Henrik Lissner 2dc52bc9be
💥 Replace exec-path-from-shell w/ 'bin/doom env'
IMPORTANT: This is a breaking update for Mac users, as your shell
environment will no longer be inherited correctly (with the removal of
exec-path-from-shell). The quick fix is: 'bin/doom env refresh'. Also,
the set-env! autodef now does nothing (and is deprecated), be sure to
remove calls to it in your config.

Smaller changes:
+ This update also adds --no-* switches to doom quickstart
+ Includes general improvements to the documentation of several bin/doom
+ Moves doom/reload* commands to core/autoload/config.el
+ doom/reload-project has been removed (it didn't actually do anything)

The breaking change:
This update adds an "envvar file" to Doom Emacs. This file is generated
by `doom env refresh`, populated with variables scraped from your shell
environment (from both non-interactive and interactive sessions). This
file is then (inexpensively) loaded at startup, if it exists.

+ The file is manually generated with `doom env refresh`.
+ It can be regenerated automatically whenever `doom refresh` is run by
  running `doom env enable` (`doom env clear` will reverse this and
  delete the env file).
+ `doom quickstart` will ask if you want to auto-generate this envvar
  file. You won't need it if you're confident Emacs will always be
  started from the correct environment, however.
+ Your env file can be reloaded from a running Emacs session with `M-x
  doom/reload-env`. Note: this won't work if the Emacs session you're
  running it in doesn't have a correct SHELL set. i.e. don't use this to
  create your first env file!

The idea isn't mine -- it's borrowed from Spacemacs -- and was
introduced to me in #1053 by @yurimx. I was impressed with it. Prior to
this, I was unhappy with exec-path-from-shell (no hate to the dev, I
understand its necessity), and 'doom patch-macos' wasn't ideal for mac
users (needed to be reapplied every time you update Emacs). What's more,
many users (even Linux users) had to install exec-path-from-shell

This solution suffers from none of their shortcomings. More reliable
than patch-macos, more performant and complete than
exec-path-from-shell, and easily handled by bin/doom.
2019-03-28 01:56:09 -04:00

165 lines
5.4 KiB

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;; Eagerly load these libraries because this module may be loaded in a session
;; that hasn't been fully initialized (where autoloads files haven't been
;; generated or `load-path' populated).
(load! "autoload/debug")
(load! "autoload/files")
(load! "autoload/message")
(load! "autoload/packages")
;; Dispatcher API
(defvar doom-auto-accept (getenv "YES")
"If non-nil, Doom will auto-accept any confirmation prompts during batch
commands like `doom-packages-install', `doom-packages-update' and
(defconst doom--dispatch-command-alist ())
(defconst doom--dispatch-alias-alist ())
(defun doom--dispatch-format (desc &optional short)
(let ((fill-column 72))
(insert desc)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "\n\n[^ \n]" nil t)
(if (not short)
(goto-char (point-min))
(defun doom--dispatch-help (&optional command desc &rest args)
"Display help documentation for a dispatcher command. If COMMAND and DESC are
omitted, show all available commands, their aliases and brief descriptions."
(if command
(princ (doom--dispatch-format desc))
(print! (bold "%-10s\t%s\t%s") "Command:" "Alias" "Description")
(dolist (spec (cl-sort doom--dispatch-command-alist #'string-lessp
:key #'car))
(cl-destructuring-bind (command &key desc _body) spec
(let ((aliases (cl-loop for (alias . cmd) in doom--dispatch-alias-alist
if (eq cmd command)
collect (symbol-name alias))))
(print! " %-10s\t%s\t%s"
command (if aliases (string-join aliases ",") "")
(doom--dispatch-format desc t)))))))
(defun doom-dispatch (cmd args &optional show-help)
"Parses ARGS and invokes a dispatcher.
If SHOW-HELP is non-nil, show the documentation for said dispatcher."
(when (equal cmd "help")
(setq show-help t)
(when args
(setq cmd (car args)
args (cdr args))))
(cl-destructuring-bind (command &key desc body)
(let ((sym (intern cmd)))
(or (assq sym doom--dispatch-command-alist)
(assq (cdr (assq sym doom--dispatch-alias-alist))
(user-error "Invalid command: %s" sym)))
(if show-help
(apply #'doom--dispatch-help command desc args)
(funcall body args))))
(defmacro dispatcher! (command form &optional docstring)
"Define a dispatcher command. COMMAND is a symbol or a list of symbols
representing the aliases for this command. DESC is a string description. The
first line should be short (under 60 letters), as it will be displayed for
bin/doom help.
BODY will be run when this dispatcher is called."
(declare (indent defun) (doc-string 3))
(cl-destructuring-bind (cmd &rest aliases)
(doom-enlist command)
(when aliases
`((dolist (alias ',aliases)
(setf (alist-get alias doom--dispatch-alias-alist) ',cmd))))
`((setf (alist-get ',cmd doom--dispatch-command-alist)
(list :desc ,docstring
:body (lambda (args) (ignore args) ,form))))))))
;; Dummy dispatch commands (no-op because they're handled especially)
(dispatcher! run :noop
"Run Doom Emacs from bin/doom's parent directory.
All arguments are passed on to Emacs (except for -p and -e).
doom run
doom run -nw init.el
WARNING: this command exists for convenience and testing. Doom will suffer
additional overhead by being started this way. For the best performance, it is
best to run Doom out of ~/.emacs.d and ~/.doom.d.")
(dispatcher! (doctor doc) :noop
"Checks for issues with your environment & Doom config.
Use the doctor to diagnose common problems or list missing dependencies in
enabled modules.")
(dispatcher! (help h) :noop
"Look up additional information about a command.")
;; Real dispatch commands
(load! "cli/autoloads")
(load! "cli/byte-compile")
(load! "cli/debug")
(load! "cli/env")
(load! "cli/packages")
(load! "cli/patch-macos")
(load! "cli/quickstart")
(load! "cli/upgrade")
(load! "cli/test")
(defun doom-refresh (&optional force-p)
"Ensure Doom is in a working state by checking autoloads and packages, and
recompiling any changed compiled files. This is the shotgun solution to most
problems with doom."
(when (getenv "DOOMENV")
(doom-reload-env-file 'force))
(doom-reload-doom-autoloads force-p)
(doom-packages-autoremove doom-auto-accept))
(doom-packages-install doom-auto-accept)))
(doom-reload-package-autoloads force-p)
(doom-byte-compile nil 'recompile)))
(dispatcher! (refresh re) (doom-refresh 'force)
"Refresh Doom.
This is the equivalent of running autoremove, install, autoloads, then
recompile. Run this whenever you:
1. Modify your `doom!' block,
2. Add or remove `package!' blocks to your config,
3. Add or remove autoloaded functions in module autoloaded files.
4. Update Doom outside of Doom (e.g. with git)
It will ensure that unneeded packages are removed, all needed packages are
installed, autoloads files are up-to-date and no byte-compiled files have gone
(provide 'core-cli)
;;; core-cli.el ends here