;;; el-get-recipes.el --- Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Dimitri Fontaine ;; ;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine ;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get ;; GIT: https://github.com/dimitri/el-get ;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ ;; ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; Install ;; Please see the README.asciidoc file from the same distribution ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; el-get-recipes provides the API to manage the el-get recipes. ;; ;; el-get-core provides basic el-get API, intended for developpers of el-get ;; and its methods. See the methods directory for implementation of them. ;; (require 'el-get-core) ;;; "Fuzzy" data structure customization widgets (defun el-get-repeat-value-to-internal (widget element-or-list) (el-get-as-list element-or-list)) (defun el-get-repeat-match (widget value) (widget-editable-list-match widget (el-get-repeat-value-to-internal widget value))) (define-widget 'el-get-repeat 'repeat "A variable length list of non-lists that can also be represented as a single element" :value-to-internal 'el-get-repeat-value-to-internal :match 'el-get-repeat-match) (defun el-get-symbol-match (widget value) (or (symbolp value) (stringp value))) (define-widget 'el-get-symbol 'symbol "A string or a symbol, rendered as a symbol" :match 'el-get-symbol-match ) ;;; END "Fuzzy" data structure support (defconst el-get-build-recipe-body '(choice :tag "Format" (repeat :tag "List of shell commands" (string :doc "Note: arguments will not be shell-quoted. Choose `Evaluated expression' format for a more portable recipe" :format "%v%h")) (sexp :tag "Evaluated expression" :format "%t: %v%h" :value `(("./configure" ,(concat "--with-emacs=" el-get-emacs)) ("make") ("make" ("install"))) :doc "Evaluation should yield a list of lists. Each sub-list, representing a single shell command, is expected to have strings and/or lists as elements, sub-sub-lists can have string and/or list elements, and so on. Each sub-list will be \"flattened\" to produce a list of strings, each of which will be `shell-quote-argument'ed before being sent to the underlying shell." ) )) (defcustom el-get-sources nil "Additional package recipes Each entry is a PLIST where the following properties are supported. If your property list is missing the :type property, then it's merged with the recipe one, so that you can override any definition provided by `el-get' recipes locally. :name The name of the package. It can be different from the name of the directory where the package is stored (after a `git clone' for example, in which case a symlink will be created. :depends A single package name, or a list of package names, on which the package depends. All of a packages dependencies will be installed before the package is installed. :builtin Emacs major version (see `emacs-major-version' variable) from which Emacs includes the recipe as a builtin. For example, `package.el' (the implementation of ELPA) is part fo Emacs24 but needs an external recipe for previous major versions. :pkgname The name of the package for the underlying package management system (`apt-get', `fink' or `pacman', also supported by `emacsmirror'), which can be different from the Emacs package name. :type The type of the package, currently el-get offers support for `apt-get', `elpa', `git', `emacsmirror', `git-svn', `bzr' `svn', `cvs', `darcs', `fink', `ftp', `emacswiki', `http-tar', `pacman', `hg' and `http'. You can easily support your own types here, see the variable `el-get-methods'. :branch Which branch to fetch when using `git'. Also supported in the installer in `el-get-install'. :url Where to fetch the package, only meaningful for `git' and `http' types. :build Your build recipe, a list. A build command C whose `car' is a symbol (see `symbolp') will be replaced by (eval C). Then, each element of the recipe will be interpreted as a command: * If the element is a list of string, the first element of the list must be the program to call, and each following element a different argument to the call. No whitespace parsing is done. * Otherwise, if it is a list, any list sub-elements will be recursively \"flattened\" (see `el-get-flatten'). The resulting strings will be interpreted as individual shell arguments, appropriately quoted. :build/system-type Your specific build recipe for a given `system-type' gets there and looks like :build. :load-path A directory or a list of directories you want `el-get' to add to your `load-path'. Those directories are relative to where the package gets installed. :compile Allow to restrict what to byte-compile: by default, `el-get' will compile all elisp files in the :load-path directories, unless a :build command exists for the package source. Given a :compile property, `el-get' will only byte-compile those given files, directories or filename-regexpes in the property value. This property can be a `listp' or a `stringp' if you want to compile only one of those. :info This string allows you to setup a directory where to find a 'package.info' file, or a path/to/whatever.info file. It will even run `ginstall-info' for you to create the `dir' entry so that C-h i will be able to list the newly installed documentation. Note that you might need to kill (C-x k) your info buffer then C-h i again to be able to see the new menu entry. :load List of files to load, or a single file to load after having installed the source but before `require'ing its features. :features List of features el-get will `require' for you. :autoloads Control whether el-get should generate autoloads for this package. Setting this to nil prevents el-get from generating autoloads for the package. Default is t. Setting this to a string or a list of string will load the named autoload files. :library When using :after but not using :features, :library allows to set the library against which to register the :after function against `eval-after-load'. It defaults to either :pkgname or :package, in this order. See also `el-get-eval-after-load'. :options Currently used by http-tar and cvs support. When using http-tar, it allows you to give the tar options you want to use. Typically would be \"xzf\", but you might want to choose \"xjf\" for handling .tar.bz files e.g. When using CVS, when