
27 lines
814 B
Raw Normal View History

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const arch = builtin.cpu.arch;
const common = @import("./common.zig");
const floatToInt = @import("./float_to_int.zig").floatToInt;
pub const panic = common.panic;
comptime {
const fixxfti_fn = if (builtin.os.tag == .windows and arch == .x86_64) b: {
// The "ti" functions must use Vector(2, u64) return types to adhere to the ABI
// that LLVM expects compiler-rt to have.
break :b __fixxfti_windows_x86_64;
} else __fixxfti;
@export(fixxfti_fn, .{ .name = "__fixxfti", .linkage = common.linkage });
pub fn __fixxfti(a: f80) callconv(.C) i128 {
return floatToInt(i128, a);
const v128 = @import("std").meta.Vector(2, u64);
fn __fixxfti_windows_x86_64(a: f80) callconv(.C) v128 {
return @bitCast(v128, floatToInt(i128, a));