2016-05-20 22:37:30 -04:00

83 lines
3.2 KiB

;; extra-write.el
;; This library offers the following:
;; + TODO Write-mode: a mode that turns Emacs into an app for writing notes, papers, or
;; fiction: it adds eye-candy to org-mode, switches to a light color theme and to a
;; more readable font.
;; + Bibtex integration
;; Write-mode settings
(defconst write-mode nil)
(defconst write-mode-theme 'doom-light)
(defconst write-mode-font (font-spec :family "Hack" :size 12))
(defconst write-mode--last-mode-line mode-line-format)
(defconst write-mode--last-theme doom-current-theme)
(defconst write-mode--last-line-spacing line-spacing)
'(((*macro-recording *anzu *iedit *evil-substitute *flycheck)
:skip-alternate t
:tight t)
'((*selection-info :when active)
(global :when active)
(defun write-mode|org-hook ()
"A hook that runs in org-mode buffers when `write-mode' is active."
(when write-mode
(setq header-line-format '("%e" (:eval (spaceline-ml-write)))
mode-line-format nil)))
(defun write-mode-toggle ()
"Enable write-mode, this is not a [global] minor mode because it mixes some frame-local
functionality with buffer-local ones, which can be buggy in a minor-mode."
(let* ((mode-p write-mode)
(on-off (if mode-p -1 +1)))
(doom/load-theme (if mode-p write-mode--last-theme write-mode-theme) t)
(doom/load-font (if mode-p doom-default-font write-mode-font))
(if mode-p
(remove-hook 'org-mode-hook 'write-mode|org-hook)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'write-mode|org-hook))
(mapc (lambda (b)
(with-current-buffer b
(setq line-spacing (if mode-p write-mode--last-line-spacing '2))
(when (and (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
(not mode-p))
(unless mode-p
(setq mode-line-format write-mode--last-mode-line
header-line-format nil))))
(doom/get-buffers-in-modes '(org-mode markdown-mode)))
(setq write-mode (not mode-p))))
(when (> emacs-major-version 24)
;; From <>
;; Splitting windows while visual-fill-column makes Emacs go crazy. This prevents that
;; by simply disabled VFC before splitting.
(after! visual-fill-column
(advice-add 'split-window :around #'visual-fill-column--disable-on-split-window))
(defun visual-fill-column--disable-on-split-window (fn window &rest args)
"Undo the effects of `visual-fill-column-mode' for splitting window."
(if (and (or (not window) (window-live-p window))
(buffer-local-value 'visual-fill-column-mode
(window-buffer (or window (selected-window)))))
(let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
(set-window-fringes (or window (selected-window)) nil)
(set-window-margins (or window (selected-window)) 0 0)
(unwind-protect (apply fn window args)
(when window (select-window window 'norecord))
(apply fn window args))))
(provide 'extra-write)
;;; extra-write.el ends here