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;;; el-get.el --- Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon
;; Copyright (C) 2010 Dimitri Fontaine
;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine <dim@tapoueh.org>
;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get.el
;; Version: 0.8
;; Created: 2010-06-17
;; Keywords: emacs package elisp install elpa git git-svn bzr cvs apt-get fink http http-tar
;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; Easy Install:
;; 1. Install ELPA, see http://tromey.com/elpa/install.html
;; 2. Install el-get from there, soon to be available
;; Manual Install:
;; 1. Put el-get.el somewhere in your load-path
;; 2. Install ELPA, see http://tromey.com/elpa/install.html
;; 3. (require 'el-get) somewhere in your init
;; Usage:
;; 3. then define your el-get-sources
;; 4. Use (el-get) from your .emacs or M-x el-get-install etc.
;; Sources example:
;; (setq el-get-sources
;; '((:name bbdb
;; :type git
;; :url "git://github.com/barak/BBDB.git"
;; :load-path ("./lisp" "./bits")
;; :info "texinfo"
;; :build ("./configure" "make"))
;; (:name magit
;; :type git
;; :url "http://github.com/philjackson/magit.git"
;; :info "."
;; :build ("./autogen.sh" "./configure" "make"))
;; (:name vkill
;; :type http
;; :url "http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp/src/vkill.el"
;; :features vkill)
;; (:name yasnippet
;; :type git-svn
;; :url "http://yasnippet.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/")
;; (:name xml-rpc-el
;; :type bzr
;; :url "lp:xml-rpc-el")
;; (:name haskell-mode
;; :type http-tar
;; :options ("xzf")
;; :url "http://projects.haskell.org/haskellmode-emacs/haskell-mode-2.8.0.tar.gz"
;; :load "haskell-site-file.el"
;; :after (lambda ()
;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode)
;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indentation)))
;; (:name auctex
;; :type cvs
;; :module "auctex"
;; :url ":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/auctex"
;; :build ("./autogen.sh" "./configure" "make")
;; :load ("auctex.el" "preview/preview-latex.el")
;; :info "doc")
;; (:name asciidoc :type elpa)
;; (:name dictionary-el :type apt-get)
;; (:name emacs-goodies-el :type apt-get)))
;; Changelog
;; 0.10 - <WIP> - Can I haz your recipes?
;; - Implement el-get recipes so that el-get-sources can be a simple list
;; of symbols. Now that there's an authoritative git repository, where
;; to share the recipes is an easy question.
;; 0.9 - 2010-08-24 - build me a shell
;; - have `el-get-build' use start-process-shell-command so that you can
;; pass-in shell commands. Beware of poor command argument "parsing"
;; though, done with a simple `split-string'.
;; 0.8 - 2010-08-23 - listen to the users
;; - implement :after user defined function to run at the end of init
;; - add CVS support (no login support)
;; - improve el-get-build to use async building
;; - fix el-get-update doing so
;; 0.7 - 2010-08-23 - archive
;; - http support is extended to `tar' archives, via the http-tar type
;; 0.6 - 2010-08-12 - towards a stable version
;; - fix when asynchronous http support call post-install-fun
;; - fix el-get-remove calling convention
;; - add support for bzr, thanks to Kevin Fletcher
;; 0.5 - 2010-08-06 - release early, fix often
;; - fix apt-get and fink install hooks to call el-get-dpkg-symlink
;; - fix elpa and http support to follow the new call convention
;; - use asynchronous url-retrieve facility so that http is async too
;; 0.4 - 2010-08-04 - foxy release
;; - support asynchronous processes for system commands
;; apt-get, fink, git and git-svn are run in background
;; - support `sudo' password prompts (classic and ubuntu variants)
;; - fix fink support
;; - ELPA support is an option so that you can install ELPA from el-get
;; - implement el-get-rmdir
(require 'dired)
(require 'package nil t) ; that's ELPA, but you can use el-get to install it
;; yes we do need the loop facility, for merging 2 property lists
(require 'cl))
(defgroup el-get nil "el-get customization group"
:group 'convenience)
(defvar el-get-git-clone-hook nil "Hook run after git clone.")
