
450 lines
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;;; el-get.el
;; Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon
;; Copyright (C) 2010 Dimitri Fontaine
;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine <dim@tapoueh.org>
;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get.el
;; Version: 0.2
;; Created: 2010-06-17
;; Keywords: emacs elisp install elpa git apt-get debian
;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; Install:
;; (require 'el-get)
;; then define your el-get-sources
(require 'package) ; that's ELPA
(defgroup el-get nil "el-get customization group"
:group 'convenience)
(defvar el-get-git-clone-hook nil "Hook run after git clone.")
(defvar el-get-apt-get-install-hook nil "Hook run after apt-get install.")
(defvar el-get-fink-install-hook nil "Hook run after fink install.")
(defvar el-get-elpa-install-hook nil "Hook run after ELPA package install.")
(defvar el-get-http-install-hook nil "Hook run after http retrieve.")
(defcustom el-get-methods
'(:git (:install el-get-git-clone
:install-hook el-get-git-clone-hook
:update el-get-git-pull
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:apt-get (:install el-get-apt-get-install
:install-hook el-get-apt-get-install-hook
:update el-get-apt-get-install
:remove el-get-apt-get-remove)
:fink (:install el-get-fink-install
:install-hook el-get-fink-install-hook
:update el-get-fink-install
:remove el-get-fink-remove)
:elpa (:install el-get-elpa-install
:install-hook el-get-elpa-install-hook
:update el-get-elpa-update
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:http (:install el-get-http-install
:install-hook el-get-http-install-hook
:update el-get-http-install
:remove el-get-rmdir))
"Register methods that el-get can use to fetch and update a given package.
The methods list is a PLIST, each entry has a method name
property which value is another PLIST, which must contain values
for :install, :install-hook, :update and :remove
properties. Those should be the elisp functions to call for doing
the named package action in the given method."
:type '(repeat (cons symbol function))
:group 'el-get)
(defvar el-get-dir "~/.emacs.d/el-get/"
"Define where to fetch the packages.")
(defvar el-get-apt-get (executable-find "apt-get")
"The apt-get executable.")
(defvar el-get-fink (executable-find "fink")
"The fink executable.")
(defvar el-get-sources nil
"List of sources for packages.
Each source entry is a PLIST where the following properties are supported:
The name of the package. It can be different from the name of
the directory where the package is stored (after a `git
clone' for example, in which case a symlink will be created.
The type of the package, currently el-get offers support for
`apt-get', `elpa', `git' and `http'. You can easily support
your own types here, see the variable `el-get-methods'.
Where to fetch the package, only meaningful for `git' and `http' types.
Your build recipe gets there, often it looks like (\"./configure\" \"make\")
This should be a list of directories you want `el-get' to add
to your `load-path'.
This string allows you to setup a directory where to find a
'package.info' file, and it will even run `ginstall-info' for
you to create the `dir' entry so that C-h i will be able to
list the newly installed documentation. Note that you might
need to C-x k your info buffer then C-h i again to be able to
see the new menu entry.
List of features el-get will `require' for you.
(defun el-get-method (method-name action)
"return the function to call for doing action (e.g. install) in given method"
(let* ((method (intern-soft (concat ":" (format "%s" method-name))))
(actions (plist-get el-get-methods method)))
(plist-get actions action)))
(defun el-get-check-init ()
"Check that we can run el-get"
(unless (file-directory-p el-get-dir)
(make-directory el-get-dir)))
(defun el-get-package-directory (package)
"Returns the package installation directory absolute name"
(concat (file-name-as-directory el-get-dir) package))
(defun el-get-add-path-to-list (package list path)
"(add-to-list list path) checking for path existence within
given package directory."
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(fullpath (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) path)))
(unless (file-directory-p fullpath)
(error "el-get could not find directory `%s' for package %s" path package))
(add-to-list list fullpath)))
(defun el-get-package-exists-p (package)
"true only when the given package name is either a directory or a symlink in el-get-dir"
(let ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
;; seems overkill as file-directory-p will always be true
(or (file-directory-p pdir)
(file-symlink-p pdir))))
;; git support
(defun el-get-git-dirname (url)
"Get dirname from url"
(car (split-string (substring url (string-match "[^/]+$" url)) "[.]")))
