Clarify somewhat the (el-get ...) example.

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Dimitri Fontaine 2011-06-20 18:22:53 +02:00
parent 3bfefb7973
commit 3cd4ad5676

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@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Note that you can also give a mix of +packages+ symbols, +inline recipes+
and +source lists+ to +el-get+ as arguments, and completely bypass the
+el-get-sources+ variable.
(el-get 'sync 'package 'name (:name or :type emacswiki) sources)
(el-get 'sync 'package 'name '(:name foo :type emacswiki) other-list-of-sources)
It is still recommended to +(setq el-get-sources '(list of packages))+ then
use +(el-get 'sync)+, so that commands such as +el-get-update+ know which