
315 lines
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2018-07-18 01:18:13 +08:00
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const ObjectFormat = builtin.ObjectFormat;
const Compilation = @import("compilation.zig").Compilation;
const Context = struct {
comp: *Compilation,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
args: std.ArrayList([*]const u8),
link_in_crt: bool,
link_err: error{OutOfMemory}!void,
link_msg: std.Buffer,
pub fn link(comp: *Compilation) !void {
var ctx = Context{
.comp = comp,
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(comp.gpa()),
.args = undefined,
.link_in_crt = comp.haveLibC() and comp.kind == Compilation.Kind.Exe,
.link_err = {},
.link_msg = undefined,
defer ctx.arena.deinit();
ctx.args = std.ArrayList([*]const u8).init(&ctx.arena.allocator);
ctx.link_msg = std.Buffer.initNull(&ctx.arena.allocator);
// even though we're calling LLD as a library it thinks the first
// argument is its own exe name
try ctx.args.append(c"lld");
try constructLinkerArgs(&ctx);
if (comp.verbose_link) {
for (ctx.args.toSliceConst()) |arg, i| {
const space = if (i == 0) "" else " ";
std.debug.warn("{}{s}", space, arg);
const extern_ofmt = toExternObjectFormatType(comp.target.getObjectFormat());
const args_slice = ctx.args.toSlice();
if (!ZigLLDLink(extern_ofmt, args_slice.ptr, args_slice.len, linkDiagCallback, @ptrCast(*c_void, &ctx))) {
if (!ctx.link_msg.isNull()) {
// TODO capture these messages and pass them through the system, reporting them through the
// event system instead of printing them directly here.
// perhaps try to parse and understand them.
std.debug.warn("{}\n", ctx.link_msg.toSliceConst());
return error.LinkFailed;
extern fn ZigLLDLink(
oformat: c.ZigLLVM_ObjectFormatType,
args: [*]const [*]const u8,
arg_count: usize,
append_diagnostic: extern fn (*c_void, [*]const u8, usize) void,
context: *c_void,
) bool;
extern fn linkDiagCallback(context: *c_void, ptr: [*]const u8, len: usize) void {
const ctx = @ptrCast(*Context, @alignCast(@alignOf(Context), context));
ctx.link_err = linkDiagCallbackErrorable(ctx, ptr[0..len]);
fn linkDiagCallbackErrorable(ctx: *Context, msg: []const u8) !void {
if (ctx.link_msg.isNull()) {
try ctx.link_msg.resize(0);
try ctx.link_msg.append(msg);
fn toExternObjectFormatType(ofmt: ObjectFormat) c.ZigLLVM_ObjectFormatType {
return switch (ofmt) {
ObjectFormat.unknown => c.ZigLLVM_UnknownObjectFormat,
ObjectFormat.coff => c.ZigLLVM_COFF,
ObjectFormat.elf => c.ZigLLVM_ELF,
ObjectFormat.macho => c.ZigLLVM_MachO,
ObjectFormat.wasm => c.ZigLLVM_Wasm,
fn constructLinkerArgs(ctx: *Context) !void {
switch (ctx.comp.target.getObjectFormat()) {
ObjectFormat.unknown => unreachable,
ObjectFormat.coff => return constructLinkerArgsCoff(ctx),
ObjectFormat.elf => return constructLinkerArgsElf(ctx),
ObjectFormat.macho => return constructLinkerArgsMachO(ctx),
ObjectFormat.wasm => return constructLinkerArgsWasm(ctx),
fn constructLinkerArgsElf(ctx: *Context) !void {
//if (g->libc_link_lib != nullptr) {
// find_libc_lib_path(g);
//if (g->linker_script) {
// lj->args.append("-T");
// lj->args.append(g->linker_script);
//if (g->no_rosegment_workaround) {
// lj->args.append("--no-rosegment");
//bool is_lib = g->out_type == OutTypeLib;
//bool shared = !g->is_static && is_lib;
//Buf *soname = nullptr;
//if (g->is_static) {
// if (g->zig_target.arch.arch == ZigLLVM_arm || g->zig_target.arch.arch == ZigLLVM_armeb ||
// g->zig_target.arch.arch == ZigLLVM_thumb || g->zig_target.arch.arch == ZigLLVM_thumbeb)
// {
// lj->args.append("-Bstatic");
// } else {
// lj->args.append("-static");
// }
//} else if (shared) {
// lj->args.append("-shared");
// if (buf_len(&lj->out_file) == 0) {
// buf_appendf(&lj->out_file, "lib%s.so.%" ZIG_PRI_usize ".%" ZIG_PRI_usize ".%" ZIG_PRI_usize "",
// buf_ptr(g->root_out_name), g->version_major, g->version_minor, g->version_patch);
// }
// soname = buf_sprintf("lib%s.so.%" ZIG_PRI_usize "", buf_ptr(g->root_out_name), g->version_major);
//if (lj->link_in_crt) {
// const char *crt1o;
// const char *crtbegino;
// if (g->is_static) {
// crt1o = "crt1.o";
// crtbegino = "crtbeginT.o";
// } else {
// crt1o = "Scrt1.o";
// crtbegino = "crtbegin.o";
// }
// lj->args.append(get_libc_file(g, crt1o));
// lj->args.append(get_libc_file(g, "crti.o"));
// lj->args.append(get_libc_static_file(g, crtbegino));
