2012-09-09 11:35:18 -07:00

14 lines
716 B

(:name org-sync
:website "http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync/"
:description "Org-sync is a tool to synchronize Org-mode documents with bugtracking tools such as Bugzilla, Github or Google Code and other TODO-list services such as Remember the Milk."
:type git
:url "git://orgmode.org/org-sync.git"
(autoload 'os "os"
"Sync org-mode files with different online services" t)
(autoload 'os-import "os"
"Import information to sync with org-mode from different online services" t)
(autoload 'os-sync "os"
"Sync current org-mode file with service it is bound to" t)))