;;; el-get --- Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Dimitri Fontaine ;; ;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine ;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get ;; GIT: https://github.com/dimitri/el-get ;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ ;; ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; Install ;; Please see the README.asciidoc file from the same distribution (require 'el-get-core) (require 'el-get-byte-compile) ;; debian uses ginstall-info and it's compatible to fink's install-info on ;; MacOSX, so: (defvar el-get-install-info (or (executable-find "ginstall-info") (executable-find "install-info"))) (defun el-get-build-commands (package) "Return a list of build commands for the named PACKAGE. The result will either be nil; a list of strings, each one to be interpreted as a shell command; or a list of lists of strings, each string representing a single shell argument." (let* ((source (el-get-package-def package)) (build-type (intern (format ":build/%s" system-type))) (raw-build-commands (or (plist-get source build-type) (plist-get source :build))) (build-commands (if (listp (raw-build-commands)) ;; If the :build property's car is a symbol, assume that it is an ;; expression that evaluates to a command list, rather than a ;; literal command list. (if (symbolp (car raw-build-commands)) (eval raw-build-commands) raw-build-commands) (error "build commands for package %s are not a list" package))) (flat-build-commands ;; Flatten lists, but not strings (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (stringp x) x (el-get-flatten x))) build-commands))) ;; Verify that each build command is a string or a list of strings (let ((invalid-cmds (remove-if (lambda (cmd) (or (stringp cmd) (el-get-list-of-strings-p cmd))) flat-build-commands))) (when invalid-cmds (error "Package %s has invalid build commands: %S" package invalid-cmds))) flat-build-commands)) (defun el-get-build-command-program (name) "Given the user command name, get the command program to execute. That will find the program in current $PATH for you, unless given command name is a relative filename beginning with \"./\", or its absolute filename obtained with expand-file-name is executable." (let ((fullname (expand-file-name name)) (exe (executable-find name))) (cond ((string-match "^\./" name) name) ((file-executable-p fullname) fullname) (t (or exe name))))) (defun el-get-build (package commands &optional subdir sync post-build-fun installing-info) "Run each command from the package directory. COMMANDS is a list of commands to run in order to build the package. The commands are run either synchronously or asynchronously depending on the SYNC parameter, and can be run from SUBDIR directory when given. By default COMMANDS are run from the package directory as obtained by `el-get-package-directory'. The function POST-BUILD-FUN will get called after the commands are all successfully run. In case of asynchronous building, the only way to have code running after the build is using this parameter. INSTALLING-INFO is t when called from `el-get-install-or-init-info', as to avoid a nasty infinite recursion. " (el-get-verbose-message "el-get-build %s" package) (let* ((pdir (el-get-package-directory package)) (wdir (if subdir (concat (file-name-as-directory pdir) subdir) pdir)) (buf (format "*el-get-build: %s*" package)) (default-directory (file-name-as-directory wdir)) (process-list (mapcar (lambda (c) (let* ((split (cond ((stringp c) (when (string-match split-string-default-separators c) (warn "Build command %S in package %s is relying on whitespace splitting. You should rewrite the recipe to use a list of string arguments instead." c package)) (split-string c)) ((sequencep c) c) (t (error "Invalid command: %S" c)))) (c (mapconcat 'identity split " ")) (name (car split)) (program (el-get-build-command-program name)) (args (cdr split))) `(:command-name ,name :buffer-name ,buf :default-directory ,wdir :shell t :sync sync :program ,program :args (,@args) :message ,(format "el-get-build %s: %s ok." package c) :error ,(format "el-get could not build %s [%s]" package c)))) commands)) (bytecomp-files (when el-get-byte-compile (el-get-assemble-files-for-byte-compilation package))) (full-process-list ;; includes byte compiling (append (when bytecomp-files (list (el-get-byte-compile-process package buf wdir sync bytecomp-files))) process-list)) ;; unless installing-info, post-build-fun should take care of ;; building info too (build-info-then-post-build-fun (if installing-info post-build-fun `(lambda (package) (el-get-install-or-init-info package 'build) (funcall ,(if (symbolp post-build-fun) (symbol-function post-build-fun) ;; it must be a lambda, just inline its value post-build-fun) package))))) (el-get-start-process-list package full-process-list build-info-then-post-build-fun))) (defun el-get-set-info-path (package infodir-rel) (require 'info) (info-initialize) (el-get-add-path-to-list package 'Info-directory-list infodir-rel)) (defun el-get-install-or-init-info (package build-or-init) "Call `el-get-install-info' to create the necessary \"dir\" file when build-or-init is 'build, or `el-get-set-info-path' when build-or-init is 'init " (let* ((source (el-get-package-def package)) (method (el-get-package-method source)) (infodir (plist-get source :info)) (pname (el-get-as-string package)) (pdir (el-get-package-directory package))) ;; apt-get, pacman and ELPA will set up Info-directory-list (unless (member method '(elpa apt-get fink pacman)) (let* ((infodir-abs-conf (concat pdir infodir)) (infodir-abs (file-name-as-directory (if (file-directory-p infodir-abs-conf) infodir-abs-conf (file-name-directory infodir-abs-conf)))) (infodir-rel (if (file-directory-p infodir-abs-conf) infodir (file-name-directory infodir))) (info-dir (concat infodir-abs "dir")) (infofile (if (and (file-exists-p infodir-abs-conf) (not (file-directory-p infodir-abs-conf))) infodir-abs-conf (concat infodir-abs pname)))) (cond ((eq build-or-init 'init) (when (file-exists-p info-dir) (el-get-set-info-path package infodir-rel))) ((eq build-or-init 'build) ;; rebuild each time asked --- e.g. on update (when (and infodir (file-directory-p infodir-abs) (not (file-exists-p info-dir))) (el-get-set-info-path package infodir-rel) (el-get-build package (list (list el-get-install-info (if (string= (substring infofile -5) ".info") infofile (concat infofile ".info")) "dir")) infodir-rel t nil t))) (t (error "el-get-install-or-init-info: %s not supported" build-or-init))))))) (provide 'el-get-build)