
353 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("index.zig");
const io = std.io;
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const os = std.os;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
// https://llvm.org/docs/PDB/DbiStream.html#stream-header
const DbiStreamHeader = packed struct {
VersionSignature: i32,
VersionHeader: u32,
Age: u32,
GlobalStreamIndex: u16,
BuildNumber: u16,
PublicStreamIndex: u16,
PdbDllVersion: u16,
SymRecordStream: u16,
PdbDllRbld: u16,
ModInfoSize: u32,
SectionContributionSize: i32,
SectionMapSize: i32,
SourceInfoSize: i32,
TypeServerSize: i32,
MFCTypeServerIndex: u32,
OptionalDbgHeaderSize: i32,
ECSubstreamSize: i32,
Flags: u16,
Machine: u16,
Padding: u32,
const SectionContribEntry = packed struct {
Section: u16,
Padding1: [2]u8,
Offset: i32,
Size: i32,
Characteristics: u32,
ModuleIndex: u16,
Padding2: [2]u8,
DataCrc: u32,
RelocCrc: u32,
const ModInfo = packed struct {
Unused1: u32,
SectionContr: SectionContribEntry,
Flags: u16,
ModuleSymStream: u16,
SymByteSize: u32,
C11ByteSize: u32,
C13ByteSize: u32,
SourceFileCount: u16,
Padding: [2]u8,
Unused2: u32,
SourceFileNameIndex: u32,
PdbFilePathNameIndex: u32,
// These fields are variable length
//ModuleName: char[],
//ObjFileName: char[],
pub const StreamType = enum(u16) {
Pdb = 1,
Tpi = 2,
Dbi = 3,
Ipi = 4,
pub const Pdb = struct {
in_file: os.File,
allocator: *mem.Allocator,
msf: Msf,
pub fn openFile(self: *Pdb, allocator: *mem.Allocator, file_name: []u8) !void {
self.in_file = try os.File.openRead(file_name);
self.allocator = allocator;
try self.msf.openFile(allocator, self.in_file);
pub fn getStream(self: *Pdb, stream: StreamType) ?*MsfStream {
const id = @enumToInt(stream);
if (id < self.msf.streams.len)
return &self.msf.streams[id];
return null;
pub fn getSourceLine(self: *Pdb, address: usize) !void {
const dbi = self.getStream(StreamType.Dbi) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
// Dbi Header
var header: DbiStreamHeader = undefined;
try dbi.stream.readStruct(DbiStreamHeader, &header);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", header);
warn("after header dbi stream at {} (file offset)\n", dbi.getFilePos());
// Module Info Substream
var mod_info_offset: usize = 0;
while (mod_info_offset < header.ModInfoSize) {
const march_forward_bytes = dbi.getFilePos() % 4;
if (march_forward_bytes != 0) {
try dbi.seekForward(march_forward_bytes);
mod_info_offset += march_forward_bytes;
var mod_info: ModInfo = undefined;
try dbi.stream.readStruct(ModInfo, &mod_info);
std.debug.warn("{}\n", mod_info);
mod_info_offset += @sizeOf(ModInfo);
const module_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(self.allocator);
std.debug.warn("module_name '{}'\n", module_name);
mod_info_offset += module_name.len + 1;
//if (mem.eql(u8, module_name, "piler_rt.obj")) {
// std.debug.warn("detected bad thing\n");
// try dbi.seekTo(dbi.pos -
// "c:\\msys64\\home\\andy\\zig\\build-llvm6-msvc-release\\.\\zig-cache\\compiler_rt.obj\x00".len -
// @sizeOf(ModInfo));
// mod_info_offset -= module_name.len + 1;
// continue;
const obj_file_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(self.allocator);
std.debug.warn("obj_file_name '{}'\n", obj_file_name);
mod_info_offset += obj_file_name.len + 1;
std.debug.warn("end modules\n");
// TODO: locate corresponding source line information
// see https://llvm.org/docs/PDB/MsfFile.html
const Msf = struct {
directory: MsfStream,
streams: []MsfStream,
fn openFile(self: *Msf, allocator: *mem.Allocator, file: os.File) !void {
var file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(file);
const in = &file_stream.stream;
var superblock: SuperBlock = undefined;
try in.readStruct(SuperBlock, &superblock);
if (!mem.eql(u8, superblock.FileMagic, SuperBlock.file_magic))
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
switch (superblock.BlockSize) {
// llvm only supports 4096 but we can handle any of these values
512, 1024, 2048, 4096 => {},
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo
if (superblock.NumBlocks * superblock.BlockSize != try file.getEndPos())
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
self.directory = try MsfStream.init(
blockCountFromSize(superblock.NumDirectoryBytes, superblock.BlockSize),
superblock.BlockSize * superblock.BlockMapAddr,
const stream_count = try self.directory.stream.readIntLe(u32);
warn("stream count {}\n", stream_count);
const stream_sizes = try allocator.alloc(u32, stream_count);
for (stream_sizes) |*s| {
const size = try self.directory.stream.readIntLe(u32);
s.* = blockCountFromSize(size, superblock.BlockSize);
warn("stream {}B {} blocks\n", size, s.*);
self.streams = try allocator.alloc(MsfStream, stream_count);
for (self.streams) |*stream, i| {
stream.* = try MsfStream.init(
// MsfStream.init expects the file to be at the part where it reads [N]u32
try file.getPos(),
fn blockCountFromSize(size: u32, block_size: u32) u32 {
return (size + block_size - 1) / block_size;
// https://llvm.org/docs/PDB/MsfFile.html#the-superblock
const SuperBlock = packed struct {
/// The LLVM docs list a space between C / C++ but empirically this is not the case.
