
364 lines
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const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std.zig");
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
const os = std.os;
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
const mem = std.mem;
const windows = std.os.windows;
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
const c = std.c;
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
const assert = std.debug.assert;
pub const Thread = struct {
data: Data,
pub const use_pthreads = builtin.os != .windows and builtin.link_libc;
/// Represents a kernel thread handle.
/// May be an integer or a pointer depending on the platform.
/// On Linux and POSIX, this is the same as Id.
pub const Handle = if (use_pthreads)
else switch (builtin.os) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.linux => i32,
.windows => windows.HANDLE,
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// Represents a unique ID per thread.
/// May be an integer or pointer depending on the platform.
/// On Linux and POSIX, this is the same as Handle.
pub const Id = switch (builtin.os) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.windows => windows.DWORD,
else => Handle,
pub const Data = if (use_pthreads)
struct {
handle: Thread.Handle,
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
memory: []align(mem.page_size) u8,
else switch (builtin.os) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.linux => struct {
handle: Thread.Handle,
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
memory: []align(mem.page_size) u8,
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.windows => struct {
handle: Thread.Handle,
alloc_start: *c_void,
heap_handle: windows.HANDLE,
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// Returns the ID of the calling thread.
/// Makes a syscall every time the function is called.
/// On Linux and POSIX, this Id is the same as a Handle.
pub fn getCurrentId() Id {
if (use_pthreads) {
return c.pthread_self();
} else
return switch (builtin.os) {
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
.linux => os.linux.gettid(),
2019-05-27 13:35:58 +08:00
.windows => windows.kernel32.GetCurrentThreadId(),
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// Returns the handle of this thread.
/// On Linux and POSIX, this is the same as Id.
/// On Linux, it is possible that the thread spawned with `spawn`
/// finishes executing entirely before the clone syscall completes. In this
/// case, this function will return 0 rather than the no-longer-existing thread's
/// pid.
pub fn handle(self: Thread) Handle {
return self.data.handle;
pub fn wait(self: *const Thread) void {
if (use_pthreads) {
const err = c.pthread_join(self.data.handle, null);
switch (err) {
0 => {},
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
os.EINVAL => unreachable,
os.ESRCH => unreachable,
os.EDEADLK => unreachable,
else => unreachable,
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
} else switch (builtin.os) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.linux => {
while (true) {
const pid_value = @atomicLoad(i32, &self.data.handle, .SeqCst);
if (pid_value == 0) break;
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
const rc = os.linux.futex_wait(&self.data.handle, os.linux.FUTEX_WAIT, pid_value, null);
switch (os.linux.getErrno(rc)) {
0 => continue,
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
os.EINTR => continue,
os.EAGAIN => continue,
else => unreachable,
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.windows => {
2019-05-27 13:35:58 +08:00
windows.WaitForSingleObject(self.data.handle, windows.INFINITE) catch unreachable;
windows.HeapFree(self.data.heap_handle, 0, self.data.alloc_start);
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
pub const SpawnError = error{
/// A system-imposed limit on the number of threads was encountered.
/// There are a number of limits that may trigger this error:
/// * the RLIMIT_NPROC soft resource limit (set via setrlimit(2)),
/// which limits the number of processes and threads for a real
/// user ID, was reached;
/// * the kernel's system-wide limit on the number of processes and
/// threads, /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max, was reached (see
/// proc(5));
/// * the maximum number of PIDs, /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max, was
/// reached (see proc(5)); or
/// * the PID limit (pids.max) imposed by the cgroup "process num
/// ber" (PIDs) controller was reached.
/// The kernel cannot allocate sufficient memory to allocate a task structure
/// for the child, or to copy those parts of the caller's context that need to
/// be copied.
/// Not enough userland memory to spawn the thread.
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
/// `mlockall` is enabled, and the memory needed to spawn the thread
/// would exceed the limit.
