2019-04-20 02:18:49 -04:00

516 lines
20 KiB

;;; core.el --- the heart of the beast -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(and (version< emacs-version "25.3")
(error "Detected Emacs %s. Doom only supports Emacs 25.3 and higher"
(defvar doom-debug-mode (or (getenv "DEBUG") init-file-debug)
"If non-nil, all doom functions will be verbose. Set DEBUG=1 in the command
line or use --debug-init to enable this.")
;;; Constants
(defconst doom-version "2.0.9"
"Current version of DOOM emacs.")
(defconst EMACS26+ (> emacs-major-version 25))
(defconst EMACS27+ (> emacs-major-version 26))
(defconst IS-MAC (eq system-type 'darwin))
(defconst IS-LINUX (eq system-type 'gnu/linux))
(defconst IS-WINDOWS (memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt ms-dos)))
(defconst IS-BSD (or IS-MAC (eq system-type 'berkeley-unix)))
(defvar doom-emacs-dir
(eval-when-compile (file-truename user-emacs-directory))
"The path to this emacs.d directory. Must end in a slash.")
(defvar doom-core-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "core/")
"The root directory of core Doom files.")
(defvar doom-modules-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "modules/")
"The root directory for Doom's modules.")
(defvar doom-local-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir ".local/")
"Root directory for local Emacs files. Use this as permanent storage for files
that are safe to share across systems (if this config is symlinked across
several computers).")
(defvar doom-etc-dir (concat doom-local-dir "etc/")
"Directory for non-volatile storage.
Use this for files that don't change much, like servers binaries, external
dependencies or long-term shared data.")
(defvar doom-cache-dir (concat doom-local-dir "cache/")
"Directory for volatile storage.
Use this for files that change often, like cache files.")
(defvar doom-packages-dir (concat doom-local-dir "packages/")
"Where package.el and quelpa plugins (and their caches) are stored.")
(defvar doom-docs-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "docs/")
"Where the Doom manual is stored.")
(defvar doom-private-dir
(or (getenv "DOOMDIR")
(let ((xdg-path
(expand-file-name "doom/"
(or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
(if (file-directory-p xdg-path) xdg-path))
"Where your private customizations are placed. Must end in a slash. Respects
XDG directory conventions if ~/.config/doom exists.")
(defvar doom-autoload-file (concat doom-local-dir "autoloads.el")
"Where `doom-reload-doom-autoloads' will generate its core autoloads file.")
(defvar doom-package-autoload-file (concat doom-local-dir "autoloads.pkg.el")
"Where `doom-reload-package-autoloads' will generate its package.el autoloads
(defvar doom-env-file (concat doom-local-dir "env")
"The location of your env file, generated by `doom env refresh`.
This file contains environment variables scraped from your non and interactive
shell environment, and is loaded at startup (if it exist)s. This is helpful if
Emacs can't (easily) be launched from the correct shell session (particular for
MacOS users).")
;;; Doom core variables
(defvar doom-init-p nil
"Non-nil if `doom-initialize' has run.")
(defvar doom-init-time nil
"The time it took, in seconds, for DOOM Emacs to initialize.")
(defvar doom-emacs-changed-p nil
"If non-nil, the running version of Emacs is different from the first time
Doom was setup, which can cause problems.")
(defvar doom-site-load-path (cons doom-core-dir load-path)
"The initial value of `load-path', before it was altered by
(defvar doom-site-process-environment process-environment
"The initial value of `process-environment', before it was altered by
(defvar doom-site-exec-path exec-path
"The initial value of `exec-path', before it was altered by
(defvar doom-site-shell-file-name shell-file-name
"The initial value of `shell-file-name', before it was altered by
(defvar doom--last-emacs-file (concat doom-local-dir "emacs-version.el"))
(defvar doom--last-emacs-version nil)
(defvar doom--refreshed-p nil)
(defvar doom--stage 'init)
;;; Custom error types
(define-error 'doom-error "Error in Doom Emacs core")
(define-error 'doom-hook-error "Error in a Doom startup hook" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-autoload-error "Error in an autoloads file" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-module-error "Error in a Doom module" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-private-error "Error in private config" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-package-error "Error with packages" 'doom-error)
;;; Custom hooks
(defvar doom-reload-hook nil
"A list of hooks to run when `doom/reload' is called.")