(defun el-get-git-symlink-package (package url)
"The name we give to the package can be different from its main directory, ln -s"
(let ((gitdir (el-get-git-dirname url)))
(unless (el-get-package-exists-p package)
(concat "cd " el-get-dir
" && ln -s \"" gitdir "\" \"" package "\"")))))
(defun el-get-git-clone (package url)
"clone the given package following the url"
(let ((git-executable (if (file-executable-p magit-git-executable)
(executable-find "git"))))
(unless (file-executable-p git-executable)
(error "el-get-git-clone requires `magit-git-executable` to be set, or the binary `git' to be found in your PATH"))
(let ((ret
(concat "cd " el-get-dir " && " git-executable " --no-pager clone " url))))
(el-get-git-symlink-package package url)
(run-hooks 'el-get-git-clone-hook)
(defun el-get-git-pull (package url)
"git pull the package"
(let ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
(when (file-directory-p pdir)
(concat "cd " pdir
" && " magit-git-executable " --no-pager pull " url)))))
;; apt-get support
(defun el-get-sudo-shell-command-to-string (command)
"Ask a password then use sudo, when required"
(let* ((sudo-test (shell-command-to-string "sudo echo el-get"))
(sudo-pass (if (string= sudo-test "el-get\n")
(read-passwd "sudo password: "))))
(concat (when sudo-pass (concat "echo " sudo-pass " | "))
"sudo -S " command))))
(defun el-get-apt-get-install (package &optional url)
"apt-get install package, url is there for API compliance"
;; this can be somewhat chatty but I guess you want to know about it
(message "%S" (el-get-sudo-shell-command-to-string
(concat el-get-apt-get " install " package)))
(run-hooks 'el-get-apt-get-install-hook)
(defun el-get-apt-get-remove (package &optional url)
"apt-get remove package, url is there for API compliance"
;; this can be somewhat chatty but I guess you want to know about it
(message "%S" (el-get-sudo-shell-command-to-string
(concat el-get-apt-get " remove -y " package))))
;; fink support
(defun el-get-fink-install (package &optional url)
"fink install package, url is there for API compliance"
;; this can be somewhat chatty but I guess you want to know about it
(message "%S" (el-get-sudo-shell-command-to-string
(concat "echo Y | " el-get-fink " install " package)))
(run-hooks 'el-get-fink-install-hook)
(defun el-get-fink-remove (package &optional url)
"fink remove package, url is there for API compliance"
;; this can be somewhat chatty but I guess you want to know about it
(message "%S" (el-get-sudo-shell-command-to-string
(concat el-get-fink " remove -r " package))))
;; ELPA support
(defun el-get-elpa-package-directory (package)
"return the directory where ELPA stores a package, or nil if
package isn't currently installed by ELPA."
(let* ((pname (format "%s" package)) ; easy way to cope with symbols etc.
;; we use try-completion to find the realname of the directory
;; ELPA used, and this wants an alist, we trick ls -i -1 into
;; that.
(mapcar 'split-string
(concat "ls -i1 "
(file-name-as-directory package-user-dir))))))
(realname (try-completion pname l)))
(if realname (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir) realname)
(defun el-get-elpa-symlink-package (package)
"ln -s ~/.emacs.d/elpa/<package> ~/.emacs.d/el-get/<package>"
(let ((elpa-dir (el-get-elpa-package-directory package)))
(unless (el-get-package-exists-p package)
(concat "cd " el-get-dir
" && ln -s \"" elpa-dir "\" \"" package "\"")))))
(defun el-get-elpa-install (package &optional url)
"ask elpa to install given package"
(let ((elpa-dir (el-get-elpa-package-directory package)))
(unless (and elpa-dir (file-directory-p elpa-dir))
(package-install (intern-soft package)))
;; we symlink even when the package already is installed because it's
;; not an error to have installed ELPA packages before using el-get, and
;; that will register them
(el-get-elpa-symlink-package package)))
(defun el-get-elpa-update (package &optional url)
"ask elpa to update given package"
(el-get-rmdir (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir) package))
(package-install (intern-soft package)))
;; http support
(defun el-get-http-retrieve (package url)
"Get an elisp file using `url-retrieve-synchronously'.
