;; https://github.com/dimitri/el-get/issues/589 ;; ;; Lazy loading is broken (setq debug-on-error t el-get-default-process-sync t el-get-verbose t el-get-is-lazy t post-init-function-ran nil prepare-function-ran nil el-get-sources '((:name test-pkg :type builtin :features ido :prepare (setq prepare-function-ran t) :post-init (setq post-init-function-ran t) :lazy t))) (assert (not post-init-function-ran) nil "Post-init function should not run before installation") (el-get 'sync 'test-pkg) (assert prepare-function-ran nil "Prepare function should have run after package installation.") (assert (not post-init-function-ran) nil "Post-init function should not run during installation") (el-get-init 'test-pkg) (assert (not post-init-function-ran) nil "Post-init function should not run during init") (require 'ido) (assert post-init-function-ran nil "Post-init function should have run when package feature was required")