;;; Emacs core configuration
;; UTF-8 as the default coding system
(when (fboundp 'set-charset-priority)
(set-charset-priority 'unicode)) ; pretty
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) ; pretty
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8) ; please
(unless IS-WINDOWS
(setq selection-coding-system 'utf-8)) ; with sugar on top
ad-redefinition-action 'accept ; silence advised function warnings
apropos-do-all t ; make `apropos' more useful
auto-mode-case-fold nil
autoload-compute-prefixes nil
debug-on-error doom-debug-mode
jka-compr-verbose doom-debug-mode ; silence compression messages
ffap-machine-p-known 'reject ; don't ping things that look like domain names
find-file-visit-truename t ; resolve symlinks when opening files
idle-update-delay 2 ; update ui less often
;; be quiet at startup; don't load or display anything unnecessary
inhibit-startup-message t
inhibit-startup-echo-area-message user-login-name
inhibit-default-init t
initial-major-mode 'fundamental-mode
initial-scratch-message nil
;; History & backup settings (save nothing, that's what git is for)
auto-save-default nil
create-lockfiles nil
history-length 500
make-backup-files nil ; don't create backup~ files
;; byte compilation
byte-compile-verbose doom-debug-mode
byte-compile-warnings '(not free-vars unresolved noruntime lexical make-local)
;; security
gnutls-verify-error (not (getenv "INSECURE")) ; you shouldn't use this
tls-checktrust gnutls-verify-error
tls-program (list "gnutls-cli --x509cafile %t -p %p %h"
;; compatibility fallbacks
"gnutls-cli -p %p %h"
"openssl s_client -connect %h:%p -no_ssl2 -no_ssl3 -ign_eof")
;; Don't store authinfo in plain text!
auth-sources (list (expand-file-name "authinfo.gpg" doom-etc-dir)
;; files
abbrev-file-name (concat doom-local-dir "abbrev.el")
async-byte-compile-log-file (concat doom-etc-dir "async-bytecomp.log")
auto-save-list-file-name (concat doom-cache-dir "autosave")
backup-directory-alist (list (cons "." (concat doom-cache-dir "backup/")))
desktop-dirname (concat doom-etc-dir "desktop")
desktop-base-file-name "autosave"
desktop-base-lock-name "autosave-lock"
pcache-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "pcache/")
request-storage-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "request")
server-auth-dir (concat doom-cache-dir "server/")
shared-game-score-directory (concat doom-etc-dir "shared-game-score/")
tramp-auto-save-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "tramp-auto-save/")
tramp-backup-directory-alist backup-directory-alist
tramp-persistency-file-name (concat doom-cache-dir "tramp-persistency.el")
url-cache-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "url/")
url-configuration-directory (concat doom-etc-dir "url/")
gamegrid-user-score-file-directory (concat doom-etc-dir "games/"))
(defvar doom-auto-minor-mode-alist '()
"Alist mapping filename patterns to corresponding minor mode functions, like
`auto-mode-alist'. All elements of this alist are checked, meaning you can
enable multiple minor modes for the same regexp.")
(defun doom|enable-minor-mode-maybe ()
"Check file name against `doom-auto-minor-mode-alist'."
(when buffer-file-name
(let ((name buffer-file-name)
(remote-id (file-remote-p buffer-file-name))
(alist doom-auto-minor-mode-alist))
;; Remove backup-suffixes from file name.
(setq name (file-name-sans-versions name))
;; Remove remote file name identification.
(when (and (stringp remote-id)
(string-match (regexp-quote remote-id) name))
(setq name (substring name (match-end 0))))
(while (and alist (caar alist) (cdar alist))
(if (string-match-p (caar alist) name)
(funcall (cdar alist) 1))
(setq alist (cdr alist))))))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom|enable-minor-mode-maybe)
(defun doom*symbol-file (orig-fn symbol &optional type)
"If a `doom-file' symbol property exists on SYMBOL, use that instead of the
original value of `symbol-file'."
(or (if (symbolp symbol) (get symbol 'doom-file))
(funcall orig-fn symbol type)))
(advice-add #'symbol-file :around #'doom*symbol-file)
;; To speed up minibuffer commands (like helm and ivy), defer garbage collection
;; when the minibuffer is active. It may mean a pause when finished, but that's
;; acceptable instead of pauses during.
