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const std = @import("../std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const os = std.os;
const io = std.io;
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const windows = os.windows;
const Os = builtin.Os;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
pub const File = struct {
/// The OS-specific file descriptor or file handle.
handle: os.fd_t,
pub const Mode = switch (builtin.os) {
Os.windows => void,
else => u32,
pub const default_mode = switch (builtin.os) {
Os.windows => {},
else => 0o666,
pub const OpenError = windows.CreateFileError || os.OpenError;
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openRead(path: []const u8) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
const path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openReadW(&path_w);
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(path);
return openReadC(&path_c);
/// `openRead` except with a null terminated path
pub fn openReadC(path: [*]const u8) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
const path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openReadW(&path_w);
const flags = os.O_LARGEFILE | os.O_RDONLY;
const fd = try os.openC(path, flags, 0);
return openHandle(fd);
/// `openRead` except with a null terminated UTF16LE encoded path
pub fn openReadW(path_w: [*]const u16) OpenError!File {
const handle = try windows.CreateFileW(
return openHandle(handle);
/// Calls `openWriteMode` with `default_mode` for the mode.
pub fn openWrite(path: []const u8) OpenError!File {
return openWriteMode(path, default_mode);
/// If the path does not exist it will be created.
/// If a file already exists in the destination it will be truncated.
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openWriteMode(path: []const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
const path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteModeW(&path_w, file_mode);
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(path);
return openWriteModeC(&path_c, file_mode);
/// Same as `openWriteMode` except `path` is null-terminated.
pub fn openWriteModeC(path: [*]const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
const path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteModeW(&path_w, file_mode);
const flags = os.O_LARGEFILE | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_CLOEXEC | os.O_TRUNC;
const fd = try os.openC(path, flags, file_mode);
return openHandle(fd);
/// Same as `openWriteMode` except `path` is null-terminated and UTF16LE encoded
pub fn openWriteModeW(path_w: [*]const u16, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
const handle = try windows.CreateFileW(
return openHandle(handle);
/// If the path does not exist it will be created.
/// If a file already exists in the destination this returns OpenError.PathAlreadyExists
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openWriteNoClobber(path: []const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
const path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteNoClobberW(&path_w, file_mode);
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(path);
return openWriteNoClobberC(&path_c, file_mode);
pub fn openWriteNoClobberC(path: [*]const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
const path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteNoClobberW(&path_w, file_mode);
const flags = os.O_LARGEFILE | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_CLOEXEC | os.O_EXCL;
const fd = try os.openC(path, flags, file_mode);
return openHandle(fd);
pub fn openWriteNoClobberW(path_w: [*]const u16, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
const handle = try windows.CreateFileW(
return openHandle(handle);
pub fn openHandle(handle: os.fd_t) File {
return File{ .handle = handle };
/// Test for the existence of `path`.
/// `path` is UTF8-encoded.
pub fn exists(path: []const u8) !void {
return os.access(path, os.F_OK);
/// Same as `exists` except the parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn existsC(path: [*]const u8) !void {
return os.accessC(path, os.F_OK);
/// Same as `exists` except the parameter is null-terminated UTF16LE-encoded.
pub fn existsW(path: [*]const u16) !void {
return os.accessW(path, os.F_OK);
/// Upon success, the stream is in an uninitialized state. To continue using it,
/// you must use the open() function.
pub fn close(self: File) void {
/// Test whether the file refers to a terminal.
/// See also `supportsAnsiEscapeCodes`.
pub fn isTty(self: File) bool {
return os.isatty(self.handle);
/// Test whether ANSI escape codes will be treated as such.
pub fn supportsAnsiEscapeCodes(self: File) bool {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
return os.isCygwinPty(self.handle);
return self.isTty();
pub const SeekError = os.SeekError;
/// Repositions read/write file offset relative to the current offset.
pub fn seekBy(self: File, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
return os.lseek_CUR(self.handle, offset);
/// Repositions read/write file offset relative to the end.
pub fn seekFromEnd(self: File, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
return os.lseek_END(self.handle, offset);
/// Repositions read/write file offset relative to the beginning.
pub fn seekTo(self: File, offset: u64) SeekError!void {
return os.lseek_SET(self.handle, offset);
pub const GetPosError = os.SeekError || os.FStatError;
pub fn getPos(self: File) GetPosError!u64 {
return os.lseek_CUR_get(self.handle);
pub fn getEndPos(self: File) GetPosError!u64 {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
return windows.GetFileSizeEx(self.handle);
const stat = try os.fstat(self.handle);
return @bitCast(u64, stat.size);
pub const ModeError = os.FStatError;
pub fn mode(self: File) ModeError!Mode {
if (windows.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
return {};
const stat = try os.fstat(self.handle);
// TODO: we should be able to cast u16 to ModeError!u32, making this
// explicit cast not necessary
return Mode(stat.mode);
pub const ReadError = os.ReadError;
pub fn read(self: File, buffer: []u8) ReadError!usize {
return os.read(self.handle, buffer);
pub const WriteError = os.WriteError;
pub fn write(self: File, bytes: []const u8) WriteError!void {
return os.write(self.handle, bytes);
pub fn inStream(file: File) InStream {
return InStream{
.file = file,
.stream = InStream.Stream{ .readFn = InStream.readFn },
pub fn outStream(file: File) OutStream {
return OutStream{
.file = file,
.stream = OutStream.Stream{ .writeFn = OutStream.writeFn },
pub fn seekableStream(file: File) SeekableStream {
return SeekableStream{
.file = file,
.stream = SeekableStream.Stream{
.seekToFn = SeekableStream.seekToFn,
.seekByFn = SeekableStream.seekByFn,
.getPosFn = SeekableStream.getPosFn,
.getEndPosFn = SeekableStream.getEndPosFn,
/// Implementation of io.InStream trait for File
pub const InStream = struct {
file: File,
stream: Stream,
pub const Error = ReadError;
pub const Stream = io.InStream(Error);
fn readFn(in_stream: *Stream, buffer: []u8) Error!usize {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(InStream, "stream", in_stream);
return self.file.read(buffer);
/// Implementation of io.OutStream trait for File
pub const OutStream = struct {
file: File,
stream: Stream,
pub const Error = WriteError;
pub const Stream = io.OutStream(Error);
fn writeFn(out_stream: *Stream, bytes: []const u8) Error!void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(OutStream, "stream", out_stream);
return self.file.write(bytes);
/// Implementation of io.SeekableStream trait for File
pub const SeekableStream = struct {
file: File,
stream: Stream,
pub const Stream = io.SeekableStream(SeekError, GetPosError);
pub fn seekToFn(seekable_stream: *Stream, pos: u64) SeekError!void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(SeekableStream, "stream", seekable_stream);
return self.file.seekTo(pos);
pub fn seekByFn(seekable_stream: *Stream, amt: i64) SeekError!void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(SeekableStream, "stream", seekable_stream);
return self.file.seekBy(amt);
pub fn getEndPosFn(seekable_stream: *Stream) GetPosError!u64 {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(SeekableStream, "stream", seekable_stream);
return self.file.getEndPos();
pub fn getPosFn(seekable_stream: *Stream) GetPosError!u64 {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(SeekableStream, "stream", seekable_stream);
return self.file.getPos();