Returns the feature provided if any"
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(dest (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) package ".el")))
(with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)
;; prune HTTP headers before save
(re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
(delete-region (point-min) (point))
(write-file dest))))
(defun el-get-http-install (package url)
"Dowload a single-file package over HTTP "
(let ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
(unless (file-directory-p pdir)
(make-directory pdir))
(el-get-http-retrieve package url)))
;; Common support bits
(defun el-get-rmdir (package url)
"Just rm -rf the package directory. Follow symlinks."
(error "Not Yet Implemented."))
(defun el-get-build (package commands &optional subdir)
"run each command from the package directory"
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(wdir (if subdir (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) subdir) pdir)))
(dolist (c commands)
(message "el-get %s: cd %s && %s" package wdir c)
(message "%S" (shell-command-to-string
(concat "cd " wdir " && " c))))))
(defun el-get-package-def (package)
"Return a single `el-get-sources' entry for given package"
(dolist (s el-get-sources source)
(when (string= package (format "%s" (plist-get s :name)))
(setq source s))))
;; User Interface, Interactive part
(defun el-get-read-package-name (action &optional package)
"Ask user for a package name in minibuffer, with completion.
When given a package name, check for its existence"
(let ((plist
(mapcar (lambda (x) (format "%s" (plist-get x :name))) el-get-sources)))
(if package
(unless (member package plist)
(error "el-get: can not find package name `%s' in `el-get-sources'" package))
(completing-read (format "%s package: " action) plist))))
(defun el-get-init (&optional package)
"Care about load-path, Info-directory-list, and (require 'features)"
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Init" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(feats (plist-get source :features))
(el-path (or (plist-get source :load-path) '(".")))
(infodir (plist-get source :info))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
;; apt-get and ELPA will take care of load-path, Info-directory-list
(unless (member method '(elpa apt-get))
;; append entries to load-path and Info-directory-list
(mapc (lambda (path)
(el-get-add-path-to-list package 'load-path path))
(if (stringp el-path) (list el-path) el-path))
(when (file-directory-p (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) infodir))
(require 'info)
;; add to Info-directory-list
(el-get-add-path-to-list package 'Info-directory-list infodir)
;; build the infodir entry, too
(el-get-build package
`(,(format"ginstall-info %s.info dir" package)) infodir)))
;; features, only ELPA will handle them on its own
(unless (eq method 'elpa)
;; if a feature is provided, require it now
(when feats
(mapc (lambda (feature) (message "require '%s" (require feature)))
(if (symbolp feats) (list feats) feats)))
;; return the package
(defun el-get-install (&optional package)
"Install given package. Read the package name with completion when not given."
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Install" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(install (el-get-method method :install))
(hooks (el-get-method method :install-hook))
(url (plist-get source :url))
(commands (plist-get source :build)))
;; check we can install the package
;; and install the package now
(message "el-get install %s" package)
(funcall install package url)
(run-hooks hooks)
;; consider building when sources are thus setup
(el-get-build package commands)
;; and init
(el-get-init package)))
(defun el-get-update (&optional package)
"Update given package. Read the package name with completion when not given."
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Install" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(update (el-get-method method :update))
(url (plist-get source :url))
(commands (plist-get source :build)))
;; update the package now
(message "el-get update %s" package)
(funcall update package url)
;; consider building when sources are thus setup
(el-get-build package commands)))
(defun el-get-remove (&optional package)
"Remove given package. Read the package name with completion when not given."
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Install" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(remove (el-get-method method :remove))
(url (plist-get source :url)))
;; remove the package now
(message "el-get remove %s" package)
(funcall remove package url)))
;; User Interface, Non Interactive part
(defun el-get ()
"Check that all sources have been downloaded once, and init them as needed.
This will not update the sources by using `apt-get install' or
`git pull', but it will ensure the sources have been installed
and will set the load-path and Info-directory-list depending on
the el-get-sources setup.
el-get is also responsible for doing (require 'feature) for each
and every feature declared in `el-get-sources', so that it's
suitable for use in your emacs init script.
(lambda (source)
(let* ((package (format "%s" (plist-get source :name))))
;; check if the package needs to be fetched (and built)
(if (el-get-package-exists-p package)
(el-get-install package)
(el-get-init package))))
(provide 'el-get)