
348 lines
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Raw Normal View History

const std = @import("../index.zig");
const event = std.event;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const os = std.os;
const mem = std.mem;
pub const RequestNode = std.atomic.Queue(Request).Node;
pub const Request = struct {
msg: Msg,
finish: Finish,
pub const Finish = union(enum) {
TickNode: event.Loop.NextTickNode,
DeallocCloseOperation: *CloseOperation,
pub const Msg = union(enum) {
PWriteV: PWriteV,
PReadV: PReadV,
OpenRead: OpenRead,
Close: Close,
WriteFile: WriteFile,
End, // special - means the fs thread should exit
pub const PWriteV = struct {
fd: os.FileHandle,
data: []const []const u8,
offset: usize,
result: Error!void,
pub const Error = error{};
pub const PReadV = struct {
fd: os.FileHandle,
iov: []os.linux.iovec,
offset: usize,
result: Error!usize,
pub const Error = os.File.ReadError;
pub const OpenRead = struct {
/// must be null terminated. TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
path: []const u8,
result: Error!os.FileHandle,
pub const Error = os.File.OpenError;
pub const WriteFile = struct {
/// must be null terminated. TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
path: []const u8,
contents: []const u8,
mode: os.File.Mode,
result: Error!void,
pub const Error = os.File.OpenError || os.File.WriteError;
pub const Close = struct {
fd: os.FileHandle,
/// data - both the outer and inner references - must live until pwritev promise completes.
pub async fn pwritev(loop: *event.Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, offset: usize, data: []const []const u8) !void {
//const data_dupe = try mem.dupe(loop.allocator, []const u8, data);
//defer loop.allocator.free(data_dupe);
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
var my_handle: promise = undefined;
suspend |p| {
my_handle = p;
resume p;
var req_node = RequestNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.PWriteV = Request.Msg.PWriteV{
.fd = fd,
.data = data,
.offset = offset,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = my_handle,
suspend |_| {
return req_node.data.msg.PWriteV.result;
/// data - just the inner references - must live until pwritev promise completes.
pub async fn preadv(loop: *event.Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, offset: usize, data: []const []u8) !usize {
//const data_dupe = try mem.dupe(loop.allocator, []const u8, data);
//defer loop.allocator.free(data_dupe);
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
var my_handle: promise = undefined;
suspend |p| {
my_handle = p;
resume p;
const iovecs = try loop.allocator.alloc(os.linux.iovec, data.len);
defer loop.allocator.free(iovecs);
for (data) |buf, i| {
iovecs[i] = os.linux.iovec{
.iov_base = buf.ptr,
.iov_len = buf.len,
var req_node = RequestNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.PReadV = Request.Msg.PReadV{
.fd = fd,
.iov = iovecs,
.offset = offset,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = my_handle,
suspend |_| {
return req_node.data.msg.PReadV.result;
pub async fn openRead(loop: *event.Loop, path: []const u8) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
var my_handle: promise = undefined;
suspend |p| {
my_handle = p;
resume p;
var req_node = RequestNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.OpenRead = Request.Msg.OpenRead{
.path = path,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = my_handle,
suspend |_| {
return req_node.data.msg.OpenRead.result;
/// This abstraction helps to close file handles in defer expressions
/// without suspending. Start a CloseOperation before opening a file.
pub const CloseOperation = struct {
loop: *event.Loop,
have_fd: bool,
close_req_node: RequestNode,
pub fn create(loop: *event.Loop) (error{OutOfMemory}!*CloseOperation) {
const self = try loop.allocator.createOne(CloseOperation);
self.* = CloseOperation{
.loop = loop,
.have_fd = false,
.close_req_node = RequestNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.Close = Request.Msg.Close{ .fd = undefined },
.finish = Request.Finish{ .DeallocCloseOperation = self },
return self;
/// Defer this after creating.
pub fn deinit(self: *CloseOperation) void {
if (self.have_fd) {
} else {
pub fn setHandle(self: *CloseOperation, handle: os.FileHandle) void {
self.close_req_node.data.msg.Close.fd = handle;
self.have_fd = true;
/// contents must remain alive until writeFile completes.
pub async fn writeFile(loop: *event.Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8) !void {
return await (async writeFileMode(loop, path, contents, os.File.default_mode) catch unreachable);
/// contents must remain alive until writeFile completes.
pub async fn writeFileMode(loop: *event.Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8, mode: os.File.Mode) !void {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
var my_handle: promise = undefined;
suspend |p| {
my_handle = p;
resume p;
const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, path);
defer loop.allocator.free(path_with_null);
var req_node = RequestNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.WriteFile = Request.Msg.WriteFile{
.path = path_with_null[0..path.len],
.contents = contents,
.mode = mode,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = event.Loop.NextTickNode{
.next = undefined,
.data = my_handle,
suspend |_| {
return req_node.data.msg.WriteFile.result;
/// The promise resumes when the last data has been confirmed written, but before the file handle
/// is closed.
2018-07-26 11:34:57 +08:00
/// Caller owns returned memory.
pub async fn readFile(loop: *event.Loop, file_path: []const u8, max_size: usize) ![]u8 {
var close_op = try CloseOperation.create(loop);
defer close_op.deinit();
const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, file_path);
defer loop.allocator.free(path_with_null);
const fd = try await (async openRead(loop, path_with_null[0..file_path.len]) catch unreachable);
var list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(loop.allocator);
defer list.deinit();
while (true) {
try list.ensureCapacity(list.len + os.page_size);
const buf = list.items[list.len..];
const buf_array = [][]u8{buf};
const amt = try await (async preadv(loop, fd, list.len, buf_array) catch unreachable);
list.len += amt;
2018-07-26 11:34:57 +08:00
if (list.len > max_size) {
return error.FileTooBig;
if (amt < buf.len) {
return list.toOwnedSlice();
const test_tmp_dir = "std_event_fs_test";
test "write a file, watch it, write it again" {
var da = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
defer da.deinit();
const allocator = &da.allocator;
// TODO move this into event loop too
try os.makePath(allocator, test_tmp_dir);
defer os.deleteTree(allocator, test_tmp_dir) catch {};
var loop: event.Loop = undefined;
try loop.initMultiThreaded(allocator);
defer loop.deinit();
var result: error!void = undefined;
const handle = try async<allocator> testFsWatchCantFail(&loop, &result);
defer cancel handle;
return result;
async fn testFsWatchCantFail(loop: *event.Loop, result: *(error!void)) void {
result.* = await async testFsWatch(loop) catch unreachable;
async fn testFsWatch(loop: *event.Loop) !void {
const file_path = try os.path.join(loop.allocator, test_tmp_dir, "file.txt");
defer loop.allocator.free(file_path);
const contents =
\\line 1
\\line 2
// first just write then read the file
try await try async writeFile(loop, file_path, contents);
const read_contents = try await try async readFile(loop, file_path, 1024 * 1024);
assert(mem.eql(u8, read_contents, contents));