Value: expand canMutateComptimeVarState

Closes #17761
This commit is contained in:
Veikka Tuominen 2024-01-29 12:43:17 +02:00
parent f782202910
commit 281b2695c4
2 changed files with 76 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1550,6 +1550,8 @@ pub const Value = struct {
.ptr => |ptr| switch (ptr.addr) {
.eu_payload, .opt_payload => |base| Value.fromInterned(base).canMutateComptimeVarState(mod),
.anon_decl => |anon_decl| Value.fromInterned(anon_decl.val).canMutateComptimeVarState(mod),
.elem, .field => |base_index| Value.fromInterned(base_index.base).canMutateComptimeVarState(mod),
else => false,
.opt => |opt| switch (opt.val) {

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@ -459,3 +459,77 @@ test "write empty array to end" {
array[5..5].* = [_]u8{};
try testing.expectEqualStrings("hello", &array);
fn doublePtrTest() !void {
var a: u32 = 0;
const ptr = &a;
const double_ptr = &ptr;
setDoublePtr(double_ptr, 1);
setDoublePtr(double_ptr, 2);
setDoublePtr(double_ptr, 1);
try std.testing.expect(a == 1);
fn setDoublePtr(ptr: *const *const u32, value: u32) void {
setPtr(ptr.*, value);
fn setPtr(ptr: *const u32, value: u32) void {
const mut_ptr: *u32 = @constCast(ptr);
mut_ptr.* = value;
test "double pointer can mutate comptime state" {
try comptime doublePtrTest();
fn GenericIntApplier(
comptime Context: type,
comptime applyFn: fn (context: Context, arg: u32) void,
) type {
return struct {
context: Context,
const Self = @This();
inline fn any(self: *const Self) IntApplier {
return .{
.context = @ptrCast(&self.context),
.applyFn = typeErasedApplyFn,
fn typeErasedApplyFn(context: *const anyopaque, arg: u32) void {
const ptr: *const Context = @alignCast(@ptrCast(context));
applyFn(ptr.*, arg);
const IntApplier = struct {
context: *const anyopaque,
applyFn: *const fn (context: *const anyopaque, arg: u32) void,
fn apply(ia: IntApplier, arg: u32) void {
ia.applyFn(ia.context, arg);
const Accumulator = struct {
value: u32,
const Applier = GenericIntApplier(*u32, add);
fn applier(a: *Accumulator) Applier {
return .{ .context = &a.value };
fn add(context: *u32, arg: u32) void {
context.* += arg;
fn fieldPtrTest() u32 {
var a: Accumulator = .{ .value = 0 };
const applier = a.applier();
return a.value;
test "pointer in aggregate field can mutate comptime state" {
try comptime std.testing.expect(fieldPtrTest() == 2);