langref: extract code comments into paragraphs

Related #18496
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kelley 2024-01-18 21:55:44 -07:00
parent ab82132749
commit 96e54e7017

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@ -1156,10 +1156,8 @@ fn addOne(number: i32) i32 {
{#link|identifier|Identifiers#}, followed by a {#link|block|Blocks#} containing any valid Zig code that
is allowed in a {#link|function|Functions#}.
By convention, non-named tests should only be used to {#link|make other tests run|Nested Container Tests#}.
Non-named tests cannot be {#link|filtered|Skip Tests#}.
<p>Non-named test blocks always run during test builds and are exempt from
{#link|Skip Tests#}.</p>
Test declarations are similar to {#link|Functions#}: they have a return type and a block of code. The implicit
return type of {#syntax#}test{#endsyntax#} is the {#link|Error Union Type#} {#syntax#}anyerror!void{#endsyntax#},
@ -5009,12 +5007,12 @@ test "if error union with optional" {
<p>Executes an expression unconditionally at scope exit.</p>
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const print = std.debug.print;
// defer will execute an expression at the end of the current scope.
fn deferExample() !usize {
var a: usize = 1;
@ -5031,10 +5029,14 @@ fn deferExample() !usize {
test "defer basics" {
try expect((try deferExample()) == 5);
<p>Defer expressions are evaluated in reverse order.</p>
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const print = std.debug.print;
// If multiple defer statements are specified, they will be executed in
// the reverse order they were run.
fn deferUnwindExample() void {
test "defer unwinding" {
print("\n", .{});
defer {
@ -5050,63 +5052,15 @@ fn deferUnwindExample() void {
test "defer unwinding" {
<p>Inside a defer expression the return statement is not allowed.</p>
{#code_begin|test_err|test_invalid_defer|cannot return from defer expression#}
// Inside a defer expression the return statement is not allowed.
fn deferInvalidExample() !void {
defer {
return error.DeferError;
return error.DeferError;
const std = @import("std");
const print = std.debug.print;
// The errdefer keyword is similar to defer, but will only execute if the
// scope returns with an error.
// This is especially useful in allowing a function to clean up properly
// on error, and replaces goto error handling tactics as seen in c.
fn deferErrorExample(is_error: bool) !void {
print("\nstart of function\n", .{});
// This will always be executed on exit
defer {
print("end of function\n", .{});
errdefer {
print("encountered an error!\n", .{});
if (is_error) {
return error.DeferError;
// The errdefer keyword also supports an alternative syntax to capture the
// generated error.
// This is useful for printing an additional error message during clean up.
fn deferErrorCaptureExample() !void {
errdefer |err| {
std.debug.print("the error is {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)});
return error.DeferError;
test "errdefer unwinding" {
deferErrorExample(false) catch {};
deferErrorExample(true) catch {};
deferErrorCaptureExample() catch {};