(defvar el-get-git-svn-clone-hook nil "Hook run after git svn clone.")
(defvar el-get-bzr-branch-hook nil "Hook run after bzr branch.")
(defvar el-get-cvs-checkout-hook nil "Hook run after cvs checkout.")
(defvar el-get-apt-get-install-hook nil "Hook run after apt-get install.")
(defvar el-get-apt-get-remove-hook nil "Hook run after apt-get remove.")
(defvar el-get-fink-install-hook nil "Hook run after fink install.")
(defvar el-get-fink-remove-hook nil "Hook run after fink remove.")
(defvar el-get-elpa-install-hook nil "Hook run after ELPA package install.")
(defvar el-get-http-install-hook nil "Hook run after http retrieve.")
(defvar el-get-http-tar-install-hook nil "Hook run after http-tar package install.")
(defcustom el-get-methods
'(:git (:install el-get-git-clone
:install-hook el-get-git-clone-hook
:update el-get-git-pull
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:git-svn (:install el-get-git-svn-clone
:install-hook el-get-git-svn-clone-hook
:update el-get-git-svn-update
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:bzr (:install el-get-bzr-branch
:install-hook el-get-bzr-branch-hook
:update el-get-bzr-pull
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:cvs (:install el-get-cvs-checkout
:install-hook el-get-cvs-checkout-hook
:update el-get-cvs-update
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:apt-get (:install el-get-apt-get-install
:install-hook el-get-apt-get-install-hook
:update el-get-apt-get-install
:remove el-get-apt-get-remove
:remove-hook el-get-apt-get-remove-hook)
:fink (:install el-get-fink-install
:install-hook el-get-fink-install-hook
:update el-get-fink-install
:remove el-get-fink-remove
:remove-hook el-get-fink-remove-hook)
:elpa (:install el-get-elpa-install
:install-hook el-get-elpa-install-hook
:update el-get-elpa-update
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:http (:install el-get-http-install
:install-hook el-get-http-install-hook
:update el-get-http-install
:remove el-get-rmdir)
:http-tar (:install el-get-http-tar-install
:install-hook el-get-http-tar-install-hook
:update el-get-http-tar-install
:remove el-get-rmdir))
"Register methods that el-get can use to fetch and update a given package.
The methods list is a PLIST, each entry has a method name
property which value is another PLIST, which must contain values
for :install, :install-hook, :update and :remove
properties. Those should be the elisp functions to call for doing
the named package action in the given method."
:type '(repeat (cons symbol function))
:group 'el-get)
(defvar el-get-dir "~/.emacs.d/el-get/"
"Define where to fetch the packages.")
(defvar el-get-recipe-dir "~/.emacs.d/el-get/recipes"
"Define where to look for the recipes")
(defvar el-get-apt-get (executable-find "apt-get")
"The apt-get executable.")
(defvar el-get-apt-get-base "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp"
"Where to link the el-get symlink to, /<package> will get appended.")
(defvar el-get-fink (executable-find "fink")
"The fink executable.")
(defvar el-get-fink-base "/sw/share/doc"
"Where to link the el-get symlink to, /<package> will get appended.")
;; debian uses ginstall-info and it's compatible to fink's install-info on
;; MacOSX, so:
(defvar el-get-install-info (or (executable-find "ginstall-info")
(executable-find "install-info")))
(defvar el-get-sources nil
"List of sources for packages.
Each source entry is either a symbol, in which case the recipe in
`el-get-recipe-dir' named after the symbol with a \".el\"
extension will get used, or a PLIST where the following
properties are supported. If your property list is missing
the :type property, then it's merged with the recipe one, so that
you can override any definition provided by `el-get' recipes
The name of the package. It can be different from the name of
the directory where the package is stored (after a `git
clone' for example, in which case a symlink will be created.