(defun doom|defer-garbage-collection ()
(setq gc-cons-threshold doom-gc-cons-upper-limit))
(defun doom|restore-garbage-collection ()
(setq gc-cons-threshold doom-gc-cons-threshold))
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'doom|defer-garbage-collection)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook #'doom|restore-garbage-collection)
;; File+dir local variables are initialized after the major mode and its hooks
;; have run. If you want hook functions to be aware of these customizations, add
;; them to MODE-local-vars-hook instead.
(defun doom|run-local-var-hooks ()
"Run MODE-local-vars-hook after local variables are initialized."
(run-hook-wrapped (intern-soft (format "%s-local-vars-hook" major-mode))
(add-hook 'hack-local-variables-hook #'doom|run-local-var-hooks)
(defun doom|run-local-var-hooks-if-necessary ()
"If `enable-local-variables' is disabled, then `hack-local-variables-hook' is
never triggered."
(unless enable-local-variables
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom|run-local-var-hooks-if-necessary)
;;; Incremental lazy-loading
(defvar doom-incremental-packages '(t)
"A list of packages to load incrementally after startup. Any large packages
here may cause noticable pauses, so it's recommended you break them up into
sub-packages. For example, `org' is comprised of many packages, and can be broken up into:
'(calendar find-func format-spec org-macs org-compat
org-faces org-entities org-list org-pcomplete org-src
org-footnote org-macro ob org org-clock org-agenda
This is already done by the lang/org module, however.
If you want to disable incremental loading altogether, either remove
`doom|load-packages-incrementally' from `emacs-startup-hook' or set
`doom-incremental-first-idle-timer' to nil.")
(defvar doom-incremental-first-idle-timer 2
"How long (in idle seconds) until incremental loading starts.
Set this to nil to disable incremental loading.")
(defvar doom-incremental-idle-timer 1.5
"How long (in idle seconds) in between incrementally loading packages.")
(defun doom-load-packages-incrementally (packages &optional now)
"Registers PACKAGES to be loaded incrementally.
If NOW is non-nil, load PACKAGES incrementally, in `doom-incremental-idle-timer'
(if (not now)
(nconc doom-incremental-packages packages)
(when packages
(let ((gc-cons-threshold doom-gc-cons-upper-limit)
(let* ((reqs (cl-delete-if #'featurep packages))
(req (ignore-errors (pop reqs))))
(when req
(doom-log "Incrementally loading %s" req)
(condition-case e
(require req nil t)
((error debug)
(message "Failed to load '%s' package incrementally, because: %s"
req e)))
(if reqs
(run-with-idle-timer doom-incremental-idle-timer
nil #'doom-load-packages-incrementally
reqs t)
(doom-log "Finished incremental loading"))))))))
(defun doom|load-packages-incrementally ()
"Begin incrementally loading packages in `doom-incremental-packages'.
If this is a daemon session, load them all immediately instead."
(if (daemonp)
(mapc #'require (cdr doom-incremental-packages))
(when (integerp doom-incremental-first-idle-timer)
(run-with-idle-timer doom-incremental-first-idle-timer
nil #'doom-load-packages-incrementally
(cdr doom-incremental-packages) t))))
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom|load-packages-incrementally)
;;; Bootstrap helpers
(defun doom-try-run-hook (hook)
"Run HOOK (a hook function), but handle errors better, to make debugging
issues easier.
Meant to be used with `run-hook-wrapped'."
(doom-log "Running doom hook: %s" hook)
(condition-case e
(funcall hook)
((debug error)
(signal 'doom-hook-error (list hook e))))
;; return nil so `run-hook-wrapped' won't short circuit
(defun doom-ensure-same-emacs-version-p ()
"Check if the running version of Emacs has changed and set
`doom-emacs-changed-p' if it has."
(if (load doom--last-emacs-file 'noerror 'nomessage 'nosuffix)
(setq doom-emacs-changed-p
(not (equal emacs-version doom--last-emacs-version)))
(with-temp-file doom--last-emacs-file
(princ `(setq doom--last-emacs-version ,(prin1-to-string emacs-version))
(cond ((not doom-emacs-changed-p))
(concat "Your version of Emacs has changed from %s to %s, which may cause incompatibility\n"
"issues. If you run into errors, run `bin/doom compile :plugins` or reinstall your\n"
"plugins to resolve them.\n\n"
(delete-file doom--last-emacs-file))
(noninteractive (error "Aborting"))
(defun doom-ensure-core-directories-exist ()
"Make sure all Doom's essential local directories (in and including
`doom-local-dir') exist."
