
234 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Translated from monocypher which is licensed under CC-0/BSD-3.
// https://monocypher.org/
const std = @import("../index.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Endian = builtin.Endian;
const readInt = std.mem.readInt;
const writeInt = std.mem.writeInt;
pub const Poly1305 = struct {
const Self = this;
pub const mac_length = 16;
pub const minimum_key_length = 32;
// constant multiplier (from the secret key)
r: [4]u32,
// accumulated hash
h: [5]u32,
// chunk of the message
c: [5]u32,
// random number added at the end (from the secret key)
pad: [4]u32,
// How many bytes are there in the chunk.
c_idx: usize,
2018-09-04 16:16:12 +08:00
fn secureZero(self: *Self) void {
std.mem.secureZero(u8, @ptrCast([*]u8, self)[0..@sizeOf(Poly1305)]);
pub fn create(out: []u8, msg: []const u8, key: []const u8) void {
std.debug.assert(out.len >= mac_length);
std.debug.assert(key.len >= minimum_key_length);
var ctx = Poly1305.init(key);
// Initialize the MAC context.
// - key.len is sufficient size.
pub fn init(key: []const u8) Self {
var ctx: Poly1305 = undefined;
// Initial hash is zero
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 5) : (i += 1) {
ctx.h[i] = 0;
// add 2^130 to every input block
ctx.c[4] = 1;
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// load r and pad (r has some of its bits cleared)
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 1) : (i += 1) {
ctx.r[0] = readInt(key[0..4], u32, Endian.Little) & 0x0fffffff;
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < 4) : (i += 1) {
ctx.r[i] = readInt(key[i * 4 .. i * 4 + 4], u32, Endian.Little) & 0x0ffffffc;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 4) : (i += 1) {
ctx.pad[i] = readInt(key[i * 4 + 16 .. i * 4 + 16 + 4], u32, Endian.Little);
return ctx;
// h = (h + c) * r
// preconditions:
// ctx->h <= 4_ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff
// ctx->c <= 1_ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff
// ctx->r <= 0ffffffc_0ffffffc_0ffffffc_0fffffff
// Postcondition:
// ctx->h <= 4_ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff
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fn polyBlock(ctx: *Self) void {
// s = h + c, without carry propagation
const s0 = u64(ctx.h[0]) + ctx.c[0]; // s0 <= 1_fffffffe
const s1 = u64(ctx.h[1]) + ctx.c[1]; // s1 <= 1_fffffffe
const s2 = u64(ctx.h[2]) + ctx.c[2]; // s2 <= 1_fffffffe
const s3 = u64(ctx.h[3]) + ctx.c[3]; // s3 <= 1_fffffffe
const s4 = u64(ctx.h[4]) + ctx.c[4]; // s4 <= 5
// Local all the things!
const r0 = ctx.r[0]; // r0 <= 0fffffff
const r1 = ctx.r[1]; // r1 <= 0ffffffc
const r2 = ctx.r[2]; // r2 <= 0ffffffc
const r3 = ctx.r[3]; // r3 <= 0ffffffc
const rr0 = (r0 >> 2) * 5; // rr0 <= 13fffffb // lose 2 bits...
const rr1 = (r1 >> 2) + r1; // rr1 <= 13fffffb // rr1 == (r1 >> 2) * 5
const rr2 = (r2 >> 2) + r2; // rr2 <= 13fffffb // rr1 == (r2 >> 2) * 5
const rr3 = (r3 >> 2) + r3; // rr3 <= 13fffffb // rr1 == (r3 >> 2) * 5
// (h + c) * r, without carry propagation
const x0 = s0 * r0 + s1 * rr3 + s2 * rr2 + s3 * rr1 + s4 * rr0; //<=97ffffe007fffff8
const x1 = s0 * r1 + s1 * r0 + s2 * rr3 + s3 * rr2 + s4 * rr1; //<=8fffffe20ffffff6
const x2 = s0 * r2 + s1 * r1 + s2 * r0 + s3 * rr3 + s4 * rr2; //<=87ffffe417fffff4
const x3 = s0 * r3 + s1 * r2 + s2 * r1 + s3 * r0 + s4 * rr3; //<=7fffffe61ffffff2
const x4 = s4 * (r0 & 3); // ...recover 2 bits //<= f
// partial reduction modulo 2^130 - 5
const _u5 = @truncate(u32, x4 + (x3 >> 32)); // u5 <= 7ffffff5
const _u0 = (_u5 >> 2) * 5 + (x0 & 0xffffffff);
const _u1 = (_u0 >> 32) + (x1 & 0xffffffff) + (x0 >> 32);
const _u2 = (_u1 >> 32) + (x2 & 0xffffffff) + (x1 >> 32);
const _u3 = (_u2 >> 32) + (x3 & 0xffffffff) + (x2 >> 32);
const _u4 = (_u3 >> 32) + (_u5 & 3);