The type of the package, currently el-get offers support for
`apt-get', `elpa', `git' and `http'. You can easily support
your own types here, see the variable `el-get-methods'.
Where to fetch the package, only meaningful for `git' and `http' types.
Your build recipe gets there, often it looks like (\"./configure\" \"make\")
This should be a list of directories you want `el-get' to add
to your `load-path'.
This string allows you to setup a directory where to find a
'package.info' file, or a path/to/whatever.info file. It will
even run `ginstall-info' for you to create the `dir' entry so
that C-h i will be able to list the newly installed
documentation. Note that you might need to kill (C-x k) your
info buffer then C-h i again to be able to see the new menu
List of files to load, or a single file to load after having
installed the source but before `require'ing its features.
List of features el-get will `require' for you.
Currently only used by the http-tar support for you to give
the tar options you want to use. Typically would be \"xzf\",
but you might want to choose \"xjf\" for handling .tar.bz
files e.g.
Currently only used by the `csv' support, allow you to
configure the module you want to checkout in the given URL.
A function to run once `el-get' is done with `el-get-init',
can be a lambda.
(defun el-get-method (method-name action)
"return the function to call for doing action (e.g. install) in given method"
(let* ((method (intern-soft (concat ":" (format "%s" method-name))))
(actions (plist-get el-get-methods method)))
(plist-get actions action)))
(defun el-get-check-init ()
"Check that we can run el-get"
(unless (file-directory-p el-get-dir)
(make-directory el-get-dir)))
(defun el-get-package-directory (package)
"Returns the package installation directory absolute name"
(concat (file-name-as-directory el-get-dir) package))
(defun el-get-add-path-to-list (package list path)
"(add-to-list list path) checking for path existence within
given package directory."
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(fullpath (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) path))))
(unless (file-directory-p fullpath)
(error "el-get could not find directory `%s' for package %s, at %s" path package fullpath))
(add-to-list list fullpath)))
(defun el-get-package-exists-p (package)
"true only when the given package name is either a directory or a symlink in el-get-dir"
(let ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
;; seems overkill as file-directory-p will always be true
(or (file-directory-p pdir)
(file-symlink-p pdir))))
;; call-process-list utility, to do same as bash && feature
(defun el-get-start-process-list-sentinel (proc change)
"When proc has exited and was successful, chain next command"
(when (eq (process-status proc) 'exit)
(let ((status (process-exit-status proc))
(cname (process-get proc :command-name))
(cbuf (process-get proc :buffer-name))
(message (process-get proc :message))
(errorm (process-get proc :error))
(package (process-get proc :el-get-package))
(final-f (process-get proc :el-get-final-func))
(next (process-get proc :el-get-start-process-list)))
(if (not (eq 0 status))
(when (process-buffer proc)
(set-window-buffer (selected-window) cbuf))
(error "el-get: %s" cname errorm))
(message "el-get: %s" message))
(when cbuf (kill-buffer cbuf))
(if next
(el-get-start-process-list package next final-f)
(when (functionp final-f)
(funcall final-f package))))))
(defun el-get-start-process-list (package commands final-func)
"run each command one after the other, in order, stopping at
first error.
commands should be a list of plists with at least the following
default-directory from where to start the command
Name of the command to start, gives the name of the Emacs subprocess.
Name of the buffer associated with the command.
Function to use as a process filter.
When set to a non-nil value, use start-process-shell-command
rather than the default start-process.
The program to start
The list of arguments for the program to start
The message to send upon success
The error to send upon failure
Any other property will get put into the process object.