//for (size_t i = 0; i < g->rpath_list.length; i += 1) {
// Buf *rpath = g->rpath_list.at(i);
// add_rpath(lj, rpath);
//if (g->each_lib_rpath) {
// for (size_t i = 0; i < g->lib_dirs.length; i += 1) {
// const char *lib_dir = g->lib_dirs.at(i);
// for (size_t i = 0; i < g->link_libs_list.length; i += 1) {
// LinkLib *link_lib = g->link_libs_list.at(i);
// if (buf_eql_str(link_lib->name, "c")) {
// continue;
// }
// bool does_exist;
// Buf *test_path = buf_sprintf("%s/lib%s.so", lib_dir, buf_ptr(link_lib->name));
// if (os_file_exists(test_path, &does_exist) != ErrorNone) {
// zig_panic("link: unable to check if file exists: %s", buf_ptr(test_path));
// }
// if (does_exist) {
// add_rpath(lj, buf_create_from_str(lib_dir));
// break;
// }
// }
// }
//for (size_t i = 0; i < g->lib_dirs.length; i += 1) {
// const char *lib_dir = g->lib_dirs.at(i);
// lj->args.append("-L");
// lj->args.append(lib_dir);
//if (g->libc_link_lib != nullptr) {
// lj->args.append("-L");
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(g->libc_lib_dir));
// lj->args.append("-L");
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(g->libc_static_lib_dir));
//if (!g->is_static) {
// if (g->dynamic_linker != nullptr) {
// assert(buf_len(g->dynamic_linker) != 0);
// lj->args.append("-dynamic-linker");
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(g->dynamic_linker));
// } else {
// Buf *resolved_dynamic_linker = get_dynamic_linker_path(g);
// lj->args.append("-dynamic-linker");
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(resolved_dynamic_linker));
// }
//if (shared) {
// lj->args.append("-soname");
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(soname));
// .o files
for (ctx.comp.link_objects) |link_object| {
const link_obj_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(&ctx.arena.allocator, link_object);
try ctx.args.append(link_obj_with_null.ptr);
try addFnObjects(ctx);
//if (g->out_type == OutTypeExe || g->out_type == OutTypeLib) {
// if (g->libc_link_lib == nullptr) {
// Buf *builtin_o_path = build_o(g, "builtin");
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(builtin_o_path));
// }
// // sometimes libgcc is missing stuff, so we still build compiler_rt and rely on weak linkage
// Buf *compiler_rt_o_path = build_compiler_rt(g);
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(compiler_rt_o_path));
//for (size_t i = 0; i < g->link_libs_list.length; i += 1) {
// LinkLib *link_lib = g->link_libs_list.at(i);
// if (buf_eql_str(link_lib->name, "c")) {
// continue;
// }
// Buf *arg;
// if (buf_starts_with_str(link_lib->name, "/") || buf_ends_with_str(link_lib->name, ".a") ||
// buf_ends_with_str(link_lib->name, ".so"))
// {
// arg = link_lib->name;
// } else {
// arg = buf_sprintf("-l%s", buf_ptr(link_lib->name));
// }
// lj->args.append(buf_ptr(arg));
//// libc dep
//if (g->libc_link_lib != nullptr) {
// if (g->is_static) {
// lj->args.append("--start-group");
// lj->args.append("-lgcc");
// lj->args.append("-lgcc_eh");
// lj->args.append("-lc");
// lj->args.append("-lm");
// lj->args.append("--end-group");
// } else {
// lj->args.append("-lgcc");
// lj->args.append("--as-needed");
// lj->args.append("-lgcc_s");
// lj->args.append("--no-as-needed");
// lj->args.append("-lc");
// lj->args.append("-lm");
// lj->args.append("-lgcc");
// lj->args.append("--as-needed");
// lj->args.append("-lgcc_s");
// lj->args.append("--no-as-needed");
// }
//// crt end
//if (lj->link_in_crt) {
// lj->args.append(get_libc_static_file(g, "crtend.o"));
// lj->args.append(get_libc_file(g, "crtn.o"));
//if (!g->is_native_target) {
// lj->args.append("--allow-shlib-undefined");
//if (g->zig_target.os == OsZen) {
// lj->args.append("-e");
// lj->args.append("_start");
// lj->args.append("--image-base=0x10000000");
fn constructLinkerArgsCoff(ctx: *Context) void {
fn constructLinkerArgsMachO(ctx: *Context) void {
fn constructLinkerArgsWasm(ctx: *Context) void {
fn addFnObjects(ctx: *Context) !void {
// at this point it's guaranteed nobody else has this lock, so we circumvent it
// and avoid having to be a coroutine
const fn_link_set = &ctx.comp.fn_link_set.private_data;
var it = fn_link_set.first;
while (it) |node| {
const fn_val = node.data orelse {
// handle the tombstone. See Value.Fn.destroy.
it = node.next;
try ctx.args.append(fn_val.containing_object.ptr());
it = node.next;