(:name geiser :website "http://www.nongnu.org/geiser/" :description "Geiser is a collection of Emacs major and minor modes that conspire with one or more Scheme interpreters to keep the Lisp Machine Spirit alive. It draws inspiration (and a bit more) from environments such as Common Lisp's Slime, Factor's FUEL, Squeak or Emacs itself, and does its best to make Scheme hacking inside Emacs (even more) fun." :type git :url "http://git.sv.gnu.org/r/geiser.git" :load-path ("./elisp") :build `(("./autogen.sh") ("./configure") ("make" ,(format "EMACS=%s" el-get-emacs)) ("make" ,(format "EMACS=%s" el-get-emacs) "info-recursive") ;; ,(concat "cd doc ; " el-get-install-info " --dir-file=./dir *.info") ) :build/windows-nt `(("sh" "./autogen.sh") ("sh" "./configure") ("make") ("sh" "-c" ,(concat "cd doc && " el-get-install-info " --dir-file=./dir *.info"))) :info "doc" :autoloads nil :features geiser-load )