(when commands
(let* ((c (car commands))
(cdir (plist-get c :default-directory))
(cname (plist-get c :command-name))
(cbuf (plist-get c :buffer-name))
(killed (when (get-buffer cbuf) (kill-buffer cbuf)))
(filter (plist-get c :process-filter))
(program (plist-get c :program))
(args (plist-get c :args))
(shell (plist-get c :shell))
(startf (if shell #'start-process-shell-command #'start-process))
(default-directory (if cdir (file-name-as-directory cdir)
(proc (apply startf cname cbuf program args)))
;; add the properties to the process, then set the sentinel
(mapc (lambda (x) (process-put proc x (plist-get c x))) c)
(process-put proc :el-get-package package)
(process-put proc :el-get-final-func final-func)
(process-put proc :el-get-start-process-list (cdr commands))
(set-process-sentinel proc 'el-get-start-process-list-sentinel)
(when filter (set-process-filter proc filter)))))
;; git support
(defun el-get-git-executable ()
"return git executable to use, or signal an error when not found"
(let ((git-executable (if (and (boundp 'magit-git-executable)
(file-executable-p magit-git-executable))
(executable-find "git"))))
(unless (file-executable-p git-executable)
(concat "el-get-git-clone requires `magit-git-executable' to be set, "
"or the binary `git' to be found in your PATH")))
(defun el-get-git-clone (package url post-install-fun)
"clone the given package following the url"
(let* ((git-executable (el-get-git-executable))
(name (format "*git clone %s*" package))
(ok (format "Package %s installed." package))
(ko (format "Could not install package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,el-get-dir
:program ,git-executable
:args ( "--no-pager" "clone" ,url ,package)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(defun el-get-git-pull (package url post-update-fun)
"git pull the package"
(let* ((git-executable (el-get-git-executable))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(name (format "*git pull %s*" package))
(ok (format "Pulled package %s." package))
(ko (format "Could not update package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,git-executable
:args ( "--no-pager" "pull")
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
;; git-svn support
(defun el-get-git-svn-clone (package url post-install-fun)
"Clone the given svn PACKAGE following the URL using git."
(let ((git-executable (el-get-git-executable))
(name (format "*git svn clone %s*" package))
(ok (format "Package %s installed." package))
(ko (format "Could not install package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,el-get-dir
:program ,git-executable
:args ( "--no-pager" "svn" "clone" ,url ,package)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(defun el-get-git-svn-update (package url post-update-fun)
"Update PACKAGE using git-svn. URL is given for compatibility reasons."
(let ((git-executable (el-get-git-executable))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(f-name (format "*git svn fetch %s*" package))
(f-ok (format "Fetched package %s." package))
(f-ko (format "Could not fetch package %s." package))
(r-name (format "*git svn rebase %s*" package))
(r-ok (format "Rebased package %s." package))
(r-ko (format "Could not rebase package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,f-name
:buffer-name ,f-name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,git-executable
:args ("--no-pager" "svn" "fetch")
:message ,f-ok
:error ,f-ko)
(:command-name ,r-name
:buffer-name ,r-name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,git-executable
:args ("--no-pager" "svn" "rebase")
:message ,r-ok
:error ,r-ko))
;; bzr support
(defun el-get-bzr-branch (package url post-install-fun)
"Branch a given bzr PACKAGE following the URL using bzr."
(let* ((bzr-executable "bzr")
(name (format "*bzr branch %s*" package))
(ok (format "Package %s installed" package))
(ko (format "Could not install package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,el-get-dir
:program ,bzr-executable
:args ("branch" ,url ,package)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(defun el-get-bzr-pull (package url post-update-fun)
"bzr pull the package"
(let* ((bzr-executable "bzr")
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(name (format "*bzr pull %s*" package))
(ok (format "Pulled package %s." package))
(ko (format "Could not update package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,bzr-executable
:args ( "pull" )
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(defun el-get-cvs-checkout (package url post-install-fun)
"cvs checkout the package"
(let* ((cvs-executable (executable-find "cvs"))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(module (plist-get source :module))
(name (format "*cvs checkout %s*" package))
(ok (format "Checked out package %s." package))
(ko (format "Could not checkout package %s." package)))
(message "%S" `(:args ("-d" ,url "checkout" "-d" ,package ,module)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,el-get-dir
:program ,cvs-executable
:args ("-d" ,url "checkout" "-d" ,package ,module)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(defun el-get-cvs-update (package url post-update-fun)
"cvs checkout the package"
(let* ((cvs-executable (executable-find "cvs"))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(name (format "*cvs update %s*" package))
(ok (format "Updated package %s." package))
(ko (format "Could not update package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,cvs-executable
:args ("update" "-dP")
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
;; utilities for both apt-get and fink support (dpkg based)
(defun el-get-dpkg-package-status (package)
"returns the package status from dpkg --get-selections"
"dpkg -l %s| awk '/^ii/ && $2 = \"%s\" {print \"ok\"}'" package package)) 0 -1))
;; those functions are meant as hooks at install and remove, and they will
;; get the global value of package, which has been set before calling
;; run-hooks.
