2021-06-13 16:03:08 +02:00

160 lines
6.7 KiB

;;; el-get --- Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon
;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Dimitri Fontaine
;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine <dim@tapoueh.org>
;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get
;; GIT: https://github.com/dimitri/el-get
;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; Install
;; Please see the README.md file from the same distribution
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'el-get-recipes)
(require 'el-get-notify)
(require 'el-get-http)
(defcustom el-get-emacswiki-base-url
"The base URL where to fetch :emacswiki packages"
:group 'el-get
:type '(radio
(const :tag "Github mirror (recommended): https://raw.github.com/emacsmirror/emacswiki.org/master/"
(const :tag "Main EmacsWiki site: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/"
(string :tag "Other URL")))
(defcustom el-get-emacswiki-elisp-file-list-url
"The emacswiki URL where to fetch a list of elisp files with descriptions.
We get back list of filename space first line, and in general
that matches the following pattern:
filename.el ;;; filename.el --- description"
:group 'el-get
:type 'string)
(defun el-get-emacswiki-install (package url post-install-fun)
"Download a single-file PACKAGE over HTTP from emacswiki."
(let ((url (or url (format "%s%s.el" el-get-emacswiki-base-url package))))
(el-get-insecure-check package "http://insecure") ; insecure even over HTTPS
(el-get-http-install package url post-install-fun)))
(defun el-get-emacswiki-compute-checksum (package)
"Download a single-file PACKAGE over HTTP from emacswiki."
(let ((url (or (plist-get (el-get-package-def package) :url)
(format "%s%s.el" el-get-emacswiki-base-url package))))
(el-get-http-compute-checksum package url)))
(defun el-get-emacswiki-guess-website (package)
(format "%s%s.el" el-get-emacswiki-base-url package))
(el-get-register-derived-method :emacswiki :http
:install #'el-get-emacswiki-install
:update #'el-get-emacswiki-install
:compute-checksum #'el-get-emacswiki-compute-checksum
:guess-website #'el-get-emacswiki-guess-website)
;;; Functions to maintain a local recipe list from EmacsWiki
(defun el-get-emacswiki-retrieve-package-list ()
"return a list of (URL PACKAGE DESCRIPTION) from emacswiki"
(url-retrieve-synchronously el-get-emacswiki-elisp-file-list-url)
;; skip HTTP headers
(goto-char (point-min))
(unless (looking-at-p "^HTTP/[0-9]\\.[0-9] 2..")
(error "Failed to retrieve emacswiki package list: %s."
(buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))
(re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
with wiki-regexp =
(concat "^\\([^[:space:]]+\\.el\\)" ; filename
"\\(?:" ; optional separators
" +\\(?:;;;+\\)? *\\(?:\\1\\)? *\\(?:---\\)? *\\(?:[-;]\\{4,\\}\\)?"
"\\(.*\\)\\)?$") ; description
while (not (eobp))
when (re-search-forward wiki-regexp (line-end-position) 'noerror)
collect (let* ((filename (match-string 1))
(description (or (match-string 2) ""))
(url (format "%s%s" el-get-emacswiki-base-url filename)))
(list url filename
(replace-regexp-in-string "[[:space:]]*-[*]-.*\\'\\|;;;+\\'"
"" description)))
do (forward-line))))
(defun el-get-emacswiki-build-local-recipes (&optional target-dir)
"retrieve the index of elisp pages at emacswiki and turn them
into a local recipe file set"
(let ((target-dir (or target-dir
(car command-line-args-left)
(coding-system-for-write 'utf-8))
(unless (file-directory-p target-dir) (make-directory target-dir 'recursive))
with wiki-list = (el-get-emacswiki-retrieve-package-list)
with progress = (make-progress-reporter "Generating Emacswiki recipes"
0 (length wiki-list))
for (url package description) in wiki-list
for recipe = (replace-regexp-in-string "el$" "rcp" package)
for rfile = (expand-file-name recipe target-dir)
for recipe-num from 0
unless (file-exists-p rfile)
do (with-temp-file (expand-file-name rfile target-dir)
(progress-reporter-update progress recipe-num)
"(:name %s\n:auto-generated t\n:type emacswiki\n:description %S\n:website %S)\n"
(file-name-sans-extension package) description url)))
finally (progress-reporter-done progress))))
(defun el-get-emacswiki-refresh (&optional target-dir in-process)
"Generate recipes for all lisp files on Emacswiki.
By default, this is done in a separate process so that you can
continue to work while the recipes are being updated. If this
fails, you can force the update to be done in-process by running
this with a prefix arg (noninteractively: set optional arg
`in-process' non-nil)."
(list (let ((dummy (unless (file-directory-p el-get-recipe-path-emacswiki)
(make-directory el-get-recipe-path-emacswiki))))
(read-directory-name "emacswiki recipes go to: "
(if in-process
(el-get-emacswiki-build-local-recipes target-dir)
(el-get-notify "el-get: EmacsWiki"
"EmacsWiki local recipe list refreshed"))
(let* ((name "*el-get-emacswiki*")
(dummy (when (get-buffer name) (kill-buffer name)))
"-Q -batch -L %s -L %s -l %s -f el-get-emacswiki-build-local-recipes %s"
(el-get-package-directory 'el-get)
(expand-file-name "methods" (el-get-package-directory 'el-get))
(symbol-file 'el-get-emacswiki-build-local-recipes 'defun))
(apply 'start-process name name el-get-emacs (split-string args))))
(message "%s %s" el-get-emacs args)
#'(lambda (proc event)
(when (eq (process-status proc) 'exit)
(el-get-notify "el-get: EmacsWiki"
"EmacsWiki local recipe list refreshed")))))))
(provide 'el-get-emacswiki)