/// caller must call wait on the returned thread
/// fn startFn(@typeOf(context)) T
/// where T is u8, noreturn, void, or !void
/// caller must call wait on the returned thread
pub fn spawn(context: var, comptime startFn: var) SpawnError!*Thread {
if (builtin.single_threaded) @compileError("cannot spawn thread when building in single-threaded mode");
// TODO compile-time call graph analysis to determine stack upper bound
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/157
improvements targeted at improving async functions * Reuse bytes of async function frames when non-async functions make `noasync` calls. This prevents explosive stack growth. * Zig now passes a stack size argument to the linker when linking ELF binaries. Linux ignores this value, but it is available as a program header called GNU_STACK. I prototyped some code that memory maps extra space to the stack using this program header, but there was still a problem when accessing stack memory very far down. Stack probing is needed or not working or something. I also prototyped using `@newStackCall` to call main and that does work around the issue but it also brings its own issues. That code is commented out for now in std/special/start.zig. I'm on a plane with no Internet, but I plan to consult with the musl community for advice when I get a chance. * Added `noasync` to a bunch of function calls in std.debug. It's very messy but it's a workaround that makes stack traces functional with evented I/O enabled. Eventually these will be cleaned up as the root bugs are found and fixed. Programs built in blocking mode are unaffected. * Lowered the default stack size of std.io.InStream (for the async version) to 1 MiB instead of 4. Until we figure out how to get choosing a stack size working (see 2nd bullet point above), 4 MiB tends to cause segfaults due to stack size running out, or usage of stack memory too far apart, or something like that. * Default thread stack size is bumped from 8 MiB to 16 to match the size we give for the main thread. It's planned to eventually remove this hard coded value and have Zig able to determine this value during semantic analysis, with call graph analysis and function pointer annotations and extern function annotations.
2019-09-12 08:22:49 +08:00
const default_stack_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
const Context = @typeOf(context);
comptime assert(@ArgType(@typeOf(startFn), 0) == Context);
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.windows) {
const WinThread = struct {
const OuterContext = struct {
thread: Thread,
inner: Context,
extern fn threadMain(raw_arg: windows.LPVOID) windows.DWORD {
const arg = if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) {} else @ptrCast(*Context, @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), raw_arg)).*;
switch (@typeId(@typeOf(startFn).ReturnType)) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.Int => {
return startFn(arg);
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.Void => {
return 0;
else => @compileError("expected return type of startFn to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'"),
2019-05-27 13:35:58 +08:00
const heap_handle = windows.kernel32.GetProcessHeap() orelse return error.OutOfMemory;
const byte_count = @alignOf(WinThread.OuterContext) + @sizeOf(WinThread.OuterContext);
2019-05-27 13:35:58 +08:00
const bytes_ptr = windows.kernel32.HeapAlloc(heap_handle, 0, byte_count) orelse return error.OutOfMemory;
errdefer assert(windows.kernel32.HeapFree(heap_handle, 0, bytes_ptr) != 0);
const bytes = @ptrCast([*]u8, bytes_ptr)[0..byte_count];
const outer_context = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(bytes).allocator.create(WinThread.OuterContext) catch unreachable;
outer_context.* = WinThread.OuterContext{
.thread = Thread{
.data = Thread.Data{
.heap_handle = heap_handle,
.alloc_start = bytes_ptr,
.handle = undefined,
.inner = context,
const parameter = if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) null else @ptrCast(*c_void, &outer_context.inner);
2019-05-27 13:35:58 +08:00
outer_context.thread.data.handle = windows.kernel32.CreateThread(null, default_stack_size, WinThread.threadMain, parameter, 0, null) orelse {
switch (windows.kernel32.GetLastError()) {
else => |err| return windows.unexpectedError(err),
return &outer_context.thread;
const MainFuncs = struct {
extern fn linuxThreadMain(ctx_addr: usize) u8 {
const arg = if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) {} else @intToPtr(*const Context, ctx_addr).*;
switch (@typeId(@typeOf(startFn).ReturnType)) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.Int => {
return startFn(arg);
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
.Void => {
return 0;
else => @compileError("expected return type of startFn to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'"),
extern fn posixThreadMain(ctx: ?*c_void) ?*c_void {
if (@sizeOf(Context) == 0) {
_ = startFn({});
return null;
} else {
_ = startFn(@ptrCast(*const Context, @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), ctx)).*);
return null;
2019-05-29 00:26:38 +08:00
var guard_end_offset: usize = undefined;
var stack_end_offset: usize = undefined;
var thread_start_offset: usize = undefined;
var context_start_offset: usize = undefined;
var tls_start_offset: usize = undefined;
const mmap_len = blk: {
2019-05-29 00:26:38 +08:00
var l: usize = mem.page_size;
// Allocate a guard page right after the end of the stack region
guard_end_offset = l;
// The stack itself, which grows downwards.