(defun el-get-dpkg-symlink ()
"ln -s /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/package ~/.emacs.d/el-get/package"
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(basedir (cond ((eq method 'apt-get) el-get-apt-get-base)
((eq method 'fink) el-get-fink-base)))
(debdir (concat (file-name-as-directory basedir) package)))
(unless (file-directory-p pdir)
(concat "cd " el-get-dir " && ln -s " debdir " " package)))))
(defun el-get-dpkg-remove-symlink ()
"rm -f ~/.emacs.d/el-get/package"
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
(message "PHOQUE %S" pdir)
(when (file-symlink-p pdir)
(message (concat "cd " el-get-dir " && rm -f " package))
(concat "cd " el-get-dir " && rm -f " package)))))
;; apt-get support
(add-hook 'el-get-apt-get-install-hook 'el-get-dpkg-symlink)
(defun el-get-sudo-password-process-filter (proc string)
"Filter function that fills the process buffer's and matches a password prompt"
(unless (eq (process-status proc) 'exit)
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
;; arrange to remember already seen content
(unless (boundp 'el-get-sudo-password-process-filter-pos)
(make-local-variable 'el-get-sudo-password-process-filter-pos)
(setq el-get-sudo-password-process-filter-pos (point-min)))
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert string)
;; redirect the subprocess sudo prompt to the user face, and answer it
(goto-char el-get-sudo-password-process-filter-pos)
(while (re-search-forward "password" nil t)
(let* ((prompt (thing-at-point 'line))
(pass (read-passwd prompt)))
(process-send-string proc (concat pass "\n"))))
(setq el-get-sudo-password-process-filter-pos (point-max))))))
(defun el-get-apt-get-install (package url post-install-fun)
"echo $pass | sudo -S apt-get install package"
(let* ((name (format "*apt-get install %s*" package))
(ok (format "Package %s installed." package))
(ko (format "Could not install package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:process-filter ,(function el-get-sudo-password-process-filter)
:program ,(executable-find "sudo")
:args ("-S" ,(executable-find "apt-get") "install" ,package)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(defun el-get-apt-get-remove (package url post-remove-fun)
"apt-get remove package, url is there for API compliance"
(let* ((name (format "*apt-get remove %s*" package))
(ok (format "Package %s removed." package))
(ko (format "Could not remove package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:process-filter ,(function el-get-sudo-password-process-filter)
:program ,(executable-find "sudo")
:args ("-S" ,(executable-find "apt-get") "remove" "-y" ,package)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(add-hook 'el-get-apt-get-remove-hook 'el-get-dpkg-remove-symlink)
;; fink support
(defun el-get-fink-install (package url post-install-fun)
"sudo -S fink install package"
(let* ((name (format "*fink install %s*" package))
(ok (format "Package %s installed." package))
(ko (format "Could not install package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:process-filter ,(function el-get-sudo-password-process-filter)
:program ,(executable-find "sudo")
:args ("-S" ,(executable-find "fink") "install" ,package)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(add-hook 'el-get-fink-install-hook 'el-get-dpkg-symlink)
(defun el-get-fink-remove (package url post-remove-fun)
"apt-get remove package, url is there for API compliance"
(let* ((name (format "*fink remove %s*" package))
(ok (format "Package %s removed." package))
(ko (format "Could not remove package %s." package)))
`((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:process-filter ,(function el-get-sudo-password-process-filter)
:program ,(executable-find "sudo")
:args ("-S" ,(executable-find "fink") "-y" "remove" ,package)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
(add-hook 'el-get-fink-remove-hook 'el-get-dpkg-remove-symlink)
;; ELPA support
(defun el-get-elpa-package-directory (package)
"return the directory where ELPA stores a package, or nil if
package isn't currently installed by ELPA."
