2016-06-06 01:19:37 -04:00

236 lines
10 KiB

;;; core-popup.el --- taming stray windows
;; I use a slew of hackery to get Emacs to treat 'pop-up' windows in a sane and "modern"
;; way (whatever that means). It goes through great lengths to tame helm, flycheck, help
;; buffers--*even* the beast that is org-mode.
;; Be warned, an update could break any of this.
(use-package shackle
(shackle-mode 1)
(setq shackle-rules
`(;; Util
("^\\*.+-Profiler-Report .+\\*$" :align below :size 0.3 :regexp t)
("*esup*" :align below :size 0.4 :noselect t)
("*minor-modes*" :align below :size 0.5 :noselect t)
("*eval*" :align below :size 20)
;; Emacs
("*Pp Eval Output*" :align below :size 0.3)
("*Apropos*" :align below :size 0.3)
("*Backtrace*" :align below :size 25 :noselect t)
("*Completions*" :align below :size 20 :noselect t)
("*Help*" :align below :size 16 :select t)
("*Messages*" :align below :size 15 :select t)
("*Warnings*" :align below :size 10 :noselect t)
(compilation-mode :align below :size 15 :noselect t)
(eww-mode :align below :size 30 :select t)
;; vcs
("*vc-diff*" :align below :size 15 :noselect t)
("*vc-change-log*" :align below :size 15 :select t)
(vc-annotate-mode :same t)))
(defvar doom-popup-windows '()
"A list of windows that have been opened via shackle. Do not touch this!")
(defvar doom-last-popup nil
"The last (important) popup buffer.")
(defvar doom-prev-buffer nil
"The buffer from which the popup was invoked.")
(defvar-local doom-popup-protect nil
"If non-nil, this popup buffer won't be killed when closed.")
(defvar doom-popup-inescapable-modes
'(compilation-mode comint-mode "^\\*doom.*\\*$")
"A list of modes that should not be closeable with a single ESC.")
(defvar doom-popup-protect-modes
'(messages-buffer-mode esup-mode help-mode tabulated-list-mode comint-mode)
"A list of modes that shouldn't be killed and can be revived.")
;; There is no shackle-popup hook, so I hacked one in
(defvar doom-popup-pre-hook '() "Hooks run after a popup is opened.")
(defvar doom-popup-post-hook '() "Hooks run before a popup is opened.")
(advice-add 'shackle-display-buffer :before 'doom*run-popup-pre-hooks)
(advice-add 'shackle-display-buffer :after 'doom*run-popup-post-hooks)
(add-hook 'doom-popup-post-hook 'doom|popup-init) ; Keep track of popups
(add-hook 'doom-popup-post-hook 'doom|hide-mode-line) ; No mode line in popups
;; Prevents popups from messaging with windows-moving functions
(advice-add 'doom/evil-window-move :around 'doom*save-popup))
;; Hacks
(defun doom-popup-magit-hacks ()
;; Some wrassling must be done to get magit to kill itself, and trigger my
;; shackle popup hooks.
(setq magit-bury-buffer-function
(lambda (&rest _) (doom/popup-close (selected-window)))
(lambda (b)
(funcall (if (doom/popup-p (selected-window)) 'switch-to-buffer 'doom/popup-buffer) b)
(get-buffer-window b))
(lambda (b)
(when doom-prev-buffer
(select-window (get-buffer-window doom-prev-buffer)))
(switch-to-buffer b))))
(after! evil
;; The evil command window has a mind of its own (uses `switch-to-buffer'). We
;; monkey patch it to use pop-to-buffer.
(defun doom*evil-command-window (hist cmd-key execute-fn)
(when (eq major-mode 'evil-command-window-mode)
(user-error "Cannot recursively open command line window"))
(dolist (win (window-list))
(when (equal (buffer-name (window-buffer win))
"*Command Line*")
(kill-buffer (window-buffer win))
(delete-window win)))
(setq evil-command-window-current-buffer (current-buffer))
(ignore-errors (kill-buffer "*Command Line*"))
(with-current-buffer (pop-to-buffer "*Command Line*")
(setq-local evil-command-window-execute-fn execute-fn)
(setq-local evil-command-window-cmd-key cmd-key)
(evil-command-window-insert-commands hist)
(advice-add 'evil-command-window :override 'doom*evil-command-window))
(after! help-mode
;; Following links in help buffers sometimes uses itself or other-window. We
;; want it only to replace the buffer we opened the popup from. To do this we
;; must redefine these three button types to use `doom/popup-save' and
;; `switch-to-buffer' rather than `pop-to-buffer'.
