
281 lines
10 KiB

;;; el-get-bundle.el --- An el-get wrapper
;; Author: INA Lintaro <tarao.gnn at gmail.com>
;; URL: https://github.com/tarao/bundle-el/tree/el-get
;; Version: 0.1
;; Keywords: emacs package install compile
;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Code:
(require 'el-get)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
;; customization
(defgroup el-get-bundle nil "el-get-bundle"
:group 'el-get)
(defcustom el-get-bundle-byte-compile t
"t means to automatically byte-compile init forms."
:type 'boolean
:group 'el-get-bundle)
(defcustom el-get-bundle-init-directory
(expand-file-name "bundle-init/" el-get-dir)
"Directory to save auto generated init files."
:type 'directory
:group 'el-get-bundle)
(defvar el-get-bundle-sources nil)
(defvar el-get-bundle-init-count-alist nil)
(defvar el-get-bundle-init-alist nil)
(defconst el-get-bundle-gist-url-type-plist
'(http "http://gist.github.com/%s.git"
https "https://gist.github.com/%s.git"
git "git://gist.github.com/%s.git"
ssh "git@gist.github.com:%s.git")
"Plist mapping Gist types to their URL format strings.")
;; internals
(defsubst el-get-bundle-gist-url (id &optional src)
(let* ((type (or (plist-get src :url-type) el-get-github-default-url-type))
(str (or (plist-get el-get-bundle-gist-url-type-plist type)
(plist-get el-get-bundle-gist-url-type-plist 'http))))
(format str id)))
(defsubst el-get-bundle-load-file-el (&optional file)
(let ((file (or file load-file-name)))
(and file
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\.elc$" ".el" (expand-file-name file)))))
(defun el-get-bundle-package-def (src)
(let (el-get-sources)
(el-get-package-def (if (listp src) (el-get-source-name src) src)))))
(defalias 'el-get-bundle-defined-p (symbol-function 'el-get-bundle-package-def))
(defun el-get-bundle-guess-type (src)
((plist-member src :url)
(let ((url (plist-get src :url)))
((or (string-match-p "^git:" url) (string-match-p "\\.git$" url))
((or (string-match-p "^bzr:" url) (string-match-p "^lp:" url))
((string-match-p "^svn:" url)
((string-match-p ":pserver:" url)
((string-match-p "ftp://" url)
((or (string-match-p "https?://" url) (string-match-p "\\.el$" url))
(t 'elpa)))
(defun el-get-bundle-parse-name (sym)
(let ((spec (split-string (format "%s" sym) ":")) s)
(when (string= (or (nth 0 spec) "") "github") (setq spec (cdr spec)))
((and (> (length spec) 2) (string= (car spec) "gist"))
;; gist:12345:name
(let* ((id (nth 1 spec))
(name (intern (or (nth 2 spec) id)))
(type 'git) (url (el-get-bundle-gist-url id)))
(plist-put (plist-put (plist-put s :name name) :type type) :url url)))
((> (length spec) 1)
;; type:name
(let ((name (intern (nth 1 spec))) (type (intern (nth 0 spec))))
(plist-put (plist-put s :name name) :type type)))
((= (length (split-string (or (nth 0 spec) "") "/")) 2)
;; user/repository
(let ((name (intern (replace-regexp-in-string "^.*/" "" (nth 0 spec))))
(type 'github) (pkgname (nth 0 spec)))
(plist-put (plist-put (plist-put s :name name) :type type)
:pkgname pkgname)))
(t (plist-put s :name sym)))))
(defun el-get-bundle-init-id (&rest args)
(let* ((key (mapconcat #'(lambda (x) (format "%s" x)) args ";"))
(pair (assoc key el-get-bundle-init-count-alist)))
(if pair
(setcdr pair (1+ (cdr pair)))
(push (cons key 1) el-get-bundle-init-count-alist)
(defun el-get-bundle-load-init (el)
(el-get-byte-compile-file el byte-compile-warnings)
(load (expand-file-name (file-name-sans-extension el))))
(defun el-get-bundle-make-init (src)
(when (and el-get-bundle-byte-compile
(plist-get src :after)
(or (file-exists-p el-get-bundle-init-directory)
(make-directory el-get-bundle-init-directory t) t)))
(let* ((path (file-name-sans-extension (expand-file-name load-file-name)))
(path (split-string path "/"))
(callsite (mapconcat #'identity path "_"))
(package (plist-get src :name))
(id (el-get-bundle-init-id package callsite))
(init-file (concat el-get-bundle-init-directory
(format "%s_%s-%d" package callsite id)))
(el (concat init-file ".el"))
(form (plist-get src :after))
(loader load-file-name))
(let ((loader-el (concat (file-name-sans-extension loader) ".el")))
(when (and (string-match-p "\\.elc$" loader)
(file-exists-p loader-el))
(setq loader loader-el)))
;; remember the package-initializer relation
(let* ((pair (assoc package el-get-bundle-init-alist))
(inits (cdr pair)))
(if pair
(setcdr pair (add-to-list 'inits init-file))
(push (cons package (list init-file)) el-get-bundle-init-alist)))
;; generate .el file
