled continue not found", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var i: usize = 0; \\ blah: while (i < 10) : (i += 1) { \\ while (true) { \\ continue :outer; \\ } \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:13: error: labeled loop not found: 'outer'", }); cases.add("attempt to use 0 bit type in extern fn", \\extern fn foo(ptr: fn(*void) callconv(.C) void) void; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(bar); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: *void) callconv(.C) void { } \\export fn entry2() void { \\ bar(&{}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:23: error: parameter of type '*void' has 0 bits; not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", "tmp.zig:7:11: error: parameter of type '*void' has 0 bits; not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - block statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ {} \\ var good = {}; \\ ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - block expr", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - comptime statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ comptime {} \\ var good = {}; \\ comptime ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - comptime expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = comptime {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = comptime {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - defer", \\export fn entry() void { \\ defer {} \\ var good = {}; \\ defer ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ if(true) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = if(true) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ if(true) {} else {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) else ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = if(true) {} else {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} else {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ if(true) {} else if(true) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) else if(true) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if-else statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ if(true) {} else if(true) {} else {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if(true) ({}) else if(true) ({}) else ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - if-else-if-else expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {} else {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if(true) {} else if(true) {} else {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - test statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ if (foo()) |_| {} \\ var good = {}; \\ if (foo()) |_| ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - test expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = if (foo()) |_| {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = if (foo()) |_| {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ while(true) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ while(true) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = while(true) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = while(true) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while-continue statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ while(true):({}) {} \\ var good = {}; \\ while(true):({}) ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - while-continue expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = while(true):({}) {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = while(true):({}) {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - for statement", \\export fn entry() void { \\ for(foo()) |_| {} \\ var good = {}; \\ for(foo()) |_| ({}) \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("implicit semicolon - for expression", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = for(foo()) |_| {}; \\ var good = {}; \\ _ = for(foo()) |_| {} \\ var bad = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: expected token ';', found 'var'", }); cases.add("multiple function definitions", \\fn a() void {} \\fn a() void {} \\export fn entry() void { a(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'a'", }); cases.add("unreachable with return", \\fn a() noreturn {return;} \\export fn entry() void { a(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:18: error: expected type 'noreturn', found 'void'", }); cases.add("control reaches end of non-void function", \\fn a() i32 {} \\export fn entry() void { _ = a(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:12: error: expected type 'i32', found 'void'", }); cases.add("undefined function call", \\export fn a() void { \\ b(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'", }); cases.add("wrong number of arguments", \\export fn a() void { \\ b(1); \\} \\fn b(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:6: error: expected 3 argument(s), found 1", }); cases.add("invalid type", \\fn a() bogus {} \\export fn entry() void { _ = a(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:8: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'", }); cases.add("pointer to noreturn", \\fn a() *noreturn {} \\export fn entry() void { _ = a(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:9: error: pointer to noreturn not allowed", }); cases.add("unreachable code", \\export fn a() void { \\ return; \\ b(); \\} \\ \\fn b() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: unreachable code", }); cases.add("bad import", \\const bogus = @import("bogus-does-not-exist.zig",); \\export fn entry() void { bogus.bogo(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:15: error: unable to find 'bogus-does-not-exist.zig'", }); cases.add("undeclared identifier", \\export fn a() void { \\ return \\ b + \\ c; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'", }); cases.add("parameter redeclaration", \\fn f(a : i32, a : i32) void { \\} \\export fn entry() void { f(1, 2); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:15: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'", }); cases.add("local variable redeclaration", \\export fn f() void { \\ const a : i32 = 0; \\ const a = 0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'", }); cases.add("local variable redeclares parameter", \\fn f(a : i32) void { \\ const a = 0; \\} \\export fn entry() void { f(1); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'", }); cases.add("variable has wrong type", \\export fn f() i32 { \\ const a = "a"; \\ return a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: expected type 'i32', found '*const [1:0]u8'", }); cases.add("if condition is bool, not int", \\export fn f() void { \\ if (0) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: expected type 'bool', found 'comptime_int'", }); cases.add("assign unreachable", \\export fn f() void { \\ const a = return; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: unreachable code", }); cases.add("unreachable variable", \\export fn f() void { \\ const a: noreturn = {}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:25: error: expected type 'noreturn', found 'void'", }); cases.add("unreachable parameter", \\fn f(a: noreturn) void {} \\export fn entry() void { f(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:9: error: parameter of type 'noreturn' not allowed", }); cases.add("assign to constant variable", \\export fn f() void { \\ const a = 3; \\ a = 4; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.add("use of undeclared identifier", \\export fn f() void { \\ b = 3; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'", }); cases.add("const is a statement, not an expression", \\export fn f() void { \\ (const a = 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:6: error: invalid token: 'const'", }); cases.add("array access of undeclared identifier", \\export fn f() void { \\ i[i] = i[i]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'i'", }); cases.add("array access of non array", \\export fn f() void { \\ var bad : bool = undefined; \\ bad[0] = bad[0]; \\} \\export fn g() void { \\ var bad : bool = undefined; \\ _ = bad[0]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:8: error: array access of non-array type 'bool'", "tmp.zig:7:12: error: array access of non-array type 'bool'", }); cases.add("array access with non integer index", \\export fn f() void { \\ var array = "aoeu"; \\ var bad = false; \\ array[bad] = array[bad]; \\} \\export fn g() void { \\ var array = "aoeu"; \\ var bad = false; \\ _ = array[bad]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:11: error: expected type 'usize', found 'bool'", "tmp.zig:9:15: error: expected type 'usize', found 'bool'", }); cases.add("write to const global variable", \\const x : i32 = 99; \\fn f() void { \\ x = 1; \\} \\export fn entry() void { f(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.add("missing else clause", \\fn f(b: bool) void { \\ const x : i32 = if (b) h: { break :h 1; }; \\} \\fn g(b: bool) void { \\ const y = if (b) h: { break :h @as(i32, 1); }; \\} \\export fn entry() void { f(true); g(true); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:21: error: expected type 'i32', found 'void'", "tmp.zig:5:15: error: incompatible types: 'i32' and 'void'", }); cases.add("invalid struct field", \\const A = struct { x : i32, }; \\export fn f() void { \\ var a : A = undefined; \\ = 1; \\ const y =; \\} \\export fn g() void { \\ var a : A = undefined; \\ const y =; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:6: error: no member named 'foo' in struct 'A'", "tmp.zig:9:16: error: no member named 'bar' in struct 'A'", }); cases.add("redefinition of struct", \\const A = struct { x : i32, }; \\const A = struct { y : i32, }; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'A'", }); cases.add("redefinition of enums", \\const A = enum {}; \\const A = enum {}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'A'", }); cases.add("redefinition of global variables", \\var a : i32 = 1; \\var a : i32 = 2; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'a'", "tmp.zig:1:1: note: previous definition is here", }); cases.add("duplicate field in struct value expression", \\const A = struct { \\ x : i32, \\ y : i32, \\ z : i32, \\}; \\export fn f() void { \\ const a = A { \\ .z = 1, \\ .y = 2, \\ .x = 3, \\ .z = 4, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:11:9: error: duplicate field", }); cases.add("missing field in struct value expression", \\const A = struct { \\ x : i32, \\ y : i32, \\ z : i32, \\}; \\export fn f() void { \\ // we want the error on the '{' not the 'A' because \\ // the A could be a complicated expression \\ const a = A { \\ .z = 4, \\ .y = 2, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:17: error: missing field: 'x'", }); cases.add("invalid field in struct value expression", \\const A = struct { \\ x : i32, \\ y : i32, \\ z : i32, \\}; \\export fn f() void { \\ const a = A { \\ .z = 4, \\ .y = 2, \\ .foo = 42, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:10:9: error: no member named 'foo' in struct 'A'", }); cases.add("invalid break expression", \\export fn f() void { \\ break; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: break expression outside loop", }); cases.add("invalid continue expression", \\export fn f() void { \\ continue; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: continue expression outside loop", }); cases.add("invalid maybe type", \\export fn f() void { \\ if (true) |x| { } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: expected optional type, found 'bool'", }); cases.add("cast unreachable", \\fn f() i32 { \\ return @as(i32, return 1); \\} \\export fn entry() void { _ = f(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: unreachable code", }); cases.add("invalid builtin fn", \\fn f() @bogus(foo) { \\} \\export fn