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const root = @import("@build");
const std = @import("std");
2018-02-08 15:08:45 +08:00
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const io = std.io;
const fmt = std.fmt;
2017-04-04 12:17:24 +08:00
const os = std.os;
const Builder = std.build.Builder;
const mem = std.mem;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
2018-02-01 11:48:40 +08:00
pub fn main() !void {
var arg_it = os.args();
// Here we use an ArenaAllocator backed by a DirectAllocator because a build is a short-lived,
// one shot program. We don't need to waste time freeing memory and finding places to squish
// bytes into. So we free everything all at once at the very end.
var direct_allocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
defer direct_allocator.deinit();
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(&direct_allocator.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
// skip my own exe name
_ = arg_it.skip();
const zig_exe = try unwrapArg(arg_it.next(allocator) orelse {
warn("Expected first argument to be path to zig compiler\n");
return error.InvalidArgs;
const build_root = try unwrapArg(arg_it.next(allocator) orelse {
warn("Expected second argument to be build root directory path\n");
return error.InvalidArgs;
const cache_root = try unwrapArg(arg_it.next(allocator) orelse {
warn("Expected third argument to be cache root directory path\n");
return error.InvalidArgs;
var builder = Builder.init(allocator, zig_exe, build_root, cache_root);
defer builder.deinit();
var targets = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
var prefix: ?[]const u8 = null;
var stderr_file = io.getStdErr();
var stderr_file_stream: os.File.OutStream = undefined;
2018-09-03 06:35:32 +08:00
var stderr_stream = if (stderr_file) |f| x: {
stderr_file_stream = f.outStream();
break :x &stderr_file_stream.stream;
} else |err| err;
var stdout_file = io.getStdOut();
var stdout_file_stream: os.File.OutStream = undefined;
2018-09-03 06:35:32 +08:00
var stdout_stream = if (stdout_file) |f| x: {
stdout_file_stream = f.outStream();
break :x &stdout_file_stream.stream;
} else |err| err;
while (arg_it.next(allocator)) |err_or_arg| {
const arg = try unwrapArg(err_or_arg);
if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-D")) {
const option_contents = arg[2..];
if (option_contents.len == 0) {
warn("Expected option name after '-D'\n\n");
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, option_contents, '=')) |name_end| {
const option_name = option_contents[0..name_end];
2018-05-31 04:09:11 +08:00
const option_value = option_contents[name_end + 1 ..];
if (try builder.addUserInputOption(option_name, option_value))
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
} else {
if (try builder.addUserInputFlag(option_contents))
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-")) {
if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose")) {
builder.verbose = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--help")) {
return usage(&builder, false, try stdout_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix")) {
prefix = try unwrapArg(arg_it.next(allocator) orelse {
warn("Expected argument after --prefix\n\n");
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
2017-12-24 09:21:57 +08:00
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--search-prefix")) {
const search_prefix = try unwrapArg(arg_it.next(allocator) orelse {
2017-12-24 09:21:57 +08:00
warn("Expected argument after --search-prefix\n\n");
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
2017-12-24 09:21:57 +08:00
stage1 is now a hybrid of C++ and Zig This modifies the build process of Zig to put all of the source files into libcompiler.a, except main.cpp and userland.cpp. Next, the build process links main.cpp, userland.cpp, and libcompiler.a into zig1. userland.cpp is a shim for functions that will later be replaced with self-hosted implementations. Next, the build process uses zig1 to build src-self-hosted/stage1.zig into libuserland.a, which does not depend on any of the things that are shimmed in userland.cpp, such as translate-c. Finally, the build process re-links main.cpp and libcompiler.a, except with libuserland.a instead of userland.cpp. Now the shims are replaced with .zig code. This provides all of the Zig standard library to the stage1 C++ compiler, and enables us to move certain things to userland, such as translate-c. As a proof of concept I have made the `zig zen` command use text defined in userland. I added `zig translate-c-2` which is a work-in-progress reimplementation of translate-c in userland, which currently calls `std.debug.panic("unimplemented")` and you can see the stack trace makes it all the way back into the C++ main() function (Thanks LemonBoy for improving that!). This could potentially let us move other things into userland, such as hashing algorithms, the entire cache system, .d file parsing, pretty much anything that libuserland.a itself doesn't need to depend on. This can also let us have `zig fmt` in stage1 without the overhead of child process execution, and without the initial compilation delay before it gets cached. See #1964
2019-04-17 04:47:47 +08:00
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--override-std-dir")) {
builder.override_std_dir = try unwrapArg(arg_it.next(allocator) orelse {
warn("Expected argument after --override-std-dir\n\n");
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--override-lib-dir")) {