(dolist (dir (list doom-local-dir doom-etc-dir doom-cache-dir doom-packages-dir))
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(make-directory dir t))))
(defun doom|display-benchmark (&optional return-p)
"Display a benchmark, showing number of packages and modules, and how quickly
they were loaded at startup.
If RETURN-P, return the message as a string instead of displaying it."
(funcall (if return-p #'format #'message)
"Doom loaded %s packages across %d modules in %.03fs"
(length package-activated-list)
(if doom-modules (hash-table-count doom-modules) 0)
(or doom-init-time
(setq doom-init-time (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) before-init-time))))))
(defun doom|run-all-startup-hooks ()
"Run all startup Emacs hooks. Meant to be executed after starting Emacs with
-q or -Q, for example:
emacs -Q -l init.el -f doom|run-all-startup-hooks"
(run-hook-wrapped 'after-init-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)
(setq after-init-time (current-time))
(dolist (hook (list 'delayed-warnings-hook
'emacs-startup-hook 'term-setup-hook
(run-hook-wrapped hook #'doom-try-run-hook)))
(defun doom-initialize-autoloads (file)
"Tries to load FILE (an autoloads file). Return t on success, throws an error
in interactive sessions, nil otherwise (but logs a warning)."
(condition-case e
(load (file-name-sans-extension file) 'noerror 'nomessage)
((debug error)
(if noninteractive
(message "Autoload file warning: %s -> %s" (car e) (error-message-string e))
(signal 'doom-autoload-error (list (file-name-nondirectory file) e))))))
(defun doom-initialize (&optional force-p)
"Bootstrap Doom, if it hasn't already (or if FORCE-P is non-nil).
The bootstrap process involves making sure 1) the essential directories exist,
2) the core packages are installed, 3) `doom-autoload-file' and
`doom-package-autoload-file' exist and have been loaded, and 4) Doom's core
files are loaded.
If the cache exists, much of this function isn't run, which substantially
reduces startup time.
The overall load order of Doom is as follows:
Module init.el files
Module config.el files
Module load order is determined by your `doom!' block. See `doom-modules-dirs'
for a list of all recognized module trees. Order defines precedence (from most
to least)."
(when (or force-p (not doom-init-p))
(setq doom-init-p t) ; Prevent infinite recursion
;; Reset as much state as possible
(setq exec-path doom-site-exec-path
load-path doom-site-load-path
process-environment doom-site-process-environment
shell-file-name doom-site-shell-file-name)
;; `doom-autoload-file' tells Emacs where to load all its autoloaded
;; functions from. This includes everything in core/autoload/*.el and all
;; the autoload files in your enabled modules.
(when (or force-p (not (doom-initialize-autoloads doom-autoload-file)))
(require 'core-packages)
(doom-ensure-packages-initialized force-p)
(unless (or force-p noninteractive)
(user-error "Your doom autoloads are missing! Run `bin/doom refresh' to regenerate them")))
;; Loads `doom-package-autoload-file', which loads a concatenated package
;; autoloads file and caches `load-path', `auto-mode-alist',
;; `Info-directory-list', `doom-disabled-packages' and
;; `package-activated-list'. A big reduction in startup time.
(let (command-switch-alist)
(unless (or force-p
(doom-initialize-autoloads doom-package-autoload-file)
(user-error "Your package autoloads are missing! Run `bin/doom refresh' to regenerate them")))
;; Load shell environment
(when (and (not noninteractive)
(file-readable-p doom-env-file)
(require 'load-env-vars nil t))
(load-env-vars doom-env-file)
(setq exec-path (append (split-string (getenv "PATH") ":")
(list exec-directory))
shell-file-name (or (getenv "SHELL")
(require 'core-lib)
(require 'core-modules)
(require 'core-os)
(if noninteractive
(require 'core-cli)
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom|display-benchmark)
(require 'core-keybinds)
(require 'core-ui)
(require 'core-projects)
(require 'core-editor)))
;;; Bootstrap Doom
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'cl-lib)
(unless EMACS26+
;; if-let and when-let were moved to (if|when)-let* in Emacs 26+ so we
;; alias them for 25 users.
(defalias 'if-let* #'if-let)
(defalias 'when-let* #'when-let))))
(add-to-list 'load-path doom-core-dir)
(doom-initialize noninteractive)
(unless noninteractive
(after! package
(require 'core-packages)
(provide 'core)
;;; core.el ends here