entry() void { _ = f(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:8: error: invalid builtin function: 'bogus'", }); cases.add("noalias on non pointer param", \\fn f(noalias x: i32) void {} \\export fn entry() void { f(1234); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:6: error: noalias on non-pointer parameter", }); cases.add("struct init syntax for array", \\const foo = [3]u16{ .x = 1024 }; \\comptime { \\ _ = foo; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:21: error: type '[3]u16' does not support struct initialization syntax", }); cases.add("type variables must be constant", \\var foo = u8; \\export fn entry() foo { \\ return 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: variable of type 'type' must be constant", }); cases.add("variables shadowing types", \\const Foo = struct {}; \\const Bar = struct {}; \\ \\fn f(Foo: i32) void { \\ var Bar : i32 = undefined; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ f(1234); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:6: error: redefinition of 'Foo'", "tmp.zig:1:1: note: previous definition is here", "tmp.zig:5:5: error: redefinition of 'Bar'", "tmp.zig:2:1: note: previous definition is here", }); cases.add("switch expression - missing enumeration prong", \\const Number = enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\fn f(n: Number) i32 { \\ switch (n) { \\ Number.One => 1, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ Number.Three => @as(i32, 3), \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:5: error: enumeration value 'Number.Four' not handled in switch", }); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate enumeration prong", \\const Number = enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\fn f(n: Number) i32 { \\ switch (n) { \\ Number.One => 1, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ Number.Three => @as(i32, 3), \\ Number.Four => 4, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:13:15: error: duplicate switch value", "tmp.zig:10:15: note: other value is here", }); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate enumeration prong when else present", \\const Number = enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\fn f(n: Number) i32 { \\ switch (n) { \\ Number.One => 1, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ Number.Three => @as(i32, 3), \\ Number.Four => 4, \\ Number.Two => 2, \\ else => 10, \\ } \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:13:15: error: duplicate switch value", "tmp.zig:10:15: note: other value is here", }); cases.add("switch expression - multiple else prongs", \\fn f(x: u32) void { \\ const value: bool = switch (x) { \\ 1234 => false, \\ else => true, \\ else => true, \\ }; \\} \\export fn entry() void { \\ f(1234); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:9: error: multiple else prongs in switch expression", }); cases.add("switch expression - non exhaustive integer prongs", \\fn foo(x: u8) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ 0 => {}, \\ } \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: switch must handle all possibilities", }); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate or overlapping integer value", \\fn foo(x: u8) u8 { \\ return switch (x) { \\ 0 ... 100 => @as(u8, 0), \\ 101 ... 200 => 1, \\ 201, 203 ... 207 => 2, \\ 206 ... 255 => 3, \\ }; \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:9: error: duplicate switch value", "tmp.zig:5:14: note: previous value is here", }); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate type", \\fn foo(comptime T: type, x: T) u8 { \\ return switch (T) { \\ u32 => 0, \\ u64 => 1, \\ u32 => 2, \\ else => 3, \\ }; \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo(u32, 0))); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:9: error: duplicate switch value", "tmp.zig:3:9: note: previous value is here", }); cases.add("switch expression - duplicate type (struct alias)", \\const Test = struct { \\ bar: i32, \\}; \\const Test2 = Test; \\fn foo(comptime T: type, x: T) u8 { \\ return switch (T) { \\ Test => 0, \\ u64 => 1, \\ Test2 => 2, \\ else => 3, \\ }; \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo(u32, 0))); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:9: error: duplicate switch value", "tmp.zig:7:9: note: previous value is here", }); cases.add("switch expression - switch on pointer type with no else", \\fn foo(x: *u8) void { \\ switch (x) { \\ &y => {}, \\ } \\} \\const y: u8 = 100; \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: else prong required when switching on type '*u8'", }); cases.add("global variable initializer must be constant expression", \\extern fn foo() i32; \\const x = foo(); \\export fn entry() i32 { return x; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:11: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.add("array concatenation with wrong type", \\const src = "aoeu"; \\const derp: usize = 1234; \\const a = derp ++ "foo"; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(a)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:11: error: expected array, found 'usize'", }); cases.add("non compile time array concatenation", \\fn f() []u8 { \\ return s ++ "foo"; \\} \\var s: [10]u8 = undefined; \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.add("@cImport with bogus include", \\const c = @cImport(@cInclude("bogus.h")); \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(c.bogo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:11: error: C import failed", ".h:1:10: note: 'bogus.h' file not found", }); cases.add("address of number literal", \\const x = 3; \\const y = &x; \\fn foo() *const i32 { return y; } \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:30: error: expected type '*const i32', found '*const comptime_int'", }); cases.add("integer overflow error", \\const x : u8 = 300; \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(x)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:16: error: integer value 300 cannot be coerced to type 'u8'", }); cases.add("invalid shift amount error", \\const x : u8 = 2; \\fn f() u16 { \\ return x << 8; \\} \\export fn entry() u16 { return f(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:17: error: integer value 8 cannot be coerced to type 'u3'", }); cases.add("missing function call param", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32, \\ b: i32, \\ \\ fn member_a(foo: *const Foo) i32 { \\ return foo.a; \\ } \\ fn member_b(foo: *const Foo) i32 { \\ return foo.b; \\ } \\}; \\ \\const member_fn_type = @TypeOf(Foo.member_a); \\const members = [_]member_fn_type { \\ Foo.member_a, \\ Foo.member_b, \\}; \\ \\fn f(foo: *const Foo, index: usize) void { \\ const result = members[index](); \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:20:34: error: expected 1 argument(s), found 0", }); cases.add("missing function name", \\fn () void {} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: missing function name", }); cases.add("missing param name", \\fn f(i32) void {} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:6: error: missing parameter name", }); cases.add("wrong function type", \\const fns = [_]fn() void { a, b, c }; \\fn a() i32 {return 0;} \\fn b() i32 {return 1;} \\fn c() i32 {return 2;} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(fns)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:28: error: expected type 'fn() void', found 'fn() i32'", }); cases.add("extern function pointer mismatch", \\const fns = [_](fn(i32)i32) { a, b, c }; \\pub fn a(x: i32) i32 {return x + 0;} \\pub fn b(x: i32) i32 {return x + 1;} \\export fn c(x: i32) i32 {return x + 2;} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(fns)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:37: error: expected type 'fn(i32) i32', found 'fn(i32) callconv(.C) i32'", }); cases.add("colliding invalid top level functions", \\fn func() bogus {} \\fn func() bogus {} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(func)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'func'", }); cases.add("non constant expression in array size", \\const Foo = struct { \\ y: [get()]u8, \\}; \\var global_var: usize = 1; \\fn get() usize { return global_var; } \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(Foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:25: error: cannot store runtime value in compile time variable", "tmp.zig:2:12: note: called from here", }); cases.add("addition with non numbers", \\const Foo = struct { \\ field: i32, \\}; \\const x = Foo {.field = 1} + Foo {.field = 2}; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(x)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:28: error: invalid operands to binary expression: 'Foo' and 'Foo'", }); cases.add("division by zero", \\const lit_int_x = 1 / 0; \\const lit_float_x = 1.0 / 0.0; \\const int_x = @as(u32, 1) / @as(u32, 0); \\const float_x = @as(f32, 1.0) / @as(f32, 0.0); \\ \\export fn entry1() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(lit_int_x)); } \\export fn entry2() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(lit_float_x)); } \\export fn entry3() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(int_x)); } \\export fn entry4() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(float_x)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:21: error: division by zero", "tmp.zig:2:25: error: division by zero", "tmp.zig:3:27: error: division by zero", "tmp.zig:4:31: error: division by zero", }); cases.add("normal string with newline", \\const foo = "a \\b"; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:15: error: newline not allowed in string literal", }); cases.add("invalid comparison for function pointers", \\fn foo() void {} \\const invalid = foo > foo; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(invalid)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:21: error: operator not allowed for type 'fn() void'", }); cases.add("generic function instance with non-constant expression", \\fn foo(comptime x: i32, y: i32) i32 { return x + y; } \\fn test1(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { \\ return foo(a, b); \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(test1)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:16: error: runtime value cannot be passed to comptime arg", }); cases.add("assign null to non-optional pointer", \\const a: *u8 = null; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(a)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:16: error: expected type '*u8', found '(null)'", }); cases.add("indexing an array of size zero", \\const array = [_]u8{}; \\export fn foo() void { \\ const pointer = &array[0]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:27: error: accessing a zero length array is not allowed", }); cases.add("indexing an array of size zero with runtime index", \\const array = [_]u8{}; \\export fn foo() void { \\ var index: usize = 0; \\ const pointer = &array[index]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:27: error: accessing a zero length array is not allowed", }); cases.add("compile time division by zero", \\const y = foo(0); \\fn foo(x: u32) u32 { \\ return 1 / x; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(y)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:14: error: division by zero", "tmp.zig:1:14: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("branch on undefined value", \\const x = if (undefined) true else false; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(x)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:15: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("div on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a / a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("div assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a /= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("mod on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a % a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("mod assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a %= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("add on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a + a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("add assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a += a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("add wrap on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a +% a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("add wrap assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a +%= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("sub on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a - a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("sub assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a -= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("sub wrap on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a -% a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("sub wrap assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a -%= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("mult on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a * a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("mult assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a *= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("mult wrap on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a *% a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("mult wrap assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a *%= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("shift left on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a << 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("shift left assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a <<= 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("shift right on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a >> 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("shift left assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a >>= 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bin and on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a & a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bin and assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a &= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bin or on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a | a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bin or assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a |= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bin xor on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = a ^ a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bin xor assign on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ a ^= a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("comparison operators with undefined value", \\// operator == \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ var x: i32 = 0; \\ if (a == a) x += 1; \\} \\// operator != \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ var x: i32 = 0; \\ if (a != a) x += 1; \\} \\// operator > \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ var x: i32 = 0; \\ if (a > a) x += 1; \\} \\// operator < \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ var x: i32 = 0; \\ if (a < a) x += 1; \\} \\// operator >= \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ var x: i32 = 0; \\ if (a >= a) x += 1; \\} \\// operator <= \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ var x: i32 = 0; \\ if (a <= a) x += 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:11:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:17:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:23:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:29:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:35:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("and on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: bool = undefined; \\ _ = a and a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("or on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: bool = undefined; \\ _ = a or a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("negate on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = -a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:10: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("negate wrap on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = -%a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bin not on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: i64 = undefined; \\ _ = ~a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:10: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("bool not on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: bool = undefined; \\ _ = !a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:10: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("orelse on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: ?bool = undefined; \\ _ = a orelse false; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("catch on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: anyerror!bool = undefined; \\ _ = a catch |err| false; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:11: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("deref on undefined value", \\comptime { \\ var a: *u8 = undefined; \\ _ = a.*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:9: error: attempt to dereference undefined value", }); cases.add("endless loop in function evaluation", \\const seventh_fib_number = fibbonaci(7); \\fn fibbonaci(x: i32) i32 { \\ return fibbonaci(x - 1) + fibbonaci(x - 2); \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(seventh_fib_number)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:21: error: evaluation exceeded 1000 backwards branches", "tmp.zig:1:37: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:6:50: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("@embedFile with bogus file", \\const resource = @embedFile("bogus.txt",); \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(resource)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:29: error: unable to find '", "bogus.txt'", }); cases.add("non-const expression in struct literal outside function", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\}; \\const a = Foo {.x = get_it()}; \\extern fn get_it() i32; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(a)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:21: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.add("non-const expression function call with struct return value outside function", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\}; \\const a = get_it(); \\fn get_it() Foo { \\ global_side_effect = true; \\ return Foo {.x = 13}; \\} \\var global_side_effect = false; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(a)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:26: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", "tmp.zig:4:17: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("undeclared identifier error should mark fn as impure", \\export fn foo() void { \\ test_a_thing(); \\} \\fn test_a_thing() void { \\ bad_fn_call(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bad_fn_call'", }); cases.add("illegal comparison of types", \\fn bad_eql_1(a: []u8, b: []u8) bool { \\ return a == b; \\} \\const EnumWithData = union(enum) { \\ One: void, \\ Two: i32, \\}; \\fn bad_eql_2(a: *const EnumWithData, b: *const EnumWithData) bool { \\ return a.* == b.*; \\} \\ \\export fn entry1() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(bad_eql_1)); } \\export fn entry2() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(bad_eql_2)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: operator not allowed for type '[]u8'", "tmp.zig:9:16: error: operator not allowed for type 'EnumWithData'", }); cases.add("non-const switch number literal", \\export fn foo() void { \\ const x = switch (bar()) { \\ 1, 2 => 1, \\ 3, 4 => 2, \\ else => 3, \\ }; \\} \\fn bar() i32 { \\ return 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:17: error: cannot store runtime value in type 'comptime_int'", }); cases.add("atomic orderings of cmpxchg - failure stricter than success", \\const AtomicOrder = @import("std").builtin.AtomicOrder; \\export fn f() void { \\ var x: i32 = 1234; \\ while (!@cmpxchgWeak(i32, &x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.Monotonic, AtomicOrder.SeqCst)) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:81: error: failure atomic ordering must be no stricter than success", }); cases.add("atomic orderings of cmpxchg - success Monotonic or stricter", \\const AtomicOrder = @import("std").builtin.AtomicOrder; \\export fn f() void { \\ var x: i32 = 1234; \\ while (!@cmpxchgWeak(i32, &x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.Unordered, AtomicOrder.Unordered)) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:58: error: success atomic ordering must be Monotonic or stricter", }); cases.add("negation overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = neg(-128); \\fn neg(x: i8) i8 { \\ return -x; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(y)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: negation caused overflow", "tmp.zig:1:14: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("add overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = add(65530, 10); \\fn add(a: u16, b: u16) u16 { \\ return a + b; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(y)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:14: error: operation caused overflow", "tmp.zig:1:14: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("sub overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = sub(10, 20); \\fn sub(a: u16, b: u16) u16 { \\ return a - b; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(y)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:14: error: operation caused overflow", "tmp.zig:1:14: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("mul overflow in function evaluation", \\const y = mul(300, 6000); \\fn mul(a: u16, b: u16) u16 { \\ return a * b; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(y)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:14: error: operation caused overflow", "tmp.zig:1:14: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("truncate sign mismatch", \\export fn entry1() i8 { \\ var x: u32 = 10; \\ return @truncate(i8, x); \\} \\export fn entry2() u8 { \\ var x: i32 = -10; \\ return @truncate(u8, x); \\} \\export fn entry3() i8 { \\ comptime var x: u32 = 10; \\ return @truncate(i8, x); \\} \\export fn entry4() u8 { \\ comptime var x: i32 = -10; \\ return @truncate(u8, x); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:26: error: expected signed integer type, found 'u32'", "tmp.zig:7:26: error: expected unsigned integer type, found 'i32'", "tmp.zig:11:26: error: expected signed integer type, found 'u32'", "tmp.zig:15:26: error: expected unsigned integer type, found 'i32'", }); cases.add("try in function with non error return type", \\export fn f() void { \\ try something(); \\} \\fn something() anyerror!void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: expected type 'void', found 'anyerror'", }); cases.add("invalid pointer for var type", \\extern fn ext() usize; \\var bytes: [ext()]u8 = undefined; \\export fn f() void { \\ for (bytes) |*b, i| { \\ b.