l = mem.alignForward(l + default_stack_size, mem.page_size);
stack_end_offset = l;
// Above the stack, so that it can be in the same mmap call, put the Thread object.
l = mem.alignForward(l, @alignOf(Thread));
thread_start_offset = l;
l += @sizeOf(Thread);
// Next, the Context object.
if (@sizeOf(Context) != 0) {
l = mem.alignForward(l, @alignOf(Context));
context_start_offset = l;
l += @sizeOf(Context);
// Finally, the Thread Local Storage, if any.
if (!Thread.use_pthreads) {
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
if (os.linux.tls.tls_image) |tls_img| {
l = mem.alignForward(l, @alignOf(usize));
tls_start_offset = l;
l += tls_img.alloc_size;
break :blk l;
2019-05-29 00:26:38 +08:00
// Map the whole stack with no rw permissions to avoid committing the
// whole region right away
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
const mmap_slice = os.mmap(
mem.alignForward(mmap_len, mem.page_size),
2019-05-29 00:26:38 +08:00
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
) catch |err| switch (err) {
2019-05-29 00:26:38 +08:00
error.MemoryMappingNotSupported => unreachable,
error.AccessDenied => unreachable,
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable,
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
else => |e| return e,
errdefer os.munmap(mmap_slice);
2019-05-29 00:26:38 +08:00
// Map everything but the guard page as rw
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AccessDenied => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
const mmap_addr = @ptrToInt(mmap_slice.ptr);
const thread_ptr = @alignCast(@alignOf(Thread), @intToPtr(*Thread, mmap_addr + thread_start_offset));
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
thread_ptr.data.memory = mmap_slice;
var arg: usize = undefined;
if (@sizeOf(Context) != 0) {
arg = mmap_addr + context_start_offset;
const context_ptr = @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), @intToPtr(*Context, arg));
context_ptr.* = context;
if (Thread.use_pthreads) {
// use pthreads
var attr: c.pthread_attr_t = undefined;
if (c.pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0) return error.SystemResources;
defer assert(c.pthread_attr_destroy(&attr) == 0);
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
assert(c.pthread_attr_setstack(&attr, mmap_slice.ptr, stack_end_offset) == 0);
const err = c.pthread_create(&thread_ptr.data.handle, &attr, MainFuncs.posixThreadMain, @intToPtr(*c_void, arg));
switch (err) {
0 => return thread_ptr,
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
os.EAGAIN => return error.SystemResources,
os.EPERM => unreachable,
os.EINVAL => unreachable,
else => return os.unexpectedErrno(@intCast(usize, err)),
} else if (builtin.os == .linux) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
var flags: u32 = os.CLONE_VM | os.CLONE_FS | os.CLONE_FILES | os.CLONE_SIGHAND |
var newtls: usize = undefined;
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
if (os.linux.tls.tls_image) |tls_img| {
newtls = os.linux.tls.copyTLS(mmap_addr + tls_start_offset);
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
flags |= os.CLONE_SETTLS;
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
const rc = os.linux.clone(MainFuncs.linuxThreadMain, mmap_addr + stack_end_offset, flags, arg, &thread_ptr.data.handle, newtls, &thread_ptr.data.handle);
switch (os.errno(rc)) {
0 => return thread_ptr,
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
os.EAGAIN => return error.ThreadQuotaExceeded,
os.EINVAL => unreachable,
os.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources,
os.ENOSPC => unreachable,
os.EPERM => unreachable,
os.EUSERS => unreachable,
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
} else {
@compileError("Unsupported OS");
pub const CpuCountError = error{
2019-05-28 02:12:50 +08:00
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
pub fn cpuCount() CpuCountError!usize {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
const cpu_set = try os.sched_getaffinity(0);
2019-05-27 11:35:26 +08:00
return usize(os.CPU_COUNT(cpu_set)); // TODO should not need this usize cast
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
var system_info: windows.SYSTEM_INFO = undefined;
2019-05-27 13:35:58 +08:00
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
return @intCast(usize, system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors);
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
var count: c_int = undefined;
var count_len: usize = @sizeOf(c_int);
const name = if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) c"hw.logicalcpu" else c"hw.ncpu";
2019-05-28 05:28:59 +08:00
os.sysctlbynameC(name, &count, &count_len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
2019-05-26 01:07:44 +08:00
return @intCast(usize, count);