;;; el-get --- Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Dimitri Fontaine ;; ;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine ;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get ;; GIT: https://github.com/dimitri/el-get ;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ ;; ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; Install ;; Please see the README.md file from the same distribution (require 'el-get-core) (require 'el-get-git) (defconst el-get-github-url-type-plist (list 'http "http://github.com/%USER%/%REPO%.git" 'https "https://github.com/%USER%/%REPO%.git" 'git "git://github.com/%USER%/%REPO%.git" 'ssh "git@github.com:%USER%/%REPO%.git") "Plist mapping Github types to their URL format strings.") (defcustom el-get-github-default-url-type 'https "The kind of URL to use for Github repositories. Choices are `http', `https', `git'. This is effectively the default `:url-type' for Github recipes that do not specify one. Individual Github recipes can override this setting by providing their own `:url-type' property. Note that `ssh' is also an acceptable value for `:url-type', but you should not set it here because it will prevent access to any repositories not owned by you." :group 'el-get :type '(choice (const :tag "HTTP" http) (const :tag "HTTPS" https) (const :tag "git" git))) (defun el-get-replace-string (from to str) "Replace all instances of FROM with TO in str. FROM is a literal string, not a regexp." (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote from) to str 'fixedcase 'literal)) (defun el-get-github-parse-user-and-repo (package) "Returns a cons cell of `(USER . REPO)'." (let* ((source (el-get-package-def package)) (user-slash-repo (or (plist-get source :pkgname) (error ":pkgname \"username/reponame\" is mandatory for github recipe '%s" package))) (user-and-repo (split-string user-slash-repo "/" 'omit-nulls))) (assert (= (length user-and-repo) 2) nil "Github pkgname %s must be of the form username/reponame" user-slash-repo) (cons (first user-and-repo) (second user-and-repo)))) (defun el-get-github-url-private (url-type username reponame) "Return the url of a particular github project. URL-TYPE must be a valid property (a symbol) of `el-get-github-url-type-plist'. USERNAME and REPONAME are strings." (let ((url-format-string (or (plist-get el-get-github-url-type-plist url-type) (error "Unknown Github repo URL type: %s" url-type)))) (el-get-replace-string "%USER%" username (el-get-replace-string "%REPO%" reponame url-format-string)))) (defun el-get-github-url (package) (let* ((source (el-get-package-def package)) (user-and-repo (el-get-github-parse-user-and-repo package)) (username (car user-and-repo)) (reponame (cdr user-and-repo)) (url-type (el-get-as-symbol (or (plist-get source :url-type) el-get-github-default-url-type)))) (el-get-github-url-private url-type username reponame))) (defun el-get-github-clone (package _url post-install-fun) "Clone the given package from Github following the URL." (el-get-git-clone package (el-get-github-url package) post-install-fun)) (defun el-get-github-pull (package _url post-install-fun) "Update the given package from Github following the URL." (el-get-git-pull package (el-get-github-url package) post-install-fun)) (defun el-get-github-guess-website (package) (let* ((user-and-repo (el-get-github-parse-user-and-repo package)) (username (car user-and-repo)) (reponame (cdr user-and-repo))) (el-get-github-url-private 'https username reponame))) (el-get-register-derived-method :github :git :install #'el-get-github-clone :update #'el-get-github-pull :guess-website #'el-get-github-guess-website) (provide 'el-get-github)