* = @as(u8, i); \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:13: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.add("export function with comptime parameter", \\export fn foo(comptime x: i32, y: i32) i32{ \\ return x + y; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:15: error: comptime parameter not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("extern function with comptime parameter", \\extern fn foo(comptime x: i32, y: i32) i32; \\fn f() i32 { \\ return foo(1, 2); \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:15: error: comptime parameter not allowed in function with calling convention 'C'", }); cases.add("non-pure function returns type", \\var a: u32 = 0; \\pub fn List(comptime T: type) type { \\ a += 1; \\ return SmallList(T, 8); \\} \\ \\pub fn SmallList(comptime T: type, comptime STATIC_SIZE: usize) type { \\ return struct { \\ items: []T, \\ length: usize, \\ prealloc_items: [STATIC_SIZE]T, \\ }; \\} \\ \\export fn function_with_return_type_type() void { \\ var list: List(i32) = undefined; \\ list.length = 10; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:7: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", "tmp.zig:16:19: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("bogus method call on slice", \\var self = "aoeu"; \\fn f(m: []const u8) void { \\ m.copy(u8, self[0..], m); \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:6: error: no member named 'copy' in '[]const u8'", }); cases.add("wrong number of arguments for method fn call", \\const Foo = struct { \\ fn method(self: *const Foo, a: i32) void {} \\}; \\fn f(foo: *const Foo) void { \\ \\ foo.method(1, 2); \\} \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(f)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:15: error: expected 2 argument(s), found 3", }); cases.add("assign through constant pointer", \\export fn f() void { \\ var cstr = "Hat"; \\ cstr[0] = 'W'; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:13: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.add("assign through constant slice", \\export fn f() void { \\ var cstr: []const u8 = "Hat"; \\ cstr[0] = 'W'; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:13: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.add("main function with bogus args type", \\pub fn main(args: [][]bogus) !void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'", }); cases.add("misspelled type with pointer only reference", \\const JasonHM = u8; \\const JasonList = *JsonNode; \\ \\const JsonOA = union(enum) { \\ JSONArray: JsonList, \\ JSONObject: JasonHM, \\}; \\ \\const JsonType = union(enum) { \\ JSONNull: void, \\ JSONInteger: isize, \\ JSONDouble: f64, \\ JSONBool: bool, \\ JSONString: []u8, \\ JSONArray: void, \\ JSONObject: void, \\}; \\ \\pub const JsonNode = struct { \\ kind: JsonType, \\ jobject: ?JsonOA, \\}; \\ \\fn foo() void { \\ var jll: JasonList = undefined; \\ jll.init(1234); \\ var jd = JsonNode {.kind = JsonType.JSONArray , .jobject = JsonOA.JSONArray {jll} }; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'JsonList'", }); cases.add("method call with first arg type primitive", \\const Foo = struct { \\ x: i32, \\ \\ fn init(x: i32) Foo { \\ return Foo { \\ .x = x, \\ }; \\ } \\}; \\ \\export fn f() void { \\ const derp = Foo.init(3); \\ \\ derp.init(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:14:5: error: expected type 'i32', found 'Foo'", }); cases.add("method call with first arg type wrong container", \\pub const List = struct { \\ len: usize, \\ allocator: *Allocator, \\ \\ pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) List { \\ return List { \\ .len = 0, \\ .allocator = allocator, \\ }; \\ } \\}; \\ \\pub var global_allocator = Allocator { \\ .field = 1234, \\}; \\ \\pub const Allocator = struct { \\ field: i32, \\}; \\ \\export fn foo() void { \\ var x = List.init(&global_allocator); \\ x.init(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:23:5: error: expected type '*Allocator', found '*List'", }); cases.add("binary not on number literal", \\const TINY_QUANTUM_SHIFT = 4; \\const TINY_QUANTUM_SIZE = 1 << TINY_QUANTUM_SHIFT; \\var block_aligned_stuff: usize = (4 + TINY_QUANTUM_SIZE) & ~(TINY_QUANTUM_SIZE - 1); \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(block_aligned_stuff)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:60: error: unable to perform binary not operation on type 'comptime_int'", }); cases.addCase(x: { const tc = cases.create("multiple files with private function error", \\const foo = @import("foo.zig",); \\ \\export fn callPrivFunction() void { \\ foo.privateFunction(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:8: error: 'privateFunction' is private", "foo.zig:1:1: note: declared here", }); tc.addSourceFile("foo.zig", \\fn privateFunction() void { } ); break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { const tc = cases.create("multiple files with private member instance function (canonical invocation) error", \\const Foo = @import("foo.zig",).Foo; \\ \\export fn callPrivFunction() void { \\ var foo = Foo{}; \\ Foo.privateFunction(foo); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:8: error: 'privateFunction' is private", "foo.zig:2:5: note: declared here", }); tc.addSourceFile("foo.zig", \\pub const Foo = struct { \\ fn privateFunction(self: *Foo) void { } \\}; ); break :x tc; }); cases.addCase(x: { const tc = cases.create("multiple files with private member instance function error", \\const Foo = @import("foo.zig",).Foo; \\ \\export fn callPrivFunction() void { \\ var foo = Foo{}; \\ foo.privateFunction(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:8: error: 'privateFunction' is private", "foo.zig:2:5: note: declared here", }); tc.addSourceFile("foo.zig", \\pub const Foo = struct { \\ fn privateFunction(self: *Foo) void { } \\}; ); break :x tc; }); cases.add("container init with non-type", \\const zero: i32 = 0; \\const a = zero{1}; \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(a)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:11: error: expected type 'type', found 'i32'", }); cases.add("assign to constant field", \\const Foo = struct { \\ field: i32, \\}; \\export fn derp() void { \\ const f = Foo {.field = 1234,}; \\ f.field = 0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:15: error: cannot assign to constant", }); cases.add("return from defer expression", \\pub fn testTrickyDefer() !void { \\ defer canFail() catch {}; \\ \\ defer try canFail(); \\ \\ const a = maybeInt() orelse return; \\} \\ \\fn canFail() anyerror!void { } \\ \\pub fn maybeInt() ?i32 { \\ return 0; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(testTrickyDefer)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:11: error: cannot return from defer expression", }); cases.add("assign too big number to u16", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var vga_mem: u16 = 0xB8000; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:24: error: integer value 753664 cannot be coerced to type 'u16'", }); cases.add("global variable alignment non power of 2", \\const some_data: [100]u8 align(3) = undefined; \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(some_data)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:32: error: alignment value 3 is not a power of 2", }); cases.add("function alignment non power of 2", \\extern fn foo() align(3) void; \\export fn entry() void { return foo(); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:23: error: alignment value 3 is not a power of 2", }); cases.add("compile log", \\export fn foo() void { \\ comptime bar(12, "hi",); \\} \\fn bar(a: i32, b: []const u8) void { \\ @compileLog("begin",); \\ @compileLog("a", a, "b", b); \\ @compileLog("end",); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: found compile log statement", "tmp.zig:6:5: error: found compile log statement", "tmp.zig:7:5: error: found compile log statement", }); cases.add("casting bit offset pointer to regular pointer", \\const BitField = packed struct { \\ a: u3, \\ b: u3, \\ c: u2, \\}; \\ \\fn foo(bit_field: *const BitField) u3 { \\ return bar(&bit_field.b); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: *const u3) u3 { \\ return x.*; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:26: error: expected type '*const u3', found '*align(:3:1) const u3'", }); cases.add("referring to a struct that is invalid", \\const UsbDeviceRequest = struct { \\ Type: u8, \\}; \\ \\export fn foo() void { \\ comptime assert(@sizeOf(UsbDeviceRequest) == 0x8); \\} \\ \\fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:10:14: error: reached unreachable code", "tmp.zig:6:20: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("control flow uses comptime var at runtime", \\export fn foo() void { \\ comptime var i = 0; \\ while (i < 5) : (i += 1) { \\ bar(); \\ } \\} \\ \\fn bar() void { } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: control flow attempts to use compile-time variable at runtime", "tmp.zig:3:24: note: compile-time variable assigned here", }); cases.add("ignored return value", \\export fn foo() void { \\ bar(); \\} \\fn bar() i32 { return 0; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:8: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("ignored assert-err-ok return value", \\export fn foo() void { \\ bar() catch unreachable; \\} \\fn bar() anyerror!i32 { return 0; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:11: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("ignored statement value", \\export fn foo() void { \\ 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("ignored comptime statement value", \\export fn foo() void { \\ comptime {1;} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("ignored comptime value", \\export fn foo() void { \\ comptime 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("ignored defered statement value", \\export fn foo() void { \\ defer {1;} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:12: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("ignored defered function call", \\export fn foo() void { \\ defer bar(); \\} \\fn bar() anyerror!i32 { return 0; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: error is ignored. consider using `try`, `catch`, or `if`", }); cases.add("dereference an array", \\var s_buffer: [10]u8 = undefined; \\pub fn pass(in: []u8) []u8 { \\ var out = &s_buffer; \\ out.*.* = in[0]; \\ return out.