// Update the hash
ctx.h[0] = @truncate(u32, _u0); // u0 <= 1_9ffffff0
ctx.h[1] = @truncate(u32, _u1); // u1 <= 1_97ffffe0
ctx.h[2] = @truncate(u32, _u2); // u2 <= 1_8fffffe2
ctx.h[3] = @truncate(u32, _u3); // u3 <= 1_87ffffe4
ctx.h[4] = @truncate(u32, _u4); // u4 <= 4
// (re-)initializes the input counter and input buffer
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fn polyClearC(ctx: *Self) void {
ctx.c[0] = 0;
ctx.c[1] = 0;
ctx.c[2] = 0;
ctx.c[3] = 0;
ctx.c_idx = 0;
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fn polyTakeInput(ctx: *Self, input: u8) void {
const word = ctx.c_idx >> 2;
const byte = ctx.c_idx & 3;
ctx.c[word] |= std.math.shl(u32, input, byte * 8);
ctx.c_idx += 1;
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fn polyUpdate(ctx: *Self, msg: []const u8) void {
for (msg) |b| {
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polyTakeInput(ctx, b);
if (ctx.c_idx == 16) {
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2018-09-04 16:16:12 +08:00
fn alignTo(x: usize, block_size: usize) usize {
return ((~x) +% 1) & (block_size - 1);
// Feed data into the MAC context.
pub fn update(ctx: *Self, msg: []const u8) void {
// Align ourselves with block boundaries
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const alignm = std.math.min(alignTo(ctx.c_idx, 16), msg.len);
polyUpdate(ctx, msg[0..alignm]);
var nmsg = msg[alignm..];
// Process the msg block by block
const nb_blocks = nmsg.len >> 4;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < nb_blocks) : (i += 1) {
ctx.c[0] = readInt(nmsg[0..4], u32, Endian.Little);
ctx.c[1] = readInt(nmsg[4..8], u32, Endian.Little);
ctx.c[2] = readInt(nmsg[8..12], u32, Endian.Little);
ctx.c[3] = readInt(nmsg[12..16], u32, Endian.Little);
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nmsg = nmsg[16..];
if (nb_blocks > 0) {
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// remaining bytes
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polyUpdate(ctx, nmsg[0..]);
// Finalize the MAC and output into buffer provided by caller.
pub fn final(ctx: *Self, out: []u8) void {
// Process the last block (if any)
if (ctx.c_idx != 0) {
// move the final 1 according to remaining input length
// (We may add less than 2^130 to the last input block)
ctx.c[4] = 0;
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polyTakeInput(ctx, 1);
// one last hash update
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// check if we should subtract 2^130-5 by performing the
// corresponding carry propagation.
const _u0 = u64(5) + ctx.h[0]; // <= 1_00000004
const _u1 = (_u0 >> 32) + ctx.h[1]; // <= 1_00000000
const _u2 = (_u1 >> 32) + ctx.h[2]; // <= 1_00000000
const _u3 = (_u2 >> 32) + ctx.h[3]; // <= 1_00000000
const _u4 = (_u3 >> 32) + ctx.h[4]; // <= 5
// u4 indicates how many times we should subtract 2^130-5 (0 or 1)
// h + pad, minus 2^130-5 if u4 exceeds 3
const uu0 = (_u4 >> 2) * 5 + ctx.h[0] + ctx.pad[0]; // <= 2_00000003
const uu1 = (uu0 >> 32) + ctx.h[1] + ctx.pad[1]; // <= 2_00000000
const uu2 = (uu1 >> 32) + ctx.h[2] + ctx.pad[2]; // <= 2_00000000
const uu3 = (uu2 >> 32) + ctx.h[3] + ctx.pad[3]; // <= 2_00000000
writeInt(out[0..], @truncate(u32, uu0), Endian.Little);
writeInt(out[4..], @truncate(u32, uu1), Endian.Little);
writeInt(out[8..], @truncate(u32, uu2), Endian.Little);
writeInt(out[12..], @truncate(u32, uu3), Endian.Little);
2018-09-04 16:16:12 +08:00
test "poly1305 rfc7439 vector1" {
const expected_mac = "\xa8\x06\x1d\xc1\x30\x51\x36\xc6\xc2\x2b\x8b\xaf\x0c\x01\x27\xa9";
const msg = "Cryptographic Forum Research Group";
const key = "\x85\xd6\xbe\x78\x57\x55\x6d\x33\x7f\x44\x52\xfe\x42\xd5\x06\xa8" ++
var mac: [16]u8 = undefined;
Poly1305.create(mac[0..], msg, key);
std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(u8, mac, expected_mac));