Ryan C. Thompson 4a639cb43b Clean up git clone command list.
It now uses the same uniform formatting across all the commands in the
list, making the code more readable. No functional changes.
2012-03-07 18:23:32 -08:00

166 lines
6.5 KiB

;;; el-get --- Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon
;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Dimitri Fontaine
;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine <dim@tapoueh.org>
;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get
;; GIT: https://github.com/dimitri/el-get
;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; Install
;; Please see the README.asciidoc file from the same distribution
(require 'el-get-core)
(defcustom el-get-git-clone-hook nil
"Hook run after git clone."
:group 'el-get
:type 'hook)
(defcustom el-get-git-shallow-clone nil
"If t, then run git-clone with `--depth 1'."
:group 'el-get
:type 'boolean)
(defun el-get-git-executable ()
"Return git executable to use, or signal an error when not
(let ((git-executable (if (and (boundp 'magit-git-executable)
(file-executable-p magit-git-executable))
(executable-find "git"))))
(unless (and git-executable (file-executable-p git-executable))
(concat "el-get-git-clone requires `magit-git-executable' to be set, "
"or the binary `git' to be found in your PATH")))
(defun el-get-git-clone (package url post-install-fun)
"Clone the given package following the URL."
(let* ((git-executable (el-get-executable-find "git"))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(pname (el-get-as-string package))
(name (format "*git clone %s*" package))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(branch (plist-get source :branch))
(submodule-prop (plist-get source :submodule))
;; nosubmodule is true only if :submodules is explicitly set to nil.
(explicit-nosubmodule (and (plist-member source :submodule)
(not submodule-prop)))
(checkout (or (plist-get source :checkout)
(plist-get source :checksum)))
(shallow (el-get-plist-get-with-default source :shallow
(clone-args (append '("--no-pager" "clone")
(when shallow '("--depth" "1"))
;; With :checkout, the "git checkout"
;; command is a separate step, so don't
;; do it during cloning.
(checkout '("--no-checkout"))
;; With a specified branch, check that branch out
(branch (list "-b" branch))
;; Otherwise, just checkout the default branch
(t nil))
(list url pname)))
(ok (format "Package %s installed." package))
(ko (format "Could not install package %s." package)))
`(:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,el-get-dir
:program ,git-executable
:args ,clone-args
:message ,ok
:error ,ko)
(when checkout
(list :command-name (format "*git checkout %s*" checkout)
:buffer-name name
:default-directory pdir
:program git-executable
:args (list "--no-pager" "checkout" checkout)
:message (format "git checkout %s ok" checkout)
:error (format "Could not checkout %s for package %s" checkout package)))
(unless explicit-nosubmodule
(list :command-name "*git submodule update*"
:buffer-name name
:default-directory pdir
:program git-executable
:args (list "--no-pager" "submodule" "update" "--init" "--recursive")
:message "git submodule update ok"
:error "Could not update git submodules")))
(defun el-get-git-pull (package url post-update-fun)
"git pull the package."
(let* ((git-executable (el-get-executable-find "git"))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(name (format "*git pull %s*" package))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(submodule-prop (plist-get source :submodule))
;; nosubmodule is true only if :submodules is explicitly set to nil.
(explicit-nosubmodule (and (plist-member source :submodule)
(not submodule-prop)))
(checkout (or (plist-get source :checkout)
(plist-get source :checksum)))
;; When dealing with a specific checkout, we cannot use
;; "pull", but must instead use "fetch" and then "checkout".
(pull-args (list "--no-pager" (if checkout "fetch" "pull")))
(ok (format "Pulled package %s." package))
(ko (format "Could not update package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,git-executable
:args ,pull-args
:message ,ok
:error ,ko)
,(when checkout
(list :command-name (format "*git checkout %s*" checkout)
:buffer-name name
:default-directory pdir
:program git-executable
:args (list "--no-pager" "checkout" checkout)
:message (format "git checkout %s ok" checkout)
:error (format "Could not checkout %s for package %s" checkout package)))
,(unless explicit-nosubmodule
`(:command-name "*git submodule update*"
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,git-executable
:args ("--no-pager" "submodule" "update" "--init" "--recursive")
:message "git submodule update ok"
:error "Could not update git submodules")))
(defun el-get-git-compute-checksum (package)
"Return the hash of the checked-out revision of PACKAGE."
(cd (el-get-package-directory package))
;; We cannot simply check the recipe for `:type git' because it
;; could also be github, emacsmirror, or any other unknown git-ish
;; type. Instead, we check for the existence of a ".git" directory
;; in the package directory. A better approach might be to call
;; "git status" and check that it returns success.
(assert (file-directory-p ".git") nil
"Package %s is not a git package" package)
(let* ((git-executable (el-get-executable-find "git"))
(args (list git-executable "log" "--pretty=format:%H" "-n1"))
(cmd (mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument args " ")))
(shell-command-to-string cmd))))
(el-get-register-method :git
:install #'el-get-git-clone
:update #'el-get-git-pull
:remove #'el-get-rmdir
:install-hook #'el-get-git-clone-hook
:compute-checksum #'el-get-git-compute-checksum)
(provide 'el-get-git)