it's set to \"login\", `el-get' will first issue a `cvs login' against the server, asking you interactively (in the minibuffer) any password you might to enter, and only then it will run the `cvs checkout' command. :module Currently only used by the `cvs' support, allow you to configure the module you want to checkout in the given URL. :repo Only used by the `elpa' support, a cons cell with the form (NAME . URL), as in `package-archives'. If the package source only specifies a URL, the URL will be used for NAME as well. :prepare Intended for use from recipes, it will run once both the `Info-directory-list' and the `load-path' variables have been taken care of, but before any further action from `el-get-init'. :before A pre-init function to run once before `el-get-init' calls `load' and `require'. It gets to run with `load-path' already set, and after :prepare has been called. It's not intended for use from recipes. :post-init Intended for use from recipes. This function is registered for `eval-after-load' against the recipe library by `el-get-init' once the :load and :features have been setup. :after A function to register for `eval-after-load' against the recipe library, after :post-init, and after per-package user-init-file (see `el-get-user-package-directory'). That's not intended for recipe use. :lazy Default to nil. Allows to override `el-get-is-lazy' per package. :localname Currently only used by both `http' and `ftp' supports, allows to specify the target name of the downloaded file. This option is useful if the package should be retrieved using a presentation interface (such as as web SCM tool). For example, destination should be set to \"package.el\" if the package url has the following scheme: \"http://www.example.com/show-as-text?file=path/package.el\" :website The website of the project. :description A short description of the project. :checksum Some methods in el-get download files that are not so trusted (e.g. anyone is allowed to modify emacswiki anytime). For these cases you can set up a checksum value for a package, so you will notice if el-get tries to install a version that you haven't seen before. The installation will simply fail and you will see the good and bad checksum values in `*Messages*'. To get the checksum value for a package initially, install the package while `el-get-verbose' is on. Checksum calculation is currently supported by these methods with the following meaning: * `http', `ftp' and `emacswiki' with the SHA1 of the downloaded file " :type `(repeat (choice :tag "Entry" :value (:name "") (el-get-symbol :tag "Name of EL-Get Package") (list :tag "Full Recipe (or Recipe Override)" (group :inline t :tag "EL-Get Package Name" :format "%t: %v" (const :format "" :name) (el-get-symbol :format "%v")) (set :inline t :format "%v\n" (group :inline t (const :format "" :depends) (el-get-repeat :tag "Names of packages on which this one depends" el-get-symbol)) (group :inline t :format "%t: %v%h" :tag "Underlying Package Name" :doc "When there is an underlying package manager (e.g. `apt') this is the name to fetch in that system" (const :format "" :pkgname) (string :format "%v")) (group :inline t :tag "Type" :format "%t: %v%h" :doc "(If omitted, this recipe provides overrides for one in recipes/)" (const :format "" :type) ,(append '(choice :value emacswiki :format "%[Value Menu%] %v" ) ;; A sorted list of method names (sort (reduce (lambda (r e) (if (symbolp e) (cons (list 'const (intern (substring (prin1-to-string e) 1))) r) r)) el-get-methods :initial-value nil) (lambda (x y) (string< (prin1-to-string (cadr x)) (prin1-to-string (cadr y))))))) (group :inline t :format "Source URL: %v" (const :format "" :url) (string :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "Package Website: %v" (const :format "" :website) (string :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "Description: %v" (const :format "" :description) (string :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "General Build Recipe\n%v" (const :format "" :build) ,el-get-build-recipe-body) (group :inline t (const :format "" :load-path) (el-get-repeat :tag "Subdirectories to add to load-path" directory)) (group :inline t (const :format "" :compile) (el-get-repeat :tag "File/directory regexps to compile" regexp)) (group :inline t :format "%v" (const :format "" :info) (string :tag "Path to .info file or to its directory")) (group :inline t (const :format "" :load) (el-get-repeat :tag "Relative paths to force-load" string)) (group :inline t :format "%v" (const :format "" :features) (repeat :tag "Features to `require'" el-get-symbol)) (group :inline t :format "Autoloads: %v" :value (:autoloads t) (const :format "" :autoloads) (choice :tag "Type" (boolean :format "generation %[Toggle%] %v\n") (el-get-repeat :tag "Relative paths to force-load" string))) (group :inline t :format "Options (`http-tar' and `cvs' only): %v" (const :format "" :options) (string :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "CVS Module: %v" (const :format "" :module) (string :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "`Prepare' Function: %v" (const :format "" :prepare) (function :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "`Post-Init' Function: %v" (const :format "" :post-init) (function :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "Name of downloaded file (`http' and `ftp' only): %v" (const :format "" :localname) (string :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "Lazy: %v" :value (:lazy t) (const :format "" :lazy) (boolean :format "%[Toggle%] %v\n")) (group :inline t :format "Repository specification (`elpa' only): %v" (const :format "" :repo) (cons :format "\n%v" (string :tag "Name") (string :tag "URL"))) (group :inline t :format "`Before' Function (`Prepare' recommended instead): %v" (const :format "" :before) (function :format "%v")) (group :inline t :format "`After' Function (`Post-Init' recommended instead): %v" (const :format "" :after) (function :format "%v"))) (repeat :inline t :tag "System-Specific Build Recipes" (group :inline t (symbol :value ,(concat ":build/" (prin1-to-string system-type)) :format "Build Tag: %v%h" :doc "Must be of the form `:build/', where `' is the value of `system-type' on platforms where this recipe should apply" ) ,el-get-build-recipe-body)))))) (provide 'el-get-custom)