(let* ((pname (format "%s" package)) ; easy way to cope with symbols etc.
;; we use try-completion to find the realname of the directory
;; ELPA used, and this wants an alist, we trick ls -i -1 into
;; that.
(mapcar 'split-string
(concat "ls -i1 "
(file-name-as-directory package-user-dir))))))
(realname (try-completion pname l)))
(if realname (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir) realname)
(defun el-get-elpa-symlink-package (package)
"ln -s ~/.emacs.d/elpa/<package> ~/.emacs.d/el-get/<package>"
(let ((elpa-dir (el-get-elpa-package-directory package)))
(unless (el-get-package-exists-p package)
(concat "cd " el-get-dir
" && ln -s \"" elpa-dir "\" \"" package "\"")))))
(defun el-get-elpa-install (package url post-install-fun)
"ask elpa to install given package"
(let ((elpa-dir (el-get-elpa-package-directory package)))
(unless (and elpa-dir (file-directory-p elpa-dir))
(package-install (intern-soft package)))
;; we symlink even when the package already is installed because it's
;; not an error to have installed ELPA packages before using el-get, and
;; that will register them
(el-get-elpa-symlink-package package))
(funcall post-install-fun package))
(defun el-get-elpa-update (package url post-update-fun)
"ask elpa to update given package"
(el-get-rmdir (concat (file-name-as-directory package-user-dir) package nil))
(package-install (intern-soft package))
(funcall post-install-fun package))
;; http support
(defun el-get-http-retrieve-callback (url-arg package post-install-fun)
"callback function for `url-retrieve', store the emacs lisp file for the package.
url-arg is nil in my tests but url-retrieve seems to insist on
passing it the the callback function nonetheless."
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(dest (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) package ".el")))
;; prune HTTP headers before save
(re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
(delete-region (point-min) (point))
(write-file dest))
(funcall post-install-fun package))
(defun el-get-http-install (package url post-install-fun)
"Dowload a single-file package over HTTP "
(let ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
(unless (file-directory-p pdir)
(make-directory pdir))
url 'el-get-http-retrieve-callback `(,package ,post-install-fun))))
;; http-tar support (archive)
(defun el-get-http-tar-cleanup-extract-hook ()
"Cleanup after tar xzf: if there's only one subdir, move all the files up"
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(url (plist-get source :url))
(tarfile (file-name-nondirectory url))
(files (directory-files pdir nil "[^.]$")))
;; if there's only one directory, move its content up and get rid of it
(message "%S" (remove tarfile files))
(when (null (cdr (remove tarfile files)))
(let ((move (format "cd %s && mv \"%s\"/* ." pdir (car files)))
(rmdir (format "cd %s && rmdir \"%s\"" pdir (car files))))
;; (message "%s: %s" package move)
;; (message "%s: %s" package rmdir)
(shell-command move)
(shell-command rmdir)))))
(defun el-get-http-tar-install (package url post-install-fun)
"Dowload a tar archive package over HTTP "
(let* ((source (el-get-package-def package))
(options (plist-get source :options))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(tarfile (file-name-nondirectory url))
(name (format "*tar %s %s*" options url))
(ok (format "Package %s installed." package))
(ko (format "Could not install package %s." package))
(post `(lambda (package)
;; rename pdir/package.el to the expected name
(concat (file-name-as-directory ,pdir) package ".el")
(concat (file-name-as-directory ,pdir) ,tarfile))
(message "Renamed to %s" (concat (file-name-as-directory ,pdir) ,tarfile))
;; tar xzf `basename url`
'((:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,name
:default-directory ,pdir
:program ,(executable-find "tar")
:args (,@options ,tarfile)
:message ,ok
:error ,ko))
,(symbol-function post-install-fun)))))
(el-get-http-install package url post)))
(add-hook 'el-get-http-tar-install-hook 'el-get-http-tar-cleanup-extract-hook)
;; Common support bits
(defun el-get-rmdir (package url post-remove-fun)
"Just rm -rf the package directory. Follow symlinks."
