Added test cases to cover all of zigs syntax

This commit is contained in:
Jimmi Holst Christensen 2018-03-31 15:39:51 +02:00
parent 26e56f2fab
commit cda3509353

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@ -1602,13 +1602,6 @@ test "zig fmt: imports" {
test "zig fmt: extern function" {
try testCanonical(
\\extern fn puts(s: &const u8) c_int;
test "zig fmt: global declarations" {
try testCanonical(
\\const a = b;
@ -1758,6 +1751,21 @@ test "zig fmt: call expression" {
test "zig fmt: var args" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn print(args: ...) void {}
test "zig fmt: extern function" {
try testCanonical(
\\extern fn puts(s: &const u8) c_int;
\\extern "c" fn puts(s: &const u8) c_int;
test "zig fmt: values" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "values" {
@ -1897,6 +1905,41 @@ test "zig fmt: enum declaration" {
test "zig fmt: union declaration" {
try testCanonical(
\\const U = union {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ Bool: bool,
\\const Ue = union(enum) {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ Bool: bool,
\\const E = enum {
\\ Int,
\\ Float,
\\ Bool,
\\const Ue2 = union(E) {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ Bool: bool,
\\const Eu = extern union {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ Bool: bool,
test "zig fmt: container initializers" {
try testCanonical(
\\const a1 = []u8{ };
@ -1907,6 +1950,301 @@ test "zig fmt: container initializers" {
test "zig fmt: switch" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "switch" {
\\ switch (0) {
\\ 0 => {},
\\ 1 => unreachable,
\\ 2, 3 => {},
\\ 4 ... 7 => {},
\\ 1 + 4 * 3 + 22 => {},
\\ else => {
\\ const a = 1;
\\ const b = a;
\\ },
\\ }
\\ const res = switch (0) {
\\ 0 => 0,
\\ 1 => 2,
\\ else => 4,
\\ };
\\ const Union = union(enum) {
\\ Int: i64,
\\ Float: f64,
\\ };
\\ const u = Union { .Int = 0 };
\\ switch (u) {
\\ Union.Int => |int| {},
\\ Union.Float => |*float| unreachable,
\\ }
test "zig fmt: while" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "while" {
\\ while (10 < 1) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ while (10 < 1)
\\ unreachable;
\\ var i: usize = 0;
\\ while (i < 10) : (i += 1) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ i = 0;
\\ while (i < 10) : (i += 1)
\\ continue;
\\ i = 0;
\\ var j usize = 0;
\\ while (i < 10) : ({ i += 1; j += 1; }) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ var a: ?u8 = 2;
\\ while (a) |v| : (a = null) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ while (a) |v| : (a = null)
\\ unreachable;
\\ label: while (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ const res = while (0 < 10) {
\\ break 7;
\\ } else {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ var a: error!u8 = 0;
\\ while (a) |v| {
\\ a = error.Err;
\\ } else |err| {
\\ i = 1;
\\ }
\\ comptime var k: usize = 0;
\\ inline while (i < 10) (i += 1)
\\ j += 2;
test "zig fmt: for" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "for" {
\\ const a = []u8{ 1, 2, 3 };
\\ for (a) |v| {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ for (a) |v|
\\ continue;
\\ for (a) |*v|
\\ continue;
\\ for (a) |v, i| {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ for (a) |v, i|
\\ continue;
\\ const res = for (a) |v, i| {
\\ breal v;
\\ } else {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ var num: usize = 0;
\\ inline for (a) |v, i| {
\\ num += v;
\\ num += i;
\\ }
test "zig fmt: if" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "if" {
\\ if (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ if (10 < 0)
\\ unreachable;
\\ if (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else {
\\ const a = 20;
\\ }
\\ if (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else if (5 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else {
\\ const a = 20;
\\ }
\\ const is_world_broken = if (10 < 0) true else false;
\\ const a: ?u8 = 10;
\\ const b: ?u8 = null;
\\ if (a) |v| {
\\ const some = v;
\\ } else if (b) |*v| {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else {
\\ const some = 10;
\\ }
\\ const non_null_a = if (a) |v| v else 0;
\\ const a_err: error!u8 = 0;
\\ if (a_err) |v| {
\\ const p = v;
\\ } else |err| {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
test "zig fmt: defer" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "defer" {
\\ var i: usize = 0;
\\ defer i = 1;
\\ defer {
\\ i += 2;
\\ i *= i;
\\ }
\\ errdefer i += 3;
\\ errdefer {
\\ i += 2;
\\ i /= i;
\\ }
test "zig fmt: catch" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "catch" {
\\ const a: error!u8 = 0;
\\ _ = a catch return;
\\ _ = a catch |err| return;
test "zig fmt: comptime" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn a() u8 {
\\ return 5;
\\fn b(comptime i: u8) u8 {
\\ return i;
\\const av = comptime a();
\\const av2 = comptime blk: {
\\ var res = a();
\\ res *= b(2);
\\ break :blk res;
\\comptime {
\\ _ = a();
\\test "comptime" {
\\ const av3 = comptime a();
\\ const av4 = comptime blk: {
\\ var res = a();
\\ res *= a();
\\ break :blk res;
\\ };
\\ comptime var i = 0;
\\ comptime {
\\ i = a();
\\ i += b(i);
\\ }
test "zig fmt: fn type" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn a(i: u8) u8 {
\\ return i + 1;
\\const ap: fn(u8) u8 = a;
test "zig fmt: inline asm" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub fn syscall1(number: usize, arg1: usize) usize {
\\ return asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ : [ret] "={rax}" (-> usize)
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (number),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (arg1)
\\ : "rcx", "r11");
test "zig fmt: coroutines" {
try testCanonical(
\\async fn simpleAsyncFn() void {
\\ x += 1;
\\ suspend;
\\ x += 1;
\\ suspend |p| {
\\ }
\\ const p = async simpleAsyncFn() cache unreachable;
\\ await p;
\\test "coroutine suspend, resume, cancel" {
\\ const p = try async<std.debug.global_allocator> testAsyncSeq();
\\ resume p;
\\ cancel p;
test "zig fmt: zig fmt" {
try testCanonical(@embedFile("ast.zig"));
try testCanonical(@embedFile("index.zig"));