2018-06-02 10:56:04 +02:00

74 lines
2.4 KiB

;;; tools/magit/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +magit-hub-enable-by-default nil
"Whether or not to enable magithub features for all projects by default. Must
be set before `magithub' (and `magit') is loaded.")
(defvar +magit-hub-features
'(pull-request-merge commit-browse completion)
"What features to initialize when `magithub' is loaded. Set this to `t' to
load everything.")
;; Plugins
(def-package! magit
:defer t
(setq magit-completing-read-function
(if (featurep! :completion ivy)
magit-revision-show-gravatars '("^Author: " . "^Commit: ")
(set! :popup "^\\(?:\\*magit\\|magit:\\)" :ignore)
;; Consider magit buffers real (so they can switched to)
(defun +magit-buffer-p (buf)
(with-current-buffer buf (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode)))
(add-to-list 'doom-real-buffer-functions #'+magit-buffer-p nil #'eq)
;; no mode-line in magit popups
(add-hook! '(magit-mode-hook magit-popup-mode-hook)
;; Clean up after magit by properly killing buffers
(define-key magit-status-mode-map [remap magit-mode-bury-buffer] #'+magit/quit))
(def-package! magit-blame :after git-timemachine)
(def-package! magithub
:after magit
(setq magithub-dir (concat doom-etc-dir "magithub/"))
(setq magithub-clone-default-directory "~/"
magithub-preferred-remote-method 'clone_url)
(unless +magit-hub-enable-by-default
;; Disable magit by default. Can be enabled through magithub settings popup,
;; or setting `+magit-hub-enable-by-default'.
(advice-add #'magithub-enabled-p :override #'+magit*hub-enabled-p)
;; I don't use `magithub-settings--simple' to redefine this because it
;; changes the order of settings. Obnoxious, but the alternative is even
;; more so.
(advice-add #'magithub-settings--format-magithub.enabled
:override #'+magit*hub-settings--format-magithub.enabled))
(magithub-feature-autoinject +magit-hub-features))
(def-package! magit-gitflow
:hook (magit-mode . turn-on-magit-gitflow))
(def-package! evil-magit
:when (featurep! :feature evil +everywhere)
:after magit
:init (setq evil-magit-state 'normal)
(map! :map (magit-mode-map magit-blame-read-only-mode-map)
doom-leader-key nil))