SIMD size suggestions: suggestions code now compiles, added more

The idea behind this is using the register capabilities in safe amounts,
 there is still some consideration to be done.
+ Fixed compile error using std.Target.<arch>.featureSetHas
+ X86 MMX and "3DNOW" 64 bits register usage considered for vector size
+ Added ARM Neon recommened usage of 128 bits (The size of the register)
+ Added AARCH64 Neon and SVE for 128 bits. SVE could use in theory up to
  2048 bits, but found only evidence of functional 512 bits on a super
       computer, decided on using 128 bits as a safety
+ Added Altivec recommendation of using the 128 bits long register
+ Using MIPS msa 2x64bits capabilities, usage of 64 bits registers for MDMX
  systems, need testing on how using bigger values affect performance
+ Using V extension on RISC-V, which is extendable via instructions, decided on 128 bits
  as a value to not use all registers
+ in SPARC the 64 bits registers are used, a max of 32 registers
  are to be used for configurable simd instructions, decided on using
the size of the register, need testing on performance hit on using a
bigger sized register vector size
This commit is contained in:
Dan Ellis Echavarria 2022-07-17 02:20:35 -05:00 committed by Veikka Tuominen
parent 8e75ba653b
commit d1d892c83c

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@ -6,27 +6,49 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
pub fn suggestVectorSizeForCpu(comptime T: type, cpu: std.Target.Cpu) ?usize {
switch (cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => {
// Note: This is mostly just guesswork. It'd be great if someone more qualified were to take a
// proper look at this.
pub fn suggestVectorSizeForCpu(comptime T: type, comptime cpu: std.Target.Cpu) ?usize {
// This is guesswork, if you have better suggestions can add it or edit the current here
// This can run in comptime only, but stage 1 fails at it, stage 2 can understand it
const element_bit_size = @maximum(8, std.math.ceilPowerOfTwo(T, @bitSizeOf(T)) catch unreachable);
const vector_bit_size: u16 = blk: {
if (cpu.arch.isX86()) {
if (T == bool and std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(.prefer_mask_registers)) return 64;
if (std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .avx512f) and !std.Target.x86.featureSetHasAny(cpu.features, .{ .prefer_256_bit, .prefer_128_bit })) break :blk 512;
if (std.Target.x86.featureSetHasAny(cpu.features, .{ .prefer_256_bit, .avx2 }) and !std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .prefer_128_bit)) break :blk 256;
if (std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .sse)) break :blk 128;
if (std.Target.x86.featureSetHasAny(cpu.features, .{ .mmx, .@"3dnow" })) break :blk 64;
} else if (cpu.arch.isARM()) {
if (std.Target.arm.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .neon)) break :blk 128;
} else if (cpu.arch.isAARCH64()) {
// SVE allows up to 2048 bits in the specification, as of 2022 the most powerful machine has implemented 512-bit
// I think is safer to just be on 128 until is more common
// TODO: Check on this return when bigger values are more common
if (std.Target.aarch64.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .sve)) break :blk 128;
if (std.Target.aarch64.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .neon)) break :blk 128;
} else if (cpu.arch.isPPC() or cpu.arch.isPPC64()) {
if (std.Target.powerpc.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .altivec)) break :blk 128;
} else if (cpu.arch.isMIPS()) {
if (std.Target.mips.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .msa)) break :blk 128;
// TODO: Test MIPS capability to handle bigger vectors
// In theory MDMX and by extension mips3d have 32 registers of 64 bits which can use in parallel
// for multiple processing, but I don't know what's optimal here, if using
// the 2048 bits or using just 64 per vector or something in between
if (std.Target.mips.featureSetHas(cpu.features, std.Target.mips.Feature.mips3d)) break :blk 64;
} else if (cpu.arch.isRISCV()) {
// in risc-v the Vector Extension allows configurable vector sizes, but a standard size of 128 is a safe estimate
if (std.Target.riscv.featureSetHas(cpu.features, .v)) break :blk 128;
} else if (cpu.arch.isSPARC()) {
// TODO: Test Sparc capability to handle bigger vectors
// In theory Sparc have 32 registers of 64 bits which can use in parallel
// for multiple processing, but I don't know what's optimal here, if using
// the 2048 bits or using just 64 per vector or something in between
if (std.Target.sparc.featureSetHasAny(cpu.features, .{ .vis, .vis2, .vis3 })) break :blk 64;
return null;
if (vector_bit_size <= element_bit_size) return null;
const vector_bit_size = blk: {
if (std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(.avx512f)) break :blk 512;
if (std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(.prefer_256_bit)) break :blk 256;
if (std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(.prefer_128_bit)) break :blk 128;
return null;
const element_bit_size = std.math.max(8, std.math.ceilPowerOfTwo(T, @bitSizeOf(T)));
return @divExact(vector_bit_size, element_bit_size);
else => {
return null;
return @divExact(vector_bit_size, element_bit_size);
/// Suggests a target-dependant vector size for a given type, or null if scalars are recommended.