(when (or (not (file-exists-p el))
(file-newer-than-file-p loader el))
(if (listp form)
(dolist (exp form) (pp exp (current-buffer)))
(pp form (current-buffer)))
(write-region nil nil el)))
;; loader
`((el-get-bundle-load-init ,el)))))
(defun el-get-bundle-el-get (src)
(let ((package (plist-get src :name)) (def (el-get-bundle-package-def src))
(fs (plist-get src :features)) (sync 'sync))
;; merge features
(when (plist-member def :features)
(let* ((old (plist-get def :features))
(old (or (and (listp old) old) (list old))))
(dolist (f old) (add-to-list 'fs f))
(setq src (plist-put src :features fs))))
;; merge src with the oriiginal definition
(setq def (let ((el-get-sources (list src)))
(el-get-package-def (el-get-source-name src))))
;; entering password via process-filter only works in async mode
(when (or (and (eq (plist-get def :type) 'cvs)
(eq (plist-get def :options) 'login)
(not (string-match-p "^:pserver:.*:.*@.*:.*$"
(or (plist-get def :url) ""))))
(eq (plist-get def :type) 'apt)
(eq (plist-get def :type) 'fink)
(eq (plist-get def :type) 'pacman))
(setq sync nil))
;; byte-compile :after script
(let ((form (or (el-get-bundle-make-init def) (plist-get def :after))))
(when form
(setq def (plist-put def :after `(progn ,@form)))))
(let ((toplevel (null el-get-bundle-sources)))
;; save sources to global variable
(when toplevel (setq el-get-bundle-sources el-get-sources))
(add-to-list 'el-get-bundle-sources def)
;; get
(prog1 (let ((el-get-sources el-get-bundle-sources))
(el-get sync package))
;; prevent :after from running twice
(plist-put def :after nil)
;; apply changes of sources to `el-get-sources' variable
(when toplevel
(setq el-get-sources el-get-bundle-sources
el-get-bundle-sources nil))))))
(defun el-get-bundle-post-update (package)
"Post update process for PACKAGE.
Invalidate byte-compiled package initialization forms of
PACKAGE (for future recompilation)."
(let ((inits (assoc package el-get-bundle-init-alist)))
(dolist (name (cdr (assoc package el-get-bundle-init-alist)))
(let ((file (concat name ".elc")))
(when (file-exists-p file)
(delete-file file))))))
(add-hook 'el-get-post-update-hooks #'el-get-bundle-post-update)
;; commands
(defmacro el-get-bundle (feature &rest form)
"Install FEATURE and run init script specified by FORM.
FORM may be started with a property list. In that case, the
property list is pushed to `el-get-sources'.
The rest of FORM is evaluated after FEATURE is installed."
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
(let* ((feature (or (and (listp feature) (nth 1 feature)) feature))
(src (el-get-bundle-parse-name feature)) require)
;; set parsed name
(setq feature (plist-get src :name))
;; (el-get-bundle FEATURE in PACKAGE ...) form
(when (eq (nth 0 form) 'in)
(let* ((name (nth 1 form))
(name (or (and (listp name) (nth 1 name)) name)))
(setq src (el-get-bundle-parse-name name)))
(setq form (nthcdr 2 form) require t))
;; parse keywords
(while (keywordp (nth 0 form))
(setq src (plist-put src (nth 0 form) (nth 1 form))
form (cdr-safe (cdr form))))
;; put default type
(unless (or (plist-member src :type) (el-get-bundle-defined-p src))
(setq src (plist-put src :type (el-get-bundle-guess-type src))))
;; features
(when (plist-member src :features)
(let* ((fs (plist-get src :features))
(fs (or (and (listp fs) fs) (list fs))))
(setq src (plist-put src :features fs))))
(when (and require (or (not (plist-member src :features))
(plist-get src :features)))
;; put the feature into the features list
(let ((fs (plist-get src :features)))
(add-to-list 'fs feature)
(setq src (plist-put src :features fs))))
;; init script
(setq src (plist-put src :after form))
`(el-get-bundle-el-get ',src)))
(defmacro el-get-bundle! (feature &rest args)
"Install FEATURE and run init script.
It is the same as `el-get-bundle' except that FEATURE is explicitly
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
(if (eq (nth 0 args) 'in)
`(el-get-bundle ,feature ,@args)
(let* ((feature (or (and (listp feature) (nth 1 feature)) feature))
(name (plist-get (el-get-bundle-parse-name feature) :name)))
`(el-get-bundle ,name ,@(list* 'in feature args)))))
(defun el-get-bundle-reload ()
"Reload user init file.
Reloading by this command maintains information of configurations
in `el-get-bundle' macro."
(setq el-get-bundle-init-count-alist nil
el-get-bundle-init-alist nil)
(when (stringp user-init-file)
(load user-init-file)
(run-hooks 'after-init-hook)))
(provide 'el-get-bundle)
;;; el-get-bundle.el ends here