;; https://github.com/dimitri/el-get/issues/683 ;; ;; el-get-remove needs to be more flexible (setq el-get-sources (list '(:name a :type builtin)) el-get-default-process-sync t) (defun assert-package-fully-removed (pkg) (assert (null (el-get-read-package-status pkg)) nil "Package %s should have status `nil', but actually has status \"%s\"." pkg (el-get-read-package-status pkg)) (assert (not (or (file-exists-p (el-get-package-directory pkg)) (file-symlink-p (el-get-package-directory pkg)))) nil "Package directory for %s should not exist, but it does" pkg)) ;; Try to just install and remove (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a) ;; Install, then set status to "required", then uninstall. (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-save-package-status 'a "required") (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a) ;; Install, then set status to "removed", then uninstall. (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-save-package-status 'a "removed") (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a) ;; Set status to "installed" but don't actually install, then remove (el-get-save-package-status 'a "installed") (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a) ;; Install, then set status to "required", then call install again, ;; which should remove and then reinstall. (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-save-package-status 'a "required") (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a) ;; Install, then set status to "required", then call install again, ;; which should remove and then reinstall. (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-save-package-status 'a "required") (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a) ;; Create the package directory but don't install it. Then try to ;; install, which should remove and reinstall. (make-directory (el-get-package-directory 'a) 'recursive) (el-get-install 'a) (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a) ;; Install, then set the recipe to nil in the status file, then uninstall (el-get-install 'a) (flet ((el-get-package-def (&rest ignored) nil)) (el-get-save-package-status 'a "installed")) (el-get-remove 'a) (assert-package-fully-removed 'a)