(dired-delete-file (el-get-package-directory package) 'always)
(funcall post-remove-fun package))
(defun el-get-build (package commands &optional subdir sync post-build-fun)
"run each command from the package directory"
(let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package))
(wdir (if subdir (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) subdir) pdir))
(buf (format "*el-get-build: %s*" package))
(default-directory wdir))
(if sync
(dolist (c commands)
(message "el-get %s: cd %s && %s" package wdir c)
(message "%S" (shell-command-to-string
(concat "cd " wdir " && " c))))
(when (and post-build-fun (functionp post-build-fun))
(funcall post-build-fun)))
;; async
(let ((process-list
(mapcar (lambda (c)
(let* ((split (split-string c))
(name (car split))
(program (if (file-executable-p (expand-file-name name))
(expand-file-name name)
(executable-find name)))
(args (cdr split)))
`(:command-name ,name
:buffer-name ,buf
:default-directory ,wdir
:shell t
:program ,program
:args (,@args)
:message ,(format "el-get-build %s: %s ok." package c)
:error ,(format
"el-get could not build %s [%s]" package c))))
(el-get-start-process-list package process-list post-build-fun)))))
(defun el-get-read-recipe (package)
"Return the package source definition for package, from the recipes"
(let ((recipe
(concat (file-name-as-directory el-get-recipe-dir) package ".el")))
(car (with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents-literally recipe)
(read-from-string (buffer-string))))))
(defun el-get-package-def (package)
"Return a single `el-get-sources' entry for given package"
(let (source)
(dolist (s el-get-sources source)
(when (string= package (format "%s" (plist-get s :name)))
(setq source s)))
(cond ((symbolp source)
;; we did find only its name, load its definition in the recipes
(el-get-read-recipe package))
((null (plist-get source :type))
;; we got a list with no :type, that's an override plist
(loop with def = (el-get-read-recipe package)
for (prop override) on source by 'cddr
do (plist-put def prop override)
finally return def))
;; none of the previous, must be a full definition
;; definition
(t source))))
;; User Interface, Interactive part
(defun el-get-read-package-name (action &optional package)
"Ask user for a package name in minibuffer, with completion.
When given a package name, check for its existence"
(let ((plist
(mapcar (lambda (x) (format "%s" (plist-get x :name))) el-get-sources)))
(if package
(unless (member package plist)
(error "el-get: can not find package name `%s' in `el-get-sources'" package))
(completing-read (format "%s package: " action) plist))))
(defun el-get-init (&optional package)
"Care about load-path, Info-directory-list, and (require 'features)"
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Init" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(loads (plist-get source :load))
(feats (plist-get source :features))
(el-path (or (plist-get source :load-path) '(".")))