*[0..1]; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(pass)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:10: error: attempt to dereference non-pointer type '[10]u8'", }); cases.add("pass const ptr to mutable ptr fn", \\fn foo() bool { \\ const a = @as([]const u8, "a",); \\ const b = &a; \\ return ptrEql(b, b); \\} \\fn ptrEql(a: *[]const u8, b: *[]const u8) bool { \\ return true; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@TypeOf(foo)); } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:19: error: expected type '*[]const u8', found '*const []const u8'", }); cases.addCase(x: { const tc = cases.create("export collision", \\const foo = @import("foo.zig",); \\ \\export fn bar() usize { \\ return foo.baz; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "foo.zig:1:1: error: exported symbol collision: 'bar'", "tmp.zig:3:1: note: other symbol here", }); tc.addSourceFile("foo.zig", \\export fn bar() void {} \\pub const baz = 1234; ); break :x tc; }); cases.add("implicit cast from array to mutable slice", \\var global_array: [10]i32 = undefined; \\fn foo(param: []i32) void {} \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(global_array); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: expected type '[]i32', found '[10]i32'", }); cases.add("ptrcast to non-pointer", \\export fn entry(a: *i32) usize { \\ return @ptrCast(usize, a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:21: error: expected pointer, found 'usize'", }); cases.add("asm at compile time", \\comptime { \\ doSomeAsm(); \\} \\ \\fn doSomeAsm() void { \\ asm volatile ( \\ \\.globl aoeu; \\ \\.type aoeu, @function; \\ \\.set aoeu, derp; \\ ); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:5: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.add("invalid member of builtin enum", \\const builtin = @import("std").builtin; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const foo = builtin.Mode.x86; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:29: error: container 'std.builtin.Mode' has no member called 'x86'", }); cases.add("int to ptr of 0 bits", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var x: usize = 0x1000; \\ var y: *void = @intToPtr(*void, x); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:30: error: type '*void' has 0 bits and cannot store information", }); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - non struct", \\const Foo = i32; \\export fn foo(a: *i32) *Foo { \\ return @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "a", a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:28: error: expected struct type, found 'i32'", }); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - bad field name", \\const Foo = extern struct { \\ derp: i32, \\}; \\export fn foo(a: *i32) *Foo { \\ return @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "a", a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:33: error: struct 'Foo' has no field 'a'", }); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - field pointer is not pointer", \\const Foo = extern struct { \\ a: i32, \\}; \\export fn foo(a: i32) *Foo { \\ return @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "a", a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:38: error: expected pointer, found 'i32'", }); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - comptime field ptr not based on struct", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32, \\ b: i32, \\}; \\const foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 2, }; \\ \\comptime { \\ const field_ptr = @intToPtr(*i32, 0x1234); \\ const another_foo_ptr = @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "b", field_ptr); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:55: error: pointer value not based on parent struct", }); cases.add("@fieldParentPtr - comptime wrong field index", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: i32, \\ b: i32, \\}; \\const foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 2, }; \\ \\comptime { \\ const another_foo_ptr = @fieldParentPtr(Foo, "b", &foo.a); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:29: error: field 'b' has index 1 but pointer value is index 0 of struct 'Foo'", }); cases.add("@offsetOf - non struct", \\const Foo = i32; \\export fn foo() usize { \\ return @offsetOf(Foo, "a",); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:22: error: expected struct type, found 'i32'", }); cases.add("@offsetOf - bad field name", \\const Foo = struct { \\ derp: i32, \\}; \\export fn foo() usize { \\ return @offsetOf(Foo, "a",); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:27: error: struct 'Foo' has no field 'a'", }); cases.addExe("missing main fn in executable", \\ , &[_][]const u8{ "error: root source file has no member called 'main'", }); cases.addExe("private main fn", \\fn main() void {} , &[_][]const u8{ "error: 'main' is private", "tmp.zig:1:1: note: declared here", }); cases.add("setting a section on a local variable", \\export fn entry() i32 { \\ var foo: i32 linksection(".text2") = 1234; \\ return foo; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:30: error: cannot set section of local variable 'foo'", }); cases.add("inner struct member shadowing outer struct member", \\fn A() type { \\ return struct { \\ b: B(), \\ \\ const Self = @This(); \\ \\ fn B() type { \\ return struct { \\ const Self = @This(); \\ }; \\ } \\ }; \\} \\comptime { \\ assert(A().B().Self != A().Self); \\} \\fn assert(ok: bool) void { \\ if (!ok) unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:17: error: redefinition of 'Self'", "tmp.zig:5:9: note: previous definition is here", }); cases.add("while expected bool, got optional", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (bar()) {} \\} \\fn bar() ?i32 { return 1; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'bool', found '?i32'", }); cases.add("while expected bool, got error union", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (bar()) {} \\} \\fn bar() anyerror!i32 { return 1; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'bool', found 'anyerror!i32'", }); cases.add("while expected optional, got bool", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} \\} \\fn bar() bool { return true; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected optional type, found 'bool'", }); cases.add("while expected optional, got error union", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} \\} \\fn bar() anyerror!i32 { return 1; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected optional type, found 'anyerror!i32'", }); cases.add("while expected error union, got bool", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} else |err| {} \\} \\fn bar() bool { return true; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected error union type, found 'bool'", }); cases.add("while expected error union, got optional", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (bar()) |x| {} else |err| {} \\} \\fn bar() ?i32 { return 1; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected error union type, found '?i32'", }); // TODO test this in stage2, but we won't even try in stage1 //cases.add("inline fn calls itself indirectly", // \\export fn foo() void { // \\ bar(); // \\} // \\fn bar() callconv(.Inline) void { // \\ baz(); // \\ quux(); // \\} // \\fn baz() callconv(.Inline) void { // \\ bar(); // \\ quux(); // \\} // \\extern fn quux() void; //, &[_][]const u8{ // "tmp.zig:4:1: error: unable to inline function", //}); //cases.add("save reference to inline function", // \\export fn foo() void { // \\ quux(@ptrToInt(bar)); // \\} // \\fn bar() callconv(.Inline) void { } // \\extern fn quux(usize) void; //, &[_][]const u8{ // "tmp.zig:4:1: error: unable to inline function", //}); cases.add("signed integer division", \\export fn foo(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { \\ return a / b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: division with 'i32' and 'i32': signed integers must use @divTrunc, @divFloor, or @divExact", }); cases.add("signed integer remainder division", \\export fn foo(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { \\ return a % b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: remainder division with 'i32' and 'i32': signed integers and floats must use @rem or @mod", }); cases.add("compile-time division by zero", \\comptime { \\ const a: i32 = 1; \\ const b: i32 = 0; \\ const c = a / b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:17: error: division by zero", }); cases.add("compile-time remainder division by zero", \\comptime { \\ const a: i32 = 1; \\ const b: i32 = 0; \\ const c = a % b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:17: error: division by zero", }); cases.add("@setRuntimeSafety twice for same scope", \\export fn foo() void { \\ @setRuntimeSafety(false); \\ @setRuntimeSafety(false); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: runtime safety set twice for same scope", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: first set here", }); cases.add("@setFloatMode twice for same scope", \\export fn foo() void { \\ @setFloatMode(@import("std").builtin.FloatMode.Optimized); \\ @setFloatMode(@import("std").builtin.FloatMode.Optimized); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: float mode set twice for same scope", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: first set here", }); cases.add("array access of type", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var b: u8[40] = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: array access of non-array type 'type'", }); cases.add("cannot break out of defer expression", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (true) { \\ defer { \\ break; \\ } \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:13: error: cannot break out of defer expression", }); cases.add("cannot continue out of defer expression", \\export fn foo() void { \\ while (true) { \\ defer { \\ continue; \\ } \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:13: error: cannot continue out of defer expression", }); cases.add("calling a generic function only known at runtime", \\var foos = [_]fn(anytype) void { foo1, foo2 }; \\ \\fn foo1(arg: anytype) void {} \\fn foo2(arg: anytype) void {} \\ \\pub fn main() !void { \\ foos[0](true); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:9: error: calling a generic function requires compile-time known function value", }); cases.add("@compileError shows traceback of references that caused it", \\const foo = @compileError("aoeu",); \\ \\const bar = baz + foo; \\const baz = 1; \\ \\export fn entry() i32 { \\ return bar; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:13: error: aoeu", "tmp.zig:3:19: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:7:12: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("float literal too large error", \\comptime { \\ const a = 0x1.0p18495; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: float literal out of range of any type", }); cases.add("float literal too small error (denormal)", \\comptime { \\ const a = 0x1.0p-19000; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: float literal out of range of any type", }); cases.add("explicit cast float literal to integer when there is a fraction component", \\export fn entry() i32 { \\ return @as(i32, 12.34); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:21: error: fractional component prevents float value 12.340000 from being casted to type 'i32'", }); cases.add("non pointer given to @ptrToInt", \\export fn entry(x: i32) usize { \\ return @ptrToInt(x); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:22: error: expected pointer, found 'i32'", }); cases.add("@shlExact shifts out 1 bits", \\comptime { \\ const x = @shlExact(@as(u8, 0b01010101), 2); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: operation caused overflow", }); cases.add("@shrExact shifts out 1 bits", \\comptime { \\ const x = @shrExact(@as(u8, 0b10101010), 2); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:15: error: exact shift shifted out 1 bits", }); cases.add("shifting without int type or comptime known", \\export fn entry(x: u8) u8 { \\ return 0x11 << x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:17: error: LHS of shift must be a fixed-width integer type, or RHS must be compile-time known", }); cases.add("shifting RHS is log2 of LHS int bit width", \\export fn entry(x: u8, y: u8) u8 { \\ return x << y; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:17: error: expected type 'u3', found 'u8'", }); cases.add("globally shadowing a primitive type", \\const u16 = u8; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a: u16 = 300; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: declaration shadows primitive type 'u16'", }); cases.add("implicitly increasing pointer alignment", \\const Foo = packed struct { \\ a: u8, \\ b: u32, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 10 }; \\ bar(&foo.b); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: *u32) void { \\ x.