Update info file.

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tarao 2014-12-12 05:19:59 +00:00
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commit 9b7f0f79f1

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@ -513,32 +513,156 @@ File: el-get.info, Node: The el-get-bundle macro, Next: Setup Customization,
6.4 The el-get-bundle macro
Install PACKAGE and run initialization FORM.
The macro `el-get-bundle' is a syntactic sugar which allows you to tell
El-Get to install some package with a local source definition and
initialization code for the package. It is called in a form
`(el-get-bundle PACKAGE PROPERTIES CODE)', where PACKAGE specifies a
package name, PROPERTIES specifies a local recipe definition and CODE
specifies initialization code.
PACKAGE can be either a simple package name or a package name with a
modifier before the name to specify local recipe source information:
6.4.1 Just install some package
* `<owner>/' : specifies a Github owner name
To install a package whose source is already defined in a recipe file,
use `el-get-bundle' macro with the package name.
* `gist:<id>' : specifies a Gist ID
(el-get-bundle color-moccur)
* `<type>:' : specifies a type of the package source
This is essentially equivalent to the following code.
(el-get 'sync 'color-moccur)
If `FEATURE in PACKAGE' form is used instead of PACKAGE, then that
FEATURE is `require'd after installing PACKAGE. You can also use
`el-get-bundle!' macro if FEATURE and PACKAGE are the same. If you
wish to `require' more than one feature, then use `:features' property
in FORM.
6.4.2 Install some package with requiring it
The initialization FORM may start with a property list that
describes a local recipe. The FORM after the property list is treated
as initialization code, which is actually an `:after' property of the
local recipe.
If you also want to `require' the package, use `el-get-bundle!' macro.
A copy of the initialization code is stored in a directory specified
by `el-get-bundle-init-directory' and its byte-compiled version is used
if `el-get-bundle-byte-compile' is non-nil.
(el-get-bundle! color-moccur)
When the name of the feature you require is different from the
package name (the recipe name), use `FEATURE in PACKAGE' form.
(el-get-bundle! yaicomplete in github:tarao/elisp)
If you wish to `require' more than one feature, then put them in a
`:features' property.
(el-get-bundle github:tarao/elisp
:features (yaicomplete mode-line-color))
6.4.3 Install some package and configure it
You can write initalization code after the package name.
(el-get-bundle anything
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x b") #'anything-for-files))
Initialization code is automatically compiled when they are evaluated
for the first time (after you modified the file enclosing the code) if
`el-get-bundle-byte-compile' is non-nil. The initialization code is
saved to a file in `el-get-bundle-init-directory' together with a
compiled version.
Note that you should not call functions or refer to variables defined
in the package if the package is going to be autoloaded. In such case,
you should use `with-eval-after-load' macro.
(el-get-bundle anything
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x b") #'anything-for-files))
(with-eval-after-load 'anything
;; referring to `anything-map' requires "anything.el" to be loaded
(define-key anything-map (kbd "M-n") #'anything-next-source)
(define-key anything-map (kbd "M-p") #'anything-previous-source))
If you want the form passed to `with-eval-after-load' to be compiled
together with the initialization code, you can use tarao's
(https://github.com/tarao/with-eval-after-load-feature-el) instead or
you will get "reference to free variable" warnings during the
(el-get-bundle! with-eval-after-load-feature
:url "http://github.com/tarao/with-eval-after-load-feature-el.git")
(el-get-bundle anything
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x b") #'anything-for-files)
(with-eval-after-load-feature 'anything
;; referring to `anything-map' requires "anything.el" to be loaded
(define-key anything-map (kbd "M-n") #'anything-next-source)
(define-key anything-map (kbd "M-p") #'anything-previous-source)))
6.4.4 Pass options to package source definitions
If you want to override a package source definition in a recipe file or
define a new definition, you can pass a property list after the package
For example, if you want to install `zenburn-theme' but want to use
other version than El-Get's default recipe, you can reuse the default
recipe with overriding `:url' option.
(el-get-bundle zenburn-theme
:url "http://raw.github.com/bbatsov/zenburn-emacs/master/zenburn-theme.el"
(load-theme 'zenburn t))
If you want to define a new package source, then supply full options.
(el-get-bundle! zlc
:type github :pkgname "mooz/emacs-zlc"
:description "Provides zsh like completion for minibuffer in Emacs"
:website "http://d.hatena.ne.jp/mooz/20101003/p1")
The property `:type' is required if the package source is already
defined but you don't reuse it. Otherwise, if the package source is not
defined yet, you can omit `:type' property as long as it can be guessed
from `:url'.
(el-get-bundle! zlc :url "http://github.com/mooz/emacs-zlc.git")
;; equivalent to
;; (el-get-bundle! zlc :type git :url "http://github.com/mooz/emacs-zlc.git")
For further information on available properties for a recipe source,
*Note Recipe format::.
6.4.5 Syntax sugars for package source definitions
There are some ways to specify package source options by package name
modifiers. With these modifiers, you can omit `:type' property.
Specifies a github owner name.
Specifies a gist ID.
Specifies a type for the package.
(el-get-bundle tarao/tab-group)
;; equivalent to
;; (el-get-bundle tab-group :type github :pkgname "tarao/tab-group")
(el-get-bundle! gist:4362564:init-loader)
;; equivalent to
;; (el-get-bundle! init-loader :type git :url "http://gist.github.com/4362564.git")
(el-get-bundle elpa:undo-tree)
;; equivalent to
;; (el-get-bundle undo-tree :type elpa)
6.4.6 Customization
Directory where a copy of initialization code specified in a
`el-get-bundle' macro call and its byte-compiled version are
saved. Defaults to `~/.emacs.d/el-get/bundle-init/'.
Whether to compile initialization code in a `el-get-bundle' macro
call. Defaults to `t'.

File: el-get.info, Node: Setup Customization, Prev: The el-get-bundle macro, Up: Setup
@ -1124,20 +1248,20 @@ Node: Basic Setup12694
Node: The el-get function14005
Node: Distributed Setup15281
Node: The el-get-bundle macro18191
Node: Setup Customization19395
Node: User Init20813
Node: Before and After properties21500
Node: Initialization files23008
Node: Recipes23661
Node: Organizing recipes24136
Node: Getting more recipes25767
Node: Overriding package files26465
Node: Authoring Recipes26848
Node: Recipe format27463
Node: Dependencies37252
Node: Byte Compilation37598
Node: Autoloads38164
Node: Build39290
Node: Recipe checker40262
Node: Setup Customization24004
Node: User Init25422
Node: Before and After properties26109
Node: Initialization files27617
Node: Recipes28270
Node: Organizing recipes28745
Node: Getting more recipes30376
Node: Overriding package files31074
Node: Authoring Recipes31457
Node: Recipe format32072
Node: Dependencies41861
Node: Byte Compilation42207
Node: Autoloads42773
Node: Build43899
Node: Recipe checker44871

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