(infodir (plist-get source :info))
(after (plist-get source :after))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
;; apt-get and ELPA will take care of load-path, Info-directory-list
(unless (member method '(elpa apt-get fink))
;; append entries to load-path and Info-directory-list
(mapc (lambda (path)
(el-get-add-path-to-list package 'load-path path))
(if (stringp el-path) (list el-path) el-path))
(let* ((infodir-abs-conf (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) infodir))
(infodir-abs (if (file-directory-p infodir-abs-conf)
(file-name-directory infodir-abs-conf)))
(infodir-rel (if (file-directory-p infodir-abs-conf)
(file-name-directory infodir)))
(infofile (if (and (file-exists-p infodir-abs-conf)
(not (file-directory-p infodir-abs-conf)))
(concat (file-name-as-directory infodir-abs) package))))
(when (and infodir (file-directory-p infodir-abs))
(require 'info)
;; add to Info-directory-list
(el-get-add-path-to-list package 'Info-directory-list infodir-rel)
;; build the infodir entry, too
`(,(format "%s %s.info dir" el-get-install-info infofile)) infodir-rel t))))
;; loads
(when loads
(mapc (lambda (file)
(let ((pfile (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) file)))
(unless (file-exists-p pfile)
(error "el-get could not find file '%s'" pfile))
(message "el-get: load '%s'" pfile)
(load pfile)))
(if (stringp loads) (list loads) loads)))
;; features, only ELPA will handle them on its own
(unless (eq method 'elpa)
;; if a feature is provided, require it now
(when feats
(mapc (lambda (feature) (message "require '%s" (require feature)))
(if (symbolp feats) (list feats) feats))))
;; call the "after" user function
(when (and after (functionp after))
(message "el-get: Calling init user function for package %s" package)
(funcall after))
;; return the package
(defun el-get-post-install (package)
"Post install a package. This will get run by a sentinel."
(let* ((source (el-get-package-def package))
(hooks (el-get-method (plist-get source :type) :install-hook))
(commands (plist-get source :build)))
;; post-install is the right place to run install-hook
(run-hooks hooks)
;; build then init
(el-get-build package commands nil nil (lambda (package) (el-get-init package)))))
(defun el-get-install (&optional package)
"Install given package. Read the package name with completion when not given."
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Install" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(install (el-get-method method :install))
(url (plist-get source :url)))
;; check we can install the package
;; and install the package now
(message "el-get install %s" package)
(funcall install package url 'el-get-post-install)))
(defun el-get-post-update (package)
"Post update a package. This will get run by a sentinel."
(let* ((source (el-get-package-def package))
(commands (plist-get source :build)))
(el-get-build package commands nil nil
(lambda (package) (message "el-get-post-update %s: done" package)))))
(defun el-get-update (&optional package)
"Update given package. Read the package name with completion when not given."
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Update" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(update (el-get-method method :update))
(url (plist-get source :url))
(commands (plist-get source :build)))
;; update the package now
(message "el-get update %s" package)
(funcall update package url 'el-get-post-update)))
(defun el-get-post-remove (package)
"run the post-remove hooks"
(let* ((source (el-get-package-def package))
(hooks (el-get-method (plist-get source :type) :remove-hook)))
(when hooks
(run-hooks hooks))))
(defun el-get-remove (&optional package)
"Remove given package. Read the package name with completion when not given."
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "Remove" package)))
(source (el-get-package-def package))
(method (plist-get source :type))
(remove (el-get-method method :remove))
(url (plist-get source :url)))
;; remove the package now
(message "el-get remove %s" package)
(funcall remove package url 'el-get-post-remove)))
(defun el-get-cd (&optional package)
"Open dired in the package directory."
(let* ((package (or package (el-get-read-package-name "cd to" package)))
(pdir (el-get-package-directory package)))
(dired pdir)))
;; User Interface, Non Interactive part
(defun el-get ()
"Check that all sources have been downloaded once, and init them as needed.
This will not update the sources by using `apt-get install' or
`git pull', but it will ensure the sources have been installed
and will set the load-path and Info-directory-list depending on
the el-get-sources setup.
el-get is also responsible for doing (require 'feature) for each
and every feature declared in `el-get-sources', so that it's
suitable for use in your emacs init script.
(lambda (source)
(let* ((package (format "%s" (plist-get source :name))))
;; check if the package needs to be fetched (and built)
(if (el-get-package-exists-p package)
(el-get-init package)
(el-get-install package))))
(provide 'el-get)