(define-button-type 'help-function-def
:supertype 'help-xref
'help-function (lambda (fun file)
(require 'find-func)
(when (eq file 'C-source)
(setq file (help-C-file-name (indirect-function fun) 'fun)))
(let ((location
(find-function-search-for-symbol fun nil file)))
(switch-to-buffer (car location)))
(if (cdr location)
(goto-char (cdr location))
(message "Unable to find location in file"))))
'help-echo (purecopy "mouse-2, RET: find function's definition"))
(define-button-type 'help-variable-def
:supertype 'help-xref
'help-function (lambda (var &optional file)
(when (eq file 'C-source)
(setq file (help-C-file-name var 'var)))
(let ((location (find-variable-noselect var file)))
(switch-to-buffer (car location)))
(if (cdr location)
(goto-char (cdr location))
(message "Unable to find location in file"))))
'help-echo (purecopy "mouse-2, RET: find variable's definition"))
(define-button-type 'help-face-def
:supertype 'help-xref
'help-function (lambda (fun file)
(require 'find-func)
(let ((location
(find-function-search-for-symbol fun 'defface file)))
(switch-to-buffer (car location)))
(if (cdr location)
(goto-char (cdr location))
(message "Unable to find location in file"))))
'help-echo (purecopy "mouse-2, RET: find face's definition")))
(after! quickrun
;; This allows us to rerun code from inside a quickrun buffer.
(defun doom*quickrun-close-popup (&optional _ _ _ _)
(let ((buffer (get-buffer quickrun/buffer-name))
(when buffer
(setq window (get-buffer-window buffer))
(shut-up! (quickrun/kill-running-process))
(doom/popup-close window nil t))))
(advice-add 'quickrun :before 'doom*quickrun-close-popup)
(advice-add 'quickrun-region :before 'doom*quickrun-close-popup)
;; Ensures window is scrolled to BOF
(defun doom|quickrun-after-run ()
(with-selected-window (get-buffer-window quickrun/buffer-name)
(goto-char (point-min))))
(add-hook 'quickrun-after-run-hook 'doom|quickrun-after-run)
(add-hook 'quickrun/mode-hook 'doom|hide-mode-line))
(add-hook! org-load
;; Ensures org-src-edit yields control of its buffer to shackle.
(defun org-src-switch-to-buffer (buffer context)
(pop-to-buffer buffer))
;; And these for org-todo, org-link and org-agenda
(defun org-pop-to-buffer-same-window (&optional buffer-or-name norecord label)
"Pop to buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME in the selected window."
(display-buffer buffer-or-name))
(defun org-switch-to-buffer-other-window (&rest args)
(mapc (lambda (b)
(let ((buf (if (stringp b) (get-buffer-create b) b)))
(pop-to-buffer buf t t)))
;; Taming Org-agenda!
(defun doom/org-agenda-quit ()
"Necessary to finagle org-agenda into shackle popups and behave properly on quit."
(if org-agenda-columns-active
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(and (not (eq org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window))
(not (one-window-p))
(kill-buffer buf)
(setq org-agenda-archives-mode nil
org-agenda-buffer nil))))
(after! org-agenda
(map! :map org-agenda-mode-map
:e "<escape>" 'doom/org-agenda-quit
:e "ESC" 'doom/org-agenda-quit
:e [escape] 'doom/org-agenda-quit
"q" 'doom/org-agenda-quit
"Q" 'doom/org-agenda-quit)))
(after! realgud
;; This allows realgud debuggers to run in a popup.
;; TODO Find a more elegant advice-based solution
;; FIXME Causes realgud:cmd-* to focus popup on every invocation
(defun realgud:run-process(debugger-name script-filename cmd-args minibuffer-history &optional no-reset)
(let ((cmd-buf))
(setq cmd-buf
(apply 'realgud-exec-shell debugger-name script-filename
(car cmd-args) no-reset (cdr cmd-args)))
(let ((process (get-buffer-process cmd-buf)))
(if (and process (eq 'run (process-status process)))
(pop-to-buffer cmd-buf)
(define-key evil-emacs-state-local-map (kbd "ESC ESC") 'doom/debug-quit)
(realgud:track-set-debugger debugger-name)
(realgud-cmdbuf-info-in-debugger?= 't)
(realgud-cmdbuf-info-cmd-args= cmd-args)
(when cmd-buf
(switch-to-buffer cmd-buf)
(when realgud-cmdbuf-info
(let* ((info realgud-cmdbuf-info)
(cmd-args (realgud-cmdbuf-info-cmd-args info))
(cmd-str (mapconcat 'identity cmd-args " ")))
(set minibuffer-history
(list-utils-uniq (cons cmd-str (eval minibuffer-history))))))))
;; else
(if cmd-buf (switch-to-buffer cmd-buf))
(message "Error running command: %s" (mapconcat 'identity cmd-args " ")))))
(provide 'core-popup)
;;; core-popup.el ends here