;; https://github.com/dimitri/el-get/issues/613 ;; ;; Do recipe autoloads in :prepare instead of :post-init (require 'loadhist) (setq debug-on-error t el-get-default-process-sync t el-get-verbose t el-get-is-lazy t) (el-get 'sync 'n3-mode) (assert (not (file-loadhist-lookup "n3-mode")) nil "n3-mode package should not be loaded because el-get is lazy") (assert (functionp 'n3-mode) nil "n3-mode function should be defined because it is autoloaded") (assert (equal 'autoload (car (symbol-function 'n3-mode))) nil "n3-mode function definition should be an autoload") (with-temp-buffer (n3-mode)) (assert (file-loadhist-lookup "n3-mode") nil "n3-mode package should be loaded after calling n3-mode function") (assert (not (equal 'autoload (car-safe (symbol-function 'n3-mode)))) nil "n3-mode function should no longer be an autoload after calling it")