const file_magic = "Microsoft C/C++ MSF 7.00\r\n\x1a\x44\x53\x00\x00\x00";
FileMagic: [file_magic.len]u8,
/// The block size of the internal file system. Valid values are 512, 1024,
/// 2048, and 4096 bytes. Certain aspects of the MSF file layout vary depending
/// on the block sizes. For the purposes of LLVM, we handle only block sizes of
/// 4KiB, and all further discussion assumes a block size of 4KiB.
BlockSize: u32,
/// The index of a block within the file, at which begins a bitfield representing
/// the set of all blocks within the file which are “free” (i.e. the data within
/// that block is not used). See The Free Block Map for more information. Important:
/// FreeBlockMapBlock can only be 1 or 2!
FreeBlockMapBlock: u32,
/// The total number of blocks in the file. NumBlocks * BlockSize should equal the
/// size of the file on disk.
NumBlocks: u32,
/// The size of the stream directory, in bytes. The stream directory contains
/// information about each streams size and the set of blocks that it occupies.
/// It will be described in more detail later.
NumDirectoryBytes: u32,
Unknown: u32,
/// The index of a block within the MSF file. At this block is an array of
/// ulittle32_ts listing the blocks that the stream directory resides on.
/// For large MSF files, the stream directory (which describes the block
/// layout of each stream) may not fit entirely on a single block. As a
/// result, this extra layer of indirection is introduced, whereby this
/// block contains the list of blocks that the stream directory occupies,
/// and the stream directory itself can be stitched together accordingly.
/// The number of ulittle32_ts in this array is given by
/// ceil(NumDirectoryBytes / BlockSize).
BlockMapAddr: u32,
const MsfStream = struct {
in_file: os.File,
pos: usize,
blocks: []u32,
block_size: u32,
/// Implementation of InStream trait for Pdb.MsfStream
stream: Stream,
pub const Error = @typeOf(read).ReturnType.ErrorSet;
pub const Stream = io.InStream(Error);
fn init(block_size: u32, block_count: u32, pos: usize, file: os.File, allocator: *mem.Allocator) !MsfStream {
var stream = MsfStream {
.in_file = file,
.pos = 0,
.blocks = try allocator.alloc(u32, block_count),
.block_size = block_size,
.stream = Stream {
.readFn = readFn,
var file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(file);
const in = &file_stream.stream;
try file.seekTo(pos);
warn("stream with blocks");
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < block_count) : (i += 1) {
stream.blocks[i] = try in.readIntLe(u32);
warn(" {}", stream.blocks[i]);
return stream;
fn readNullTermString(self: *MsfStream, allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
var list = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer list.deinit();
while (true) {
const byte = try self.stream.readByte();
if (byte == 0) {
return list.toSlice();
try list.append(byte);
fn read(self: *MsfStream, buffer: []u8) !usize {
var block_id = self.pos / self.block_size;
var block = self.blocks[block_id];
var offset = self.pos % self.block_size;
//std.debug.warn("seek {} read {}B: block_id={} block={} offset={}\n",
// block * self.block_size + offset,
// buffer.len, block_id, block, offset);
try self.in_file.seekTo(block * self.block_size + offset);
var file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(self.in_file);
const in = &file_stream.stream;
var size: usize = 0;
for (buffer) |*byte| {
byte.* = try in.readByte();
offset += 1;
size += 1;
// If we're at the end of a block, go to the next one.
if (offset == self.block_size) {
offset = 0;
block_id += 1;
block = self.blocks[block_id];
try self.in_file.seekTo(block * self.block_size);
self.pos += size;
return size;
fn seekForward(self: *MsfStream, len: usize) !void {
self.pos += len;
if (self.pos >= self.blocks.len * self.block_size)
return error.EOF;
fn seekTo(self: *MsfStream, len: usize) !void {
self.pos = len;
if (self.pos >= self.blocks.len * self.block_size)
return error.EOF;
fn getSize(self: *const MsfStream) usize {
return self.blocks.len * self.block_size;
fn getFilePos(self: MsfStream) usize {
const block_id = self.pos / self.block_size;
const block = self.blocks[block_id];
const offset = self.pos % self.block_size;
return block * self.block_size + offset;
fn readFn(in_stream: *Stream, buffer: []u8) Error!usize {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(MsfStream, "stream", in_stream);
return self.read(buffer);