* += 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:13: error: expected type '*u32', found '*align(1) u32'", }); cases.add("implicitly increasing slice alignment", \\const Foo = packed struct { \\ a: u8, \\ b: u32, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var foo = Foo { .a = 1, .b = 10 }; \\ foo.b += 1; \\ bar(@as(*[1]u32, &foo.b)[0..]); \\} \\ \\fn bar(x: []u32) void { \\ x[0] += 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:26: error: cast increases pointer alignment", "tmp.zig:9:26: note: '*align(1) u32' has alignment 1", "tmp.zig:9:26: note: '*[1]u32' has alignment 4", }); cases.add("increase pointer alignment in @ptrCast", \\export fn entry() u32 { \\ var bytes: [4]u8 = [_]u8{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}; \\ const ptr = @ptrCast(*u32, &bytes[0]); \\ return ptr.*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:17: error: cast increases pointer alignment", "tmp.zig:3:38: note: '*u8' has alignment 1", "tmp.zig:3:26: note: '*u32' has alignment 4", }); cases.add("@alignCast expects pointer or slice", \\export fn entry() void { \\ @alignCast(4, @as(u32, 3)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:19: error: expected pointer or slice, found 'u32'", }); cases.add("passing an under-aligned function pointer", \\export fn entry() void { \\ testImplicitlyDecreaseFnAlign(alignedSmall, 1234); \\} \\fn testImplicitlyDecreaseFnAlign(ptr: fn () align(8) i32, answer: i32) void { \\ if (ptr() != answer) unreachable; \\} \\fn alignedSmall() align(4) i32 { return 1234; } , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:35: error: expected type 'fn() align(8) i32', found 'fn() align(4) i32'", }); cases.add("passing a not-aligned-enough pointer to cmpxchg", \\const AtomicOrder = @import("std").builtin.AtomicOrder; \\export fn entry() bool { \\ var x: i32 align(1) = 1234; \\ while (!@cmpxchgWeak(i32, &x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.SeqCst, AtomicOrder.SeqCst)) {} \\ return x == 5678; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:32: error: expected type '*i32', found '*align(1) i32'", }); cases.add("wrong size to an array literal", \\comptime { \\ const array = [2]u8{1, 2, 3}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:31: error: index 2 outside array of size 2", }); cases.add("wrong pointer coerced to pointer to opaque {}", \\const Derp = opaque {}; \\extern fn bar(d: *Derp) void; \\export fn foo() void { \\ var x = @as(u8, 1); \\ bar(@ptrCast(*c_void, &x)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:9: error: expected type '*Derp', found '*c_void'", }); cases.add("non-const variables of things that require const variables", \\export fn entry1() void { \\ var m2 = &2; \\} \\export fn entry2() void { \\ var a = undefined; \\} \\export fn entry3() void { \\ var b = 1; \\} \\export fn entry4() void { \\ var c = 1.0; \\} \\export fn entry5() void { \\ var d = null; \\} \\export fn entry6(opaque_: *Opaque) void { \\ var e = opaque_.*; \\} \\export fn entry7() void { \\ var f = i32; \\} \\export fn entry8() void { \\ var h = (Foo {}).bar; \\} \\export fn entry9() void { \\ var z: noreturn = return; \\} \\const Opaque = opaque {}; \\const Foo = struct { \\ fn bar(self: *const Foo) void {} \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:4: error: variable of type '*const comptime_int' must be const or comptime", "tmp.zig:5:4: error: variable of type '(undefined)' must be const or comptime", "tmp.zig:8:4: error: variable of type 'comptime_int' must be const or comptime", "tmp.zig:8:4: note: to modify this variable at runtime, it must be given an explicit fixed-size number type", "tmp.zig:11:4: error: variable of type 'comptime_float' must be const or comptime", "tmp.zig:11:4: note: to modify this variable at runtime, it must be given an explicit fixed-size number type", "tmp.zig:14:4: error: variable of type '(null)' must be const or comptime", "tmp.zig:17:4: error: variable of type 'Opaque' not allowed", "tmp.zig:20:4: error: variable of type 'type' must be const or comptime", "tmp.zig:23:4: error: variable of type '(bound fn(*const Foo) void)' must be const or comptime", "tmp.zig:26:22: error: unreachable code", }); cases.add("wrong types given to atomic order args in cmpxchg", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: i32 = 1234; \\ while (!@cmpxchgWeak(i32, &x, 1234, 5678, @as(u32, 1234), @as(u32, 1234))) {} \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:47: error: expected type 'std.builtin.AtomicOrder', found 'u32'", }); cases.add("wrong types given to @export", \\fn entry() callconv(.C) void { } \\comptime { \\ @export(entry, .{.name = "entry", .linkage = @as(u32, 1234) }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:59: error: expected type 'std.builtin.GlobalLinkage', found 'comptime_int'", }); cases.add("struct with invalid field", \\const std = @import("std",); \\const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; \\const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; \\ \\const HeaderWeight = enum { \\ H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, \\}; \\ \\const MdText = ArrayList(u8); \\ \\const MdNode = union(enum) { \\ Header: struct { \\ text: MdText, \\ weight: HeaderValue, \\ }, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a = MdNode.Header { \\ .text = MdText.init(&std.testing.allocator), \\ .weight = HeaderWeight.H1, \\ }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:14:17: error: use of undeclared identifier 'HeaderValue'", }); cases.add("@setAlignStack outside function", \\comptime { \\ @setAlignStack(16); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: @setAlignStack outside function", }); cases.add("@setAlignStack in naked function", \\export fn entry() callconv(.Naked) void { \\ @setAlignStack(16); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: @setAlignStack in naked function", }); cases.add("@setAlignStack in inline function", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(); \\} \\fn foo() callconv(.Inline) void { \\ @setAlignStack(16); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:5: error: @setAlignStack in inline function", }); cases.add("@setAlignStack set twice", \\export fn entry() void { \\ @setAlignStack(16); \\ @setAlignStack(16); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: alignstack set twice", "tmp.zig:2:5: note: first set here", }); cases.add("@setAlignStack too big", \\export fn entry() void { \\ @setAlignStack(511 + 1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: attempt to @setAlignStack(512); maximum is 256", }); cases.add("storing runtime value in compile time variable then using it", \\const Mode = @import("std").builtin.Mode; \\ \\fn Free(comptime filename: []const u8) TestCase { \\ return TestCase { \\ .filename = filename, \\ .problem_type = ProblemType.Free, \\ }; \\} \\ \\fn LibC(comptime filename: []const u8) TestCase { \\ return TestCase { \\ .filename = filename, \\ .problem_type = ProblemType.LinkLibC, \\ }; \\} \\ \\const TestCase = struct { \\ filename: []const u8, \\ problem_type: ProblemType, \\}; \\ \\const ProblemType = enum { \\ Free, \\ LinkLibC, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ const tests = [_]TestCase { \\ Free("001"), \\ Free("002"), \\ LibC("078"), \\ Free("116"), \\ Free("117"), \\ }; \\ \\ for ([_]Mode { Mode.Debug, Mode.ReleaseSafe, Mode.ReleaseFast }) |mode| { \\ inline for (tests) |test_case| { \\ const foo = test_case.filename ++ ".zig"; \\ } \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:37:29: error: cannot store runtime value in compile time variable", }); cases.add("invalid legacy unicode escape", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a = '\U1234'; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:17: error: invalid character: 'U'", }); cases.add("invalid empty unicode escape", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a = '\u{}'; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:19: error: empty unicode escape sequence", }); cases.add("non-printable invalid character", "\xff\xfe" ++ \\fn test() bool {\r \\ true\r \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:1: error: invalid character: '\\xff'", }); cases.add("non-printable invalid character with escape alternative", "fn test() bool {\n" ++ "\ttrue\n" ++ "}\n", &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:1: error: invalid character: '\\t'", }); cases.add("calling var args extern function, passing array instead of pointer", \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo("hello".*,); \\} \\pub extern fn foo(format: *const u8, ...) void; , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:16: error: expected type '*const u8', found '[5:0]u8'", }); cases.add("constant inside comptime function has compile error", \\const ContextAllocator = MemoryPool(usize); \\ \\pub fn MemoryPool(comptime T: type) type { \\ const free_list_t = @compileError("aoeu",); \\ \\ return struct { \\ free_list: free_list_t, \\ }; \\} \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var allocator: ContextAllocator = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:25: error: aoeu", "tmp.zig:1:36: note: referenced here", "tmp.zig:12:20: note: referenced here", }); cases.add("specify enum tag type that is too small", \\const Small = enum (u2) { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\ Five, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = Small.One; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:5: error: enumeration value 4 too large for type 'u2'", }); cases.add("specify non-integer enum tag type", \\const Small = enum (f32) { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = Small.One; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:21: error: expected integer, found 'f32'", }); cases.add("implicitly casting enum to tag type", \\const Small = enum(u2) { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: u2 = Small.Two; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:9:22: error: expected type 'u2', found 'Small'", }); cases.add("explicitly casting non tag type to enum", \\const Small = enum(u2) { \\ One, \\ Two, \\ Three, \\ Four, \\}; \\ \\export fn entry() void { \\ var y = @as(u3, 3); \\ var x = @intToEnum(Small, y); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:10:31: error: expected type 'u2', found 'u3'", }); cases.add("union fields with value assignments", \\const MultipleChoice = union { \\ A: i32 = 20, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: MultipleChoice = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:14: error: untagged union field assignment", "tmp.zig:1:24: note: consider 'union(enum)' here", }); cases.add("enum with 0 fields", \\const Foo = enum {}; \\export fn entry() usize { \\ return @sizeOf(Foo); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:13: error: enums must have 1 or more fields", }); cases.add("union with 0 fields", \\const Foo = union {}; \\export fn entry() usize { \\ return @sizeOf(Foo); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:13: error: unions must have 1 or more fields", }); cases.add("enum value already taken", \\const MultipleChoice = enum(u32) { \\ A = 20, \\ B = 40, \\ C = 60, \\ D = 1000, \\ E = 60, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = MultipleChoice.C; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:5: error: enum tag value 60 already taken", "tmp.zig:4:5: note: other occurrence here", }); cases.add("union with specified enum omits field", \\const Letter = enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\const Payload = union(Letter) { \\ A: i32, \\ B: f64, \\}; \\export fn entry() usize { \\ return @sizeOf(Payload); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:17: error: enum field missing: 'C'", "tmp.zig:4:5: note: declared here", }); cases.add("non-integer tag type to automatic union enum", \\const Foo = union(enum(f32)) { \\ A: i32, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = @typeInfo(Foo).Union.tag_type.?; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:24: error: expected integer tag type, found 'f32'", }); cases.add("non-enum tag type passed to union", \\const Foo = union(u32) { \\ A: