Improve siphash performance for small keys by up to 30% (#3124)

This removes the partial buffer handling from the full slice api.

`./benchmark --filter siphash --count 1024`


       iterative: 3388 MiB/s [67532e53a0d210bf]
      small keys: 1258 MiB/s [948c91176a000000]
       iterative: 2061 MiB/s [f792d39bff42f819]
      small keys:  902 MiB/s [e1ecba6614000000]


       iterative: 3410 MiB/s [67532e53a0d210bf]
      small keys: 1639 MiB/s [948c91176a000000]
       iterative: 2053 MiB/s [f792d39bff42f819]
      small keys: 1074 MiB/s [e1ecba6614000000]
This commit is contained in:
Marc Tiehuis 2019-08-27 20:13:57 +12:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1df75da918
commit 326b7b794b
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub fn SipHash128(comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize) type {
return SipHash(u128, c_rounds, d_rounds);
fn SipHash(comptime T: type, comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize) type {
fn SipHashStateless(comptime T: type, comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize) type {
assert(T == u64 or T == u128);
assert(c_rounds > 0 and d_rounds > 0);
@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ fn SipHash(comptime T: type, comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize)
v1: u64,
v2: u64,
v3: u64,
// streaming cache
buf: [8]u8,
buf_len: usize,
msg_len: u8,
pub fn init(key: []const u8) Self {
@ -51,9 +47,6 @@ fn SipHash(comptime T: type, comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize)
.v1 = k1 ^ 0x646f72616e646f6d,
.v2 = k0 ^ 0x6c7967656e657261,
.v3 = k1 ^ 0x7465646279746573,
.buf = undefined,
.buf_len = 0,
.msg_len = 0,
@ -64,73 +57,66 @@ fn SipHash(comptime T: type, comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize)
return d;
pub fn update(d: *Self, b: []const u8) void {
pub fn update(self: *Self, b: []const u8) void {
std.debug.assert(b.len % 8 == 0);
var off: usize = 0;
// Partial from previous.
if (d.buf_len != 0 and d.buf_len + b.len > 8) {
off += 8 - d.buf_len;
mem.copy(u8, d.buf[d.buf_len..], b[]);
d.buf_len = 0;
while (off < b.len) : (off += 8) {
@inlineCall(self.round, b[off .. off + 8]);
// Full middle blocks.
while (off + 8 <= b.len) : (off += 8) {
d.round(b[off .. off + 8]);
// Remainder for next pass.
mem.copy(u8, d.buf[d.buf_len..], b[off..]);
d.buf_len += @intCast(u8, b[off..].len);
d.msg_len +%= @truncate(u8, b.len);
self.msg_len +%= @truncate(u8, b.len);
pub fn final(d: *Self) T {
// Padding
mem.set(u8, d.buf[d.buf_len..], 0);
d.buf[7] = d.msg_len;
pub fn final(self: *Self, b: []const u8) T {
std.debug.assert(b.len < 8);
self.msg_len +%= @truncate(u8, b.len);
var buf = [_]u8{0} ** 8;
mem.copy(u8, buf[0..], b[0..]);
buf[7] = self.msg_len;
if (T == u128) {
d.v2 ^= 0xee;
self.v2 ^= 0xee;
} else {
d.v2 ^= 0xff;
self.v2 ^= 0xff;
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < d_rounds) : (i += 1) {
@inlineCall(sipRound, d);
@inlineCall(sipRound, self);
const b1 = d.v0 ^ d.v1 ^ d.v2 ^ d.v3;
const b1 = self.v0 ^ self.v1 ^ self.v2 ^ self.v3;
if (T == u64) {
return b1;
d.v1 ^= 0xdd;
self.v1 ^= 0xdd;
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < d_rounds) : (j += 1) {
@inlineCall(sipRound, d);
@inlineCall(sipRound, self);
const b2 = d.v0 ^ d.v1 ^ d.v2 ^ d.v3;
const b2 = self.v0 ^ self.v1 ^ self.v2 ^ self.v3;
return (u128(b2) << 64) | b1;
fn round(d: *Self, b: []const u8) void {
fn round(self: *Self, b: []const u8) void {
assert(b.len == 8);
const m = mem.readIntSliceLittle(u64, b[0..]);
d.v3 ^= m;
self.v3 ^= m;
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < c_rounds) : (i += 1) {
@inlineCall(sipRound, d);
@inlineCall(sipRound, self);
d.v0 ^= m;
self.v0 ^= m;
fn sipRound(d: *Self) void {
@ -151,9 +137,61 @@ fn SipHash(comptime T: type, comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize)
pub fn hash(key: []const u8, input: []const u8) T {
const aligned_len = input.len - (input.len % 8);
var c = Self.init(key);
@inlineCall(c.update, input);
return @inlineCall(;
@inlineCall(c.update, input[0..aligned_len]);
return @inlineCall(, input[aligned_len..]);
pub fn SipHash(comptime T: type, comptime c_rounds: usize, comptime d_rounds: usize) type {
assert(T == u64 or T == u128);
assert(c_rounds > 0 and d_rounds > 0);
return struct {
const State = SipHashStateless(T, c_rounds, d_rounds);
const Self = @This();
const digest_size = 64;
const block_size = 64;
state: State,
buf: [8]u8,
buf_len: usize,
pub fn init(key: []const u8) Self {
return Self{
.state = State.init(key),
.buf = undefined,
.buf_len = 0,
pub fn update(self: *Self, b: []const u8) void {
var off: usize = 0;
if (self.buf_len != 0 and self.buf_len + b.len >= 8) {
off += 8 - self.buf_len;
mem.copy(u8, self.buf[self.buf_len..], b[]);
self.buf_len = 0;
const remain_len = b.len - off;
const aligned_len = remain_len - (remain_len % 8);
self.state.update(b[off .. off + aligned_len]);
mem.copy(u8, self.buf[self.buf_len..], b[off + aligned_len ..]);
self.buf_len += @intCast(u8, b[off + aligned_len ..].len);
pub fn final(self: *Self) T {
pub fn hash(key: []const u8, input: []const u8) T {
return State.hash(key, input);
@ -237,7 +275,7 @@ test "siphash64-2-4 sanity" {
buffer[i] = @intCast(u8, i);
const expected = mem.readIntLittle(u64, &vector);
testing.expect(siphash.hash(test_key, buffer[0..i]) == expected);
testing.expectEqual(siphash.hash(test_key, buffer[0..i]), expected);
@ -316,6 +354,30 @@ test "siphash128-2-4 sanity" {
buffer[i] = @intCast(u8, i);
const expected = mem.readIntLittle(u128, &vector);
testing.expect(siphash.hash(test_key, buffer[0..i]) == expected);
testing.expectEqual(siphash.hash(test_key, buffer[0..i]), expected);
test "iterative non-divisible update" {
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
for (buf) |*e, i| {
e.* = @truncate(u8, i);
const key = "0x128dad08f12307";
const Siphash = SipHash64(2, 4);
var end: usize = 9;
while (end < buf.len) : (end += 9) {
const non_iterative_hash = Siphash.hash(key, buf[0..end]);
var wy = Siphash.init(key);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < end) : (i += 7) {
wy.update(buf[i..std.math.min(i + 7, end)]);
const iterative_hash =;
std.testing.expectEqual(iterative_hash, non_iterative_hash);