builder.override_lib_dir = try unwrapArg(arg_it.next(allocator) orelse {
warn("Expected argument after --override-lib-dir\n\n");
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-tokenize")) {
builder.verbose_tokenize = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-ast")) {
builder.verbose_ast = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-link")) {
builder.verbose_link = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-ir")) {
builder.verbose_ir = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-ir")) {
builder.verbose_llvm_ir = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-cimport")) {
builder.verbose_cimport = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-cc")) {
builder.verbose_cc = true;
} else {
warn("Unrecognized argument: {}\n\n", arg);
return usageAndErr(&builder, false, try stderr_stream);
} else {
try targets.append(arg);
2018-02-08 15:08:45 +08:00
try runBuild(&builder);
if (builder.validateUserInputDidItFail())
return usageAndErr(&builder, true, try stderr_stream);
builder.make(targets.toSliceConst()) catch |err| {
switch (err) {
error.InvalidStepName => {
return usageAndErr(&builder, true, try stderr_stream);
error.UncleanExit => os.exit(1),
else => return err,
fn runBuild(builder: *Builder) anyerror!void {
2018-02-08 15:08:45 +08:00
switch (@typeId(@typeOf(root.build).ReturnType)) {
builtin.TypeId.Void => root.build(builder),
builtin.TypeId.ErrorUnion => try root.build(builder),
else => @compileError("expected return type of build to be 'void' or '!void'"),
fn usage(builder: *Builder, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: var) !void {
// run the build script to collect the options
if (!already_ran_build) {
2018-02-08 15:08:45 +08:00
try runBuild(builder);
// This usage text has to be synchronized with src/main.cpp
try out_stream.print(
\\Usage: {} build [steps] [options]
, builder.zig_exe);
const allocator = builder.allocator;
for (builder.top_level_steps.toSliceConst()) |top_level_step| {
try out_stream.print(" {s22} {}\n", top_level_step.step.name, top_level_step.description);
try out_stream.write(
\\General Options:
\\ --help Print this help and exit
\\ --verbose Print commands before executing them
\\ --prefix [path] Override default install prefix
2017-12-24 09:21:57 +08:00
\\ --search-prefix [path] Add a path to look for binaries, libraries, headers
\\Project-Specific Options:
if (builder.available_options_list.len == 0) {
try out_stream.print(" (none)\n");
} else {
for (builder.available_options_list.toSliceConst()) |option| {
2018-05-29 08:23:55 +08:00
const name = try fmt.allocPrint(allocator, " -D{}=[{}]", option.name, Builder.typeIdName(option.type_id));
defer allocator.free(name);
try out_stream.print("{s24} {}\n", name, option.description);
try out_stream.write(
\\Advanced Options:
stage1 is now a hybrid of C++ and Zig This modifies the build process of Zig to put all of the source files into libcompiler.a, except main.cpp and userland.cpp. Next, the build process links main.cpp, userland.cpp, and libcompiler.a into zig1. userland.cpp is a shim for functions that will later be replaced with self-hosted implementations. Next, the build process uses zig1 to build src-self-hosted/stage1.zig into libuserland.a, which does not depend on any of the things that are shimmed in userland.cpp, such as translate-c. Finally, the build process re-links main.cpp and libcompiler.a, except with libuserland.a instead of userland.cpp. Now the shims are replaced with .zig code. This provides all of the Zig standard library to the stage1 C++ compiler, and enables us to move certain things to userland, such as translate-c. As a proof of concept I have made the `zig zen` command use text defined in userland. I added `zig translate-c-2` which is a work-in-progress reimplementation of translate-c in userland, which currently calls `std.debug.panic("unimplemented")` and you can see the stack trace makes it all the way back into the C++ main() function (Thanks LemonBoy for improving that!). This could potentially let us move other things into userland, such as hashing algorithms, the entire cache system, .d file parsing, pretty much anything that libuserland.a itself doesn't need to depend on. This can also let us have `zig fmt` in stage1 without the overhead of child process execution, and without the initial compilation delay before it gets cached. See #1964
2019-04-17 04:47:47 +08:00
\\ --build-file [file] Override path to build.zig
\\ --cache-dir [path] Override path to zig cache directory
\\ --override-std-dir [arg] Override path to Zig standard library
\\ --override-lib-dir [arg] Override path to Zig lib directory
\\ --verbose-tokenize Enable compiler debug output for tokenization
\\ --verbose-ast Enable compiler debug output for parsing into an AST
\\ --verbose-link Enable compiler debug output for linking
\\ --verbose-ir Enable compiler debug output for Zig IR
\\ --verbose-llvm-ir Enable compiler debug output for LLVM IR
\\ --verbose-cimport Enable compiler debug output for C imports
\\ --verbose-cc Enable compiler debug output for C compilation
fn usageAndErr(builder: *Builder, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: var) void {
usage(builder, already_ran_build, out_stream) catch {};
const UnwrapArgError = error{OutOfMemory};
2018-02-08 15:08:45 +08:00
fn unwrapArg(arg: UnwrapArgError![]u8) UnwrapArgError![]u8 {
return arg catch |err| {
warn("Unable to parse command line: {}\n", err);
return err;