i32, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const x = @typeInfo(Foo).Union.tag_type.?; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:19: error: expected enum tag type, found 'u32'", }); cases.add("union auto-enum value already taken", \\const MultipleChoice = union(enum(u32)) { \\ A = 20, \\ B = 40, \\ C = 60, \\ D = 1000, \\ E = 60, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = MultipleChoice { .C = {} }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:9: error: enum tag value 60 already taken", "tmp.zig:4:9: note: other occurrence here", }); cases.add("union enum field does not match enum", \\const Letter = enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\const Payload = union(Letter) { \\ A: i32, \\ B: f64, \\ C: bool, \\ D: bool, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a = Payload {.A = 1234}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:10:5: error: enum field not found: 'D'", "tmp.zig:1:16: note: enum declared here", }); cases.add("field type supplied in an enum", \\const Letter = enum { \\ A: void, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var b = Letter.B; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:8: error: structs and unions, not enums, support field types", "tmp.zig:1:16: note: consider 'union(enum)' here", }); cases.add("struct field missing type", \\const Letter = struct { \\ A, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a = Letter { .A = {} }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: struct field missing type", }); cases.add("extern union field missing type", \\const Letter = extern union { \\ A, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a = Letter { .A = {} }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: union field missing type", }); cases.add("extern union given enum tag type", \\const Letter = enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\const Payload = extern union(Letter) { \\ A: i32, \\ B: f64, \\ C: bool, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a = Payload { .A = 1234 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:30: error: extern union does not support enum tag type", }); cases.add("packed union given enum tag type", \\const Letter = enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\const Payload = packed union(Letter) { \\ A: i32, \\ B: f64, \\ C: bool, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a = Payload { .A = 1234 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:30: error: packed union does not support enum tag type", }); cases.add("packed union with automatic layout field", \\const Foo = struct { \\ a: u32, \\ b: f32, \\}; \\const Payload = packed union { \\ A: Foo, \\ B: bool, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var a = Payload { .B = true }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:5: error: non-packed, non-extern struct 'Foo' not allowed in packed union; no guaranteed in-memory representation", }); cases.add("switch on union with no attached enum", \\const Payload = union { \\ A: i32, \\ B: f64, \\ C: bool, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ const a = Payload { .A = 1234 }; \\ foo(a); \\} \\fn foo(a: *const Payload) void { \\ switch (a.*) { \\ Payload.A => {}, \\ else => unreachable, \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:11:14: error: switch on union which has no attached enum", "tmp.zig:1:17: note: consider 'union(enum)' here", }); cases.add("enum in field count range but not matching tag", \\const Foo = enum(u32) { \\ A = 10, \\ B = 11, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x = @intToEnum(Foo, 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:13: error: enum 'Foo' has no tag matching integer value 0", "tmp.zig:1:13: note: 'Foo' declared here", }); cases.add("comptime cast enum to union but field has payload", \\const Letter = enum { A, B, C }; \\const Value = union(Letter) { \\ A: i32, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ var x: Value = Letter.A; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:8:26: error: cast to union 'Value' must initialize 'i32' field 'A'", "tmp.zig:3:5: note: field 'A' declared here", }); cases.add("runtime cast to union which has non-void fields", \\const Letter = enum { A, B, C }; \\const Value = union(Letter) { \\ A: i32, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\export fn entry() void { \\ foo(Letter.A); \\} \\fn foo(l: Letter) void { \\ var x: Value = l; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:11:20: error: runtime cast to union 'Value' which has non-void fields", "tmp.zig:3:5: note: field 'A' has type 'i32'", }); cases.add("taking byte offset of void field in struct", \\const Empty = struct { \\ val: void, \\}; \\export fn foo() void { \\ const fieldOffset = @offsetOf(Empty, "val",); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:42: error: zero-bit field 'val' in struct 'Empty' has no offset", }); cases.add("taking bit offset of void field in struct", \\const Empty = struct { \\ val: void, \\}; \\export fn foo() void { \\ const fieldOffset = @bitOffsetOf(Empty, "val",); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:45: error: zero-bit field 'val' in struct 'Empty' has no offset", }); cases.add("invalid union field access in comptime", \\const Foo = union { \\ Bar: u8, \\ Baz: void, \\}; \\comptime { \\ var foo = Foo {.Baz = {}}; \\ const bar_val = foo.Bar; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:24: error: accessing union field 'Bar' while field 'Baz' is set", }); cases.add("unsupported modifier at start of asm output constraint", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var bar: u32 = 3; \\ asm volatile ("" : [baz]"+r"(bar) : : ""); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:5: error: invalid modifier starting output constraint for 'baz': '+', only '=' is supported. Compiler TODO: see", }); cases.add("comptime_int in asm input", \\export fn foo() void { \\ asm volatile ("" : : [bar]"r"(3) : ""); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:35: error: expected sized integer or sized float, found comptime_int", }); cases.add("comptime_float in asm input", \\export fn foo() void { \\ asm volatile ("" : : [bar]"r"(3.17) : ""); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:35: error: expected sized integer or sized float, found comptime_float", }); cases.add("runtime assignment to comptime struct type", \\const Foo = struct { \\ Bar: u8, \\ Baz: type, \\}; \\export fn f() void { \\ var x: u8 = 0; \\ const foo = Foo { .Bar = x, .Baz = u8 }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:23: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.add("runtime assignment to comptime union type", \\const Foo = union { \\ Bar: u8, \\ Baz: type, \\}; \\export fn f() void { \\ var x: u8 = 0; \\ const foo = Foo { .Bar = x }; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:7:23: error: unable to evaluate constant expression", }); cases.addTest("@shuffle with selected index past first vector length", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const v: @import("std").meta.Vector(4, u32) = [4]u32{ 10, 11, 12, 13 }; \\ const x: @import("std").meta.Vector(4, u32) = [4]u32{ 14, 15, 16, 17 }; \\ var z = @shuffle(u32, v, x, [8]i32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 5, 4 }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:39: error: mask index '4' has out-of-bounds selection", "tmp.zig:4:27: note: selected index '7' out of bounds of @Vector(4, u32)", "tmp.zig:4:30: note: selections from the second vector are specified with negative numbers", }); cases.addTest("nested vectors", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const V1 = @import("std").meta.Vector(4, u8); \\ const V2 = @Type(@import("std").builtin.TypeInfo{ .Vector = .{ .len = 4, .child = V1 } }); \\ var v: V2 = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:53: error: vector element type must be integer, float, bool, or pointer; '@Vector(4, u8)' is invalid", "tmp.zig:3:16: note: referenced here", }); cases.addTest("bad @splat type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const c = 4; \\ var v = @splat(4, c); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:23: error: vector element type must be integer, float, bool, or pointer; 'comptime_int' is invalid", }); cases.add("compileLog of tagged enum doesn't crash the compiler", \\const Bar = union(enum(u32)) { \\ X: i32 = 1 \\}; \\ \\fn testCompileLog(x: Bar) void { \\ @compileLog(x); \\} \\ \\pub fn main () void { \\ comptime testCompileLog(Bar{.X = 123}); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:5: error: found compile log statement", }); cases.add("attempted implicit cast from *const T to *[1]T", \\export fn entry(byte: u8) void { \\ const w: i32 = 1234; \\ var x: *const i32 = &w; \\ var y: *[1]i32 = x; \\ y[0] += 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:22: error: expected type '*[1]i32', found '*const i32'", "tmp.zig:4:22: note: cast discards const qualifier", }); cases.add("attempted implicit cast from *const T to []T", \\export fn entry() void { \\ const u: u32 = 42; \\ const x: []u32 = &u; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:23: error: expected type '[]u32', found '*const u32'", }); cases.add("for loop body expression ignored", \\fn returns() usize { \\ return 2; \\} \\export fn f1() void { \\ for ("hello") |_| returns(); \\} \\export fn f2() void { \\ var x: anyerror!i32 = error.Bad; \\ for ("hello") |_| returns() else unreachable; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:5:30: error: expression value is ignored", "tmp.zig:9:30: error: expression value is ignored", }); cases.add("aligned variable of zero-bit type", \\export fn f() void { \\ var s: struct {} align(4) = undefined; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:5: error: variable 's' of zero-bit type 'struct:2:12' has no in-memory representation, it cannot be aligned", }); cases.add("function returning opaque type", \\const FooType = opaque {}; \\export fn bar() !FooType { \\ return error.InvalidValue; \\} \\export fn bav() !@TypeOf(null) { \\ return error.InvalidValue; \\} \\export fn baz() !@TypeOf(undefined) { \\ return error.InvalidValue; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:18: error: Opaque return type 'FooType' not allowed", "tmp.zig:1:1: note: type declared here", "tmp.zig:5:18: error: Null return type '(null)' not allowed", "tmp.zig:8:18: error: Undefined return type '(undefined)' not allowed", }); cases.add("generic function returning opaque type", \\const FooType = opaque {}; \\fn generic(comptime T: type) !T { \\ return undefined; \\} \\export fn bar() void { \\ _ = generic(FooType); \\} \\export fn bav() void { \\ _ = generic(@TypeOf(null)); \\} \\export fn baz() void { \\ _ = generic(@TypeOf(undefined)); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:6:16: error: call to generic function with Opaque return type 'FooType' not allowed", "tmp.zig:2:1: note: function declared here", "tmp.zig:1:1: note: type declared here", "tmp.zig:9:16: error: call to generic function with Null return type '(null)' not allowed", "tmp.zig:2:1: note: function declared here", "tmp.zig:12:16: error: call to generic function with Undefined return type '(undefined)' not allowed", "tmp.zig:2:1: note: function declared here", }); cases.add("function parameter is opaque", \\const FooType = opaque {}; \\export fn entry1() void { \\ const someFuncPtr: fn (FooType) void = undefined; \\} \\ \\export fn entry2() void { \\ const someFuncPtr: fn (@TypeOf(null)) void = undefined; \\} \\ \\fn foo(p: FooType) void {} \\export fn entry3() void { \\ _ = foo; \\} \\ \\fn bar(p: @TypeOf(null)) void {} \\export fn entry4() void { \\ _ = bar; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:28: error: parameter of opaque type 'FooType' not allowed", "tmp.zig:7:28: error: parameter of type '(null)' not allowed", "tmp.zig:10:11: error: parameter of opaque type 'FooType' not allowed", "tmp.zig:15:11: error: parameter of type '(null)' not allowed", }); cases.add( // fixed bug #2032 "compile diagnostic string for top level decl type", \\export fn entry() void { \\ var foo: u32 = @This(){}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:27: error: type 'u32' does not support array initialization", }); cases.add("issue #2687: coerce from undefined array pointer to slice", \\export fn foo1() void { \\ const a: *[1]u8 = undefined; \\ var b: []u8 = a; \\} \\export fn foo2() void { \\ comptime { \\ var a: *[1]u8 = undefined; \\ var b: []u8 = a; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo3() void { \\ comptime { \\ const a: *[1]u8 = undefined; \\ var b: []u8 = a; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:19: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:8:23: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", "tmp.zig:14:23: error: use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", }); cases.add("issue #3818: bitcast from parray/slice to u16", \\export fn foo1() void { \\ var bytes = [_]u8{1, 2}; \\ const word: u16 = @bitCast(u16, bytes[0..]); \\} \\export fn foo2() void { \\ var bytes: []const u8 = &[_]u8{1, 2}; \\ const word: u16 = @bitCast(u16, bytes); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:42: error: unable to @bitCast from pointer type '*[2]u8'", "tmp.zig:7:32: error: destination type 'u16' has size 2 but source type '[]const u8' has size 16", "tmp.zig:7:37: note: referenced here", }); // issue #7810 cases.add("comptime slice-len increment beyond bounds", \\export fn foo_slice_len_increment_beyond_bounds() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf_storage: [8]u8 = undefined; \\ var buf: []const u8 = buf_storage[0..]; \\ buf.len += 1; \\ buf[8] = 42; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":6:12: error: out of bounds slice", }); cases.add("comptime slice-sentinel is out of bounds (unterminated)", \\export fn foo_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var target = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_ptr_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = @ptrCast([*]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..14 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..14 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_slice() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: []u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :0]; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":4:29: error: slice-sentinel is out of bounds", ":11:29: error: slice-sentinel is out of bounds", ":18:29: error: slice-sentinel is out of bounds", ":25:29: error: slice-sentinel is out of bounds", ":32:29: error: slice-sentinel is out of bounds", ":39:29: error: slice-sentinel is out of bounds", ":46:29: error: slice-sentinel is out of bounds", }); cases.add("comptime slice-sentinel is out of bounds (terminated)", \\export fn foo_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var target = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ const slice = target[0..15 :1]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_ptr_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..15 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..15 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = @ptrCast([*]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..15 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..15 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..15 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_slice() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: []u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..15 :0]; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":4:29: error: out of bounds slice", ":11:29: error: out of bounds slice", ":18:29: error: out of bounds slice", ":25:29: error: out of bounds slice", ":32:29: error: out of bounds slice", ":39:29: error: out of bounds slice", ":46:29: error: out of bounds slice", }); cases.add("comptime slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index (unterminated)", \\export fn foo_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var target = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_ptr_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = @ptrCast([*]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_slice() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: []u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":4:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":11:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":18:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":25:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":32:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":39:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":46:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", }); cases.add("comptime slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index (terminated)", \\export fn foo_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var target = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_ptr_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = @ptrCast([*]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_slice() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: []u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..3 :0]; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":4:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":11:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":18:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":25:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":32:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":39:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", ":46:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match memory at target index", }); cases.add("comptime slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", \\export fn foo_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var target = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :255]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_ptr_array() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :255]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :255]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_vector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*]u8 = @ptrCast([*]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..14 :255]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialBaseArray() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :255]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_cvector_ConstPtrSpecialRef() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, &buf); \\ const slice = target[0..14 :255]; \\ } \\} \\export fn foo_slice() void { \\ comptime { \\ var buf = [_:0]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' } ++ [_]u8{undefined} ** 10; \\ var target: []u8 = &buf; \\ const slice = target[0..14 :255]; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":4:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", ":11:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", ":18:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", ":25:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", ":32:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", ":39:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", ":46:29: error: slice-sentinel does not match target-sentinel", }); cases.add("issue #4207: coerce from non-terminated-slice to terminated-pointer", \\export fn foo() [*:0]const u8 { \\ var buffer: [64]u8 = undefined; \\ return buffer[0..]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:18: error: expected type '[*:0]const u8', found '*[64]u8'", ":3:18: note: destination pointer requires a terminating '0' sentinel", }); cases.add("issue #5221: invalid struct init type referenced by @typeInfo and passed into function", \\fn ignore(comptime param: anytype) void {} \\ \\export fn foo() void { \\ const MyStruct = struct { \\ wrong_type: []u8 = "foo", \\ }; \\ \\ comptime ignore(@typeInfo(MyStruct).Struct.fields[0]); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":5:28: error: expected type '[]u8', found '*const [3:0]u8'", }); cases.add("integer underflow error", \\export fn entry() void { \\ _ = @intToPtr(*c_void, ~@as(usize, @import("std").math.maxInt(usize)) - 1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":2:75: error: operation caused overflow", }); cases.addCase(x: { var tc = cases.create("align(N) expr function pointers is a compile error", \\export fn foo() align(1) void { \\ return; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:1:23: error: align(N) expr is not allowed on function prototypes in wasm32/wasm64", }); = std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = .wasm32, .os_tag = .freestanding, .abi = .none, }; break :x tc; }); cases.add("compare optional to non-optional with invalid types", \\export fn inconsistentChildType() void { \\ var x: ?i32 = undefined; \\ const y: comptime_int = 10; \\ _ = (x == y); \\} \\ \\export fn optionalToOptional() void { \\ var x: ?i32 = undefined; \\ var y: ?i32 = undefined; \\ _ = (x == y); \\} \\ \\export fn optionalVector() void { \\ var x: ?@Vector(10, i32) = undefined; \\ var y: @Vector(10, i32) = undefined; \\ _ = (x == y); \\} \\ \\export fn invalidChildType() void { \\ var x: ?[3]i32 = undefined; \\ var y: [3]i32 = undefined; \\ _ = (x == y); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":4:12: error: cannot compare types '?i32' and 'comptime_int'", ":4:12: note: optional child type 'i32' must be the same as non-optional type 'comptime_int'", ":10:12: error: cannot compare types '?i32' and '?i32'", ":10:12: note: optional to optional comparison is only supported for optional pointer types", ":16:12: error: TODO add comparison of optional vector", ":22:12: error: cannot compare types '?[3]i32' and '[3]i32'", ":22:12: note: operator not supported for type '[3]i32'", }); cases.add("slice cannot have its bytes reinterpreted", \\export fn foo() void { \\ const bytes = [1]u8{ 0xfa } ** 16; \\ var value = @ptrCast(*const []const u8, &bytes).*; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ ":3:52: error: slice '[]const u8' cannot have its bytes reinterpreted", }); cases.add("wasmMemorySize is a compile error in non-Wasm targets", \\export fn foo() void { \\ _ = @wasmMemorySize(0); \\ return; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: @wasmMemorySize is a wasm32 feature only", }); cases.add("wasmMemoryGrow is a compile error in non-Wasm targets", \\export fn foo() void { \\ _ = @wasmMemoryGrow(0, 1); \\ return; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:9: error: @wasmMemoryGrow is a wasm32 feature only", }); cases.add("Issue #5586: Make unary minus for unsigned types a compile error", \\export fn f1(x: u32) u32 { \\ const y = -%x; \\ return -y; \\} \\const V = @import("std").meta.Vector; \\export fn f2(x: V(4, u32)) V(4, u32) { \\ const y = -%x; \\ return -y; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:3:12: error: negation of type 'u32'", "tmp.zig:8:12: error: negation of type 'u32'", }); cases.add("Issue #5618: coercion of ?*c_void to *c_void must fail.", \\export fn foo() void { \\ var u: ?*c_void = null; \\ var v: *c_void = undefined; \\ v = u; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:4:9: error: expected type '*c_void', found '?*c_void'", }); cases.add("Issue #6823: don't allow .* to be followed by **", \\fn foo() void { \\ var sequence = "repeat".*** 10; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ "tmp.zig:2:30: error: `.*` cannot be followed by `*`. Are you missing a space?", }); }